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Camp, 1-17. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1972.

"From The Divine Comedy to the Sociology of the Novel." In
Sociology of Literature and

, ed. Elizabeth and Tom Burns, 101-8. Penguin Books, 1973.

"Preface." In
Structures romanesques et vision sociale chez G. de Maupassant
, ed. Charles Castella, I-V. Lausanne: L'Age de l'Homme, 1973.

"Critical Reflections on Literary Studies." In
Velocities of Change
, ed. Richard Macksey , 72-88. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974.

"Preface." In
Mimesis Conflictiva
, ed. Cesáreo Bandera, 9-18. Madrid: Gredos, 1975.

Differentiation and Undifferentiation in Lévi-Strauss and Current Critical Theory
." In
Directions for Criticism
, ed. Murray Krieger and L. S. Dembo, 111-36. Madison: University

of Wisconsin Press, 1977.


"Narcissism: The Freudian Myth Demythified by Proust." In
Psychoanalysis, Creativity, and
, ed. Alan Roland, 293-311. New York: Columbia University Press, 1978.

"Postface." In
L'enfer des choses: René Girard et la logique de l'économie
, ed. Paul Dumouchel and Jean-Pierre Dupuy, 257-65. Paris: Seuil, 1979.

"Myth and Ritual in Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream." In
Textual Strategies:

Perspectives in Post-Structuralist Criticism
, ed. Josue Harari, 189-212. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1979.

"Comedies of Errors: Plautus -- Shakespeare -- Molière." In
American Criticism in the PostStructuralist Age
, ed. Ira Konigsberg, 68-86. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1981.

"Narcissism: The Freudian Myth Demythified by Proust." In
Literature and Psychoanalysis
, ed. Edith Kurzweil and William Phillips, 363-77. New York: Columbia University Press,


La contingence dans les affaires humaines: 'Debat Castoriadis -- René Girard
." In
L'auto-organisation de la physique au politique
, ed. P. Dumouchel and Jean-Pierre Dupuy, 279-301,

331-52. Paris: Seuil, 1983.

La danse de Salomé
." In
L'auto-organisation de la physique au politique
, ed. P. Dumouchel and Jean-Pierre Dupuy, 365-71. Paris: Seuil, 1983.

"Preface." In
The Secret Sharers: Studies in Contemporary Fictions
, ed. Bruce Bassoff , 9-15.

AMS Ars Poetica 1. New York: AMS Press, 1983.

"Disorder and Order in Mythology." In
Disorder and Order: Proceedings of the Stanford

International Symposium (Sept. 14-16, 1981)
, ed. Paisley Livingston , 80-97. Stanford

Literature Studies 1. Saratoga, Calif.: Anma Libri, 1984.

"'The Ancient Trail Trodden by the Wicked': Job as Scapegoat."
Semeia 33
( 1985): 13-41.

"The Politics of Desire in Troilus and Cressida." In
Shakespeare and the Question of Theory
, ed. Patricia Parker and Geoffrey Hartman, 188-209. London: Methuen, 1985.

"To Entrap the Wisest': A Reading of The Merchant of Venice." In
Literature and Society
, ed. Edward W. Said, 100-119. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.

La meurtre fondateur dans la pensée de Nietzsche
." In
Violence et vérité: Autour de René
, ed. Paul Dumouchel, 597-613. Colloque de Cerisy. Paris: Grasset, 1985.

"Violence et reciprocité." In
Les Cahiers de l'IPC 2, Sonderausgabe: L'Acte de violence
, 53-88. 1985.

"Generative Scapegoating." In
Violent Origins: Walter Burkert, René Girard, and Jonathan
Z. Smith on Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation
, ed. Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly, 73-145.

Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1987.

"Bottom's One-Man Show." In
The Current in Criticism
, ed. Clayton Koelb and Virgil Lokke, 99-122. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, 1987.

Des pestes médiévales au SIDA: le danger des extrapolations abusives
." In
d'un symposium sur l'AIDS
, 20-21 juin, Annecy, France, 138-46. Annecy: Fondation M.

Mérieux, 1987.


"Jealousy in The Winter's Tale." In
Alphonse Juilland: d'une passion l'autre
, ed. Brigitte Cazelles and René Girard, 39-62. Saratoga, Calif.: Anma Libri, 1987.

La mythologie et sa déconstruction dans 'L'Anneau du Niebelung
.' "In
Structures et
temporalités figures du désir, de la dette et du sacrifice
, ed. Centre de recherche en

épistémologie appliquée , 57-201. Cahiers du CREA 12. Paris: C.R.E.A., 1988.

"The Founding Murder in the Philosophy of Nietzsche." In
Violence and Truth: On the Work
of René Girard
, ed. Paul Dumouchel, 227-46. London: Athlone Press, 1988.

"Theory and Its Terrors." In
The Limits of Theory
, ed. Thomas M. Kavanagh, 225-54.

Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1989.

"Envy of So Rich a Thing: 'The Rape of Lucrece.' " In
The Scope of Words: In Honor of

Albert S. Cook
, ed. Peter Baker, Sarah Webster Goodwin, and Gary Handwerk, 135-44. New

York: Peter Lang, 1991.

"Origins: A View from the Literature." In
Understanding Origins: Contemporary Views on

the Origin of Life, Mind and Society
, ed. Francisco J. Varela and Jean-Pierre Dupuy, 27-42.

Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 130. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers,


Anspach, Mark R. and René Girard. "A Response: Reflections from the Perspective of

Mimetic Theory." In
Violence and the Sacred in the Modern World
, ed. Mark Juergensmeyer,

141-48. London: Frank Cass & Co., 1992.

"Job as Failed Scapegoat." In
The Voice from the Whirlwind: Interpreting the Book of Job
, ed. Leo G. Perdue and Clark Gilpin, 185-207. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992.

Raison et folie dans Poeuvre de Shakespeare
." In
Autonomie et automatisme dans la
, ed. Henry Grivois, 141-53. Paris: Masson/Coll. Histoire et Psychiatrie de l'Hôtel-Dieu, 1992.

"A Venda Myth Analyzed." In R. J. Golsan,
"René Girard and Myth: An Introduction, "
Theorists of Myth 7
. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1993.

"How Can Satan Cast out Satan?" In
Biblische Theologie und gesellschaftlicher Wandel: Für
Norbert Lohfink SJ
, ed. G. Braulik, W. Groß, and S. McEvenue, 125-41. Freiburg: Herder,



L'homme et le cosmos dans L'Espoir et Les Noyers de l'Altenburg d'André Malraux

Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 68
( 1953): 49-55.

Les réflections sur l'art dans les romans de Malraux
Modern Language Notes 68
( 1953): 544-46.

Le règne animal dans les romans de Malraux
French Review 26
( 1953): 26167.

"The Role of Eroticism in Malraux's Fictions."
Yale French Studies 11
( 1953): 49-58.


L'histoire dans l'oeuvre de Saint-John Perse
Romanic Review 44
( 1953): 4755.

"Marriage in Avignon in the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century."
Speculum 28
( 1953): 485-98.

"Franz Kafka et ses critiques."
Symposium 7
( 1953): 34-44.

"Valéry et Stendhal."
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 59

1954): 347-57.

André Suarès et les autres
Cahiers du Sud 42
, no. 329 ( 1955): 14-18.

Situation du poète américain
Cahiers du Sud 42
, no. 336 ( 1956): 196-202.

"Saint-Simon et la critique."
French Review 29
( 1956): 389-94.

"Winds and Poetic Experience."
The Berkeley Review 1
( Winter 1956): 46-52.

"Où va le Roman?"
French Review 30
( 1957): 201-6.

"Man, Myth and Malraux."
Yale French Studies 18
( 1957): 55-62.

"Voltaire and Classical Historiography."
The American Magazine of the French Legion of

Honor 24
, no. 3 ( 1958): 151-60.

"Tocqueville and Stendhal."
The American Magazine of the French Legion of Honor 31
, no.

2 ( 1960): 73-83.

"Pride and Passion in the Contemporary Novel."
Yale French Studies 24
( 1960): 3-10.

"Memoirs of a Dutiful Existentialist."
Yale French Studies 27
( 1961): 41-47.

Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque
La Nouvelle Revue Française 98
( 1961): 241-58.

Les mondes proustiens
Méditations 1
( 1961): 97-125.

De Dante à la sociologie du Roman
Revue Belge de Sociologie
( 1963): 26369.

"Marivaudage and Hypocrisy."
The American Magazine of the French Legion of Honor 34
, no. 3 ( 1963): 163-74.

Des formes aux structures, en littérature et ailleurs
Modern Language Notes 78
, no. S (

1963): 504-19.

Métaphysique du souterrain dans Les possédés
La Table Ronde 183
( April 1963): 73-76.

Racine, poète de la gloire
Critique 205
( June 1964): 484-506.

"Camus's Stranger Retried."
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 79

( December 1964): 519-33.

Monstres et demi-dieux dans Poeuvre de Hugo
Symposium 29
, no. 1 ( 1965): 50-57.

De l'expérience romanesque au mythe oedipien
Critique 21
, no. 222 ( 1965): 899-924.

Réflexions critiques sur les recherches littéraires
Modern Language Notes 81
( 1966): 307-24.

Symétrie et dissymétrie dans le mythe d'Oedipe
( January 1968): 99135.

Pour un nouveau procès de L'étranger
Revue de Lettres Modernes 170-74
( 1968): 1, 13-52.

Dionysos et la genèse violente du sacré
Poétique 3
( 1970): 266-81.

"Perilous Balance: A Comic Hypothesis."
Modern Language Notes 87
( December 1972):



"Système du délire. Review of 'L'anti-Oedipe,' by Gilles Deleuze."
Critique 28
, no. 306 (

1972): 957-96.

"Work in Progress."
( Summer 1972): 35-40.

Vers une définition systematique de sacré
Liberté 87-88
( July 1973): 58-74.

Discussion avec René Girard
Esprit 429
( November 1973): 528-63.

"Lévi-Strauss, Frye, Derrida and Shakespearean Criticism."
( Fall 1973): 34-38.

"The Plague in Literature and Myth."
Texas Studies 15
, no. 5 ( 1974): 833-50.

Les malédictions contre les Pharisiens et la révélation évangélique
Bulletin du Centre
Protestant d'Études 27
, no. 3 ( 1975): 5-29.

"French Theories of Fictions, 1947-1974."
The Bucknell Review 21
, no. 1 ( 1976): 117-26.

"Differentiation and Undifferentiation in Lévi-Strauss and Current Critical Theory."

Contemporary Literature 17
, no. 3 ( Summer 1976): 404-29.

"Superman and the Underground: Strategies of Madness -- Nietzsche, Wagner and

Modern Language Notes 91
( 1976): 1161-85.

"Violence and Representation in the Mythical Text."
Modern Language Notes 92
, no. 5 (

1977): 922-44.

"Dionysus and the Violent Genesis of the Sacred."
Boundary 2
( 1977): 487505.

"Mimesis and Violence: Perspectives in Cultural Criticism."
Berkshire Review 14
( 1979).

L'an prochain à Jérusalem
Le Nouvel Observateur
, May 7, 1979, 84-85.

"Rite, travail, science."
Critique 380
( January 1979): 20-34.

"Interdividual Psychology."
Denver Quarterly 14
, no. 3 ( 1979): 3-19.

"Review of '
Ce que je crois
,' by André Chouraqui."
Le Nouvel Observateur
, May 7, 1979, 84-85.

Vers une nouvelle anthropologie
. (Review of: Georges-Hubert de Radkowski: Les jeux du

Le Monde
, May 10, 1980.

"Shakespeare's Theory of Mythology." In
Classical Mythology in TwentiethCentury Thought

and Literature
, ed. W. Aycock and Klein I, 107-24. Lubbock, Tex.: Texas Tech University,


"Peter's Denial and the Question of Mimesis (Mk 14:66-72)."
Notre Dame English journal: A
Journal of Religion in Literature 14
, no. 3 ( Summer 1982): 177-89.

Derrière la modestie de l'approche, un projet vaste se dessine
." (Review of: Jacques Attali, Histoires du temps).
Le Matin
, December 27, 1982.

Job et le bouc émissaire
Bulletin du Centre Protestant d'Études 35
, no. 6 ( 1983): 9-33.

Le démolisseur de l'Olympe
Le Nouvel Observateur
, February 4, 1983, 7075.

Un prétexte pour régler les comptes
Le Nouvel Observateur
, February 26, 1983,67.

Esprit de concurrence: des vertus inaltérables
Le Point
no. 553 ( May 1983): 80.

"History and the Paraclete."
The Ecumenical Review 35
, no. 1 ( January 1983): 3-16.


"Scandal and the Dance: Salome in the Gospel of Mark."
Ballet Review 10
, no. 4 ( 1983): 67-76.

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