The Geneva Project - Truth (15 page)

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Authors: Christina Benjamin

BOOK: The Geneva Project - Truth
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Dear Journal,

Today was interesting.  Well, I guess I should stop saying that because suddenly everything in my life is new and unexpected.  I know I’ve been asking for my life to change and I guess that it’s actually happening.  I think I’m learning to watch what I wish for.  I at least need to be more specific anyway. 

I wanted to be popular and I guess I am now.  After I hit Jemma everyone seems to know my name, well, my # anyway. 

I wanted friends, and now I actually have some.  Nova, Sparrow and Journey.  But in the gaining of new friends, it seems I have lost an old friend.  Remi and I have been fighting.  I don’t know what to do.  He’s been my best friend since, since I can remember.  I don’t know what do to without him in my life, but my life is so crazy right now, I can’t possibly bring him into all this magic power stuff. I don’t even know how to answer my questions about what’s happening to me, let alone the questions he’d have.  Plus, it’s not safe, I’m not safe.  I don’t want to accidentally hurt him.  I know keeping away from him is for his own good, it’s the only way I know how to protect him.  I just hope that I can figure all of this out soon before it’s too late, before he moves on and doesn’t want to be my friend anymore. 

He sang today, with Sparrow, and they sounded amazing. Like they had been singing together their whole lives.  It was unreal.  I didn’t even know he could sing.  How could I not know that about my best friend?  I’m beginning to think there’s a lot I don’t know about Remi.  For starters he didn’t tell me he knew his real name was Remi, or that he’d once had a brother named Dhani, or that he even remembered his life from before the Flood.  I know he said he was protecting me and I believe him.  I just hope he can see that now it’s my turn to protect him. 

He seems to be enjoying all the attention he’s gained from his little duet with Sparrow.  All the Janes in our year are fawning over him like he’s this new sensation.  It may be making him happy, but it’s driving me nuts.  Hello, he’s been here all along.  You’ve lived with him for the past thirteen years you oblivious twits!  You’ve shared a room, a desk, a life with him!  Oh, I really hope this is short lived because I can’t stand that he’s talking to them. We used to despise them, but I guess he’d rather talk to them than to me.  How backwards it that?  I guess my whole world is pretty much upside down, so it shouldn’t surprise me. 

Tonight we’re going to the forest again to practice.  I’m getting better at controlling my powers and I haven’t had any more accidents.  We’re all telepathing flawlessly and I can produce and control my light orbs with ease.  I can even change their color, which Nova doesn’t seem to appreciate.  He’s not the usual lighthearted Nova I know him to be lately.  He’s all business.  He’s starting to take the fun out of playing with my new powers.   He just wants me to be able to do everything on command, there’s no more fun hide-and-seek or reminiscing.  I know he’s right to keep us focused.  Going to the locker is a serious matter and we need to be prepared so we can be sure to find what we need while we’re there. 

We’re also going to look for some special markers that may or may not lead us to some surviving Beto people?  Yeah, it sounds even crazier when I write it down.  Journey says he’s seen their markings with his hunter vision and that if we can find a Beto person, they can get me up to speed on the history of Truiets and my powers.  Hopefully we can find someone to enlighten me. I’m ready. 

Well wish me luck. 



Chapter 21


Finally it’s time for our nightly meeting in the forest.  We’ve gotten remarkably good at sneaking out.  Journey’s sly hunting skills have rubbed off on me and it really helps being able to see in the dark.  We move more silently and swiftly now, like tarcats stalking prey.  When the four of us unite at our usual meeting place, Nova gets right down to business. 

Lights,” he says.

I produce my orb on command and don’t bother trying to dazzle him with the cool colors I can turn it to now.  I post my blue orb of light above us and command it to follow us through the forest. 

Okay Journey, where did you see the markers?” Nova asked.

This way,” he said taking the lead. 

We continued on, deeper into the forest.  We’d been this way before; I remember it from the clusters of moss-covered tree trunks and limbs that lay scattered about the forest floor.  It was such a quiet place that seemed to emote sorrow from the mass grave where the old and tired trees had come to rest and be reclaimed by the soil that had nurtured them all their lives, until the Flood devastated the area.  I didn’t much care to hang out here.  I didn’t like the feeling I got from the eerie silence.  Even under the thick steamy blanket of forest air, the place made me feel cold.  But of course, this is where Journey said he saw the Beto markers.  He searched around for a moment while we all stood clustered together watching him.  He moved slowly, methodically from tree to tree until he found what he was looking for. 

Here,” he said waving us over. 

At first none of us seemed to know what caught his attention.  He was pointing at the base of a thick, moss-claimed stump.  It looked just like all the other unfortunate areas of the decaying forest, but apparently we were supposed to see something special.  I was growing impatient though.  I hated this part of the forest and I wanted to move on, so I tried to speed up the process a little since it seems obvious that none of us had as keen an eye as Journey.

So, what exactly are we supposed to be looking at here?” I asked.

He turned to look at me, and then to Nova and Sparrow.  Realizing none of us got it, he sighed deeply.  Then he turned his focus back to me. 

65, you should be able to see this.  I taught you how.”

Yeah, well all I see is a big mossy stump,” I said impatiently.

Focus.  Really
it,” he said.

I squinted my eyes and focused all my energy on the stupid stump.  I somehow managed to shut down the uncomfortable vibe I was getting from this area of the forest and just tried to see it, as Journey had taught me: See with all your senses, like a hunter.  And then it suddenly jumped out at me, causing me to gasp.  A small blue symbol was painted on a single leaf at the base of the mossy stump.  A normal person would never see it.  It was so small and inconspicuously placed, but with my training my eyes picked it up.  Its blue tint and straight lines stuck out sorely in such a natural place.  I knelt down to get a closer look so I could make out the shape.  It looked like a diamond turned onto its side, with a circle at the center and a dot in the center of that.  It was an eye!  It was peering back at me, right through me actually.  I was spellbound by it and reached out to touch it.  Journey lunged to stop me but he was too late. 

As soon as my fingers grazed the leaf, the marker burst forth with a blinding blue light.  It made me jump back and my eyes seared with pain.  I was using my night vision when the light exploded towards me and I was sure I was now blind.  I rolled on the forest floor clutching my eyes.  I could feel someone comforting me, cradling me.  It was Sparrow, it had to be, and she was healing me.  Perhaps I would have been able to heal myself, but I was too consumed by the pain to think straight.  Slowly the pain subsided and the throbbing white light started to diminish from my line of sight.  I rubbed my eyes hard to bring everything back into focus. 

I saw the three faces of my friends staring back at me with concern.  I only focused on them for a moment though, because beyond them, I could see glowing blue eyes dotting my field of vision.  I shook my head, thinking my eyes must still be suffering, but when I took a second look they were still there, forming a path that led deep into the forest.  I slowly rose, looking beyond my friends, who where murmuring questions, but I could scarcely hear them because I was so focused on what was before me. I pushed past them and came to a stop a few feet from the leaf I touched.  Could they see this, too, or what it just me?  Surely Journey could see it right?  I turned to look at him, but all three of their expressions confirmed to me that they were all looking at the same thing as I was.  Sparrow’s mouth was open and she was gripping one of Journey’s strong arms for support.  Nova, just looked focused, dangerous, like he was ready to go into battle.

Guys?”  I paused waiting for response, but none came. “What is this?”

Journey stepped towards me. 

It’s the Truiet path to the Beto people.”

My heart skipped a beat.  That meant it was a path to the truth!  To all the questions I had about myself and my new powers.  Maybe even the answers about my family, my name, who I truly was.  I smiled and started off towards the next marker.

Tippy! No!” came Nova’s voice behind me.  “What if it’s a trap?”

I turned, poised to yell at him.  Ready to tell him he didn’t have to follow me, but I was going to get my answers, but I didn’t have to.  Journey spoke up before I could, giving me the excuse I needed to keep going.

Nova, you know it’s not.  Only a Truiet can see the markers of the Beto for their own protection.  They would never risk revealing themselves just to create a trap.  They’re trying to communicate with us.  Why would they leave these markers here if they weren’t?  They know only one of their own can read them.  They won’t hurt us if they know we’re one of them.”

This is why we came here, Nova, we wanted answers right?” Sparrow asked.

Alright,” he said reluctantly, “but let Journey go first,” he call to me.



Chapter 22


Journey led us along the path of glowing markers.  I was glad he was in front of me, because every time I got a glimpse of the creepy, blue, glowing eyes I couldn’t help but feel the goose flesh crawling up the back of my neck.  I was hoping Journey knew what he was talking about because this really did feel like a trap.  If I looked behind us, all of the markers we passed had disappeared; slipping into the blackness, widening the abyss with each step we took. 

We walked for what seemed like forever, and I kept having to check myself mentally to keeping positive thoughts.  It was far too easy for dark and twisted thoughts to consume you out here.  Plus I could feel Nova in my head, keeping an ever watchful eye on me and I didn’t want him to know I was scared and doubtful.  I had just finished running though my positive mantra when suddenly the markers all vanished and blackness engulfed us.  Even my orb had been snuffed out.  I stopped in my tracks and felt the others crowd around me.  I was shaking by the time Nova flicked on his flame, illuminating our little group. 

Everyone alright?” he asked. 

He got a murmur of acknowledgement from us all.  I began to feel foolish for panicking.  I needed to remember to rely on my powers.  I should have used my night vision or just flashed on another orb.  Why did I always let fear get the best of me?  Nova was right to bring me out here; I needed more practice before we went to the locker.  What if when I got down there I was too scared to remember what to do?  What if they separated us and my friends weren’t there to rescue me, like they all had tonight? 

Wait a minute, was this what he was doing?  Was this Nova’s plan a along?  This whole night was just a training exercise and I was failing miserably?  I felt so betrayed; they had all been in on it, playing their part!  This was my test to see if I was ready for the locker!  They were throwing things at me left and right to see what I would do.  Would I panic under pressure or would I succeed and use my powers?  Well, I wasn’t going to let him do that to me.  I wasn’t going to fail! Not now that I knew what was going on!

I drew from my anger and a new confidence settled over me.  I produced a large orb and spread it above us, expanding the light all around us. 

Okay Nova, what’s next?  Do you want me to fight off a tarcat?  Maybe mind bend a monkey?  What else have you got?!” I yelled, hearing my voice reverberate around me. 

They were all looking at me like I was crazy, but I didn’t care.  I started kicking the plants that were threatening to tangle my feet.  I stalked off of the path still kicking and swinging and yelling. 

Come on, what else is hiding out here for me?  What’s out here?!”

Then, as I was about to take a swipe at a tall spade leaf, it moved on its own, revealing a dark round face.  I leapt backwards, barely able to stifle my scream.  Suddenly Nova and the others were by my side again.  Swooping to my defense. 
Darn it!  I was caught off guard again!
I pushed forward, back to the spot where the face was.  I pushed the spade levels apart and this time it revealed a whole body. 

Who the heck are you?” I asked annoyed that I had been duped again.

No response. 

I took a step closer and grabbed hold of his dark brown skin and pulled him wriggling from the bushes. 

I asked you a question!  Who are you?” I demanded.

Eja.  My name is Eja,” he said.

His eyes were large and he was obviously frightened.  I instantly felt that I had been wrong about tonight.  The mood of everyone was so tense and fearful that this couldn’t have been part of just a training exercise.  Who was this boy that had just materialized in front of us?  It dawned on me that I was still tightly gripping his arm.  I let up a little and decided that I should release him.  Instead I offered him my hand.

I’m 65,” I said.

He hesitantly took my hand with both of his and closed his eyes.  When he opened them he was smiling at us. 

You came!” he said. 

Were you expecting us?” I asked looking back at my friends.

Yes. Yes.  I was hoping you would come.  I heard you calling for me so I left you a trail to find me.  I knew if you were who you said you were, you could find me,” he said excitedly.  “You’re all Truiets aren’t you?” he said, talking faster now as he walked past me to Sparrow and the others. 

He took each of their hands, as he had done with me, somehow verifying that we were who he thought we were.  He was as thin as I was and probably around the same age, but much taller and his skin was so dark; it was the darkest I’d seen, gleaming almost black, under the blue light I had cast above us.  He was wearing nothing but a thin cloth around his waist and his jet-black hair pulled back at the nape of his neck.  It made me shutter for a moment because it bared such a resemblance to Jemma’s hair.  The thought of her out here in the forest made me cringe.  I shook the thought from my mind and tried to refocus on Eja’s babbling. 

Eja, you said you heard us calling you?  What do you mean by that?” I asked.

I heard you, just you,” he said beaming.  “I’ve seen your lot in the forest for a while.  You make a lot of noise you know?” he said looking at each of us.  “But I’m Beto, and I’m not permitted to show myself to locals.  Not unless you call me.”

We all just looked at each other while he smiled at us.

But Eja, I didn’t call you.  I didn’t even know you existed.”

Ah, but you did.  You talk to me all the time, you say you wish to know the truth, you wish to learn more about yourself, your power, your family; but finally you ask the right questions, you ask to be enlightened!”

Truiet means enlightened ones,”
Nova telepathed to me.

Yes, Yes!  Very good,” Eja said.

You can hear our thoughts?” Nova asked.

Yes, I just told you, I heard her calling me.”

Nova and I looked at each other and I couldn’t stop smiling.  I finally found someone who could help us, someone who could help me find out the truth.  I was brimming with excitement; I didn’t know where to start!  I turned back to Eja and he was smiling as big as I was.

I will help you understand, 65.  Take my hand and I will show you,” Eja said.

As I reached for his hand I heard a twig snap suddenly and we all jumped.  I whirled around again to find Eja had disappeared!  Journey went into full hunter mode and telepathed for me to turn off my light.  I did as he asked and stayed huddled together with Nova and Sparrow.  I staved off my panic and used my powers to see my surroundings as Journey taught me.  I tuned out everything around me, and then slowly let certain sounds back in as I was able to identify them.  The humdrum of my heart, the slightly faster flutter of Sparrows, the steady beat of Nova’s, the powerful pumping of Journey’s, and then another nervous humdrum.  It must be Eja’s.  That gave me hope that he was still nearby and hadn’t vanished into thin air.  But then I heard one more nervous pitter patter not too far off.  Although it was going at hyper speed, it was definitely a human heartbeat and something seemed familiar about its nervous beating.  I was drawn towards it and telepathed to the others that I was going to help Journey.  Not knowing what I’d caught wind of, the others didn’t fight me.  I relied on my vision now to make out my surroundings.  I spotted Journey a good ten yards ahead of me.  He was going towards the sound of the desperately beating heart as well.  He must have been getting closer too because the beating picked up, becoming more sporadic.  Still, I had an unsettling feeling that I knew who it was, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. 

How could I possibly recognize the heartbeat of a stranger?  That was it!  I couldn’t.  This wasn’t another of the Beto people or some local or Grift, it was someone I knew, someone I had connected with closely enough to know the sound of their heart, someone wise enough to follow me out here…  In an instant I knew who it was. 

I lunged forward as fast as I could to reach Journey before he cornered his unsuspecting prey, but I knew I would be no match for his strength once he locked on and he had such a lead on me.  It was imperative that I got there first.  I did not know what Journey would do if he reached his target first.  I knew what I needed to do.  I launched an orb between Journey and the sound of the franticly beating heart.  It did the trick.  He was blinded and stunned as I had been when I touched the leaf.  I would heal him as soon as I got the chance, but I had a more important matter at hand. 

Remi!” I called.  “I know you’re out here.  It’s okay.  I promise, it’s okay.  Where are you?” 

I heard rustling and footsteps, but still saw nothing.  Where was he?  How was he hiding like this?  It seemed odd that I was unable to see him, even with my night vision.  The only thing that gave him away was his heart beat.  I recognized its uneven beating as his nerves kicked in.  It was his tell every time we had a pop quiz, or when Greeley came around, or even Jemma, and most recently when he decided to audition for the solo.  


I heard his quiet voice right next to me and turned just in time to see him materialize.  He shimmered into view, head first, slowly, like the surf retreating back to the sea.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Remi was standing before me, where only a moment ago there was nothing.  We both stood staring at each other, wide-eyed.  I didn’t know what else to do, but I had an overwhelming urge to hug him, so I did and he actually hugged me back!  For a little while I forgot we were standing deep in the dark forest.  We could have been in room 13 or the courtyard or the dining hall.  All of our familiar surroundings rushed back to me, filling in the empty space with our happy memories.  I hadn’t realized how much I needed him until I had him back with me that instant.  I felt whole again, stronger somehow.  And so relieved that I could tell him the truth!

Remi!” I squealed releasing him from my embrace.  “Oh my god, I’m so glad to see you!”  Then I remembered where we were, that I just blinded Journey, and that poor Sparrow and Nova still didn’t know what was going on.

Come with me,” I said, taking him by the hand. 

I lit up the canopy with a large yellow orb, spreading it all the way back to Nova and Sparrow as I walked towards Journey. 

It’s okay.  It was just Remi.  I’ve got to help Journey really quick.”
I telepathed.

Journey was sitting on the forest floor, rubbing his eyes.  I was relieved to see I hadn’t blinded him that badly, but I could tell he was still going to be really mad at me.  I knelt down and put my hands over his eyes.

Sorry, Journey.  I just knew it was the only way to stop you from ripping his head off,” I said as I gently placed my hands over his face to heal him.  “There,” I said stepping back.  “Better?
“Yeah, thanks,” Journey said, rubbing his eyes and letting them readjust to his surroundings.

He reached his hand out for me to help him up, but as soon as I offered my hand, he yanked me to the ground and then whispered closely into my ear, “That’s twice now… if you ever mess with me again, I’ll make you pay.” 

There was a serious calmness about the way he hissed these words into my ear that sunk them into my brain, where I was sure they’d lay embedded forever.  I have no doubt that Journey was serious.  Ally or not, I pushed him too far.  I knew it was the right thing to do at the time because I wouldn’t have taken a chance that might put Remi in danger, but it seemed I had used my last pardon with Journey and I shuttered a bit at the thought of what he might do if I crossed him again.  I shook it off as best as I could though because the others were coming towards us now.

What happened?” asked Sparrow breathlessly, reaching us first. 

What the heck is he doing here?!” demanded Nova glaring at me.

Journey was already on his feet and he extended a hand to me, with a stern look, but I accepted it and let him pull me to my feet.  Remi stood behind me, shifting his weight uncomfortably while he waited for me to somehow explain how and why he was here.  I turned to him and repeated Nova’s question.

Yes, Remi, what
you doing here?”

You mean to tell me you didn’t invite him?” Nova said, with a slightly nervous twinge in his voice.

No, she didn’t.  None of you did.  No one would tell me what you were up to and I needed to make sure that she…” Remi trailed off.

That she was what?” challenged Nova, stepping closer to Remi.

But I heard the end of his thought.  Somehow I could read Remi’s mind.  I guess it was how Nova read everyone’s thoughts, but for some reason it seemed only I was privy to Remi’s and I could feel his genuine concern as his mind finished what his lips could not.  He wanted to make sure I was safe.  He was worried about me; he still cared about me, maybe even more than ever now, even after how I treated him lately.  It made my heart swell.  I pushed past Nova and hugged Remi once more.

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