The Gate (Dark Path Series) (20 page)

BOOK: The Gate (Dark Path Series)
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“Hey, cutie, when I talk, men listen.” The woman, who called herself Mistress Louise, snapped her fingers in front of his face. When she’d plopped down next to him, intruding on his space, he hadn’t been annoyed—at first. She was gorgeous with long black hair and lips painted a dark cherry red. Her smoking hot body was broadcasted to perfection in her black-and-red laced corset, tight black leather pants, and platform sandals with a jagged heel.

“Sorry.” He drank his orange juice, studying Catherine as she talked to the bartender.

“Hmm,” Mistress Louise murmured. With a long, black fingernail, she circled the top of his hand. He didn’t pull away, even when she slipped her fingers under his sleeve. Her touch tickled, and his cock jerked. Other than a super short, pleated skirt, and a skintight tube top with her signature fuck-me boots, Catherine wasn’t as flashy or on display like usual.

Mistress Louise cleared her throat, something like a purr coming from her mouth. Pushing up his sleeve, she turned over his arm. Her nails scraped the inside of his elbow.

He shot her an annoyed look. “What?”

She gave him a calculating smile, showing slightly crooked front teeth. She dropped her other hand on his thigh, inching toward his groin. “You’re into cutting.”

Her touch wasn’t unpleasant, but the hands he wanted on him belonged to the woman who poured drinks and talked to the patrons at the bar. One of them, a bald man in a mesh tank leaned over to kiss her on the mouth. He curled his fingers into a fist, ready to launch across the room and leap on the asshole for touching what belonged to him.

Mistress Louise rubbed the side of his face. She must have thought his reaction was for her. Rising onto her knees, she grasped the back of his neck. Her breath tickled his ear, scented with something minty.

“From that massive bulge in your pants and the sweat dripping from your pores, you need to relieve some of your tension. I can help you feel much better. I won’t even charge you for the pleasure.”

When she blew in his ear and latched onto his arm, he didn’t push her away. He was too involved in watching the action at the bar. Catherine still talked to the man, leaning over the counter much like she did when she first met him.

“What’s your specialty?” he asked, giving the invasive, yet sexy woman beside him a small smile to appease her.

She rubbed against him, the ribbons covering her chest brushing across his throat. “I’m a cock tease. I like to tie up men and torment them until they cry like a baby, begging me for mercy. But my main expertise is more perverse.” She swiped a finger down the front of his shirt, venturing over to his arm again. Flipping his palm over, she circled a nail up the inside of his wrist and over his scarring. “One way I tease and titillate is using a razor or knife. Sometimes I just run the blade over the skin, not slicing. But if my partner is interested, I’ll cut.”

“Cutting?” Tearing his gaze from the far too cozy scene between Catherine and the asshole at the bar, he looked back at Mistress Louise. “Sounds too kinky for me.”

She shrugged, not offended, and continued her exploration over his arm. Her scratching relaxed him even though he was still hard as shit.
She must have an amazing skill with a knife or razor.
But to let her cut him and make him bleed was too fucked up even for him.

“It is for some, and more for, shall we say, serious players. Maybe you’re not one of them. Maybe you prefer to jack off in some corner, watching people get off rather than partake in what The Gate has to offer because of your pathetic crush on the High Mistress.”

He refused to rise to the bait. “You act like you know me. You don’t.” He drained his glass, wishing he had something stronger. He decided to go to the bar to ask Catherine for a shot, but then the man talking to her whispered something in her ear and ran his hand down the front of her chest. Laughing, she patted his head.

“I may know you better than you think.” Mistress Louise’s tone lost its seductive playfulness, her hand becoming still. “I’ve been watching you since you first came here and your interactions with Catherine. Mooning over her will get you jack shit, nothing but a bad case of blue balls. She treats all the men the same. It’s not because you don’t have that something special. Hell, you’re one of the hottest kids here. But she’s promised to someone else. She has a master she bows down to, and she won’t break that sacred bond with him.” She patted his knee then draped her arm across the back of the couch, her fingers tracing the nape of his neck, twirling his hair. “Why not move on to someone who can give you what you need?”

He inhaled through his nose to stop the rush of anguish filling him.
Why didn’t she tell me she had a master?
He might be new to the scene, but the one thing he knew was it was a big, big rule not to intrude on that most sacred of relationships considered in the BDSM community.

“She doesn’t wear a collar. I haven’t seen her with any man who would be her owner.” He envisioned Catherine with her arms bound behind her, naked, on her knees giving another man a blowjob. His cock deflated.

“The collar is a status symbol as well as a,
do not touch
to the world. She doesn’t need one. Everyone knows who owns her. I wish I could be so lucky to be owned by such a man,” Mistress Louise said with longing.

Her touch lulled him, helped diminish his grief. He reached in his pocket, feeling his razor, wanting to find a secret place where he could be alone and use his instrument to forget—

He jerked upright, his gaze on Louise. “You know what? You’re right. Why should I sit here like a loser, bent out of shape because I’ve been rejected?” He lifted her hand, flicking his tongue between her knuckles. She would give him the release he desperately needed and help him get over Cathy. “You’re a beautiful, fascinating lady. I’d love to spend an hour or so with you alone, so you can show me your special skills.” Grinning, he rubbed her bottom lip. “I’m willing to pay. How much do you charge?”

Louise licked his finger, giving him a wide smile. “Honey, I’ll forgo my usual fee for you tonight. My payment is the number of times I can make you come in an hour.”

He rose from the couch, offering his hand. Grabbing it, she stood, bumping into him. She cupped him between his legs and murmured in approval. He peeked over his shoulder, smiling, catching Catherine’s eye. She showed no reaction, so he winked at her and arched into Louise’s grasp.

“Very nice. I think we’ll do well together.” She took his arm, leading him up the stairs.

He didn’t look back to see if Catherine noticed, focusing his attention on Louise’s apple-shaped ass while he thought of all the ways she would help him find oblivion with her sharp utensils.

Chapter Eighteen


Catherine couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so nauseated. It had been years ago—first when Cameron had killed himself then when Raymond had kidnapped her the first time she left him. The aftermath of both events almost destroyed her, but she’d soldiered through and was a stronger person for it.

But Bryan? She wasn’t so certain what her emotional state would be if he engaged in Louise’s special type of sex play. She was a freelancer, whose services were seldom used at The Gate, a once a month type deal she’d worked out with Max. Anyone at The Gate who solicited Mistress Louise’s specialty with knives and needles paid a very hefty price because of the health safety issues involved.

Bryan was nowhere ready to take on Louise, no matter how much he offered to pay. She almost never pulled rank, leaving that responsibility to Max, but because the Gate’s youngest patron was involved, she was putting a stop to it.

She marched across the main room on the third floor were various bondage and sexual games were played. Groups of people egged on the participants. Moans and cries surrounded her, but she ignored it all because she was on a mission to save the small piece of innocence Bryan had left in him. He might be a cutter, a willing participant in seeking pain, but not on her watch. If he wanted to be abused in such a fashion, she would be the one to do it. She would handle the consequences afterward.

“Raymond, forgive me,” she whispered, tugging on her belly button chain, his gift for their six month anniversary. What she was about to do would break her vows. If he found out, he would be devastated, and she would be forced to join him in his emotional hell.

She arrived at Louise’s room. A shooting pain hit her in the middle of her chest. For a second she couldn’t catch her breath. She hoped she wasn’t too late. Not bothering to knock, she slid in the master key.

As she entered, the sounds of chimes and humming from the stereo pulsed in her ears. In the middle of the room, a naked Bryan lay on padded bondage bed, his arms bound with a scarf to a metal rack behind his head. He was aroused and panting. Louise, still fully dressed, leaned over him with a scalpel in one red-gloved hand while she manipulated his cock with the other. Neither acknowledged her presence.

“Mistress Louise,” she called out.

The woman turned to stare in her direction, frowning.

“Cathy,” Bryan whispered.

“Miss Catherine, to what do I owe the pleasure?” The dominatrix asked in an inviting voice, tightening her grip on the cock she held, coaxing a moan from her captive in response. “Here to watch?”

“The boy and I have a standing appointment he’s neglected. I’m going to need him for an hour. If you don’t mind, I’d like to use your room. You’ll be reimbursed your usual rate for the mix-up.”

“I want double for the inconvenience.” Louise ran her tongue over her lips, squeezing him harder. “I was looking forward to breaking this one in.”

“You’ll be well compensated.” She gestured toward the door.

Louise left the scalpel on the middle of Bryan’s chest, twisted both his nipples, and blew him a kiss. Tucking her box of instruments under her arm, she sauntered toward the exit.

When she reached Catherine, she pressed her mouth near her ear. “Give my regards to Raymond. Last week when we dined together, we had an interesting conversation about you.”

She stared ahead, refusing to react to the bitch’s taunt. With a giggle, she pinched Catherine’s ass and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Cursing Louise in her head, she approached the prone man. His chest was slick with sweat, his face red. His fingers curled into his palms and he flexed his feet. His cock curved up toward his stomach, the head leaking a sheen of milky fluid.

“Oh, Bryan, what am I going to do with you?” She sighed.

He stared at her, his eyes holding both arousal and suffering. Even though he didn’t ask, she would have to be the one to give him relief.

“Let’s play another game,” he whispered. “You make me come, and if I don’t by the end of the hour, you take my virginity.”

“How much are you offering me now?” She stood near his feet.

“One million dollars.” The scalpel on his chest glowed from the lighting above.

She climbed on top of him, straddling his calves, running her hands up his legs. He jerked, and she smiled. When she lifted his cock away from his stomach to inspect it, he twitched.

“You don’t have any piercings. Why don’t you have this pretty boy pierced?” She swept her thumb over the head, circling her thumb around until it glistened more.

“When I find the right mistress to own me, then I’ll get it pierced in her honor. Now suck it.”

She slapped his cock then the inside of his thighs as a warning. “You
do not
tell me what to do, boy.” Taking both of his balls in her hands, she twisted.

He groaned, his back bowing.

The scalpel started sliding off his chest, and she grabbed it. Pressing the side of the blade into her finger, she brought a drop of blood beading on her skin.

He licked his lips, his throat moving as he swallowed. Inching up his legs, she swiped her finger around a nipple, leaving a crimson stain.

“You want to experience true blood play, huh? Do you want me to cut you, have me drink from you, or the other way around?” She rocked her mound over his weeping cock.

“Me, do me,” he whispered, arching his back.

Locking her legs around his, she swiveled her hips. She’d worn a thong under her skirt tonight instead of going commando. If she’d been bare, it would have been so easy to take Bryan inside of her.

With the edge of the scalpel, she traced his nipples and down the middle of his chest. She didn’t cut him. She wouldn’t go that far, but she would let him believe she might. She sucked on her cut finger, moaning as though she was getting off.

His breathing hitched. She rocked over him while she stroked the scalpel across his stomach. Cupping her breasts, she squeezed, wishing his hands were on her. Constricted by her top, she tugged the stretchy fabric down. Her nipples were tight nubs, waiting to be licked.

She inched up until she hovered over him, presenting her breasts. She didn’t need to order him to take them in his mouth. He latched around her nipple, sucking hard. Whimpering, she lowered her head near his while she continued grinding against his dick, waiting for his release.

He didn’t come but joined in on her humping. He alternated between each of her breasts, his mouth a moist cavern that caused an electric jolt to course through her. His tongue slipped out to lave over her sensitive skin. Her lower body clenched, her inner pussy muscles greedy to be fondled.

Keeping her breasts over his face, she shifted, tugging down her thong until she threw it on the floor. She kept her skirt on and grasped his head to release her. His mouth came away with a pop. He licked his lips, his eyes burning bright with lust.

“Now, you’re going to use your giant tongue to make me come.” She leaned in as if to kiss him. When he lifted toward her, she slapped him. He blinked, lowering his head back down, not saying a word. “Good boy.”

She kissed his brow then slinked up higher, kneeling over his face, her cunt in direct line with his mouth.

“Use your tongue like it’s your dick and fuck me with it.” She eased down, digging her fingers into his head when his tongue flicked her clit.

She curled her hand around the scalpel, turning the blade away so as not to cut the man under her who was pleasuring her. His tongue was thick and wide, a meaty tool that slipped in between her wet folds.

“I can’t get enough of you,” she whispered, wiggling from side to side as she tried to reach her orgasm just from his tongue alone.

She was so involved in finding her pleasure, it took her a moment to notice Bryan cupping her ass.
Oh my God, he’s not bound!

Before she could jump off him, he sat up. She tumbled back, her legs flailing in the air. Twisting out from under her, he launched forward, trapping her beneath him, his hands circling her wrists.

She struggled, freeing a hand—the one with the scalpel. As she tried to push him away, she slashed his breast and part of his nipple. A line of blood appeared. Gasping in shock, she flung the blade away.

“I am so sorry. I never meant to—”

His lips crashed down on hers, and he gave her a kiss that stole her breath. She tried to shut her mouth, but he wouldn’t allow it, his tongue slipping inside, tangling with her own. She pushed at his chest, her hands slick with his blood. Grabbing both her wrists in one hand, he flung them over her head, kissing her the entire time.

She moved to kick him but found herself wrapping her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his back. She sobbed into his mouth, rubbing her breasts over his chest, slick with his sweat and blood.

“Take me,” she begged, so hot for him to fill her. It had been so long since a cock had thrust inside her that she wanted his to fuck her all the way up into her throat.

His lips never left hers as he rocked into her mound. He didn’t invade her but rubbed his dick across her entrance. Sliding his hand over her waist and hip, he cupped her, stroking his fingers between her damp folds.

“You’re so wet.” When he moved down, she offered her chest to him, which he devoured with teeth and tongue. His fingers circled and poked, spreading apart her pussy lips.

“God, save me,” she whispered, losing the battle.

The head of his dick coasted in. She shifted her hips to accommodate his girth. He slid inside, and she tightened her legs around him. With a deep groan, he bit down on her breast. His head jerked up, and his eyes rolled back in his head. Then he started pounding into her.

“Yes, Bryan!” She dug her nails into his arms as he fucked her.

His mouth crashed down on hers again, biting and licking. She tasted blood as their teeth and lips mashed together. She garbled out coarse words to direct him. He responded by slamming into her, shaking the bed under them.

Her back throbbed from the intensity of his fucking. When his mouth left hers, she caught her breath. Then he latched onto the side of her throat, biting down on a tendon. Screaming, she clawed his back, scoring his skin with her nails.

He chuckled and lapped where he’d marked her. He stared straight into her eyes, his thrusts slowing. He smiled with pride. He circled his hips, hitting the direct spot that brought on her orgasm. Throwing her head back, she screamed, shaking from the intensity of her release. Bryan stilled, then erupted in a violent jerk, his hot cum filling her. He fell on top of her, twitching as the last of his release rushed through him and into her.

At some point the chimes had stopped, the humming of the chorus petering off.

Curling his arms around her head, he kissed her cheek and mouth. “Thank you…thank you, my beautiful, wonderful, Cathy.”

She allowed him to hold her, to cherish her while she lay limp, wrung out. Tears trickled down her cheeks, staining them just like the blood smearing her lips and Bryan’s chest.

BOOK: The Gate (Dark Path Series)
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