The Game of Seduction (Arrington Family Series) (8 page)

BOOK: The Game of Seduction (Arrington Family Series)
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“Boy, stop playing. However, I was just talking to Taylor the other day about having a sex buddy.”

“A sex buddy?” He scooted closer to her on the bench and relaxed his arm behind her. “I’m intrigued. Explain more, please.” A wicked grin crossed his handsome face and the beats of her heart sped up.

“It’s really just a joke between Taylor and me but …” she looked away from him to hide her embarrassment.

“Um … as in you and Taylor being sex buddies.” He downed the rest of his drink and set the empty glass on the other side of him on the bench. “Okay, now I’m really intrigued. Please continue.”

She playfully punched Rasheed in the arm. “Get your mind out of the gutter. No, not me and Taylor. Me and a guy.”

He looked stunned for a moment. He cleared his throat and a serious expression formed on his face.

“Wait, you’re serious, Bree?”

“Sure, why not? I wouldn’t mind having someone I can have sex with but no strings attached. Just sex. That’s it. No emotions. No relationship. Kind of like how you’ve been doing but only with one person, not a Mac truck load.”

His stare was intense, and his pupils turned darker than she had ever seen them. “I’m available, Bree,” he said in a sexy tone. He moved closer with his lips less than an inch from hers, sending tingles through her body. “You already know what it’s like to kiss me. Imagine if you had a chance to experience more than that.”

Ha! I’ve been imagining.

He ran a finger down her cheek, lifted her chin and slowly kissed her trembling lips. His tongue met hers twirling around it. Every inch of her body was ablaze with raw pleasure as he continued his assault on her lips. When he pulled away, she felt abandoned, and she let out a soft moan of disappointment.

“There’s plenty more where that came from. Much, much more.” His lips lingered on hers. “It took everything I had not to kiss you the other night as I was leaving. I wanted you right there up against the door. I want you right now in this damn bowling alley in front of all these people on this damn bench.”

“Rasheed … I …” She was at a loss for words as the passion she had for him rippled through her system causing her to go dizzy.

“I know you want me, Bree. Stop denying it.”

“Rasheed, I was just teasing.” She tried to laugh it off even though a visual popped in her head with an image of her feet sitting on his shoulders as he thrust in and out her. She turned her head away from to him to hide her thoughts.

“I wasn’t.” His voice was full of lust and sex. “I would be the perfect man. In fact, I should be the only man you consider. I know how to please a woman and would love to show you. I would make you feel things you’ve only imagined in your wildest dreams.”

Bria gulped, and her body was stuck to the seat for she wanted to move away from him but couldn’t. She closed her eyes and hoped that she wouldn’t jump him in the middle of the bowling alley.

“My ball is back,” she said, her voice a shaky whisper. She managed to get up and walk over to the ball dispenser.

“Yes, the ball is in your court, Dr. Arrington.” He used a serious, dark tone which made her want to get undressed right there in front of him.

He stood and grabbed her hard against him as his strong hands circled her tiny waist. She tried to remain calm but breathing seemed to escape her.

“You and I as sex buddies wouldn’t work. Now let go so I can bowl.”

“Fine, but I know you want to know what it’s like to be with me. It’s written all over your beautiful face. Go ahead and bowl.” He stepped back but didn’t sit down, and she had a feeling the conversation wasn’t over with it.

She could feel his eyes on her as she picked up her pink bowling ball and walked toward the lane. She was so nervous of his gaze, that she dropped the ball with a twisted release and watched it roll slowly into the gutter. She stood on the line, her white and blue bowling shoes glued to the floor. Hard hands gripped her shoulder, lips brushed her ear, and the beginnings of a hard groin on her backside caused her eyes to flutter shut.

“Your release and form is all wrong, Bree. I can show you how to do it properly. I have more experience than you in all areas, especially in the bedroom, or wherever you want it.”

“Humph. I bet you do.”

“This is why I would be perfect. You want no strings. That’s fine with me. I don’t either.”

“I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”

His arms circled her waist, and he rested his chin on her shoulder, his warm cheek brushed with hers tenderly. “I don’t want to ruin it either. You mean more to me than you realize and personally, I’m tired of the different brainless women I keep meeting. I don’t want a relationship either. I want a woman I can trust, have great sex with, and still be able to hang and talk to about whatever without her wanting more. So, that’s what I want. Think about it because I know you want me just like I’ve wanted you since I first laid my eyes on your adorable face.”

He kissed her on the cheek and released her. He was back a few seconds later with her bowling ball.

“Now, let me show you how to bowl a strike without pushing the ball down the lane and coaching it like it can really hear you.”

Bria wanted to answer him, but her tongue had been cut out and her mouth taped shut. He had told her what she wanted to hear, and the ball was definitely in her court, or at least in her hand at the moment as he showed her the proper way to bowl the ball. However, the fact that he could be seductive one minute and then back to being a friend was perfect. This way no feelings would be involved but crossing that line and ruining their friendship wasn’t something she wanted to do. However, she wasn’t sure how long it would be before she succumbed to his game of seduction.


Chapter Six


“Having a good time?” Rasheed asked his date for the evening, Roxy.

“Yes, I am.” She placed her hand on his knee under the table, but he readjusted his body in the chair, and her hand slipped off.

Well at least one of us is having a good time.

He scanned the ballroom at the Peabody Hotel, nodding his head at people he knew and even those he didn’t know. It was the day before New Year’s Eve, and it seemed everyone wanted last minute money for their charities. Rasheed didn’t mind donating, but he had no interest in coming to the event. However, his publicist had persuaded him to attend. So here he was sitting next to Roxy, a model and aspiring actress who had appeared in some music videos and had been an extra in a few movies. She was a sweet girl but a little too touchy feely considering he’d just met her that evening when he picked her up from her hotel. His publicist had set it up since she swore he needed a date for the event. His plan was to drop off the check to the event organizer and go hang out at Lillian’s with Derek. But here he was sitting next to Roxy at the Save Sports in Schools Charity Ball.

She continued to talk, but it all sounded like the teacher on
Charlie Brown.
He smiled and nodded his head as she continued to discuss the latest music video she did in Los Angeles with some unknown rapper. She was in Memphis to host a New Year’s Eve party at a club and to appear in another video. He didn’t knock her hustle, but he was tired of going out with the same type of women. He’d asked his publicist why did she suggest Roxy and not someone outside of the entertainment industry, and she responded “I thought that was your type.”

Was that his type?

His thoughts led him to Bria. She was witty, beautiful and intelligent. Soft. Sexy. Seductive. It took everything he had not to try to seduce her last night at the bowling alley, but he was trying to be respectful to their friendship. He sipped his wine, remembering the sweet taste of her lips. She must’ve had on flavored lip gloss like strawberry or cherry for it was still on his lips as he had lain in bed imagining her naked body lying on top of him, kissing him gently and running her hands over his bare chest.

Bria had called earlier when he was in the limo, but he didn’t answer the phone. Normally, he would have, but for some reason he didn’t want her to know he was on a date even though they were just friends. That damn kiss had changed things between them.

He glanced back over to his date. Roxy was attractive and had a pleasant demeanor. She had a nice body that was perfect for dancing in videos. However, he wasn’t interested in getting to know her. Usually, he wanted to know something about a woman especially if she had the potential to be his latest conquest for the next month or so. But all he could do was think about Bria’s flirty laugh, her kissable lips, her cute dimple on her left cheek, and sinking his hands into her hair to kiss her again.

He spent the rest of the evening choking down dry chicken, nodding, and smiling pleasantly at Roxy and chit-chatting with some people he knew. At around 10:00, he was ready to go, and they headed out to the limo.

“I had a nice time, Rasheed,” Roxy said, sliding closer to him on the seat.

“I’m glad you did.”

“What are you doing tomorrow night for New Year’s Eve? You should hang out with me. I have a VIP section for my entourage.”

He almost laughed, but he didn’t want to hurt her feeling or get cursed out. She’d done a few videos and now she considered herself a celebrity.

“Thank you, Roxy, but I’ll be hanging with family and friends tomorrow evening. I’m sure your event will be a success.”

The limo pulled up in front of her hotel, which wasn’t far from the Peabody. The driver opened her door.

“You wanna come up?” Her voice was laced with sex as she ran her hand up his thigh. Normally, his penis would’ve had some type of reaction to a sexy woman touching him and offering up her goodies, but it didn’t move.

“I’ve had a long day and have to get up early tomorrow. But I had a nice time, and it was a pleasure meeting you. Have a safe flight back to Los Angeles.”

He reached over and gave her a hug and a kiss on her rosy cheek. Roxy’s face showed discontent. She barely said goodbye and got out of the limo. Once she left, he called Bria.

“Hey, girl. I just saw that you called earlier.”

 “Hey. I wanted to verify if you were still coming tomorrow for your first acupuncture treatment. I’ll be at the practice around seven in the morning until about three or have you chickened out?”

He chuckled. “I’m no chicken. I’ll be there around nine.”

“Perfect. See you in the morning.”


Bria rode the elevator down to the first floor of the medical building that housed her family’s practice. Rasheed had just called and said he was out front.

“What’s up, girl?” He walked in quickly as she locked the doors back.

“Busy. I didn’t realize how much I needed to prepare.”

They walked toward the elevators. She was nervous. She hadn’t spoken to Rasheed since they went bowling. They had ended their conversation at the bowling alley on a good note, but the sexual tension between them was quite obvious, especially after he kissed her again.

He smelled simply delish standing next to her on the elevator. She was reminded of her fantasy to get busy with a tall, dark, handsome man on an elevator, and now one was standing across from her wearing a tense face.

“Nervous?” she asked as the elevator doors opened. He trailed behind her while they walked to the practice.

“Nope.”  His voice cracked a little, and she smiled.

“Don’t worry. You’re in good hands.”

They entered, and Bria locked the doors back. Rasheed looked around the room, and his eyes settled on a family portrait taken when Bria was a little girl.

“Aren’t you adorable with your ponytails. How old were you?”

“Two years old. The baby Mom is holding is Shelbi. She was only a few months old.”

He nodded and then followed her back to her examination room.

“Everything is all set up for you.” She reached over to the counter and grabbed a front-open medical gown. “Just put this on. You can tie the belt for now, but after your examination, I’ll need you to open it.”

“Examination?” he asked, taking the gown from her hands.

“Yes. I have to know if you have any issues so I’ll know the best places to put the needles. It won’t take long. I’ll be back in about ten minutes.”

Fifteen minutes later, Bria returned to check on Rasheed. She lightly knocked and then entered.

“Oh my goodness!” she shrieked as she placed her hand over her mouth. There standing in front of her was Rasheed wearing nothing and holding the gown in his hand. He was truly a sculptured chocolate Adonis. His ripped muscles were calling out to her, begging her to touch them. His manhood was somewhat hard it seemed. That’s when her hands flew over her eyes, and she turned her body toward the door.

“So you’re going to cover your eyes after you ran them over my body from head to toe and then settle on my middle area? You’re a doctor. Seeing me naked shouldn’t be a shock.”

“You … just surprised me, that’s all. I thought you would be dressed. I gave you plenty of time.”

“My agent called. He’s in town visiting some recruits and wants me to have dinner tonight with him and some guys he wants to sign.”

“Oh. But why were you naked? You can keep your underwear on.”
I hope he has underwear!

“No problem. I’ll put them back on. Okay, you can turn around, Dr. Arrington.”

She turned slowly on her heel with her eyes still covered. She spread her hand over her eyes and peeked out in between her fingers. He was wearing the gown, and it was tied around his waist. She lowered her hand from her face and sighed.

For the next few minutes she gave him a brief physical examination and asked questions about any pains or concerns he had.

She glanced at the notes she took on her notepad to avoid looking at him. She couldn’t shake his naked image out of her mind. “Everything looks good.”
Yes it does!
“You say you feel like you’re coming down with a cold, you’re having trouble sleeping, and some knee pain.” She took a deep breath and tried to remember she was a doctor, but she was having problems concentrating. “Okay, undo the belt and lie back on the examination table.”

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