The Game (28 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #BDSM, #contemporary, #Erotic

BOOK: The Game
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I squeezed my eyes shut as it occurred to me I was suffering too. I wanted to be mortified.
And in a way I was. On the other hand, what did I care what other people thought of
our lifestyle? Clearly Amy didn’t have a problem with it. And it was her house.

Which made me curious. Who were these men? Did she know them all? They couldn’t be
guys from the office where she was a high-powered employee by day. No way would she
out herself like this.

I relaxed marginally as I let that reality sink in.

And then I flinched when I heard Cade’s voice. “Meagan, do you want to join us?”

Join “us.” What did that mean? I held my breath. Meagan was innocent. Way too innocent
to witness this from her friends. I was suddenly more worried about her reaction than
anyone else’s.

What I needed to focus on was my reaction and how it made me feel to please Riley.
Which at the moment was dubious.

I would do this. Play it out. Find out where it led. He’d asked me to trust him. I
needed to give him the benefit of the doubt. He hadn’t let me down a single time since
the Christine debacle.

“I’m not very good at poker,” Meagan confessed.

I could hear her voice closer to the table. She’d at least stepped forward.

“Oh, shit. Let me introduce you to the guys,” Cade said. I could picture him pointing
around the table as he spoke. “This is John, Stephen, Toby, Roy, Jeremy, and you know
Parker and Riley.”

“Yep. Well, Parker I’ve met briefly.” I wondered if she was staring at him. He was
formidable in his own right. Hell, all the guys at this table were.

“They’re all members of the club Amelia and I belong to,” Cade continued.

Oh. That was interesting. A BDSM club? Had to be.

I relaxed marginally, blowing out a breath. No wonder no one had looked surprised.
Everyone in the room was in the lifestyle. Except Meagan.

A chair grated against the floor as it moved. And then Parker spoke. “You can sit
with us and watch if you want. Or play. I’ll be happy to give you some tips. Or hell,
if you’d rather not be left out of the D/s scene, you’re welcome to participate in
that as well.”

“What? Oh. Oh, that. No. No thanks.” I could hear her discomfort in her voice, and
I felt it for her myself. This was crazy. Insane.

“Okay. Here. Sit. What do you want to drink?”

“I’m thinking maybe I’ve had enough to drink.”

I smiled.

Riley threaded the fingers of one hand into my hair and squeezed in reassurance. I
felt a bit like a cherished pet and he’d just given me an “atta girl.”

Maybe he wouldn’t be too pissed later for my hesitation before. Though I found that
unlikely. He was probably plotting some way to punish me for not obeying his demands

Shock was my excuse.

Shock had been his main aim.

Parker chuckled. “Well, you aren’t driving. And I’m sure you’re beyond scandalized,

“You’re right. White wine would be fantastic.”

“Coming right up.” Another scoot of the chair against the floor filled my ears and
then footsteps. Parker was right at home in Cade’s condo. The condo that had been
Riley’s before he and Cade had swapped towns and residences.

“Here you go.” Parker resumed his spot, and the game was back on.

“Hit me,” one of the guys said.

I tuned them out while the game continued, becoming more sober by the minute.

It was late. The guys were on their last few hands. And less than half an hour later,
they wrapped things up. Thank God because I was tired, my knees hurt, and I couldn’t
imagine staying on the floor like that much longer.

Riley took my hand and helped me stand. He turned me around to face the rest of the
table and wrapped one arm under my breasts, hugging me close to his front while he
pointed around the table to introduce everyone.

Each man smiled and nodded in turn.

“You did good, baby,” he whispered in my ear. “Stay here while I see them out.”

I lowered myself into his seat while he and Cade and Parker went to the front door.

Amy sat in Cade’s vacated seat at the end of the table.

Meagan sat across from me. She nibbled on her bottom lip. “Interesting.”

Amy giggled. “You wanted to see us in action.”

“Interesting,” she repeated.

I was still sort of mortified. In fact, my hands were shaking.

Amy reached over and grabbed my hand and squeezed. “You’ve never done anything like
that have you?”


“Think he was testing you.”

“I’m sure.” I blew out a breath, not certain I’d passed that test or wanted to.

“What do you mean?” Meagan asked. “And would someone please tell me why you find that

Amy turned to face her. “Riley was testing Cheyenne’s willingness to follow his directives
in front of other people. It was brilliant since she didn’t know anyone in the room
and he never suggested she do anything besides kneel.”

Meagan shivered. “Which is very weird.”

“It’s the most common sort of position in BDSM. Like the base, you could say. And
exercising that right in public is a huge step.”

“I didn’t realize everyone at the table belonged to the same club, so I nearly died
when he told me to kneel. And that was his goal, of course.” I crossed my arms over
my chest, still a bit unnerved.

“And this is sexy how?” Meagan asked.

Amy shrugged. “It’s different for everyone, but pleasing Cade and seeing his expression
when I do so is enormous. The way he stroked my hair or my face makes me feel cherished.
Loved. It’s so fulfilling.” She turned to face me.

I held up both hands. “Don’t look at me. That was a first.”

“But how do you feel when you do it at home?” Amy asked.

“Yeah. She’s right.” I scrunched up my nose, picturing me on my knees while Riley
fed me. We did that often. Or in the living room in the evening. “I guess it centers
me and puts me in a particular frame of mind.”

“What frame of mind is that?” Meagan asked.

“One where I get to let go of all concerns and turn them over to Riley for the hours
we’re in the scene.”

“Uh-huh.” Meagan sounded unconvinced.

I couldn’t blame her. I had felt the same way just weeks ago. I heard the front door
close, and the noise level from the foyer came to a halt.

Cade and Riley came back into the living room with Parker on their heels. They plopped
down on three different pieces of furniture and Cade reached out a hand toward the
dining area. “Come here, Amelia.”

She rose and stepped to her fiancé.

I stood also as Riley motioned for me to join him. I was further surprised when he
pulled me down beside him and sat with his arm around my waist like a perfectly normal

He leaned in and kissed my earlobe. “So proud of you.”

I turned a deeper shade of red that I could feel all over my cheeks and running down
my neck.

Meagan turned her dining chair around to face us in the adjoining space.

I twisted my neck to see her. “Did you play poker? I stopped paying attention. Missed
that part.”

She laughed. “No. I watched. No way was I going to join in on that game. Those guys
were serious.”

“Those guys were all dominants,” Parker added.

“That too.” Meagan shivered. “They were intense. Is everyone at your wedding going
to be in the lifestyle?”

“No,” Cade stated, “You won’t see many, and you won’t be able to tell. Not in a mixed
venue like that. People in the lifestyle are very careful not to offend those who

Riley flattened his hand on my back and trailed his fingers up to my neck. “You did
well. You trusted me.”

“You tested me.”

“I did.” His eyes sparkled. “You passed.”

“You tested me in front of Meagan.”

“I did,” he agreed again. “And still you passed.”

“What if she was uncomfortable?”

Riley smirked. “I watched her like a hawk, baby.”

“We all did,” Cade added. “And she wasn’t altogether uninformed. She knew about our

“Informed is far from experienced,” Meagan added. “But I’ll admit, I was fine. It
didn’t take me long to figure out Riley was testing Cheyenne, and Cade was using Amy
to drive that point home. Did you all plan this for weeks?” She giggled.

Riley shook his head. “Nah. Just a few days. The poker game was planned for weeks.
But it wasn’t until we bumped heads about the participants that I realized I should
seize the opportunity to push Cheyenne’s boundaries.” He squeezed my back and angled
me toward him until I fell into his side.

“You should give it a try, Meagan,” Parker suggested. “I’m a pretty good judge of
people. You were turned on.”

Meagan scrunched up her face again and shook her head. “No thanks. That was all the
BDSM I needed. I’ll stick with vanilla.”

I glanced at Parker, who stared at Meagan a bit longer than necessary, a smile lifting
the corners of his mouth. I could see the interest there. Meagan was looking at her
feet instead.

What were the chances three guys who had been friends since college could pair of
with three women in the same boat? Slim. I shouldn’t read anything into it.

I shook the thought from my head and turned to face Riley.

His look was full of hunger. “You willing to play some more in front of friends?”

Meagan jumped to her feet. “On that note, I’m going to sleep.” She turned to Cade.
“Thanks for letting us stay here. I’ll see you guys in the morning.” She left the
room as if she were on fire, heading down the hall to the guest room she had occupied
last night.

Parker stood also. “In the interest of keeping things less awkward for your new sub,
I’ll go to sleep also.” He nodded toward me and made his way out of the living room
too. I figured he was going to occupy the fourth bedroom, the only one not currently
being used by any of us. Thank God Cade and Amy had so many rooms.

I tipped my head back to face my Dom. “What did you have in mind?” I should have been
tired, but instead I was alert at his suggestion. If he wanted to test the waters,
so to speak, there wasn’t a single person I’d want to have witness me submitting besides
Amy. She wouldn’t judge. Hell, she’d even seen me naked more times than I could count.

Cade, on the other had, had most definitely never seen me naked. I shivered.

Riley set a hand on my back again and rubbed in circles. “In the lifestyle, people
are not judgmental. Let yourself go with the flow. You know I won’t ask you to do
more than I think you’re capable of.”

“Yes, Sir.” I hadn’t referred to him as Sir in front of anyone until that moment.
I turned to find Amy with her arms lifted in the air and Cade pulling her navy dress
over her head. I was surprised to find her naked underneath. I hadn’t realized she’d
spent the evening without a bra or panties.

“Did anyone else touch your delectable body this evening?” Cade asked.

“No, Sir,” Amy mumbled. She stood in front of Cade, facing him, her back to me.

“Good. The visual makes me cringe.”

“I would never enjoy another man’s touch anyway, Sir.”

“I know that, baby.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Riley’s hand worked its way up to my neck, and he squeezed and turned me to face him.
“Undress for me, Cheyenne. I’ve been dying to see your sexy body all evening.”

God, I missed him. I’d seen him yesterday morning before we both left for work, but
yesterday was Thursday, and then I’d come straight to Nashville and hadn’t seen him
Friday at all.

Yep. I missed him. Even his bossy attitude was welcome. Even in front of Amy…and Cade.
I wanted him to control me. Dominate me. How far would he go in front of my friend?
And his?

I stood before him and slowly removed my sheer blouse, sliding each button through
the hole until I slipped it off my shoulders and let it flutter to the floor. I unzipped
my skirt next and let it pool at my feet.

Riley reached out a hand and hauled me closer until my belly pressed against his lips.
He cupped my breasts with both hands and squeezed. “Love the matching panty set you
never expected anyone to see.”

“Thank you, Sir.” I had only worn sexy matching lingerie since we’d started seeing
each other. It had become a habit to always be prepared even though I hadn’t expected
to see him. It made me feel sexy and attractive knowing what I wore under my clothes.

Riley trailed a finger along the top edge of my bra, teasing the swell of my breast
until I rocked forward. My back was to Amy. Her back was to me. It gave me some satisfaction
knowing I didn’t have to look her in the face while Riley played with me.

Riley smoothed his hands up my sides and around to my back. He unclasped my bra and
then eased it over my shoulders and off my arms. With a precision I had not exercised,
he dropped my bra on top of my blouse.

“Eyes on me. No one else is paying attention to you but me. Got it?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He cupped my breasts again. I’d been aching for him to hold the swollen
globes in his palms for over a day. And I was so glad he was here tonight to surprise
me that I didn’t frankly care who watched.

When he leaned forward and sucked a nipple into his mouth, I gasped.

His hands trailed down to my waist and then around to cup my ass. I swayed forward,
losing my balance when he squeezed my cheeks and molded them in his hands. “Love the
thong.” He hooked his fingers in the sides and tugged the swatch of lace down my legs.

I stepped out of them.

“Spread your legs for me, baby.”

I obeyed without question, biting my lip as I wondered how I would keep enough brain
cells functioning to avoid making a fool of myself in front of the two other people
in the room.

I was already losing the battle, considering I was lost in Riley world, putty in his
hands. How far would he take me in front of Cade and Amy? Would he make me come?

My pussy was soaked. No denying that. It had been since I’d seen him sitting at that
table when I stumbled in from the bachelorette party. My nipples hardened as I grabbed
Riley’s shoulders to brace myself.

Amy moaned behind me, making me flinch. I’d nearly forgotten about her existence,
and it soothed me to realize she was just as aware of mine. My job was to please Riley.
I wasn’t meant to have any concern for anyone else.

“Eyes on me, baby.” Riley nudged my chin with his pointer until I lifted my gaze to
his. He smiled warmly. “Good girl. So proud of you. I’ll give you a choice.”

I nodded subtly.

“You can either suck me off right here right now, or I’ll fuck your sweet pussy with
my fingers until you come standing in front of me.”

My eyes widened. Interesting choice. Contrived. He knew it. If I sucked him off, he
got all the pleasure, but I had my dignity in front of Amy and Cade intact. If I let
him finger me until I came on my feet, I would feel like I won the lottery, but I
would also lose myself and scream out in Amy’s living room.

I chose number one. “You, Sir.” Without hesitation, I lowered myself to my knees in
front of him, unbuttoned his jeans, eased the zipper down, and let him spring free.
I licked my lips. I loved sucking him. It was heady in a way I never would have imagined.
Probably because no matter what I did to him, he ensured I received twice as much
attention at his own mouth and hands.

He was simply like that.

I lowered my mouth and sucked his erection in between my lips so fast he gasped.

“Easy,” he muttered. “Not a race.”

I reduced the suction a fraction, gripped the base of his cock with one hand, and
fucked him in and out of my mouth. I twirled my tongue around the tip and stroked
it through the slit at the top until he groaned.

He bucked off the love seat, slamming his cock up into my mouth as though he were
the one in control.

And he was. He always was. Even when I was on top, he was in charge. I couldn’t give
a blow job without feeling controlled.

Now was no exception.

Riley cupped my face and held my head steady as he fucked my mouth.

I had experienced this before, and I opened my throat and let him have his way. His
flavor… The smell of his skin… It made me squirm and wish I could touch myself.

But he’d never allowed that without permission. And besides, hello, Amy was behind
me. I needed to shake the desire to masturbate from my head and control myself.

Though in reality it was futile to concern myself with whatever she was doing since
she was as absorbed in Cade as I was in Riley.

I concentrated fully on the thick length in my mouth and hollowed my cheeks as I drew
off him over and over.

Riley threaded his fingers into my hair on both sides and held my head steady while
he took over, fucking my mouth deeper.

I closed my eyes and luxuriated in the feel of his smooth skin against my tongue.

It didn’t take long. Moments later, he came, squirting down my throat in long pulses.

I swallowed him, loving the taste, loving the power I felt when he let me wrap my
lips around his cock. It was one of the rare times I felt like I was in control of
something, even though I knew it was a smoke screen. Riley was always in control.

When he pulled out, he cupped my face and lifted it to his. His gaze was serious,
deep, penetrating. “I love you,” he whispered.

I smiled and leaned forward, setting my cheek against his semi-erect cock. “I love
you too.”

Riley shocked me by standing up quickly and hauling me into his arms. He cradled me
against his chest, tugged his jeans over his hips with one hand, and strode down the
hall to the bedroom I’d already occupied the night before.

His overnight bag was on the bed. Clothes from earlier were tossed across the footboard.
I smiled, loving the warm feeling of knowing he’d already infiltrated this space that
had been mine and was now ours.

He tossed me on the bed, yanked off his jeans, and climbed over me. With his cock
poised at my entrance, he brushed my curls from my face and cupped my cheeks. His
expression was serious, intense. “You’re mine.”

I nodded.

I was his. In every way.

“Yes, Sir. I’m yours.”

About the Author

Becca Jameson lives in Atlanta,
Georgia, with her husband and two kids. After years of editing, she is now a full-time
author. With over 40 best-selling books written, she has dabbled in a variety of genres,
ranging from paranormal to contemporary to BDSM. The voices in her head are clamoring
to get out faster than she can get them onto “paper”! She loves chatting with fans,
so feel free to contact her through email, Facebook, or her website.

...where Alphas dominate...

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