The Future of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #6) (5 page)

BOOK: The Future of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #6)
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let his body fall onto his bed and was asleep before he knew it. It
seemed like minutes later there was a knock at his door. John let him
know that they were all going down to Gavin and Becky's house for
dinner. Kyle changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before
walking the short distance down the beach.

could hear so many voices before even entering the house. When he
walked down the steps that led to the basement, he looked around at
all of the people and couldn't believe just how many kids were moving
between their parents' feet. He walked back up the steps and into the
kitchen to offer his help. It was at least a little quieter in there.

he had helped Becky carry everything down to the table she had set up
in the basement, Becky asked him if he could go and get Jenny and the
twins for dinner. Gavin had his little boy in his arms already and
looked over at Becky just as she had finished speaking to Kyle.

your problem?” she asked.

he said.

turned and walked up the stairs before Gavin could say another thing.
He could hear little giggles come from down the hall and couldn't
help the smile that spread across his face. When he came to a stop in
front of the doorway of the room the giggles were coming from, he
couldn't move his feet another inch. Jenny was sitting on the floor
with a tiara on her head. She had a wand in one hand and a teapot in
the other. The two girls were also wearing their own tiaras and
holding their own wands. It was the cutest thing he had ever seen.
Kyle couldn't help but wonder what Jenny would be like with little
ones of her own. All he could do was watch the precious scene before
him. After a few moments, he knew he had to say something but felt so
bad for interrupting the perfect moment.

ready, princesses,” he said softly.

jumped and pulled the tiara quickly from her head. She stood up and
shifted nervously from one foot to the next. Her long, tan legs
looked so cute in her shorts. She was also wearing a tank top over
her bikini top. Kyle was surprised at how she moved her hands to
cover what little skin was showing. How could she be self-conscious,
he wondered? She was absolutely beautiful. Her long brown hair came
down to cover her shoulders. Her eyes were dark and matched perfectly
to the color of her hair. She had no reason to ever cover any part of
her beautiful body. He reached up and ran his fingers through his
hair before snapping back to reality when one of the girls grabbed
his hand.

and Jenny took the girls down to the basement and sat them next to
their parents. He looked over at her and noticed her eyes scanning
over the families one at a time. The two of them were the only two
that didn't have someone with them. Kyle let his eyes follow hers.
She looked at Gavin and Becky with their three kids. Then there was
Ethan and Julie with their four little ones. Julie looked exhausted.
Next were John and Sandy next to Kelly with Eric and their three
kids. Across from them were Heath and Tara. They had the three boys
and their little daddy's girl. Finally came Josh and Lisa with their
little boy and little girl.

had finally caved to the pressure and bought a house in Hawaii. He
was the last of the guys to get one. There was so much love in his
eyes when he looked over at his wife. Kyle knew he wanted to feel
that same love when he looked at his own wife one day. His eyes moved
back to Jenny's, and he noticed her wiping a tear from her cheek. He
instantly felt the need to comfort her, but that didn't last long. He
could feel Gavin staring daggers at him and turned to look Gavin in
the eye before making a face at him. Becky looked between her husband
and Kyle. She shook her head and pushed her elbow against Gavin's.

grabbed a plate and walked back up the stairs to eat by himself. As
soon as he was done, he left the house without a word. It was all too
much for him handle. He was tired and needed a few minutes to
himself, so he took the long walk down the beach to the bar. When he
walked in, he found the perfect booth in a back corner and took a
seat. There were no babies and no families to be envious of, and he
was thrilled.



Jenny walked upstairs to put some dishes in the kitchen, Kyle was
gone. She couldn't help but wonder where he went and why he had taken
off without saying anything to anyone. He had acted very defensive
earlier, and she wondered if he was still mad about what she had
said. She let out a laugh and shook her head. He wasn't thinking
about her at all. Who was she kidding? She knew Kyle wasn't fond of
her, and she still hadn't figured out why.

decided to give the kids baths while Gavin and Heath talked in the
living room. Jenny grabbed little Gavin into a hug and carried him up
once the girls were done with their bath. She told Becky to finish
what she was already doing with them. Jenny played for twenty minutes
with little Gavin and his toys in the tub. She had him dressed and
ready for bed when Becky walked into his room after getting the twins
tucked in. Once the little guy was tucked in as well, Becky pulled
Jenny into the hallway.

down to the bar and have a drink. You need to relax. I did not ask
you to come so you would take care of my kids. I wanted you to get
away from everything and enjoy. Gavin took the entire week off, and
he gave that same time to you. He has everything working perfectly at
work. This is your time,” Becky said.

don't know,” Jenny said. “I've never been down there

Becky said. “Just go for one drink. You never know. Maybe
you'll find a hot, tan man to spend the week with.”

funny,” Jenny said. “I'm not the best at picking out men.
You do remember I couldn't even keep my man happy for six months. I
think I need to stay single. There is no way I want to go through
that again.”

wasn't about you not being able to keep him happy. That was about him
being a giant asshole,” Becky said, as she grabbed Jenny's arm
and turned her to face her. “Do not put that on you.”

don't know,” Jenny said. “A walk down the beach doesn't
sound so bad I guess.”

changed into a nice pair of jeans and a nice shirt. She slipped her
feet into some flip-flops and headed down the beach. It was so warm
and beautiful. She could only imagine how awesome it would be to live

sat down at the bar without looking around and ordered a drink. The
more she thought about being away from home and the vacation she was
supposed to be enjoying, the more she realized just how sad her life
had become. She was surrounded by beautiful water and beaches in a
place she had never been before, and yet she was feeling down. No
way, she told herself. She decided in that moment that she was going
to enjoy the rest of the week. Without having to think about Gavin's
schedule, she could really let herself have fun. Becky hadn't asked
her to do any of the things she was doing for the kids. She was doing
it because she felt she needed to, and she really did enjoy being
with them. She told herself, as she took the first sip of her fruity
drink, she was only going to do what made her happy for the rest of
the week there. With a huge smile on her face, she continued to sip
on the delicious drink in front of her.

hadn't finished her first drink when she felt someone sit down next
to her. She looked over to see who it was, thinking it might have
been Becky or one of the group. The man sitting there was tall, tan,
and very muscular. He looked to be around her age and was very nice
looking. She should have been thrilled that he was looking over her
body like she was just what he was looking for, but she wasn't
thrilled at all.

are you tonight, beautiful?” he asked in a rough tone.

mind went instantly to Kyle. What the fuck, she thought? She wondered
where he went when he left dinner that night. Had he gone home, or
had he gone out? It was none of her business, but that didn't stop
her from thinking about him. She looked over at the man next to her
and smiled. Why was she thinking about someone that wanted nothing to
do with her when there was someone that did want to talk to her right

fine,” she answered quietly.

your name?” he asked.

she answered.

he said. “My name's Todd. Can I get you another drink?”

thank you,” she said. “I just came in for one. I'm going
to head back to the house when I'm finished with this one.”

couldn't help the self-conscious feeling that ran through her. She
knew she wasn't the prettiest girl around. She definitely knew she
didn't have the perfect body. Her husband Jim complained about more
than one of her flaws in the short time they were married. She
thought back and knew she wasn't the only reason her marriage hadn't
lasted. When she first started dating him, she'd only done it to make
her friends happy. They'd been pressuring her to go out with them,
and one of them had set her up on a blind date with him. The girl
didn't even know him. He was a friend of her boyfriends. Jenny agreed
to one date. He seemed nice. She didn't really want to go on a second
date but agreed anyway. Jenny knew that she'd never get the attention
of the one guy she really liked and kind of continued going through
the motions with Jim. She grew to care about him through the months
and even thought she might love him. He wasn't super romantic or
anything, but he wasn't mean either. They got along pretty well for
the most part. He liked to go out way more than she did, but she
never once complained when he'd be out with his friends. She trusted
him. That was very important to her. Jenny knew he was more outgoing
while she was usually very shy. She worked and had a few friends, but
she kept to herself more than anything. There was no way she wanted
to hold him back from the life he was used to living.

jumped and snapped from her thoughts when she felt fingers move from
her elbow down her arm. When another drink was set down in front of
her, she looked over to the man next to her.

didn't want another drink,” she said.

already made it for you,” Todd said. “Just have one drink
with me.”

felt the air cross her neck and shivered. That was when she knew he
was there.



sat in the booth in the corner with his head back against the wall
and his eyes closed. He'd been nursing the same beer he'd ordered
when he'd first sat down. He couldn't help but think about all of the
happy families he'd spent dinner with. The kids were loud while they
yelled out and played at the table, but the parents all carried on
unfazed. Kyle knew his dream career had happened plus so much more.
That was what he'd always wanted. He thought once it happened, he
would be happy, but he wasn't. Ethan had signed over half of a
multi-billion dollar company to him. He had the world at his feet.
There wasn't anything he couldn't buy or do.

knew he wanted to wait until he could provide an amazing life for a
family before he looked for that perfect woman. The one woman he knew
he wanted to be with happened to be the assistant of one of his dad's
friends. John wasn't his real father, but he still referred to him as
dad. She also didn't like him, which was a problem. He remembered how
he felt when he heard Ethan mention that she was getting married. It
was as if someone knocked the air right out of him. It took away any
hope he had, that once he was finally the man he wanted to be, that
she would want to be with him. A small part of him thought they would
end up together. The day he found out she was getting married, that
part vanished. He knew she definitely wasn't interested and needed to
give up on his thoughts of her.

the way his parents' relationship went, he knew he probably shouldn't
believe in that all-consuming love and the thought of that perfect
woman being out there. He knew his friends and the guys at the office
would give him shit if they knew he was a romantic with thoughts of
finding one woman that would be his everything. When he thought about
the five guys and their families, he knew it was possible. They were
all deeply in love and would give their lives for their women. He
wanted that, and he knew it was out there somewhere. Kyle wanted that
kind of love and the crazy, loud family to go with it. He wanted kids
one day, and he knew he would give them everything he could. He
wanted to be an amazing dad the same way John was to him. Only he
wanted that from the second they were born. He knew it would perfect.

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