The Frugal Foodie Cookbook

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Authors: Alanna Kaufman

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200 Gourmet Recipes for Any Budget


Avon, Massachusetts

Copyright © 2009 by Alanna Kaufman and Alex Small.

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made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.

Published by
Adams Media, a division of F+W Media, Inc.
57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322. U.S.A.

ISBN 10: 1-60550-681-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-60550-681-4
eISBN: 978-1-44051-373-2

Printed in the United States of America.


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For our parents.

table of


Living Like a Frugal Foodie

part i: small dishes


Sweet and Savory Hot Stuffed Peppers

Chicken Satay

Fig and Fontina Flatbread

Pomegranate Fig Bites

Grilled Peach and Shrimp Crostini

Gourmet Chips with Smoked Salmon

Onion-Parmesan Crisps

Avocado Boats

Cucumber Tea Sandwiches

Sausage-Stuffed Mushrooms

Simple Steamed Mussels

Shrimp and Veggie Pot Stickers

Endive with Blue Cheese Spread

Tuna Tomato Halves


Blueberry and Blue Cheese Salad

Citrus Avocado Salad

Cranberry-Apple-Walnut Salad

Garden Salad with Lemon-Herb Dressing

Grape and Walnut Salad

Sunset Tomato Salad

Peanut-Lime Mexican Medley

Perfect Poached-Egg Frisée Salad

Veggie Chopped Salad

Roasted Beet and Pistachio Salad

Roasted Tomato and Asparagus Panzanella

Balsamic-Dressed Roasted Veggie Salad

Summer Salad with Basil-Mint Dressing

Radish-Cucumber-Beet Salad

Classic Chicken Caesar

Vietnamese Chicken and Mint Salad

Winter Blood Orange Salad


Mixed Mushroom Soup

Bok Choy Soup

Butternut Squash and Apple Soup

Creamless Broccoli Soup

Spicy Black Bean Soup

Get-Well Soup

Italian Escarole and White Bean Soup

Leftover Chicken Stock

Miso Soup

Roasted Red Pepper Soup

Roasted Veggie Gazpacho

Rustic Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup

Thai Curry Noodle Soup

Shitake-Soy Barley Soup

Nana’s Veggie Soup


Basil Pesto

Punchy Pico de Gallo

Guatemalan-Style Guacamole

Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Chips

Lemony Hummus

Olive Tapenade

Smoky Baba Ghanouj

Yogurt Spinach Dip


Cheddar, Chutney, and Apple Sandwich

Curried Egg Salad

Honey-Mustard Grilled Chicken Sandwich

New York–Style Turkey Sandwich

Honey, Thyme, Pear, and Goat Cheese Sandwiches

Gruyère Cheese Steak

Open-Face Roasted Veggie Sandwich

Smoked Salmon Sandwich

Spicy Shrimp Salad with Lime and Sprouts

Turkey and Roasted Red Pepper Panini

Cream Cheese and Olive Sandwich

part ii: big dishes


Apricot Brandy–Baked French Toast

Asparagus and Goat Cheese Omelet

Baked Eggs with Ham and Leeks

Chocolate-Berry Oatmeal Brulée

Cinnamon-Cranberry-Orange Oat Scones

Cinnamon–Sweet Potato Waffles

Cooked Cherry Parfait

Fresh Veggie Frittata

Leftover Rice Pudding

Mango and Honey Greek Yogurt Parfait

Sweet Cinnamon Cottage Cheese

Midnight Cornmeal Pancakes

Purple Potato Spanish Tortilla

Slow-Cooked Rosemary Scrambled Eggs


Roasted Chicken with Tomatoes and Potatoes

Top-Secret Turkey Chili

Barbeque Chicken Pizza

Blue Cheese Inside-Out Turkey Burgers

“C” Spice-Rub Chicken

Chicken with Figs and Rosemary Wine Sauce

Classic Colombian Arroz con Pollo

Lemon and Herb–Roasted Chicken

Jamaican-Style Roasted Chicken

Paprika Chicken Quesadillas

Pizza with Spicy Turkey Sausage

Prosciutto and Parmesan Rolled Chicken

Roasted Chicken with Apple, Onion, and Leek Stuffing

Roasted Chicken Wrapped with Bacon

Savory Turkey Meatballs

Sun-Dried Tomato and Pesto Chicken Wheels


Braised Beef Short Ribs

Braised Pork Chops with Apples and Leeks

Chunky Beef and Veggie Stew

Coffee-Flavored Grilled Steak

Sweet and Sour Meatloaf

Slow-Cooked Corned Beef and Veggies

Mediterranean-Style Beef-Stuffed Eggplant

Spicy Beef and Black Bean Burritos


Asian-Inspired Baked Cod

Chilean Sea Bass with Tomatoes and Wild Mushrooms

Better-than-Chesapeake Crab Cakes

Curried Tilapia and Sweet Potato Stew

Frugal Bouillabaisse

Halibut with Warm Mushrooms

Light Shrimp Summer Rolls

Miso and Scallion Salmon Burgers

Lemon-Yogurt Salmon and Orzo Salad

Seared Tuna with Fennel

Shrimp Kind-of-Scampi

Spicy Grilled Shrimp

Soy-Braised Salmon Steaks

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