The Forbidden: A Huntress Novel (The Huntress Series Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: The Forbidden: A Huntress Novel (The Huntress Series Book 1)
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“Mmm, you taste sweet.”

He grinned. “I know. Do you want more?”

I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the bed. “Oh geez, it’s time for me to leave before you two start taking your clothes off in front of me.”

I hurried to make my exit and went straight to my room. Running my hand through my messy hair I entered my bathroom. The cold marble floor raised the hair on my arms as a shiver ran through my body. I opened the glass door to my shower and turned the water on. Steam from the hot water filled the bathroom as I quickly stripped off my clothing, eager to get under the soothing water.

I sighed as the water ran down face and body, instantly relaxing my sore, stiff muscles from the hunt last night. I closed my eyes as I massaged my shampoo through my hair, washing away all of the stress and exhaustion from the lack of sleep. I surprisingly slept in peace when I was actually able to fall asleep. No dreams and no waking up with my heart feeling hollow and incomplete. Maybe it was the comfort of knowing Chelsea was beside me that kept my mind from wandering off and dreaming of the guy that my heart desired most. If that is true, then maybe I should climb in her bed more often. 

I turned the shower off and rinsed the water from my drenched hair as I took in a nice deep breath, feeling refreshed and content. Grabbing my towel, I wrapped it around my body as I stepped out of the hot shower and into the cold air. Wanting to relieve the chill that had crept up on my skin, I walked to my closet in a hurry in search for clothes.

I grabbed a pair of burgundy skinny jeans and a black lace low cut shirt and threw them on. I knew that if I was more than ten minutes late to breakfast my father would never let me hear the end of it. I ran my brush through my hair and threw it up in a clip as I exited my bedroom.

When I entered the dining area, I was surprised to see Taylor and Chelsea already seated and eating breakfast. I narrowed my eyes when I discovered Cameron in my seat next to Taylor and Chelsea. Cameron sat there just to piss me off, she knows I always sit next to them. I walked around the other side of the table as I glared at Cameron. Of course she didn’t notice because she was too busy trying to keep a conversation going with Chelsea, who clearly wasn’t interested in hearing what she had to say. Chelsea looked my way and smiled apologetically.

“Sorry,” She mouthed.

Adam quickly stood from his chair and pulled mine out for me. “Here you go, beautiful.”

My brows raised in surprise as I took my seat. “Okay, thanks.”

Taylor laughed and shook his head. “He’s learning early.”

“Really? I did not teach you that move so you could use it on her.” Isaac said.

Adam shrugged as he took his seat. “Hey I’m practicing.”

Mrs. Wilson set my coffee in front of me and gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze as she left the dining area.

I took a sip of my coffee and shot Isaac an evil glare. “And why can’t he use his moves on me, playboy?”

“I’m not a playboy, and I don’t think he should use any moves I teach him on you because you are my ex.”

I stabbed my fork through the waffles and placed them on my plate. I haven’t even been in the room for five minutes and I am already annoyed.

Cameron took a drink of her milk while placing her hand on his shoulder, obviously trying to stake a claim. Her jealousy made her look so pathetic that I had to force myself not to laugh.

“He is all yours, sweetheart. Don’t go and have a heart attack on me.”

Brody sat down beside me, placing his arm over my shoulder. “Yes, because Athena has her sights set on yours truly.”

I rolled my eyes as he ran his fingers down my face. “Yes, Brody I want you big time,” I said sarcastically.

Isaac scowled at the both of us, disapproving of my involvement with the newbie. On the other hand, Cameron perked up at the thought of Brody and I becoming a couple. She wouldn’t have to constantly worry about me trying to steal her precious Isaac from her, not that that is my intention anyway.

She obviously can’t get that through her thick skull. Hopefully Brody’s comment will relieve some of the tension between Cameron and I. I have to make some kind of peace with the girl, after all I am being forced to live with her.


I jumped and jerked my gaze to Aubrey who was glaring at Brody. The evil that lurked in her eyes, made my skin prick as the room fell into an uncomfortable silence. That was the first time I had ever gotten a bad feeling about Aubrey. She is always the sweet and quiet one, especially at the dinner table. To think that she actually had a temper and looked as if she could murder him right now was shocking.

I looked at Brody who shrugged at her and began eating his breakfast.

What in the hell was that all about? The only conclusion I could come up with was maybe Brody and Aubrey were involved with each other.

I exhaled at the thought. I didn’t need Aubrey despising me because she thinks I am out to take her man, also. Now I have two females out to get me.

My life here is getting excessively complicated. I could always get myself transferred to another manor and move to a different state. I would be free of my dad’s constant nagging, Isaac and Cameron, yes, that would settle all of my problems. I know Chelsea would have a fit and would do anything she could to keep me here, but I would gladly deal with her sulking and pleading if that means there was a possibility that I would have a drama free life. Who am I kidding? I can’t escape drama, it follows me wherever I go.

As I finished my coffee and what was left of my waffles, I couldn’t help but to glance Aubrey’s way. She was scowling down at her food as she pushed her scrambled eggs and sausage around her plate. She clearly lost her appetite. This was unusual behavior for her, which leaves me worried and fighting the urge to talk to her. If her sudden mood change has anything to do with me and I am sure it does, then I am not the person to comfort her.

“Sir, if it would be possible could I have a word with you?” Isaac asked.

My father drank the rest of his coffee and stood from his seat. “Come to my office.”

Isaac and Cameron stood from their seats.

“He said could I, not could we,” I said to Cameron.

She smirked. “I am allowed to join in on their conversation, it concerns me.”

“Why does it concern her, Isaac? What are you up to?”

Cameron scoffed as she rolled her eyes. “Why must you be so nosy?”

“Stay out of it; it has nothing to do with you.” Isaac said as he grabbed Cameron and followed my father out of the room.

I suspect that their little talk has something to do with the replacement of Eli, and if it is, then Isaac will try to convince my father to let Cameron in my group. My group is my business.

“Let it go, Athena. Don’t get yourself into trouble.” Chelsea said.

I shook my head as I pushed my plate away. “I know what that talk is about. How can I let it go?”

Taylor stood and pulled out his wallet. “I bet ten dollars that Isaac and Athena are going to get in one hell of a brawl when she interrupts their meeting.”

He placed the money on the table and grinned.

Brody pulled out his money and placed it on top of  Taylor’s cash.

“Okay, I bet you that Athena will attack her father. He has it coming.” 

“You guys are seriously betting on me?” I said in shock.

Other hunters and huntresses came over to place their bets as I stood from my seat and quickly walked out of the dining area. I was hoping I would get to my dad’s office in time to hear the whole conversation…I knew a fight was brewing, I could smell it in the air, and I was ready to take them on.

Chapter Five


I ran up the staircase and hastily walked through three hallways before finally entering my father’s room. I crept into his room, tripping over a stack of books he had laying by his door. Mumbling under my breath, I shook my head as I stacked the books. He had his weapons lining the wall, battle-axes, swords, spears, and daggers hung over top of his grandfather clock. I was half-tempted to take one of the weapons off of his wall and use it on Isaac and Cameron, maybe even my dad if he angers me, but I decided against it.

I pressed my ear to the closed doors and listened carefully. My father was talking about Eli and how he has no hope in him ever coming out of his coma. He commented on the swelling in his brain and how the doctors are fighting to keep it under control.

I closed my eyes, fighting against the tears that built up in my eyes. I didn’t want to cry, now was not the time to break down. I pulled my ear from the door and bowed my head, my heart felt like it was breaking. I wasn’t anticipating on hearing about Eli’s condition when I came to eaves drop on them. It totally caught me off guard. I didn’t want to believe that there was no hope for my friend, peoples brains swell up all the time and they sometimes recover from it, right? I hope I am right.

I gasped as a hand grasped my shoulder.

Brody’s smile faded as he set his gaze on me. “Are you okay?”

I wiped the tears from my eyes. “Yeah, I just…got something in my eye.”

“That is code for damn you, you just caught me crying and no I don’t want to talk about it.”

I sniffled and gave a half- smile. “You are good.”

He gave my arm a gentle squeeze in an attempt to comfort me. “If you do need to talk, I am here.”

I nodded as I cleared my throat. “What are you doing here?”

“Same thing you are doing, eaves dropping on the boss.”

“Go away; you will get in trouble if he catches us.”

“Well I am actually here to make sure that you stay out of trouble.”

I chuckled. “Right, I’m sure you will be able to accomplish that,” I said in a sarcastic tone.

Brody and I placed our ears on the door and listened. I rolled my eyes as Brody winked at me. He would seriously attempt to flirt with me in the worse times ever.

“You’ll want me one day.” He whispered.

I gave him a playful slap to the face as I shushed him. “Not now, you can flirt with me all you want later.”

I could hear Isaac. He was telling my father how Cameron is excelling in her training and he thinks she is ready to join a group…but not just any group, my group. I swallowed back a scream as I tried to keep my temper at bay. I knew this would happen, I knew this was the reason Isaac wanted to talk to him. I cannot have her in my group we would kill each other.

My father doesn’t know if having Cameron in my group would be the best decision given the history I share with Isaac and he doesn’t want any conflict.

Isaac insists that Cameron joins his group so he can protect her when necessary.

Protect her?! She is a damn huntress now, she should be capable of protecting herself!

My dad sighed, then said he would consider having Cameron join my group. That was when I reached my breaking point, I could no longer hold the anger that was building up inside of me in any longer. I was like a volcano ready to erupt. I will not let her join my group I will kill her before I let her hunt with me!

I kicked the doors open and stormed in the room. All hell was about to break loose. My father’s office grew quiet as everyone turned, averting their eyes to me.

Cameron exhaled as she glared way, shaking her head. “Curiosity killed the cat, you know,” She said in a snide way.

My hands balled into fists as my fingernails painfully dug into my skin. I panted as a rush of adrenaline rushed through my body as my heart accelerated, slamming against my chest. I could hear the blood swishing through my veins as my ears became sensitive to the sounds around me. The room became a blur as the reaper in me came to the surface, changing my eyes, changing the human side of me as I gained my superpowers.

My dad’s lips parted as he stared wide eyed at me. He knew what the outcome would hold. “Athena, calm your temper!” He said sternly.

I shook my head. “No!” I growled.

I was seething with rage and my reaper was already out and ready to kick some ass, there was no calming my temper because I had no control over my body.

Brody’s hand gripped my arm. “Athena, come with me.” His voice was gentle, and soothing, but I would hear none of it. I didn’t want to calm down…I wanted to fight.

“Don’t touch me!” I could hear the rage in my voice as I screamed at Brody.

I yanked my arm from his hold and pushed him backward. I released so much power in that shove that he went flying through the air, wincing as he slammed into the wall and crashed through my dad’s glass bedside table. As I directed my attention back to my dad, Isaac, and Cameron, my nostrils flared as I pinned Cameron with a death glare. She was cowering behind Isaac, her eyes were wide as she breathed heavily and growled. She was afraid and felt threatened by my outburst which allowed her reaper to come out…but we both know that her reaper side doesn’t  stand a chance against mine. Seeing her hide behind her boyfriend only added more gasoline to the fire that raged within me. Her feeling the need to hide behind him proved that she wasn’t ready to take on a vampire if she didn’t even have the courage to take on one of her own.

“You are going to consider her! Look at her, look at how frightened she is. Hiding behind Isaac is unacceptable, and weak!” I yelled.

Isaac’s brows knitted together as he scowled. “I trained her myself. I know she is a good fighter!”

“Oh, you really did a great job with turning her into a killing machine, really, she is just too much of a threat for me to step up and take her on!” I said sarcastically.

Isaac stepped toward me, his own anger radiated from him and I knew it wouldn’t be long until I pushed his temper too far and his own defenses would come out.

“Your smart mouth will do you no good, Athena,” He hissed.

I directed my eyes to my dad who had his head in his hand. The tension and screaming in his office more than likely raised his blood pressure.

“I don’t need the girlfriend of my ex-boyfriend with me twenty-four seven. She will not be joining my group. I will not put up with her distracting me while I am out hunting. I do not trust her and instead of me focusing on killing and defending myself from vampires, I will be forced to watch my back around her also. I refuse to babysit the brat!”

Isaac growled as his hands fisted at his sides. His body shook with rage as it began to change. He glared my way as the orange began to slowly coat his eyes, taking over his human eyes.

“Stop it, the both of you!” My father ordered.

We ignored his command as we glared at one another, ready to strike.

There was no getting through to us. No matter how much my dad screamed and demanded that we keep the peace, we were too consumed with our anger that nothing would be able to prevent a fight between us.

“You better watch what you say, little girl. I have had enough of you!”

He growled.

My brows shot up as I looked at him in surprise. Little girl, huh? Well I bet this little girl could wipe the floor with him.

“I’ll show you a little girl,” I said through my teeth.

I grabbed the back of his neck and kneed him in the stomach. His body tensed as he gasped and bent over. Driving my fist against his back, he fell to his knees. He grabbed my legs and pulled them from underneath me. I let out a scream as I fell backward, having the wind knocked right out of me as I crashed to the floor. His big fist came down, but I caught his hand preventing a big blow to the face. Brody’s fist came swinging through the air, right before my eyes as he hit Isaac in the jaw. His blood spilled out of his mouth as he flew and hit the office’s bookcase, tensing as it fell on top of him. I gasped and squeezed my eyes closed as the bookcase’s sharp corner cut my cheek.

Cameron screamed and charged at Brody. He took a step backward as she swung her hand in an attempt to smack him across his face. He grabbed her by the arm and forced her against the wall, as he pressed his arm against her neck to restrain her.

I stood on my feet and backed away, facing Isaac as the bookcase came flying through the air and hitting the wall as he pushed it off of him. He stood on his feet and stormed toward Brody, but I grasped his throat and forced him backward as I took big strides forward, fighting against his strength to pin him to the wall.

Hearing a crash behind me, both Isaac and myself jumped from the sudden noise. I spun around to see my dad’s desk flipped over and him breathing heavy with his hands in a ball and him scowling at us all.

“You four are acting like a bunch of wild animals!” He shouted.

Isaac pushed himself from the wall. “Sir, I—”

He closed his eyes and held up his hand, urging Isaac to stop talking.

“Save it, there are no excuses for your actions, any of you.”

Brody released Cameron and came to stand by me. He ripped a piece of his shirt off and wiped the blood from my cut.

I gave a smile as I pushed my hair from my face. “Thanks.”

“Eli, is not coming back any time soon, if he ever does recover from his injuries. So I must find someone to fill in the spot he was forced to vacate.”

“He will return. My group lost a good fighter, and I need someone who is just as good and just as strong and skillful until he recovers. Cameron can’t possibly fill that role, she hasn’t gone through proper training and there are other hunters and huntresses who are way more qualified than she is.” I said.

My father sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “Athena, please just let me do my job.”

“Just remember that if you place an inexperienced rookie in my group it affects all of the members.”

“Well who do you suggest that I place in your group for the time being?”

I looked at Brody. “I trust Brody.”

Isaac scoffed. “There is no way I am letting him in!”

“Why not? You would rather your girlfriend join and she doesn’t have the experience, Brody may still be in training but at least he knows how to throw a decent punch and won’t back down from a fight.”

My father pressed his lips together as he bent his head backward and let out a breath. “Why does everything have to be so damn complicated? You all will succeed in putting me in my grave way before my time.”

I crossed my arms and gazed at my dad. “Well, who will it be?”

“I am unfortunately undecided. So until I do reveal the new member of your group you guys will be down one member. Now before you say anything smart Athena, just know that I am the boss and I make the decisions around here.”

“Fine,” Isaac said dryly.

“Okay, Mr. boss-man,” I pursed my lips and shook my head.

My dad’s brows raised as he narrowed his eyes. “Do you have anything else you would like to say?”

“Yeah, actually I do. It is so hard for you to listen to what I have to say and you barely give me the time of day. But when Isaac comes along and needs you, you are all ears. Everyone knows whom you favor around here. Isaac is the son you never had.”

On that note, I walked away and didn’t look back. I didn’t care nor want a response out of him. His words meant nothing to me anyway.

“Athena!” Isaac called.

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I ignored his calling and continued to walk away from the my dad’s room. The tension and anger that I felt building up inside of me was suffocating and all I wanted was to be left alone and to be able to breathe a breath of fresh air. Isaac was keeping me from that fresh air.

I could hear his heavy footsteps behind me. “Will you stop ignoring me!”

He was like a parasite that wouldn’t go away, and the only way I could make him disappear was to see what he wanted.

I turned around, muttering under my breath as I faced him. “What!” I yelled.

“I’m sorry you feel that way. I don’t want to come between you and your father. I do know he loves you, though.”

“Oh does he? Well he has a funny way of showing how much he loves me.”

“He does. Why else would he obsess over getting us back together? He trusts me and knows that I am capable of running his business and protecting his only daughter. Sure, he isn’t affectionate, but that is his only way of showing that he does care for you.”

“By trying to control my life?!” I shook my head. “That’s ridiculous, and you can tell daddy dearest that there is no chance in hell that I would ever get married to you. I run my life and he is just going to have to accept that. Talk to him, he actually pays attention to you, maybe he will listen.”

As I walked away, I squeezed the back of my neck, feeling the tension settle in my muscles. Fighting with Isaac, Cameron, and my dad had left me stressed and exhausted. I may have succeeded in keeping Cameron from joining my group right now but at a cost that I would be down one member and that’s okay with me. My group is strong enough to survive against the immortals even when we are at a disadvantage.

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