The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles (47 page)

BOOK: The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles
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Luca laughs too and kisses her passionately.  “I am beginning to suspect that your hunting is like your more carnal urges during pregnancy.  Perhaps it is all tied to strong emotions.  Today has certainly been a day for strong emotions.  Do you want to go hunting later tonight?”

“Not really, love.  To be completely honest, I would like to sleep about ten or twelve hours.”  Morna says with a sigh.  “Sleep has always seemed like such a waste of time to me, but at this moment, it beckons to me like a lover.”

“Well my love, let’s go see that our children are settled for the night and get you to bed.”  Luca says with a gentle kiss on her lips.

The couple spend another hour with their children and guests.  After a while, Luca notices that Morna is not among the revelers outside or in the main hall.  He goes into the kitchen in search of Ingrid to ask her if she has seen his mate.  He finds Morna dozing on a stool in the corner.  He gently picks her up and carries her to bed.  He undresses her and tucks her into the covers.  She snuggles into her pillow happily and mumbles, “Love you, Luca.”  He gently kisses her forehead and goes to inform the children that their mother is already asleep.

Luca finds Maria and Aiden deep in discussion.  When Luca tells them Morna has fallen asleep, Aiden smiles.  “She must really trust that you will look after me and Kyle, Dad.  I can’t imagine she would have ever slowed down long enough to doze when we lived in Ada.  She knew she didn’t have any help and she always made sure we were well cared for.”

Luca smiles at Aiden and says, “She has tons of help now, don’t fret over that.”  Aiden hugs Luca.  “Don’t worry about Mom so much, Aiden.  She is much tougher than you can imagine and I will always do my best to support her.”

Maria offers to help Aiden settle in for the night.  “It’s getting late little man,” she says to the frail boy.  “You have had a big day and should rest yourself.”

“I know Maria.  I am just afraid that when I wake up I will find that it all has been a wonderful dream.”  Aiden says quietly.

“Well little man, I can assure you it has all been very real and you will still be able to walk and talk when the sun rises again tomorrow.  Besides, you have a big day tomorrow.  Your mother has to go before the Guild elders and we have a wedding ceremony to arrange for.”  Maria says happily.

Kyle comes up and says, “Hey bro, let’s call it a night.  It’s after 11:00 and we have big plans tomorrow.”  The brothers say their goodnights and make their way to their rooms.  Luca makes the rounds to say good night to departing guests, and friends as they make their way to their own quarters.  Rinda and Heimdall promise to be back early.  Rinda will be returning to Airendell with the Spell Weavers, but Heimdall will remain in Asgard until right before the ceremony on the 22nd.

Finally, Luca is able to make it to his wife’s side by midnight.  She is snoring softly when he checks on her.  He showers quickly and puts on a robe.  He debates about joining his mate in their bed, but decides to use this time to do something he has been meaning to do for a while.  He had obtained copies of all prophesies from Collingwood, and sees Morna’s sleepiness as an opportunity to familiarize himself with the ancient texts.  He settles down in the small study and begins to pore over the documents.  He monitors Morna’s breathing and heart rate while he works, and will know if she wakes. 

At about four o’clock he hears her breathing change and then hears her go to the bathroom.  She washes her hands and face and then brushes her teeth.  She putters around in the bathroom a little longer and then finally runs a tub of water.  He walks into to check on her after a few minutes and she is soaking a steaming hot bath.  “Baby, you okay?”  He asks as he kneels by the tub and kisses her forehead.

She opens her eyes and smiles at him.  “I’m fine.  I was just too tired to bathe earlier.  I was planning on going back to sleep after the bath.  I can’t believe how tired I am.” She says with a big yawn.  She laughs a little at that and closes her eyes again. 

Luca starts rubbing her neck and back for her as she soaks in the tub.  He lovingly caresses her rapidly growing belly.  He is amazed that it seems as though he can almost see it growing.  She is obviously now in the middle of the second trimester and there is no doubt to even the most casual observer that she is pregnant.  He massages her hips, buttocks, and thighs.  He smiles when she tenses slightly and gentle tremors ripple through her body.

Morna opens one eye, smiles sleepily, and says, “I can’t believe you can do that to me even when I am half asleep.”

He chuckles and says, “I think that’s more on you than me, my love.  Your nature is so passionate and your body’s reactions so sensual.  It takes very little on my part to give you an orgasm.”  He kisses her lips tenderly and then asks, “Are you thirsty?”

“Yes, I am.  I dreamed about hunting while I slept.”  Morna admits.

“I will go get some blood for you.” He says as he strokes her face lovingly.  He rises and leaves the bathroom quickly.  Morna enjoys the bath for a few more minutes and then gets out and dries off.  She finds another robe in the closet and puts it on before walking out to the study to see what he has been working on.  She quickly skims his notes and the original texts.  What she reads chills her and exhilarates her at the same time.

Morna smiles happily when her mate comes up behind her and kisses her neck.  He reaches around and hands her the cup with the blood in it.  He lovingly caresses her belly while she drinks and moves up to knead her breasts.  The scent of the blood she is drinking fuels his lust for her.  When she finishes drinking and sets the cup down on the desk, he turns her to face him.  He growls softly in triumph when he sees that her eyes already have that glassy look that indicates she is fully aroused and enthralled by his attentions.

She strokes his cheek and traces his lips with her fingers.  He kisses her fingertips and then leans down to nip the swollen, erect nipple of her left breast through the thin robe.  She reaches out and unties the belt at his waist and smoothly peels the robe off of his body.  She practically purrs at the sight of him.  She loves every contour and line of his perfect, hard, pale body.  She strokes his powerful shoulders and works her way down the hard planes of his back to his exquisitely formed buttocks.

He quickly removes her robe and cups both breasts and then kneads them roughly.  She firmly grips his buttocks and pulls him closer to her.  He bends his knees slightly and grinds his hard shaft into her pelvis.  The wildfire burning in her blood consumes her, and she urgently whispers, “I need you now!” 

He lies her on the floor, and she hisses in frustration when he starts kneading her breasts again and moves his mouth down her body.  He moves his hands down and pushes her legs open wide and growls softly as her scent further fuels his arousal.  He nips her pubic mound with his sharp, venomous teeth.  She moans as the familiar burn and sting set in.  He moves lower and nips the swollen lips of her labia and chuckles when she hisses, “YES!”  He roughly sucks the tiny swollen nub of her clitoris, and moves his eager tongue lower to taste her juices.

He can tell she is getting impatient so he abandons his joyful task and moves up to position himself over her.  Her need is obvious and he’s surprised she hasn’t tried to flip him over and take matters into her own hands.  He nuzzles and nips her neck as he slowly buries his manhood in her eager body.  She moans loudly as an orgasm rips through her body, and seeks his mouth to kiss him deeply. 

The combination of her exhilaration in her orgasm, the flavor of her juices still in his mouth, and the taste of blood on her lips push his lust into a full blown frenzy.  He growls deep in his throat before licking her neck and working his way down to her shoulder where he nips her none too gently, drawing blood.  His mind is clouded with lust and desire to taste her blood.  He sucks her blood from the tiny wound for several seconds before she draws his face back to hers.  He meets her eyes and forgets about the lure of her blood, and concentrates on his lust for her body. 

He roughly kisses her as he continues to drive in and out of her eager body with single minded intensity.  He feels intense satisfaction when another orgasm wracks her body, and she grips his shoulders so hard that they hear a sound like grinding stone.  The intense pain from her strong fingers digging into his body further fuels his lust. 

The smell of her blood still oozing from the small bite draws him back for another forbidden taste.  He growls as he savors the sweet taste of her precious blood.  He quickly moves his mouth away and starts kissing her again.  She savagely grips him and kisses him deeply.  She wraps her legs around his hips and growls like a wild thing every time he drives into her.  He brings his hands back to her breasts and kneads them roughly before sucking each one in turn.  He growls deep in his throat and moves his lips to her ears where he whispers, “Forgive me.” And returns helplessly to the still oozing wound on her shoulder for another taste.  They achieve a mutual climax and he roars in satisfaction and rage. 

He nuzzles her cheek and her ear as the last waves of the culmination of their lust ripple off their bodies.  “I am sorry my love, so sorry.” He croaks in shame and regret.  Morna rolls him over and hovers above him.  Her heart is racing like mad and her breathing is so rapid she can barely speak.  She lovingly traces the contours of his beautiful face.  “You didn’t hurt me.  It is okay.” she manages to whisper breathlessly.  “I liked it, it was very, very hot.”

He takes her face in his hands and says in an agonized voice, “Love, how can you say that?”

“Easy!”  She pants.  “You weren’t feeding.  That was a purely sexual reaction to the combination of my taste and the blood I was drinking.  I experienced the same raging lust you did from it.  We are, what we are, my love.  We are a pair of lovers unlike any other ever in history.  Our loving is bound to be a little savage now and then.”  She smiles at him lovingly and then tenderly kisses his lips.

Luca reaches out and traces the outline of the small bite wound on her shoulder.  “I know I wasn’t feeding or trying to kill you, but I still hurt you.  The venom hurts, even for me.  I have been bitten since my conversion, it burns like hell fire.  Yet you sit there nonchalantly, and talk about it as though it were nothing.”

She kisses him again says, “Oh, but it wasn’t nothing.  It was the wildest, most savage, and in some ways, the best sex we have ever had.  Now that our lust has been satiated you don’t even really seem to notice the scent and sight of my blood.”

“No, but I desperately want to heal it.  I don’t want you to hurt because of me.”  Luca admits.

“Then heal it.” Morna says simply.

Luca nods and picks her up and quickly carries her to their bed.  He gets a wet wash cloth and cleans the tiny wound.  It is healing already, but he knows it must burn like crazy.  He quickly weaves a healing spell and seems a little bit satisfied with the result.  He tenderly kisses the healed bite.  “How badly does it hurt?”

“Not too bad at all, my love.  I promise Luca, it’s fading already.” she assures him and then yawns hugely.  “I am sorry darling, but I need to sleep some more.  Would you mind lying with me until I go to sleep?”

“I never mind that, Morna.  Because you go to sleep faster, and sleep more soundly when I am beside you.  It gives me great joy to make you feel that safe and comfortable.” He admits happily.  He stretches out beside her and takes her into his arms.  She smiles and nuzzles his chest as she runs her hands down his ribcage, over his hard, sculpted abdomen, to rest lightly on his hip.  She sighs as she enjoys the perfection of his body.  She drifts off to sleep feeling well loved and well cared for.

Luca’s thoughts, however, are not so peaceful.  He knows he didn’t bite her to feed on her.  And he certainly wasn’t trying to harm her, it was as she said, purely motivated by lust.  He is a little concerned that their sex life seems to be evolving.  The wildness, the savagery he experienced during their lovemaking concerns him.  His concern is somewhat tempered because she seemed to be as wild and savage as he was, but he wonders if that is right… should they exhilarate in what they are?  What they have become? As Morna had said, they are now unlike any couple ever before in history.  Perhaps it’s inevitable that their love life is even less typical than ever before.  He wonders of he should go speak to Gullveig about it later today.

Luca hears Auggie, Tena, and Skjarr working in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for all the houseguests.  He decides to go help them, today is a big day.  He leans down to kiss his mate before slipping out of bed.  Her eyes flutter open and she smiles at him.  “Sorry Baby, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He whispers softly, and kisses her again. 

Morna reaches out and strokes his face lovingly, and deepens the kiss.  She molds her body to his, and starts caressing his back when he turns towards her.  He is surprised that he can feel her passion for him rising again in her body.  “I love you, darling, and I want you again.  You game?”

“You know I am, my love.”  He chuckles before he kisses her tenderly and caresses her lovely face.  He moves his hands down to her throat, chest and her breasts.  He gently cups each breast and suckles them gently.  She entwines her fingers in his hair and moans softly as the wildfires begin to rage again in her body for her mate.  She lovingly caresses his back, treasuring the feel of the strong contours of him.  She nearly whimpers her disappointment when he moves out of her reach, but forgets about it quickly when he parts her legs, and gently exposes her clitoris and tenderly teases it with his tongue.  Her body soon tightens as her climax builds, and she shudders as waves of intense pleasure lap over her body.  He laughs softly as he enjoys her reaction to his efforts. 

BOOK: The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles
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