The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles (23 page)

BOOK: The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles
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He rises up slightly and kisses the old C-section scar.  It has faded so much now that human eyes can no longer perceive it but he can.  He lightly runs his tongue along the length of the scar and moans in unison with his mate.  He rises up her body and kisses the sites where both chest tubes were inserted by doctors to save her life.  He lovingly runs his tongue along both scars.  And then he rises further up her body and lovingly kneads both breasts and kisses the scar above her left one.  He fervently licks that faded scar as well.

Morna clutches him to her and moans, “Luca, I need you!”  He moves up and captures her lips and kisses her passionately.  His thigh is between her legs and she squeezes his leg between her legs.

“Ow!” He chuckles, “Easy love.  You are much stronger than you realize.  Easy, baby,” Luca soothes in his velvet voice as he trails kisses up her face.  Morna relaxes slowly and allows him to finish what he’s started, but her body is quivering with intense need, and each caress, kiss, and lick can only intensify the burning need raging in her body.  Luca looks into her eyes and understands her need, but sees her willingness to allow him to continue.  He kisses her again passionately and is nearly undone himself when she starts caressing his back and trails down and firmly grips his buttocks pushing him into her.  She moans and he does too when he takes in the glassy state of her eyes.  “Oh God Morna, I love you!” he vows and kisses her again.  “I remember why I had to trap your hands the first time I did this.”

Morna smiles at him and lets her hands drop to her sides and slides them under her body.  He is gratified by her willingness to go along with him in this, despite her urgent need for him.  He kisses her again and moves to her left temple where he starts trailing kisses down the old site of the scar.  And then he very slowly draws his tongue along the length of it back to her temple.  She moans and turns to kiss him.  He eagerly returns the kiss but then moves down to her arm.  He trails kisses along the site of the old scar there and repeats the process with his tongue.  Morna moans and tries to remain calm, she knows he won’t stop until he has done the scar along her leg too.  He moves lower and kisses the entire length of her faded scar and then lovingly drags his tongue up the entire length.  He raises up to kiss her and sees the plea in her face.  “I am sorry baby, I just wanted to remember that first time, with this body.  Your trust in me was one of the most gratifying experiences of my existence.  It still makes me feel ten feet tall just to think about it.”  He whispers against her trembling lips.

“I too am moved when I remember that first time,” she says softly.  “But I really need more right now.”

He chuckles and says, “Me too, baby, me too.”  He quickly moves lower and takes her panties off in an instant.  He moans as he deeply inhales her scent and growls at the sight of her wet and engorged womanhood.  He buries his mouth in her wetness and growls again in utter excitement.  He gently laps at her erect clitoris and rewarded as she moans loudly and tangles her fingers in his hair roughly.  He can feel that she is right on the precipice of her first orgasm and eagerly sucks on her sensitive clitoris, she arches her hips up as the climax washes over her body and he greedily inserts his tongue into her body to revel in her orgasm.  She rigidly holds him tightly to her as she thrashes her head against the pillow. 

She none too gently pulls him up to kiss her, and then quickly flips him over so she is on top.  Her stare pins him in place and makes it clear she won’t brook any argument as she slowly slides onto his hard shaft and moans contentedly.  He is amazed that another orgasm wracks her body as she throws her head back and throatily roars in quiet triumph.  She leans down and kisses him and wraps her arms around his body, and says, “Now you can do the work, if you want.” 

She chuckles richly as he flips her back onto her back as he laughs happily with her.  He hovers above her on straight arms as he slowly starts to move in and out, and she languidly meets each thrust.  They lock and hold gazes.  Reveling in the love they see mirrored in each other’s eyes.  After several very pleasurable minutes, Morna pulls his face down to hers and kisses him gently, very slowly and then she delicately licks her dried scent off his face as he moans at each stroke of her tongue and he picks up the tempo of his movements.  She smiles wickedly and eagerly meets each thrust with vigor.

She reaches out and caresses his face again and smiles happily.  And then she raises her knees to allow him greater access.  He picks up his pace even more and pounds into her eager flesh with a little more force.  She grins wickedly and says, “I know you got more than that darling.”  And she trails her hands down his back, over his sides and down to her own tummy.  She moves her hands up to her breasts and cups them roughly and smiles when he groans loudly as he watches.  She roughly kneads them and obviously enjoys the effect her actions are having on him.  She laughs wickedly, but stops suddenly when he withdraws and flips her onto her tummy. 

Now it’s his turn to laugh as he nips her neck and trails down her back alternating kisses and nips with his razor sharp teeth.  She groans and writhes with each nip as the sweet burn and sting set in all along her back.  When he reaches her buttocks he quickly slides his hands under hips and raises her butt into the air.  He nips it none too gently in several places and brings his right hand around front and teases her clitoris expertly.  And then quickly thrusts his hard cock into her from behind.  She moans loudly and pushes back to meet him as he plows deeply into her hot, wet body.  She loudly pants his name as he quickly sets up a vigorous rhythm of deep thrusts.  She eagerly rocks back and forth on her knees to meet each thrust.  Morna reaches above her head roughly grips the headboard for support as she reaches her orgasm, screaming his name.  He continues to thrust into her rigid body as her orgasm rips through her body. 

When she relaxes, he gently lies her on her back and covers her body with his own.  He kisses her gently and lovingly caresses her breasts and torso before he slowly parts her shaking legs and starts to reenter her.  She eagerly arches up to meet him, when he chuckles and holds back with the tip of his manhood at the entrance of her wet vagina, she groans and wraps her legs around his waist, and tries to draw him into her.  She groans because she knows his control is much greater than her own.  She relaxes her legs lets them slide slowly to the bed, but draws her knees up to leave herself open to him.  She reaches up and caresses his face tenderly, meets his eyes and whispers, “Please love, I need you.”  He moans and slowly slides the length of his manhood into her eager body. 

She moans in delight as he mumbles, “No fair woman, you cheat.  You know I can’t deny you anything you ask me for.”

“And I love you fiercely for it,” she murmurs against his ear as she wraps her arms around him and enjoys his expert lovemaking.  He skillfully, patiently caresses her body as he brings her to the precipice of another climax, when she brings her hands to his face and kisses him ever so tenderly.  “I love you Luca.”  He is undone by the power of those heartfelt words and releases the control he holds over himself and joins her in her orgasm.  When her body finally stops shaking, and her hold on him relaxes, he rolls to her side and pulls her into his arms.  He knows she is barely awake when she mumbles, “Thank you, love.  Good night, darling.” 

He chuckles and kisses her forehead and soothes her wet hair back as she snuggles into his body and then goes completely limp.  He knows she is sound asleep when he says, “Good night, my love, have pleasant dreams.  I will be close, all night.”  He remains like that with her for a couple of hours before he gets up and dresses silently.  He chuckles quietly when he sees the damage she inflicted on the headboard with her hands, he suspects she has no idea that she did that.  He knows she will be embarrassed when Ingrid sees it.   He slips out of their chambers and goes to keep his promise to Ingrid.  He looks into the children’s rooms quickly to see that they are all still sleeping peacefully.  Then he silently makes his way to the dining room and carries the few remaining dishes into the kitchen.  He is just finishing up when Breena walks in.  “You okay sister?” he asks solicitously. 

“Yeah, I am fine.  Just hungry.  I awoke and Damian was reading in the chair by the bed.  He offered to get me some food, but when he said that he had heard you get up earlier, I thought I would come hang out with you while I ate.”  Breena informs him cheerfully.

Luca walks over to her and gives her a quick hug and says, “Well, I am glad you did.  You know I enjoy hanging out with you.”

“Yeah me too.”  She giggles a little and says, “It’s pretty cool when your sister’s husband is one of your best friends.  Too bad that best friend hasn’t been around for me to hang out with much over the years though.”

“I guess I made a really bad call staying away from you like that.  You know I often came down there, to New Orleans I mean, to check on you.”  Luca assures her.

“Yes, I think I was aware every time you came to check on me.  You would seem so satisfied when you saw that I was alright, I understood that was all you came for.  But a couple of times, I really could have used a shoulder to cry on.  I really missed Morna, and you.”  Breena admits.

“I am sorry.”  Luca says quietly.

“I didn’t tell you that to make you feel bad, just talking.  You know it is funny, but since I have been here for a while, I remember Heimdall bringing me here during the aftermath of Katrina.  I really pushed my empathic and healing abilities to the limit and became sick.  He brought me here and healed me.  Did you know he gifted me with my ability to shield myself from my empathic abilities?” Breena giggles.

“Yes, but he says you rarely use it.  How do you work with those PTSD soldiers all the time and not shut it off?”  Luca asks earnestly.  “The horrors and the pain you have experienced through them must be excruciating for you to bear at times.”

“It can be, but they can’t just shut it off, so I don’t either.”  Breena says quietly as she prowls through the cabinets looking for a snack.  She squeals in delight when she finds a large stock of smoked oysters and sardines.  She happily sets a can of each on the counter and goes to the frig looking for milk and hot sauce.  Luckily for her, she finds both.  She sets the pitcher of milk on the counter and looks at Luca funny and asks, “Why does this pitcher say ‘Morna and Breena’ on it?”

“That’s a special stock of milk that Thor sends over for you two.”  Luca chuckles.  “He wants you two to have strong children.  It‘s the same milk that nourished the giants and the gods at the beginning of time, according to Norse legend.”

“Wow, it really tastes creamy and rich.  I could get used to this.  I hope the smell of these things don’t bother you.” Breena chuckles as she opens the can of sardines and sprinkles hot sauce on them liberally. 

Luca wrinkles his nose and says, “No more than most human food does.”  And chuckles softly as he watches her enjoy her smelly treat.  “You really like those things?”

“I love em!” she admits with a smile.  “But I probably won’t be able to eat too many of them if I am pregnant because of the possibility of mercury tainting them.”

“There’s no mercury in those, I can assure you. I can smell things like that.  I am almost as accurate as a mass spectrometer in analyzing food and such.”  Luca says easily.

“How did you learn to do that?” Breena asks.

“Medical school,” he answers simply.

“Was that hard?  Medical school, I mean being around all that blood, it had to be hard for you.”  Breena says thoughtfully as she recalls her own surgical rotation when she attended medical school.

“ER and surgical rotations were the toughest.”  Luca admits.

“I am surprised that you took time out from searching for Morna to attend medical school.” Breena chuckles.

“I didn’t really.  I don’t sleep, I would search for her when I wasn’t training.  But honestly at times I had to do different things to distract myself.  If I had not, I might have lost my mind.  I attended art school once and even tried my hand at engineering once.”  Luca says lightly.

“I can’t even imagine bro. “Breena says softly, and then gets up and puts the milk pitcher away and rinses out her glass and the fishy smelling cans before tossing them in the trash.  “Well, I am going back to bed.” Breena says after a huge yawn over takes her.

“I guess I will go check on Morna and then head for the practice field.  I haven’t been out in the moonlight much lately.  Tell Damian I will be out there if he wants to join me.”  Says Luca as he gets up from the bar stool at the breakfast nook in the kitchen.  “Good night Breena.” he calls softly as he watches her leave the kitchen.

He turns and goes to check on Morna.  She has flopped on to her belly.  It’s obvious to him that she must have been searching for him in her sleep.  He pulls the sheet back over her rump and pats it lovingly before he puts on his shoes and heads out to the practice field.  Luca thoroughly enjoys the run to the field, but slows as he approaches the field.  Someone is already there.  It’s a Norseman that Luca has never met before.  He’s nearly as tall as Thor and has wild blond hair down to his waist, but no beard or mustache.  He is wearing a breechcloth and is practicing with a sword.  Luca approaches him cautiously.   The Norse ‘god’ looks up at Luca’s approach and grunts a greeting, “Greetings, Lucian!  Getting some moonlight?”

“Yes sir.  But I am at a disadvantage, I don’t know who you are…” Luca says politely.

“Sorry, son,” The giant Norseman extends his hand to Luca and says, “I am your wife’s grandfather, Vali.  I forget we all know you from all the years of trying to keep an eye on Baby Girl, but you don’t know us.”

BOOK: The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles
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