THE FIRST SIN (19 page)


Authors: Cheyenne McCray

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Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Although our silhouettes would show everything we did. And “they” might be watching through the glass, so we had to make it look good. Our signal-jammers, whenever we chose to turn them on, would screw with cameras and microphones, but they couldn’t hide us through frosted glass. Strong closed the door.

Donovan and I were alone.

The brilliant blue of his eyes had turned a darker shade of cobalt. He stared down at me like he’d never seen me before. Like he hadn’t just given me the most incredible kiss of my life only an hour ago. Like I hadn’t just given him a really good blow job. I licked my lips, the taste of him still in my mouth.

He gripped my shoulders and jerked me to him so fast it startled me into crying out, and I lost my balance on my heels and fell against him. Then his lips were on mine, muffling the sound.

His tongue invaded my mouth, this time in a way that could really be called harsh. Formidable. Conquering. Demanding. Like he was staking a claim and telling everyone, including me, that I belonged to him.

Like hell.

Side benefits

April 6

Saturday night

Okay, let Donovan have his illusions.


Where’d the man learn to kiss? He was doing a great job of showing me just how good he was at it. Donovan’s tongue and mouth were so rough and demanding that I almost felt like a romance heroine being taken by a villainous pirate or a barbarian. He sank his teeth into my lower lip, and when I groaned he thrust his tongue back into my mouth.

No mercy. The man showed no mercy.

He palmed my bare breasts, then pinched my nipples hard enough to make me cry out. The stubble along his jaws was rough against my skin as he nipped and licked his way down the column of my neck to my breasts. As roughly as he was handling me, the silkiness of his dark hair was a surprise when I slipped my fingers into it He bit one of my nipples hard enough that the sound that came out of my mouth was almost a scream, and I clenched my hands tighter in his hair.

I couldn’t think. What Donovan was doing to me was scrambling my brain waves. Who needed signal-jammers? Then he was on his knees, purposely rubbing his stubbled jaws over my soft skin before his tongue found the diamond piercing. He licked all around it and even sucked it into his mouth.

Somewhere I knew there was something we should be doing that we weren’t.

Oh, yeah.

Donovan stuck his tongue in my belly button, then circled my belly piercing again, sending crazy sensations straight to every part of my anatomy.

“Wait.” I whimpered as he nuzzled my mound through the material of my bondage outfit.

“Shut up for once,” he growled before nipping my folds through the cloth, right before he bunched his hands in the material and jerked it all the way down.

His mouth was headed directly where I wanted it, but I kept my voice low as I said to him in a hurried tone. “You’re supposed to be punishing me.”

“What?” He had an almost dazed expression as he looked up at me. “Punish.

Yeah. Give me a minute.” He yanked off my outfit completely, with my help, and removed my shoes. When I was naked he said in a loud voice, “Hands and knees, slave. I’m going to punish you good.” “Yes, Sire,” I said, equally as loud. “I only wanted to please you.”

“You didn’t, and you’re getting what’s coming to you.” He pushed the back of my neck so that my cheek was against the carpet. “Spread your knees, slave.”

“Yes, Sire,” I said, just before he slapped my backside freaking hard enough to make me shout out in pain. Okay, don’t take this so seriously, Donovan.

He spanked me even harder.

I shouted louder.

The fact that we were putting on a show made it easier to belt out how much it hurt. I was good at holding back cries of pain no matter how badly I was tortured, but now I had an excuse to let it all out.

Then his free hand was rubbing my clit, and I was gasping and crying out at the same time whenever he spanked me. I could feel an all-time record of an orgasm on its way.

Oh, my God. I suddenly understood the meaning of pleasure and pain, and how the two could intensify a climax. My whole body was trembling and I could barely keep from collapsing completely to the floor.

“You’re not allowed to come, slave.” Donovan fingered me even more, his voice so harsh I almost didn’t recognize it. “I have to give you permission.”


He spanked me again and I screamed again. Screw him.

This was going to be an orgasm to end all orgasms. Donovan stopped. He dragged his hand from my slit, drawing the moisture from between my thighs over my belly. And he stopped spanking me.

“D—Sire.” I looked up at him. “I’ve got to come.” He gave me a dark look before he unfastened his pants and released his erection. He jerked something out of his pocket, and I didn’t even have the presence of mind to realize it was a condom until he had slid it down his erection. Donovan dug his fingers into my stinging ass cheeks and slammed his cock inside me. No more foreplay. I cried out at the sudden thrust.

Now he was fucking me.

Dear lord, he was big and thick, and I felt him clear to my G-spot. I thought I was going to die from the exquisite pleasure. He drove in and out so hard it was almost painful. “I can’t wait anymore.” I slammed back every time he rammed into me so that I was taking him deeper. “I’ve got to come. Sire.”

“Not yet, slave.” He sounded like he was talking through gritted teeth, and I had a feeling he was having a hard time remembering the Master/slave thing, too. Not that I cared. My whole body was nothing but nerve endings that were on fire. Hold back the climax. Hold back the climax. Do it for the show.

Do it for Donovan.

“Now, slave.” he shouted. “Come now!”

I came.

Oh, God, did I come.

I came so hard that my mind went entirely blank and all I could do was feel the most extraordinary orgasm of my life.

And I’d had a lot of orgasms. This one was unbelievable.


When I started returning to full consciousness, Donovan was still pounding in and out of me, making my spasms go on and on. They wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t stop. It was almost painful, the way my contractions continued around his thick cock.

I hadn’t even remembered he had his hands on my ass cheeks until he gripped them harder and shouted as he climaxed. I’d never felt a cock pulse inside me the way Donovan’s did. It throbbed, and I swear I had a contraction with every pulse.

Was it forever? Or was it not long enough?

I didn’t care.

Donovan rolled us over onto the carpet so that we were spooned together and he was still inside me. His skin was slick, like mine, and sweat dampened my hair. The rise and fall of his chest matched my breathing and was just as harsh. He moved his lips close to my ear after he pushed one of the silver studs on my collar that activated the scrambler. “I didn’t know there were such great side benefits.” I elbowed him in his gut, but I smiled.

Neither one of us seemed to be able to move. At least I knew I couldn’t. I started to slip into a sort of haze, listening to the sounds of pleasure throughout the Glass House. Then I heard words that captured my attention and I caught my breath.

“The shipment of auctioned merchandise goes out Thursday night,” a man’s voice said, and Donovan went still behind me.

I started to tip my head to look in the direction the voice was coming from, but Donovan held me tighter. He nuzzled my hair. “Just pretend you don’t hear them, in case we’re being watched through the glass.”

“The merchandise will be transferred from a secret location to a yacht, the Sweet Cherry, that will arrive at the yacht club in Charlestown Thursday night,” the same man continued.

“The cover will be a rather exclusive party that will start on the upper deck when the merchandise is loaded onto the yacht.”

A woman gave a soft laugh.

“You can inform the investors they’ll have their merchandise,” a different unrecognizable voice said, “once each piece arrives at the individual destination.”

Auctioned merchandise. Each piece.

The girls.

It was as clear to me as if the men were informing me themselves.

“When is the next auction. Master Schilling?” This time it was a female.

Maybe the woman who’d laughed. “In ...”—the first voice was fading—“weeks

. . . the usual... online . . .”

A few faint murmurs more.

They were gone.

Schilling. Schilling. Who was he?

“Say nothing,” Donovan murmured against my hair. “Just act like you want more sex or something.” “That wouldn’t be a hardship,” I said as I rolled in his arms to face him. I brushed my lips over his, then kissed my way to his ear. “I think I’ll go to the ‘ladies’ room’ if you can find Strong and keep him occupied.”

“Yeah,” Donovan said, his tone hard. “I’d probably end up cutting Strong’s balls off because of what he’d make you do if I left you alone with him and I went to find the John to ‘take care of business.’”

April 6

Saturday late night

Adrenaline always made it easier to get the job done. I liked the charge it gave me. The feeling of invincibility. Sure, I was nervous. But the challenge was what excited me and made my blood tingle.

Of course tonight my blood and other parts of me were tingling a lot more than usual, thanks to Donovan.

After he left to find Strong, I’d shimmied into the outfit that I’d worn under my clothing and left the dress behind

I couldn’t afford anyone that I might pass being suspicious if they saw me fully clothed. I left my stilettos off, and the off white carpet was soft and rich as I walked.

The blue, green, and yellow lighting made the trip through the glass-walled hallways almost surreal. So much pleasure was going on behind those walls that it was enough to make my head spin. My heart jerked as I passed a couple of Doms, and I kept my head lowered, not just my eyes. They made comments about my “assets” but didn’t stop me. At least they knew how to follow protocol.

Just around the corner from Strong’s office was the ladies’ room. I made a visit there first to check it out. Oh, just perfect. A frosted glass door with a gold-plated sign led to the bathroom. Inside were glass stalls, along with white marble floors and countertops. Lovely. Not a place where one could easily hide if necessary.

Still, I went into one of the stalls and, after closing the door, removed the collar. It took me only a moment to press the right stud on the collar to activate the signal scrambler that would block sound and make cameras fuzzy or dead. On the inside of the collar was a port device identical to the one in Donovan’s wrist cuffs. The leather was hard and thick enough to snap the gadget back into it without a problem once I downloaded all the contents of a hard drive. I rubbed my neck where the leather had chafed me. The roughness of the leather was something Martinez and I would have a little chat about Next I activated a camera with a press of another button. The camera was embedded in the outside of the leather, and for it, I didn’t need to do anything. It would stay on as long as I left it on. Martinez was fast and good when it came to designing just about any kind of recon device.

Once everything was activated, I slipped one more thing from the collar—a small lock-picking kit. The kit was flat enough to stuff below the material of the bikini bottom, slightly over my mound.

The port device was thin enough, too, that I could slide it on the other side of my mound. Felt a little weird, but hey, whatever worked. I didn’t think the top part of my outfit would hold either device well enough to keep them from slipping down or out.

I fastened the collar around my neck, took a deep breath, and walked out of the restroom. My bare feet traveled from the cool marble of the bathroom to the plush carpeting. Strong’s office was just around the corner. A puffy-cheeked, not-so-good-looking Dom carrying a whip came down the hallway just as I neared Strong’s office and was eyeing the glass doorknob. I met the brown gaze of the puffy-cheeked man.

He was not one of the “beautiful people” that I’d seen so far at the clubs.

When he reached me, he grabbed my arm with a bruising grip that caused me to gasp in surprise as he brought me to an abrupt stop in the hallway.

Damn. I’d forgotten to lower my eyes. I looked down at once. Still, he shouldn’t have touched me. “Your name, slave,” the Dom demanded in a familiar voice that almost had me jerking my head up. Schilling! The voice from the other side of the glass. The dryness of my throat almost kept me from answering. but I managed. “Alexi.”

“I do very special things to bad girls, slave Alexi.” He pressed his big body close to mine and I had to struggle to keep from shuddering. “Are you a bad girl?” My hair swung in my eyes when I shook my head while I stared at the carpet beneath Puff Cheeks Schilling’s steeltoed boots. “No, Master,” I said in as strong a voice as I could manage.

“Do you have a Master?” He brought his face nearer. “Yes, Master.” I nodded so fast it was a wonder my head didn’t hit his chin. “Sire Dunning.”

‘Too bad you’re taken.” Puff Cheeks brushed his lips along my ear, and it wasn’t a shiver that traveled through my body but a shudder from wanting to puke. “You still deserve a little punishment, slave.”

I expected him to drag me to Donovan but he shoved me against a glass block wall and stars sparked in my eyes as my head hit the blocks hard. Before I connected the dots, Puff Cheeks Schilling jerked down the front of my outfit, baring my breasts, and pinched one of my nipples with his free hand. Thank God I didn’t have my tools or the port device in the top half.

Even as that thought came to me, my muscles tensed as I almost gave in to automatic reflexes, grabbed him, and twisted his arm behind his back.

He took two steps away from me, cracked his whip, and snapped the end across my breasts.

My eyes watered. The strike felt as if someone had branded me with a hot poker.

The cry rising in my throat was hard to choke down, and I shook with the need to retaliate. He had no right to be doing this. He wasn’t my Master. An ache traveled through my hands as I struggled against balling my fists. I forced myself to keep my gaze down, praying he wouldn’t do that again. Puff Cheeks Schilling laughed and came back to me, obviously to admire his handiwork. He rubbed his big fleshy palm over the stinging flesh and growing red welts. What he was doing had me biting the inside of my cheek to keep from shrinking from the creep’s touch.

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