The Fire Within

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Authors: Jan Springer

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The Fire Within

Jan Springer


Published by Spunky Girl Publishing at Smashwords

Copyright 2014 Jan Springer at Smashwords

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Edited by Amelia S. Black


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The Fire Within

Jan Springer


Chapter One


Year 2100

Sex Squad Headquarters, Vermont, United States


“They call him Loverboy.
He is six feet three inches and a hundred and eighty pounds of pure sex magnet. No woman can resist him.” Det. Jim McBride’s husky voice curled through the briefing room grabbing Detective Sky Kelley’s attention.

The two male detectives sitting beside Sky nudged each other playfully and chuckled at Jim’s description. Unfortunately, they weren’t taking this Loverboy fellow as seriously as they should be. At their interruption, a dark anger crept into Jim’s gorgeous brown eyes. “You two giggly boys have something important to share with the rest of us?”

The two detectives frowned and shook their heads in embarrassment.

Jim nodded with satisfaction,
and then his intense gaze swooped onto Sky. His eyes softened a bit as he watched her, but the normal laugh lines at the corners of his mouth remained tight.

Bruised shadows hung beneath his eyes. Eyes that used to sparkle with desire for her. Now they held nothing but raw pain.

Hastily, he looked away, leaving her with the impression she was being dismissed as if she were just another one of his “giggly boy” detectives, instead of the woman he had planned to marry...up until a week ago.

Sky closed her eyes for a moment and tried to compose herself. Tears of regret burned at the back of her eyelids. She should have said yes to Jim’s demands that they have sex. It would have been so easy to put out that persistent need throbbing between her thighs. However, she wanted to wait until
they were married. Unfortunately, she had said no one time too many and now she was alone.

“Here is a little history on Loverboy.” Jim said. “Abandoned at birth, he was brought up in an orphanage by nuns. He was groomed to become a preacher
, but decided to leave. For the past few years Loverboy has been living on Saturna, the newly formed pleasure planet on one of Saturn’s moons.”

A wave of excited murmurs echoed throughout the room. Everyone knew about the sex outpost. Several of her friends had said they wouldn’t mind taking a trip out there to a world where no one knew them and where they would simply lose themselves in a world of sex. Rumor had it people
who went there and walked along the streets could be tapped on the shoulder by complete strangers and they would be obligated to have sex with them. Unbelievable.

Jim continued. “A couple of months ago a young woman went to the authorities on Saturna claiming she was seduced by Loverboy and then kept at
a secluded farmhouse against her will while being trained to be a slave. She managed to escape but not before she discovered Loverboy was training other women and men to become sex slaves.

you, all know, due to the government’s need for finding new forms of revenue they have invested heavily in Saturna and it’s a cash cow. Sex drugs, prostitution and sex slaves are legal on the planet.  However, avoiding payment of the income taxes obtained from such lucrative ventures is illegal. Loverboy has not filed any income tax returns for his ventures on Saturna. If what our source said is true and Loverboy is training slaves, he is in serious trouble for tax evasion, not to mention kidnapping that woman.

The Chief wants two of our detectives to go in undercover as eyewitnesses. One will be a woman. A virgin. A virgin is required because rumor has it Loverboy knows one when he sees one. He can’t resist them. And they can’t resist him.

Apparently, he is an exquisite lover. Once a woman has been with him, she is hooked on sex. He then gives his victim intensive training. He and one of his orphanage mates, Carmella, are the only instructors in his alleged training school, which happens to be at the secluded farmhouse I mentioned earlier.”

The room was deathly quiet. Jim had captured everyone’s attention.

“Our source discovered that the slave is guaranteed one hundred percent employment at the end of his or her training period. Payment to the slave is three hundred thousand dollars a year, with an option to continue the contract by either party at the end of that year.”

“Get paid and get laid. Sounds like a hell of a good deal to me.” One of the “giggly boys” whispered low enough so Jim couldn’t hear.

“Beats the pay in the Sex Squad and you can screw your brains out.” His companion eagerly whispered back.

Sky shook
her head at the detectives’ insensitive comments.

How could they joke about such things? Innocents sucked into a life of fast money without waiting to have sex until they fell in love. Was she the only old-fashioned girl left on Earth?

“A thorough inspection of Loverboy’s personal villa on the planet showed nothing out of the ordinary going down. We haven’t been able to locate the alleged farmhouse being used for the training. Unfortunately our source that was allegedly kidnapped by him disappeared shortly after she reported the incident to the authorities.”

Regret whispered through Sky about the missing woman. Loverboy must have heard about her going to the law and taken care of her in some horrid way.

“The victim is an only daughter of a high ranking government official on Saturna. The father has hired us to track her down. The two people who accept the assignment will be given the identity of the woman along with an all expense paid trip to Saturna.”

Enthusiastic gasps erupted from the crowd. Jim held up his hand for silence.

“Do you believe she’s still alive?” Sky asked.

Jim threw her a cold look and she shivered.

“She’s alive. Most likely being trained as we speak.”

“So, you believe she’s once again being held against her will?” she prodded.

“I mean she may have gone back on her own accord for more sex.”

“No man is that powerful over a woman.” Sky whispered.

“Loverboy is.” Jim stated.

He focused his attention back to to the crowd.

“The other person we need for this assignment is a male detective. He will go in undercover seeking employment as a slave. He must also keep an eye on the female detective while both search for the government official’s daughter. Since his villa has already been searched, he will be using the alleged farmhouse or possibly another place.”

“What if we can’t find the woman?” Sky asked.

Jim looked at her again, his voice stern.

“Then the undercover agents will wait and ask questions without drawing attention to their true identity.
They must be prepared to participate in the sex slave training. Without hesitation.”

Sky’s mouth dropped open in shock. She barely heard the excited whispers from the others shoot through the Briefing room as Jim ripped his gaze away from her and continued speaking.

“The female detective will target Loverboy and the male detective will target Carmella. Your assignment is twofold. Number One, get yourself invited into Loverboy’s life and find out if he is in fact training sex slaves. And number two. Find the missing woman and bring her out.”

Jim’s voice fade
d into the background as Sky examined Loverboy’s surveillance photo accompanying the notes they’d all been given before the briefing had started.

She inhaled softly at Loverboy’s sharp blue eyes. They reminded her of a fierce storm. Brooding. Dark. Dangerous. His short feathery blond hair framed a very masculine beach boy face. And those lush lips. So kissable.

A shiver of something quite erotic flickered up her spine. Arousal at simply looking at his picture? Maybe. Or perhaps it was a need.

A need to meet this man and challenge his ability to turn innocent virgins into sex slaves. She wanted to be the one to take Loverboy down…hopefully not on top of her.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing taking on the Loverboy assignment?” Jim yelled as he stormed into the secluded conference room Sky was using to study the updated Loverboy brief the
Chief had given her after she volunteered for the assignment.

When she lifted her head and stared into his furious gaze, pure liquid-heat streamed through her. He stood so close she smelled his spicy cologne and felt the tension radiating from his body.
Dark stubble covered his cheeks and chin adding to his sexiness. Suddenly she wished she’d given into his demands of her making love to him.

An image of her cradled in his strong arms
came to mind. Of Jim’s powerful hands kneading her tingling breasts. Jim asking her if he could make love to her right then. It had happened on their last date, and they’d been kissing and touching each other in the back seat of his car where they’d gone to gaze at a local lake. His question had frightened her and she’d told him to stop. He had. And then he’d driven her home. At her door, she told her he couldn’t wait for her any longer. Their wedding was off and he was moving on without her.

She’d been stunned and devastated.

“You’re not taking this assignment. Is that clear?” he snapped. His deep, tense voice brought Sky back to reality and back to the familiar anger, she’d been experiencing since he’d broken things off between them.

“Don’t tell me what to do Jim McBride! You lost that right when you cancelled our engagement.”

“Oh? And now you’d rather get fucked by Loverboy instead of making love to me?”

“Maybe he’ll show me a few tricks,” she teased.

His eyes darkened into dangerous slits. She loved it when he was mad. It gave him so much power over her.

A power to do anything he wanted…but he’d never had the balls to do it.

With a quick move that took Sky by surprise, Jim grabbed her around the waist and yanked her clear out of her seat. He captured her startled cry in his mouth as his warm lips crushed over hers.

She could taste his fierce need as his thick tongue slipped into her mouth. Strong and demanding, he probed, pushed, circled and finally mated with her tongue.

Blood roared in her ears. Her nipples tightened and tingled as they flattened against his hard chest.

times, she’d been in his arms enjoying his tender kisses. She’d always wished he’d been more aggressive. Today, she just might get her wish. Today, she may have pushed him a little too far. There was a sharp edge to this kiss. A tinge of desperation. A hint of domination.

She liked this new Jim. She liked him a lot and her body melted against him, welcoming him.

Reaching up, she feathered her fingers through his dark brown hair and cupped the back of his head with her hands, drawing him closer. His powerful masculine scent drugged her like a fine wine and his body heat zipped through her thin blouse setting her flesh on fire.

His mouth tasted dark, dangerous and oh so delicious. So yummy she wanted to devour him. All of him.

She ached to taste his chest, suckle his pebble hard nipples and make love to his powerful penis as he thrust in and out of her hungry mouth. The shocking thoughts made Sky shiver with a frenzied excitement. But she should make him stop just like all the other times. This time though, she couldn’t. She wanted more from him. So much more.

Her nerves were short-circuiting. Every inch of her tingled. She ached to be touched. To be tasted. To be fucked.

What was happening to her? Oh, who cared? As long as he kept being aggressive.

A noise rumbled deep in her throat. It was a sensual sound she’d never heard before. Jim must have heard it too because his kiss intensified. His lips became more demanding. Dominating. Intoxicating.

She tried to match his strength, but she couldn’t. He overpowered her senses and she became lost and mindless with aching sensations she’d never experienced before.

His right hand left her waist and slipped beneath her blouse. In a flash, his fingers dove below the lace material of her bra and headed straight for her left nipple.

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