The Finding (33 page)

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Authors: Nicky Charles

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Trilogy, #sequel, #werewolves, #lycans, #General Fiction

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Bryan shrugged.
“Perhaps. Or maybe they intend to collect the reward money

She nodded and
looked around. “I guess there’s nothing else to be gained by
staying here. Kellen’s obviously not here. I wonder where they
might have taken him.”

“We haven’t
checked the phone yet.” Bryan picked up the handset off the desk
and had it redial the last number called. He listened intently,
then hung up.


“It was the

“Airport? But

“My guess is
that they’re anticipating capturing you and booked a flight back to
Chicago. A bit premature on their part though, seeing as they don’t
have you yet.”

scuffed the floor with her toe. “I guess they know I won’t abandon
Kellen. And they’re right. I might be angry with him over the stunt
he tried to pull, but he’s still my friend and he did a lot for me
over the years. I don’t want to go back to Chicago, but I will if
it’s the only way he’ll be safe.” She shrugged one shoulder and
gave a wobbly laugh. “Besides, there are probably a lot worse fates
than being an heiress.” Her voice belied her mocking words and
Bryan cautiously put an arm around her shoulder. When she didn’t
pull back, he drew her closer to him until she rested her head on
his shoulder.

He hugged her
lightly. “Hey, it will be okay. I’ll get Daniel on their trail.
He’ll be able to check the airport records and find out what the
plan is on that front. I’m sure he can also find out where Eddie
and Hugh live as well as any other buildings they might rent. Then
we can go searching for Kellen.” He pulled her away a little and
lifted her chin with a finger, ducking his head a bit so he could
make eye contact as he teased her gently. “We’re not giving up and
send you off to a life of luxury without a fight.”

She laughed
softly just as he’d hoped and pulled away. “Thanks. Being rich
would be too hard for me after three years of living on minimum
wages. I don’t know if I could fall back into my old ways or

Bryan dropped
his arm to his side, returning her laugh. “Yeah. Being rich must be
tough. It’s a fate I’ve often had nightmares about.”

She sighed and
then shoved her hands in her back pocket looking around the room.
“So what do we do know?”

He cleared his
throat and rubbed the back of his neck, thinking of a call he had
to make; one he didn’t want her to overhear. “Listen, I’m going to
call Daniel and get him working on the airport records. That way he
might have some news for us by the time we’re back to your house.
Why don’t you head down to the car and get it started. I’ll be
there in a minute.”

“Sure.” She
nodded and left the office.

Once Bryan was
sure she was out of hearing range, he called home. “Daniel? I’ve
got another job for you. Check all the flights out of Vegas, even
the private planes. Look for the names Eddie Perini or Kellen
Anderson. There’s also a bozo named Hugh, but I don’t have a last
name for him. Oh, and Leon Aldrich’s name, too ... Yeah, it’s the
same guy. Thanks, let me know as soon as you have anything.”

He ended the
call and then dialled Ryne’s cell phone.

“Ryne? Bryan
here ... What’s that? ... Yeah, I’ve found Cassandra, but there’s a
bit of a complication ... The problem is’s
been snatched by some loan sharks and we need to rescue him before
she’ll even consider moving to Canada ... Yeah, it should be
simple, but there’s a bit of a twist I think you’ll find
interesting.” He paused and chose his words carefully. “Apparently
Leon Aldrich is involved ... Yeah, I know it’s not surprising given
that he’s the executor of the Greyson estate, but the real surprise
is what I heard when I called Aldrich’s office. Brace yourself ...
Marla answered the phone.”

Bryan held the
phone away as a string of loud curses reverberated across the
airwaves. Gingerly, he brought the cell back to his ear. “I know
it’s crazy, but I swear it was her voice. I’ve only heard it a
couple of times, but I’m sure I’m not mistaken ... Okay, I’ll give
you the number. You call and judge for yourself, then let me know
your plans ... Right. I’ll talk to you later.”

Slipping the
phone back into his pocket, Bryan exited Dollar Niche, pondering
what steps Ryne might take if it was indeed Marla.


“It’s her.”
Ryne barked the words down the phone line.

“You’re sure?”
Kane glared out the window, not really seeing his mate and children
as they walked across the yard, examining the spring bulbs that
were poking their heads up.

“Yeah. I called
the number twice, just to be sure. Marla is definitely working in
Aldrich’s offices.”

“Shit.” Kane
gripped the phone tighter as he considered the havoc those two
could create together. Their two worst enemies had apparently
joined forces. Go figure the odds on that happening. “I wonder how
they ended up together.”

“I’ve no idea.
I’m just wondering if they’re working together or not.”

“They must be.
How could they not be aware of each other?” Kane pinched the bridge
of his nose. “It makes no sense though. Aldrich was intent on
exposing werewolves and here he has one working with him. Why
hasn’t he said anything?”

“Maybe they
struck a deal? Marla would do anything for money. Or maybe she
never told him. There’d be no way for him to find out what she
really is.”

“True. But why
didn’t the Chicago pack notice her? They claim to have had him
under constant surveillance.”

“Probably the
same trick she used on us in Smythston; that scent masking

Kane grunted in
acknowledgement. “Well, now that we know, we need to do


“Hell, no.
They’ve messed this whole thing up from the very beginning,
starting with not knowing Cassandra Greyson was a werewolf living
in their midst, all the way to being unable to eliminate Aldrich
after three years of trying. I say we go in ourselves and take care
of it.”

“Trespass on
their territory? We might ruffle some feathers, Kane. That’s
breaking the rules.”

“So? Since when
have you cared about rules?” He perched on the edge of his desk,
thinking it was curious that he was the one instigating the
situation. It was quite a role reversal for the two of them.

“Good point.”
Ryne chuckled softly. “Being mated must be making me soft.”

“It happens,
brother. It happens.” Kane smiled thinking of how his own mate,
Elise, managed to wrap him around her finger.

“So do we just
barge into Chicago’s territory or do you have a cover in mind?”

Kane thought
for a minute. “I think we should take our mates on a vacation. Make
it sort of a family reunion.”

“Good idea.
Mel’s been acting...strange lately. A vacation might be just what
she needs.”

“Do you think
we should tell them exactly why we’re going to Chicago?” Kane
focussed on Elise. She had the baby on her hip and was listening
intently to Jacob as he pointed out something to her. Elise had
been rather vocal about him keeping his nose out of Chicago,

“Do you really
think we’d be able to take them to Chicago and not raise their

Kane exhaled
loudly. “Good point. Elise will kick up a fuss I expect, but maybe
when she learns Marla’s involved, she’ll feel differently.”

“I expect she
will. The woman did try to kill her, after all.”

Kane chuckled.
“Having someone try to kill you does tend to colour your perception
of them.” He sobered quickly though. “So we’ll meet in Chicago, do
some reconnaissance, and then formulate a plan to get at Marla and
Aldrich, agreed?”

“Agreed. I’ll
see what flights are available and then get back to you.”

“Sounds like a
plan.” Kane paused and then asked cautiously. “Did you say Mel had
been acting weird as of late?”

“Yeah. There’s
something bugging her, but she won’t say what. Even has me blocked
out of our mental link. Olivia tells me it’s just part of her being

Kane was
silent. It wasn’t his place to say anything, though why Mel was
holding back he wasn’t sure. He rubbed his chin. “Yeah, Olivia is
probably right.”


Marla stared at
the phone in disgust. Not only was she stuck working late, but
there’d been several prank calls—no one on the other end, just
barely audible breathing then the caller hung up. It wasn’t even an
obscene phone call, just creepy silence. The caller ID was blocked,
so she had no way of knowing who it was without doing an elaborate

Her wolf wasn’t
at ease with the calls either. It seemed to sense something, but
couldn’t or wouldn’t communicate what it sensed, stupid beast. Why
she found herself fighting and arguing with the creature, she had
no idea. Werewolves were supposed to live in accord with their
inner animal. It was just her luck that her animal had to be so
contrary. All it did, these days, was whine and complain...

Pursing her
lips, she tried to concentrate on the last of her work, eager to
clear her desk and then meet up with Jeffries for some tooth
rattling sex. The man wasn’t a brain trust, but what he could do
with his fingers and tongue was amazing.

She shivered in
anticipation while trying to keep the phone calls from creeping
back into her mind. It was ridiculous to even give them a second
thought. People got prank calls all the time. No one was out to get
her—at least no one who’d be making a phone call, that is. A dark
alley, walking in a park; those were places for concern, not the
penthouse suite. Besides, the security that Aldrich had in place
ensured the safety of everyone in the building. No one got in or
out without a thorough security check and even then their movements
were monitored by hidden surveillance cameras.

Finishing the
last form, she stacked the papers into a neat pile and began to
shut down her computer. Finally, the day was done and now she could
have some fun away from paperwork, e-mails, and annoying prank
phone calls. Jeffries was waiting for her and she’d spend a
sinfully delightful night with him.

Briefly she
considered that perhaps she should be spending the evening working
on Aldrich, cozying up to him, pandering to his ego. She hadn’t
done that in a while and men enjoyed such attention, but Jeffries
was so much more fun and responsive. Besides, Aldrich was such an
old stick.

Thus far she’d
fondled and cooed over him, presented herself in revealing dresses
and displayed her legs, but the man hadn’t made a move yet. Could
he be gay? No. She’d seen a bit of tenting in his lap when she’d
leaned over him on occasion, rubbing the side of her breast against
his arm. He had a physical response to her, but chose to not act
upon it, darn his self control! Never before had she been forced to
make the first move, but maybe it was time she changed her game
plan. Standards were all well and good, but if they kept you from
the main prize, well then they might need to be altered. But not
tonight. Tonight, Jeffries awaited her.

Gathering her
things, she stood in the doorway, force of habit having her
scenting the air and listening carefully, locating everyone else in
the penthouse.

Swanson, the
security officer, was in his office, faint clicks and whirs letting
her know he was reviewing surveillance tapes. The housekeeper was
washing dishes in the kitchen and Aldrich was working in his
office, coughing slightly. Sylvia’s footsteps could be heard
heading towards Aldrich’s office. The woman was humming slightly
under her breath. A growl escaped Marla’s lips as she considered
the nurse. Aldrich’s lack of interest was partially that woman’s
fault, as hard as it was to admit.

Marla proceeded
to the elevator, her stiletto heels clicking on the terrazzo tiles.
Determinedly she punched in the security code that would summon the
elevator. Over the electronic hum of the elevator, Sylvia’s own
humming could still be heard. It was a damned annoying habit.
Getting rid of the woman would have to become a priority. As the
elevator doors opened, Marla wondered if it was possible to arrange
for Sylvia to fall down the shaft. Hmm... She’d have to research
that, but right now, there were more important things to be
concerned about. Tossing her hair over her shoulder she entered the
compartment and pressed the button for the lowest level.

As the door
slid shut, she had the briefest glimpse of Sylvia standing in the
shadows watching her. Now why would the woman do that? And what was
that strange expression on her face?


gone wrong.” Franklin paced the kitchen of the Greyson estate,
running his hands agitatedly through his hair.

“Calm down,
just calm down.” Mrs. Teasdale murmured the words as she endlessly
added pepper to the simmering pot on the stove. “Wearing a hole in
the floor and stressing yourself into a heart attack won’t help
Miss Cassie.”

“And adding a
whole pot of pepper to the soup won’t either.” He pointed out what
she was doing. Mrs. Teasdale gave a gasp, set the pepper pot down
and turned off the burner under the now ruined soup. “What are we
going to do?”

He shook his
head. “Meredith seemed so sure this morning that this new young man
was one of them and I concurred with her assessment of the
situation. Her description of him and his behaviour indicated a
strong probability that he was a werewolf. But now it appears
there’s been a violent struggle in the house. If he’s interested in
her joining his pack, he would have treated her well.”

“Perhaps it
wasn’t this young fellow who caused the problem. Maybe it was
someone else?” Mrs. Teasdale’s voice quivered as she offered the
vague hope.

Franklin pursed
his lips. “Or perhaps Mr. Greyson was right to be cautious in
approaching a pack. Maybe this pack felt she didn’t meet their
criteria and decided to do away with her. He always said if he
found a pack, he’d have guards on hand to take her to safety in
case she wasn’t accepted. I thought he was too cautious; that a
pack would willingly accept a young female...” His voice trailed
off and he dropped down into a nearby chair, hunching his
shoulders, his hands clasped in front of him. “What if I was wrong?
What if my grand scheme leads to her downfall?”

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