The Final Lesson Plan

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Authors: Deena Bright

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: The Final Lesson Plan
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Copyright © 2013 by Deena Bright


Interior design by Angela McLaurin, Fictional Formats


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.


All rights reserved.

This is Fiction

July 31

Sunday, July 1

Monday, July 2

Tuesday, July 3

Wednesday, July 4

Thursday, July 5

Friday, July 6

Saturday, July 7

Sunday, July 8

Monday, July 9

Wednesday, July 11

Thursday, July 12

Friday, July 13

Wednesday, July 18

Saturday, July 21

Wednesday, July 25

Thursday, July 26

Monday, July 30

Tuesday, July 31

Wednesday, August 1





This book is dedicated to all educators, who are changing lives and making a difference in children's lives each and every day. The work may be hard and oftentimes feel thankless, but so many of those kids and adolescents need you, need someone to believe in them. You are making the world a better place.


This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.



In case you missed it the first time:



This is a work of fiction.

All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.



And in case you have no freaking idea what that even means:



According to Webster's New Dictionary:

fic tion(fik shon)
1. an imaginary statement, story, etc. 2. literary narratives, collectively, with imaginary characters or events, specif. novels and short stories.



In case you cannot understand what that means either, then (1.) you're an idiot. (2.) you shouldn't be reading this book.


Bottom line:

This book IS FAKE, not real, like totally made up. Do you think J. K. Rowling rides around on a broom chasing a golden ball that flies? Did Stephen King have a possessed car that killed people? No, they did not. FICTION!



Now, that we have all that cleared up and taken care of, let's get on with
The Final Lesson Plan





Driving to his apartment, my stomach is in knots. I've made my decision, a decision that took nearly two months to make. The bottom line is: I fell in love. I wasn't supposed to, but I did. I fell in love. Unfortunately, I fell in love with both Briggs and Leo. Head over heels, googly-eyed, take my breath away love with both of them. Sounds cliché, I know, but I did. Sadly enough, I couldn't choose both of them; I had to make a decision. Like
Sophie's Choice
. Holy Hell, not that hard, but hard nonetheless. I made the decision; it was crazy hard, heart-breakingly hard. Gut-wrenchingly hard.

Today is the day. I'm going to tell him that it's him. I love him, and I already cannot imagine my life without him. I think he's going to be shocked; after all that we've been through, he doesn't think he stands a chance, shouldn't stand a chance. Granted, he screwed up a few times this past month, making me question if he could really be the man that I needed him to be, could really take care of me and love me like I deserved to be loved, especially after all of the heartache I've endured. It's him though; I think I always knew it was him. I was just too afraid to admit it. I'm not sure people think we're right for one another, but this time, with him, I feel it. This is the real deal. This time, I'm thinking forever.

I put my car into park, get out slowly, and walk up the steps to his place, noticing how hot the handrail is in the late July sun. It burns my hand, like I'm getting too close to the fire. Icarus. No, not Icarus, this is not going to turn out badly; this is not going to crash in a fiery spiral downfall. I'm not afraid anymore. Let it burn me; I'm strong enough now to handle anything, endure physical and emotional pain both, and still come out on top. That much I know for sure now.

I take a deep breath and knock, hoping he's awake. There's no answer. I knock again, a little louder with urgency this time. After waiting a few minutes, I hear footsteps. My heart flutters as I hear the approach, and I immediately think back to how much we've been through this summer, this past month. The door opens and…

Like seriously, did you really think I was going to tell you on page one who Janelle chooses? Give me a fucking break? Where's the fun in that? How long did it take
to reveal who shot Jr? What about Desperate Housewives? Every season
Desperate Housewives
started with some new scandalous murder/secret. We, viewers, had to wait until freaking May to find out. I was certainly not going to say, "Hey guess what? She chose _______________ (fill in your desired name)" and then go into some other story. The story is why she chooses whom she chooses. Don't you want to know why she's where she is or what went on over the past month? God, you people and your need for immediate gratification is so annoying, freaktasically annoying. Crimony. No wonder vibrators are selling like hotcakes. Nobody wants to wait for anything these days, even when the wait is a titillating and exciting wait. Geez!

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