The Fathomless Caves (36 page)

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Authors: Kate Forsyth

BOOK: The Fathomless Caves
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Isle of Divine Dread
: island in the far north of Eileanan; traditional stronghold of the Priestesses of Jor.

Isle of the Gods
: island in the far north of Eileanan; traditional home of the Fairgean royalty. It was invaded and occupied by the MacSeinn clan in the early history
of the Coven and not regained by the Fairgean until after the Day of Betrayal.


Jaspar MacCuinn
: eldest son of Parteta the Brave, former Rìgh of Eileanan, often called Jaspar the Ensorcelled. Was married to Maya the Ensorcellor.

Jay the Fiddler
: a minstrel and apprentice to Enit Silverthroat. Was once a beggar-boy in Lucescere and lieutenant of the League of the Healing Hand.

: head healer. Was once a beggar-girl in Lucescere and a member of the League of the Healing Hand.

: a travelling minstrel, juggler, conjurer.

: the God of the Shoreless Seas, a major Fairgean deity.

Jorge the Seer
: old blind witch who could see the future. Was burnt at the stake by the Bright Soldiers.


: the Mother of the Gods in the Fairgean cosmology, the goddess of fire and earth, volcanoes, earthquakes, phosphorescence and lightning.

The Key
: the sacred symbol of the Coven of Witches, a powerful talisman carried by the Keybearer, leader of the Coven.

: Children of the Gods of White. A faery race of snow-skimming nomads who live on the Spine of the World. Closely related to the Celestines, but very warlike. Khan’cohbans live in family groups called prides, which range from fifteen to fifty in number.

: twin sister to Khan’lysa, the Firemaker.

Khan’gharad the Dragon-laird
: Scarred Warrior of the
Fire-Dragon Pride, husband of Ishbel the Winged, father of Isabeau and Iseult.

: Isabeau and Iseult’s second cousin.

Khan’lysa the Firemaker
: Isabeau and Iseult’s great-grandmother.

: Isabeau and Iseult’s aunt, and heir to the Firemaker’s position.

Killian the Listener
: Tìrsoilleirean prophet who had his ears cut off for heresy.


Lachlan the Winged
: youngest son of Parteta the Brave, and Rìgh of Eileanan.

: first day of autumn; harvest festival.

The League of the Healing Hand
: formed by the band of beggar children that fled Lucescere with Jorge the Seer and Tòmas the Healer.

: sweetheart.

Lilanthe of the Forest
: a tree-shifter.

Linley MacSeinn
: Prionnsa of Carraig.

loch; lochan (pl)
: lake.

: faery creature that lives in lochan.

: the heritage of all the MacCuinns, the Inheritance of Aedan. When they are born their hands are placed upon it and a connection made. Whoever the stone recognises is the Rìgh or Banrìgh of Eileanan.

Lost Prionnsachan of Eileanan
: the three brothers of the Rìgh Jaspar—Feargus, Donncan and Lachlan—who disappeared from their beds one night. Feargus and Donncan were killed but Lachlan escaped and became Rìgh after Jaspar’s death.

: ancient city built on an island above the
Shining Waters. The traditional home of the MacCuinns and the Tower of Two Moons.


: son of.

: one of the eleven great clans; descendants of Ahearn the Horse-laird.

: one of the eleven great clans; descendants of Aislinna the Dreamer.

: one of the eleven great clans; descendants of Brann the Raven.

: one of the eleven great clans; descendants of Cuinn Braveheart.

: one of the eleven great clans; descendants of Faodhagan.

: one of the eleven great clans; descendants of Fóghnan the Thistle.

MacHamell clan
: lairds of Caeryla.

: one of the eleven great clans; descended from Berhtilde the Bright Warrior-maid.

: one of the eleven great clans; descendants of Rùraich the Searcher.

: one of the eleven great clans; descendants of Seinneadair the Singer.

: one of the eleven great clans; descendants of Sian the Storm-rider.

: one of the eleven great clans; descendants of Tuathanach the Farmer.

Magnysson the Red
: the larger of the two moons, crimson-red in colour, commonly thought of as a symbol of war and conflict. Old tales describe him as a thwarted lover, chasing his lost love, Gladrielle, across the sky.

Mairead the Fair
: younger daughter of Aedan MacCuinn, first Banrìgh of Eileanan and the second to wield the Lodestar. Meghan’s younger sister.

Margrit NicFóghnan
: former Banprionnsa of Arran, mother of Iain, the current prionnsa.

Maya the Ensorcellor
: former Banrìgh of Eileanan, wife of Jaspar.

Meghan of the Beasts
: wood witch and sorceress of eight rings. She can speak to animals. Keybearer of the Coven of Witches before and after banishment of Tabithas.

Melisse NicThanach
: Banprionnsa of Blèssem.

Mesmerd; Mesmerdean (pl
): faery creature from Arran that hypnotises its prey with its glance and then kisses away its life.

Midsummer’s Eve
: summer solstice; time of high magic.

: a healing liquid designed to quicken the pulse and numb pain.

Morrell the Fire-eater
: a jongleur; son of Enit Silverthroat and father of Dide and Nina.

: largest lake in Arran; surrounds the Tower of Mists.

: a rare herb only found in Arran. Grows on trunks of trees and heals anything.


Neil MacFóghnan
: only son and heir of Iain MacFóghnan of Arran and Elfrida NicHilde of Tìrsoilleir. Also called Cuckoo.

Nellwyn the Sea-singer
: a Yedda who had been rescued from the Black Tower in Tìrsoilleir.

: daughter of.

Nightglobe of Naia
: the most secret and precious relic of
the Priestesses of Jor; a globe of immense power.

: Fairgean prince, youngest son of the Fairgean king.

: water-sprite.

: night spirit. Dark and mysterious, with powers of illusion and concealment.


old mother
: a Khan’cohban term for wise woman of the pride.

Olwynne NicCuinn
: baby daughter of Lachlan MacCuinn and Iseult NicFaghan; twin sister of Owein.

One Power
: the life-energy that is contained in all things. Witches draw upon the One Power to perform their acts of magic. The One Power contains all the elemental forces of air, earth, water, fire and spirit, and witches are usually more powerful in one force than others.

Owein MacCuinn
: second son of Lachlan MacCuinn and Iseult NicFaghan; twin brother of Olwynne. Has wings like a bird.


Parteta the Brave
: former Rìgh of Eileanan; the father of Jaspar, Feargus, Donncan and Lachlan MacCuinn. He was killed by the Fairgean at the Battle of the Strand in 1106, ending the Third Fairgean Wars.

: instrument of torture similar to thumb-screws.

: the social unit of the Khan’cohbans, who live in nomadic family groups. Seven prides in all, called the Pride of the Fire-Dragon, the Pride of the Snow-Lion, the Pride of the Sabre-Leopard, the Pride of the Frost-Giant, the Pride of the Grey Wolf, the Pride of the
Fighting Cat, the Pride of the Woolly Bear.

prionnsa; prionnsachan (pl)
: prince, duke.


: deeply forested land west of Rionnagan, ruled by the MacBrann clan, descendants of Brann, one of the First Coven of Witches.

Red Wanderer
: comet that comes by every eight years. Also called Dragon-Star.

: eight-pointed, star-shaped weapon carried by Scarred Warriors.

: the main river in Rionnagan.

: the Rìgh’s castle by the sea.

rìgh; rìghrean (pl)
: king.

: together with Clachan and Blèssem, the richest lands in Eileanan. Ruled by MacCuinns, descendants of Cuinn Lionheart, leader of the First Coven of Witches.

: wild mountainous land, lying between Tìreich and Siantan. Ruled by MacRuraich clan.

Rùraich the Searcher
: one of the First Coven of Witches. Known for searching and finding Talent. Located the world of Eileanan on the star-map, allowing Cuinn to set a course for the Great Crossing.


: savage feline with curved fangs that lives in the remote mountain areas.

sacred woods
: ash, hazel, oak, blackthorn, fir, hawthorn, and yew.

: first day of winter; festival for the souls of the dead. Best time of year to see the future.

: a race of fierce horned faeries.

Scarred Warrior
: Khan’cohban warriors who are scarred as a mark of achievement. A warrior who receives all seven scars has attained the highest degree of skill.

: a nickname for Dillon of the Joyous Sword.

: to perceive through crystal gazing or other focus. Most witches can scry if the object to be perceived is well known to them.

: general of the army.

: milk-bearing aquatic creatures, looking rather like an elephant seal.

Seinneadair the Singer
: one of the First Coven of Witches, known for her ability to enchant with song.

: genealogist of the clan chief’s house. It was his duty to keep the clan register, its records, genealogies and family history; to pronounce the addresses of ceremony at clan assemblies; to deliver the chief’s inauguration, birthday and funeral orations and to invest the new chief on succession.

Sgàilean Mountains
: northwestern range of mountains dividing Siantan and Rurach. Name means ‘Shadowy Mountains’.

sgian dubh
: small knife worn in boot.

: very large black dogs that move and hunt as a single entity. Are highly intelligent and have very sharp senses.

The Shining Waters
: the great waterfall that pours over the cliff into Lucescere Loch.

Sian the Storm-rider
: one of the First Coven of Witches. A famous weather witch, renowned for whistling up hurricanes.

: northwest land of Eileanan, famous for its
weather witches. Ruled by MacSian clan, descendants of Sian the Storm-rider.

Sithiche Mountains:
northernmost mountains of Rionnagan, peaking at Dragonclaw. Name means ‘Fairy Mountains’.

: a village witch or wise woman.

: a common application of magic, such as lighting a candle or dowsing for water.

Skull of the World
: the highest mountain in Eileanan, an extinct volcano which plays an important role in the Khan’cohbans’ mythology and culture. Called ‘the Fang’ by Eileanans.

: either of the times when the sun is the furthest distance from the earth.

Sorcha the Red
: one of the twin sorcerers from the First Coven of Witches. Also called Sorcha the Murderess, following her bloodthirsty attack on the people of the Towers of Roses and Thorns after the discovery of her brother’s love affair with a Khan’cohban woman.

The Spine of the World
: a Khan’cohban term for range of mountains that runs down the centre of Eileanan, in Tìrlethan.

: goddesses of fate. Include the spinner Sniomhar, the goddess of birth; the weaver Breabadair, goddess of life; and she who cuts the thread, Gearradh, goddess of death.

spring equinox
: when the day reaches the same length as the night.

: another name for the Celestines.

: Lachlan’s gyrfalcon.

summer solstice
: the time when the sun is furthest north from the equator; Midsummer’s Eve.

: since.


: witches often combine their strengths in the different forces to one powerful Talent; e.g. the ability to charm animals like Meghan, the ability to fly like Ishbel, the ability to see into the future like Jorge.

Tears of the Gods
: a waterfall at the Skull of the World.

Test of Elements
: once a witch is fully accepted into the coven at the age of twenty-four, they learn Skills in the element in which they are strongest, i.e. air, earth, fire, water, or spirit. The First Test of any element wins them a ring which is worn on the right hand. If they pass the Third Test in any one element, the witch is called a sorcerer or sorceress, and wears a ring on their left hand. It is very rare for any witch to win a sorceress-ring in more than one element.

Test of Powers
: a witch is first tested on his or her eighth birthday, and if any magical powers are detected, he or she becomes an acolyte. On their sixteenth birthday, witches are tested again and, if they pass, permitted to become an apprentice. The Third Tests take place on their twenty-fourth birthday, and if successfully completed, the apprentice is admitted into the Coven of Witches.

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