The Falling of Love (25 page)

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Authors: Marisa Oldham

BOOK: The Falling of Love
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Chapter 22

Two years later…


Jaden and James sit anxiously on the sofa that is centered in the Paris loft.

“They are always running late!” James laughs.

Jaden nods in agreement. “Last time I was here we almost didn’t make a play on time, because they were in there taking forever to get ready. And they are the ones that were dragging me to that damn thing. The first time I came to visit we missed a boat cruise Michelle booked,” Jaden says, as he laughs.

“Girls, it’s almost
to head out,” James yells across the room. “We still have to drop by the hotel to pick up Sara.”

Jaden finds James’ hassling of the girls amusing. He listens for one of them to respond, but hears nothing coming from the bathroom where they have barricaded themselves for the last two hours.

James gets up from the couch. “These two are making me a nervous wreck,” he says, as he paces in front of Jaden.

“Why don’t you head up to the rooftop and get some fresh air? I’ll make sure they’re out the door on time.”

“Not that I don’t trust you, but I’ll stay right here, and keep an eye on the clock. Only my sisters would be late to something so important.”

Jaden stands and walks to the kitchen. He reaches into the cupboard and pulls out a glass. Opening the refrigerator, he searches for something cold to drink among the trays of food that pack it.

“Here, man,” he says, handing James a cool, glass of juice. “Take a drink and calm down. Everything is going to go smoothly.”

“Thanks,” James says, as he retakes his seat on the couch.

Jaden walks to the windows and stands there silently while he looks over the massive city. He feels a tremendous sense of gratitude that he was invited to be with Grace and Michelle on such an important day. He thinks back to a time, years ago, when he almost lost Grace’s friendship due to his impulsive nature.


Bright light flows through the bathroom window as Grace
at Michelle who stands in silence staring back at her. Tears start to build up in Michelle’s eyes.

“Now you stop that,” Grace says, as she rubs her hand over Michelle’s cheek wiping away her tears. “You’re going to mess up your makeup.”

“I’m just so proud of you, Grace,” Michelle says, as she wraps her arms around her.

“I’m proud of you, too,” Grace says, as she removes herself from their embrace and straightens Michelle’s graduation attire. “You worked so hard to be able to graduate with me.”

“I couldn’t let you share this day alone,” Michelle says, smiling.

The girls giggle as they once again hear James calling to them.

“We better get going,” Grace says, as she takes one last look in the mirror.

Jaden and James rise from their places on the sofa, and stare at the girls. James grabs a tissue from the box on the end table and dabs at his eyes, undermining his tough exterior. Jaden grabs the car keys from the coffee table and waves at them all to leave.

“I’m so glad you came,” says Michelle, as she puts her arm around Jaden’s.

“I am too,” he smiles.

Grace latches onto James’ arm and pulls his body to hers. “You okay?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever felt so proud of you two.”

“Thanks,” she says, laying her head on his shoulder.

They all pile into James’ rental car and head to the hotel to get Sara.

Grace is called to the stage before Michelle. Joy and excitement rush through her as she takes her degree in her hands. The sense of accomplishment she feels is much stronger than what she felt when she graduated high school. She walks off the stage and hears the announcer calling her sister’s name and it fills her with a warm happiness and pride.

A memory of Ian screaming out her name at her high school graduation flashes through her mind and brings a smile to her face. Thoughts of Ian were easier for her to stomach once she discovered he was alive. Once she was aware that Ian was alive, she made up her mind to never try to find him. It was time for her to move with her life and rid it of Ian Taylor for good.


The loft is full of fashionable guests mingling and having small pleasant conversations with one another. Eddie walks over to Grace with glasses of champagne in his hands. He hands Grace the glass and quietly slips his arm around her waist.

“I’m so proud of you, Grace,” James admires her.

“I couldn’t have done it without you, James. I’m so glad that you and Sara were able to come all the way from Ocean View.”

James slips his arm around his wife, Sara, and kisses her on the cheek.

“We would not have missed it for the world,” Sara says, warmly.

James rubs Sara’s pregnant belly. “We hope you and Missy can come when the baby arrives.”

“We wouldn’t miss that for the world,” Grace says, charmingly.

Grace watches Eddie who observes them. He is as reserved as ever and she wishes he would be a part of the conversation.

Michelle ushers everyone in the room up against the windows, runs to her camera, and pushes the shutter button. The camera beeps with a warning sound as she runs back to the crowd. A bright flash fills the space as all the
smile, some saying “
” in French, others saying “cheese” in English, and others mocking each other and having a blast posing for the photograph.


After all the guests have left, Grace sits on the sofa with Eddie. “Did you have fun at the party?”

“Yeah. It was really nice.”

She snuggles her body up to him. His gaze does not waver from the television once.

She lays her head on his upper arm. “Thanks for all your help,” she says, smiling up at him.

Eddie nods wordlessly. They sit silently as Eddie is enthralled in the television show he is watching, and Grace’s mind wanders to thoughts of her brother. She is beyond excited to become an aunt, and so pleased that James has met a wonderful woman like Sara. She feels the exhaustion of the day sweep over her entire body. This day has been one of the biggest moments of her life.

“I wonder what time Jaden and Michelle will be

He looks at her and only shrugs.

“They’ll probably party all night knowing those two,” she says. She waits for a response from him, but he says nothing.

Eddie remains silent as time slips by. She cares deeply for him, but even though they say, “I love you” to each other, she is doubtful if she truly means it. He is such a stark contrast to Ian and even to Jaden.

With Ian, before he started using drugs, she always knew that she was the center of his universe. The conversations with Ian lasted hours on end. When they spent quiet moments together, it was not because Ian was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to consider hers, as it is with Eddie.

Over the years, Jaden has always been a comforting friend to Grace. The conversations with him are always open and honest. Grace knows that Eddie is not right for her, but she cannot seem to break things off with him. She longs to be touched and made love to in the way that Ian and Jaden did to her. Eddie is old fashioned and unadventurous in the love-making department. He is a good man with a kind heart, but he is not like Ian or Jaden.

She feels guilty as these thoughts creep into her head. “I’m going to go to bed,” she says, as she makes her way off of the couch.

“Night, doll,” Eddie says, finally peering up from the television.

“Are you staying here tonight or are you going home?”

Eddie lies on the sofa and makes
comfortable. “I’ll stay here.”

She rolls her eyes and lets out a frustrated huff that seems to go unnoticed by him. Grace climbs into her bed alone, and wraps her blankets around her, a sorry substitute for warm arms.


The next day Jaden walks down the cobblestone street with his hand clasping Grace’s.

“I never get sick of this place,” he says, smiling.

She smiles back. “We never get sick of you either.”

They walk into a small bakery and the warm smell of fresh bread tickles their senses.

“I’ve been craving this bread,” Jaden says, reaching for a tall loaf.

Grace pats her sides. “Unfortunately, I have, too.”

Jaden looks her up and down. “You’re kidding, right?” He laughs and pokes her in the stomach with his finger. “You’re skin and bones!”

Jaden buys the loaf of bread and grabs Grace’s hand as they leave the bakery.

They walk in silence for a while before Jaden interrupts it. “Are you happy, Grace?”

Grace thinks for a bit before answering him. “Do you mean with Eddie?”

They take a seat on a park bench that sits in front of the Eiffel Tower.

“Ah come on, you know I do.”

“I care about him.” Her voice is quiet, but apprehensive.

“That’s not the right answer, sugar,” Jaden says, as he rips a piece of the bread off the loaf and hands it to her.

“He keeps me occupied,” she says, before taking a bite of the bread.

“Occupied. Wow,
Grace, that
is um, I don’t know, that’s kinda sad.”

She lets her gaze fall on the Eiffel Tower. “Life could be worse, Jaden. I’m fulfilled I guess. I guess that’s the best way to describe it.”

Jaden lays his arm around Grace’s back and pulls her close to him. “I want you happy.”

“I’m fine. What about you?” she asks, as she gives him a smile attempting to reassure him.

“Life couldn’t be better. I’m here in Paris with one of my very best friends.”

Grace grabs another chunk off the loaf of bread and hands it to Jaden, then takes another for herself. She thinks about all the arguing she did with Jaden for several months and is glad that she decided to forgive him years ago.

They are closer than they have ever been. Jaden has become one of her confidants. If she needs advice, he is one of the first people she calls. She is so grateful to have his friendship. “Are you seeing anyone?”

“Nah, you know me. I like my freedom.” He chuckles.

She rolls her eyes and he laughs.

“So in other words you’re seeing more than one girl.”

Jaden shrugs as Grace whacks him with the remainder of the French bread.

They sit on the bench, eating, people watching, and catching up with each other, then head back to Grace’s loft.

Chapter 23

Three years later…


Grace sits in a wrought iron chair outside of the small French café that she frequents daily. She sips on her coffee, savoring the flavor. It is a sunny day and she admires the clouds rolling through the blue sky. With amusement, she watches other patrons pay for their coffee, and rush off to where ever it is that they need to be.

She casually drinks her coffee again and feels an appreciation for the slow pace of her life. She glares down at the magazine lying on the table in front of her and sees her face staring back at her from the cover. She smiles to herself as she thinks of her accomplishments. Her modeling career combined with the artwork that she sells, is enough for her to sustain a more than comfortable lifestyle. She has accomplished obtaining her degree, her modeling career is in full force, and she is more than satisfied with her artwork.

Despite being single, she is happy. Her on and off relationship with Eddie ended amicably just short of a year ago, and they remain friends. She dates just enough to satisfy her need for male company. She has not developed strong enough feelings for any of the young men she spends time with to pursue anything further than just dates. Her focus is her work, not her love life.

Grace flips to the center of the magazine where a fashion editorial featuring her as the model, fills up five pages. She smiles fondly when she reads
Photographer: Michelle Hathaway
. She is so proud of her sister as well.

Michelle moved out of their loft several months ago to move in with her boyfriend, François. Grace is sometimes lonely with Michelle no longer sharing the loft with her, but also appreciates having the enormous space to work on her art.

She is completely captivated while looking through her fashion magazine. Suddenly she hears the screech of a wrought iron chair scrape across the cobblestone pavement. She almost chokes on her coffee after she looks up from her magazine and sees who is sitting next to her.

“Hi, Gracie.”

His voice makes every hair on her arms stand to attention, makes her stomach twist into knots, and her heart pounds as if it will beat right out of her chest.

She opens her mouth to speak, but she is unable to. After a long pause, in a heavily winded voice, she gasps, “Ian?”

Marisa Oldham

California born Marisa Oldham, now resides in Arizona where she practices her love of writing and photography in both a leisurely and professional fashion.

Marisa has two more novels in the Falling series, The Falling of Grace, and The Falling of Hope, currently being edited. She also plans to release a novel titled You Have Such a Pretty Face, a romance novel that will explore the self-esteem issues of the main female character, societies views on overweight people, and how this makes overweight people feel, with a romantic, witty, and heartwarming story. Marisa has also started working on a spin-off to the Falling series.



Marisa Oldham - Author of Love Stories


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