The Fallen (Book 1) (49 page)

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Authors: Dan O'Sullivan

BOOK: The Fallen (Book 1)
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No,’ Kelian’s voice was a whisper. ‘No warriors.’ He looked across at Araas and Timbul, wondering if they could see in his mind what he had seen on the rocky ledge. Araas’ face whitened and Timbul turned abruptly and grabbed Elena’s and Immosey’s arms and dragged them towards the cave entrance. Seconds later Louisa followed, with a white face and tears pouring down her cheeks.

What’s happening? Why are you crying Louisa? Tim, what are you doing,’ Immosey cried indignantly.

Getting you out of here,’ he replied tersely as he dragged them to the mouth of the fissure and forced them to sit down.

What is it? What’s up there?’ said Elena demandingly. Timbul didn’t answer but disappeared back into the darkness. Elena and Immosey stood up and peered into the darkness of the crevice but neither moved back into the cave knowing Timbul would have only their best interests at heart. ‘Lou, what is it? Are you alright?’ Elena’s heart was racing now as she saw the agony in Louisa’s eyes as she stared back towards Kelian, Gilgarry and the guardians. Louisa opened her mouth but was unable to speak.

What’s up there?’ Gilgarry’s curiosity was getting the better of him and he tried unsuccessfully to pull his arm from Araas’ grasp.

Stop!’ Kelian commanded raising his hand towards Gilgarry. ‘You will not go up there!’

Gilgarry stopped struggling.
‘Yes sir,’ he said looking both worried and cross. ‘Can you tell me why sir?’ Araas and Kelian looked at him in distress but neither answered. ‘Sir I’m a soldier of Alkira. It’s my job to protect you and if there’s something up on that ledge that’s a threat, it’s my job to remove it.’

There is no threat Gil,’ Kelian replied. He sighed. ‘I need to prepare you before you go up there.’ He looked at Gilgarry for a long moment and the soldier watched him with apprehension building in his eyes. ‘There are people up there but they’re not alive. When we saw them in Cullen Ringo I told them they were not to leave Alkira.’

’s face crumbled with grief. He sat heavily onto the rocks and rested his head in his hands, his elbows on his knees. No one spoke. He sat without moving for a long time. Eventually he stood and walked towards the mouth of the fissure, ignoring the tears which were still pouring down his face. ‘I have to tell them.’

Yes,’ said Kelian. ‘If I can help in any way Gil…’ Gilgarry climbed over the rocks to where his sisters waited.

Elena and Immosey turned towards Gilgarry as he came towards the cave entrance.
Both sisters cried out as they saw the tears and the grief on their brother’s face. Louisa put her arms around her sisters and the little family huddled together. Gilgarry was silent as Elena and Immosey waited apprehensively. ‘Mother and Father…’ His voice broke.

Oh Gil,’ Elena’s voice rose to a sob. ‘They came after us didn’t they?’

Gilgarry nodded
through his tears. He gathered his sisters into his arms and they knelt huddled together on the rocks grieving together for the parents they loved so much. Tears ran freely. It was a long time before they broke apart and then they sat together quietly, immersed in their memories.

Gilgarry sighed heavily.
‘Kelian forbade them to track outside Alkira, but something made them come this way. I cannot believe they chose to disobey an order from Kelian.’

Immosey nodded vigorously in agreement as tears
continued to pour down her cheeks. ‘They would never do that! Something must have driven them this way!  Perhaps they were captured and brought here.’

I doubt we’ll ever know,’ said Louisa croakily. ‘Oh why did they come this way? What were they doing in the mountains and outside Alkira? Why?’ They huddled together once again. Eventually they drew apart and Gilgarry led them down the sloping snow.

Gil, we have to say goodbye to them,’ said Immosey miserably.

Gilgarry shook his head.
‘No. We’ll wait until they’re buried and then we’ll say goodbye. We’ll remember them as they were, not like this. Kelian was right. Its better we don’t see them now.’

Milgorry returned an hour later to find them inside the crevice standing around a pile of rocks.

It was dark when they
reached the Ice Coast. Even the chilly wind blowing across the ice felt welcoming after the freezing mountain wind and snow. Timbul had carried Elena on his back and Borgulnay had carried Immosey since leaving Gelgiran and Megan’s gravesite. Louisa had not let go of Milgorry’s hand. Gilgarry had taken up position as rearguard and neither he nor his sisters had spoken in many hours. Araas walked ahead with Kelian whose expression shifted back and forth between grief and anger.

As they walked in silence
Kelian’s pace increased until eventually Araas placed a hand on his shoulder and gestured back to where the rest of the group was falling behind. ‘Kelian, Milgorry said he saw sentries. He’s confident we can avoid them, but charging recklessly across the ice may not be our best plan.’ Milgorry and Louisa ran up beside them and then turned to wait for everyone else to catch up. Gilgarry was further back than anyone had expected and Kelian frowned as he trudged slowly down the mountain. Kelian noticed that the soldier seemed as alert as ever, frequently stopping to listen and his eyes continually studying the surroundings. It was his manner that worried the Prince. He would stop and look around, then turn back quickly and look worriedly towards his sisters. He was agitated as if he expected them to be surrounded by flying arrows at any second. He rejoined the group and stood silently waiting.

Gil, if you and Mil could lead for a while.’ Kelian’s voice left no doubt that this was a command. ‘Araas, I will be grateful if you will act as rearguard. Borg, Tim, if you can carry Elena and Immosey a little further we need to find shelter for the night.’

Kelian stretched up and kissed
Elena where she clung to Timbul’s back. She let go of Timbul for a moment and hugged Kelian, leaning awkwardly. Timbul raised one eyebrow. ‘Would you two like a moment?’ he said drily as Kelian kissed Elena again.

No. All good now,’ said Kelian as he pushed Elena upright. He stood looking at Elena for a moment until Timbul eventually spoke again.

Kelian, there is much that needs to be said, and too much grief, but if we don’t find shelter soon…’ Timbul left the sentence unfinished as Kelian stretched up, kissed Elena once again and then ran forward to join Gilgarry who was already moving ahead.

Er Mil?’ said Gilgarry uneasily, ‘shouldn’t we be going east?’

There’s a hut not far from here. We can use it tonight. There was no-one near it this afternoon, so hopefully it’s still unoccupied.’ Milgorry pointed ahead.

Is that asking to be found?’ asked Gilgarry ominously.

I hope not. There will be wood there and we can make a fire if we’re careful. I don’t think this clear sky will last. All going well we’ll be swallowed up in a blizzard tonight. If I’m right we’ll be well hidden, but we must have shelter.’

An hour later they came within site of the hut.
Gilgarry glanced back towards Elena, Louisa and Immosey who were now walking hand in hand.

They’ve changed,’ he stated bluntly.

Yes they have,’ Kelian agreed. ‘They’ve changed in many good ways.’

They’re far more able than they were back in Alkira, tougher and more tolerant. Back home they cared a lot more about so many unimportant things.’ Gilgarry bowed his head for a moment and squeezed his eyes shut. ‘Father and mother would have been pleased,’ he said and the words caught in his throat.

You feel responsible for them?’ said Kelian perceptively. ‘You should, because you are responsible. But even if something happened to you, they will never be left to fend for themselves. Milgorry and Louisa are bonded absolutely, and I think nothing less than a direct order from my Father could separate Borg from Immosey.’ He smiled. ‘And even were this not the case, as I’m marrying your beautiful sister, you are family and laden with the burdens and privileges pertaining to this status.’

So now I have so many more people to worry about,’ said Gilgarry grimacing. ‘They’re good sisters. They have little close family remaining apart from myself and I’m never there for them. I have my duties. I worry about them sir,’ Gil said glancing back once again. ‘They’re so young, and with Father and Mother gone…’

Yes. You take on the responsibility of your sisters’ welfare. That is your duty.’  Kelian smiled at Gilgarry. ‘You’re right to worry. They’re worth worrying about.’

I just want to get them out of here alive!’

I’m sure you felt the same from the moment you knew they’d been taken,’ Kelian observed.

Yes, that’s right. But with father and mother gone…I guess the responsibility just sank in sir.’

looked at Gilgarry very seriously. ‘Good,’ he said. ‘Remember, you’re not alone.’



On the Ice


They were discovered at dawn the following morning.
They had been on the ice for only minutes when Milgorry saw warriors approaching.

What I’d do now to have my bow!’ Timbul cried as he grabbed the back of Gilgarry’s tunic. ‘You’re too slow! I’ll carry you!’ Gilgarry swung around then saw that Araas was already sprinting across the ice with Elena clinging onto his back and Immosey was being carried by Louisa. He knew that even if he ran as fast as he could, within minutes he’d be too far behind. Borgulnay was running as fast as he could, but was already falling behind Milgorry who was carrying Kelian.

Elena cried out in fear as Araas took a running leap
from low cliffs, but he landed squarely enough and sprinted across the ice with the frightened girl clinging to his back. Seconds later Timbul and Milgorry appeared beside them with Gilgarry and Kelian. She glanced back anxiously as Louisa leapt down carrying Immosey. Borgulnay came to a halt at the top of the cliff and cursed. It was too high. He dashed along the edge and scrambled down at the first opportunity then sped towards Louisa. They were dismayed to see how close the warriors were. Milgorry suddenly changed direction as a second group of warriors appeared on his left. At the same instant yet another group appeared on his right and Milgorry stopped. He dropped Elena to the ground and drew his bow as Timbul and Arras ran up beside him, wishing desperately they had their own bows. Seconds later Louisa swept up to them and Borgulnay followed. The warriors closed warily around them.

You can’t return all of us Milgorry!’ one of the warriors shouted. ‘Drop your bow!’

I reckon I can get about six of you before you can stop me, and I’ll take you down first Ragin.’ Milgorry turned slightly and stared down the arrow at Ragin. Araas and Timbul closed on either side of him and drew their swords.

Whoever gets to him first has the satisfaction of ripping out his guts.’ Ragin paused and smirked. ‘I hope it’s me.’ The warriors moved a little closer.

Six,’ Milgorry repeated coldly.

You know, I’ll just enjoy seeing you writhe in pain for a while before I return you,’ said Ragin maliciously, ‘and I’ll draw it out for as long as I possibly can, traitor.’

exclaimed quietly, ‘They are idiots! They’re not carrying bows!’

Nor are we,’ said Araas guiltily. ‘We’re idiots too.’

How good is your bow? Could you take the leader from here?’ asked Timbul.

Definitely. Ragin is a fool to stand so close.’

We can’t win this Mil,’ said Araas softly.

What do you suggest?’ Milgorry didn’t move.

Will they return us outright?’

I don’t know. Nandul isn’t here and they may not want to return any of us without his permission. At least I know he’ll want to have the pleasure of returning
…and the honor of returning you and Timbul.’ He hesitated. ‘I can’t be sure…Ragin really does want to rip out my guts.’

Araas glanced at Louisa who was
now standing behind them and holding hands with Elena and Immosey.

They might kill Ellie and Immy. Not Louisa.’ Milgorry shook his head slightly. ‘Nandul won’t want her dead yet. But Araas, ‘not dead’ can also mean raped, beaten and barely alive.’

’ face hardened and he raised his sword slightly as the warriors took a few more cautious steps towards them. ‘What about Kelian?’

Nandul wants to kill Kelian himself. He would see killing the Prince of Alkira as a massive victory and a reinforcement of his position.’ Milgorry’s eyes flicked towards Araas for a split second. ‘Araas, if we’re going to do something we need to do it now.’ The warriors took a few more paces, looking more confident as each second passed.

So if you do take down six of them, will the rest of them return you?’ said Araas urgently.

Probably. Let’s find out.’ Milgorry released the arrow. There was a shout of shock as the arrow buried itself into Ragin’s chest. As his body fell the warriors charged towards Milgorry with swords drawn. The closest warrior changed direction and sprinted towards Kelian. Milgorry’s bow sang again and the warrior fell hard before he reached the Prince. The third and fourth warriors made the mistake of throwing their knives in Milgorry’s direction before they reached him and they fell in quick succession as Milgorry rapidly drew and released arrows. A fifth warrior fell when he tried to attack from behind and underestimated Milgorry’s speed, then a sixth dropped as Milgorry drew his knife and jammed it up under his ribs when the warrior’s first sword blow rushed ineffectively past. Then Milgorry was driven to the ground by three warriors who slammed their fists against his head repeatedly until he lost consciousness. In the seconds before Milgorry blacked out Araas heard him mumble, ‘Six. I was right.’

Borgulnay leapt forward and
slashed the arm from a warrior as his sword came swinging towards Gilgarry’s head and then he grabbed Kelian and dragged him out of the way of another attacker who was doing his best to violently disarm the Prince. He spun around and stood with Gilgarry in front of the girls as the remaining warriors closed in. He saw the flash of a blade as Timbul took the head from a warrior and then the guardian was driven to the ground by three more, and even as he fell, he cried out in anger as someone smashed their fist against Kelian’s head. The Prince fell to the snow. Araas managed to return three before being finally overcome and pinned to the ground. Only Borgulnay and Gilgarry remained standing in front of the girls with swords raised. Kelian groaned and dragged himself onto his knees as one of the warriors raised his sword. ‘No!’ Kelian rasped. ‘Stand down! Borg! Gil! Drop your swords!’ The two soldiers obeyed their Prince without hesitation and their swords fell onto the snowy rocks.

The warrior lowered his sword thoughtfully.
‘Your Prince isn’t quite as stupid as I thought.’ Gilgarry gritted his teeth and glared angrily at the warrior who abruptly turned and kicked Milgorry’s unconscious body. Louisa cried out in anger and the warrior turned to look at her. ‘So you care for him guardian? Good! You shall watch as we teach the traitor a few lessons.’ He drew his boot back once more and slammed it into Milgorry’s side. ‘This will be a lot more fun when he’s conscious.’ He shrugged. ‘I can wait,’ he said casually. ‘No, I can’t,’ he contradicted himself with a nasty grin and took another kick at Milgorry. There was a horrible crack and it was obvious his arm was broken. Louisa’s eyes were now blazing with fury and the warrior stopped to look at her again. ‘Oh you’ll be far angrier with me by the time I’m finished with him. Probably not as angry as he’ll be with me.’ He ran his hand down Louisa’s face and leered at her lustfully. ‘I’ll wake him so he can watch.’ He spun around as Kelian let out an angry breath. ‘And you, Prince of Alkira. I know Nandul wants to return you himself, so I will make sure what is left of you is alive. Probably.’ He took one last kick at Milgorry’s ribs and then turned to Borgulnay whose face was beginning to look calculating. ‘Don’t get any ideas human. You are dispensable, as is this one,’ he said gesturing to Gilgarry. He turned back to Louisa and ran his hands roughly down her neck and over her breasts. Elena gave a cry of anger and threw herself towards the warrior. His hand shot out like lightening and smashed into the girl’s face and she crashed to the ground with blood pouring from her nose. Louisa moved so fast that even Araas flinched as she appeared behind the warrior. It was all over in a split second. For an instant he strained ineffectively as her arms wrapped around his head and shoulders, and he gave a strangled cry, but before anyone had time to react there was a ghastly crack as his neck broke. She dropped him to the ground and then became as still as a statue with her eyes fixed on her sisters. Both Elena and Immosey were now being held by warriors and each girl had a knife pushed up against her throat. A huge red welt decorated Elena’s tear stained face and blood continued to run from her nose. Borgulnay took a small step towards the girls and the warrior holding Immosey twitched the knife slightly. Immosey whimpered as blood dribbled down her neck and Borgulnay stopped moving.

If I even
anyone moves without my permission, the humans die,’ the warrior said curtly. He gestured to the warrior directly behind him. ‘Pick up Milgorry’s bow Jon. In fact, take all of his weapons.’ Jon moved forward very slowly, his eyes darting between Louisa, Araas and Timbul. He collected the weapons and moved away.

Good,’ said the warrior. ‘Guardians, you will disarm yourselves without standing up. You will lay your weapons on the snow and back away from them. Remain on your knees.’ Timbul and Araas did exactly as instructed, their eyes fastened on Immosey and Elena. The warrior looked shrewdly at Louisa. ‘Give me your weapon, guardian.’ Louisa slid her hand under her shirt and drew out a long knife. She dropped it onto the snow. The warrior turned to Kelian and waited expectantly. Kelian dropped his sword beside Louisa’s knife.

The warrior
glanced at Jon once again and he moved forward and gathered up the discarded weapons and the swords Borgulnay and Gilgarry had dropped on the snow earlier. He distributed them amongst the silently watching warriors and then turned to the one who was still holding Immosey. ‘Do you want their hands tied, Rhyse?’

Rhyse nodded.
‘Bind each guardian to two humans. At the wrists, they need to be able to walk. Leave the big soldier. Then tie this one’s hands behind her back,’ he said pointing to Louisa. He gave Immosey a shove and she fell to her knees beside Araas. Rhyse held the knife at her throat and waited patiently as Jon slowly and deliberately completed his work.  Good,’ said Rhyse as Jon finished. ‘That should slow them down a little. Get up,’ he added and he watched in satisfaction as they scrambled awkwardly to their feet. Elena and Immosey were now tied on either side of Araas, Gilgarry and Kelian either side of Timbul.

turned to Borgulnay. ‘Pick him up,’ he ordered. Borgulnay easily picked up Milgorry and slung him over his shoulder. Louisa tried to see Milgorry’s face but Borgulnay swung around deliberately so she couldn’t see him properly. ‘Walk!’ Rhyse instructed and the group trudged dejectedly forward.

managed not to jump as Louisa’s thoughts came to her.
‘Are you alright?’

she thought back.
‘It seems they don’t want to kill us yet.’

They must have orders to take us back to Nandul alive,’
Louisa thought.

Oh Lou, we’re so close to home!’
Elena felt prickly tears gather in her eyes once again as she gazed to where Milgorry hung over Borgulnay’s shoulder. Blood from his face was soaking the back of Borgulnay’s uniform tunic yet strangely his arm which Elena felt sure had been broken didn’t look that way any longer.

Don’t give up hope little Queen,’
Milgorry’s thoughts came faintly and Elena’s heart jumped for joy. She glanced at Louisa who was looking down to conceal the fact that her eyes were shining with relief.
‘We need to make them stop. We must find a way to slow them down.’
This time Elena sensed emptiness at the end of Milgorry’s thoughts and she wondered if he had lost consciousness again.

Araas? Tim?’
Elena thought hesitantly. Both guardians’ eyes flicked in her direction and she experienced a sudden feeling of acknowledgement.
‘Can you make each one of us hear the other’s thoughts without the fallen knowing? I mean so the humans can hear each other’s minds as well?’

‘Of course,’
Araas gave Elena an encouraging smile.

There are not many of them left,’
Timbul’s thoughts felt positive.

Tim, we have no weapons, and even were we could break these bonds without hurting someone, we can’t outrun the fallen if Milgorry is unconscious.’
Araas’ thoughts didn’t sound quite so optimistic.

I’m not quite unconscious,’
Milgorry’s thoughts felt clearer now.
‘But I’m definitely not at my best; you have to leave me here.’

No-one will be left here,’
Araas thought sharply.
‘We need to decide what to do.’

I still have a knife under my tunic and I’m sure Immy has one too,’
Elena thought quickly.
‘They never told me to drop my weapon. Maybe they thought human girls wouldn’t carry anything like that.’
Araas looked at Immosey questioningly and the girl nodded almost imperceptibly. Milgorry’s feelings were so forceful that for a moment Elena actually thought she heard him laugh. She glanced at the nearest warrior but he seemed to have noticed nothing.

There was a mental silence then Milgorry
’s thoughts came once again.
‘Elena, find some way to get the knives into the hands of Araas and Timbul.’

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