The Fallen (Book 1) (43 page)

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Authors: Dan O'Sullivan

BOOK: The Fallen (Book 1)
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A smile spread over Borgulnay
’s face. ‘Wouldn’t it be interesting if Nandul thought this Prince might still be around,’ he said.

Milgorry sat staring down at the ground
, lost in thought.

Mil,’ said Rudiger eventually. ‘Tell me what you want me to do.’

I want you to do as Kelian and Borg suggested. Replace the weapons we destroyed. Try to find an expert weapons smith, someone you can trust, and a good fletcher. Perhaps you could find someone who can make good longbows. I’ll bet Larund could. I wonder how strong his loyalty to Nandul is.’ Milgorry chuckled. ‘Larund has such a hard time keeping his own thoughts to himself it shouldn’t be difficult to find out. Then start placing some of your men as spies. Make sure they’re aware of what they’re doing. Rudi, make sure you only send people who willingly choose to take on this task. And I want you to do two more things. I want you to start some rumors that the Prince of Mirri has been found and-’ Milgorry hesitated.

And what?’

And I want to find out if the Prince really did return or whether he’s still here somewhere.’

Mil, people have been trying to find that out for a very long time,’ said Rudiger emphatically, spreading his hands.

I know. But if ever there was a time to try again, it’s now.’

And you want me to get close to Nandul?’ Rudiger appeared decidedly uneasy about this undertaking.

Not yet. Wait until I’m back from Alkira. If there’s any way you can establish some trust without getting too near to him, go ahead, but don’t get yourself returned. We need you here, Rudi.’

Rudiger and Borgulnay sat for over an hour, with Borgulnay offering suggestions and advice. He considered each piece of information that Rudiger could provide and explained the best and most successful
strategy to deal with the multitude of difficulties Rudiger was facing. Rudiger questioned him extensively about some of the complex tactics Borgulnay outlined and Borgulnay patiently explained exactly what he meant and what would be required in each case. Eventually Rudiger fell silent as he considered Borgulnay’s ideas. Borgulnay was surprised to find how much he cared about the outcome of Rudiger’s plans.

I suppose you don’t want to stay here in Nyinaku?’ Rudiger looked hopefully at Borgulnay. ‘We could certainly use your help.’ For a moment Borgulnay seemed to consider this offer.

Borg!’ Kelian exclaimed, frowning. ‘Don’t even think about it, Captain!’

Sorry!’ said Borgulnay sheepishly. ‘I must be a bit tired. And hungry,’ he added as Eibhear appeared carrying the carcass of an awleotil.

If you want to rest, we will look after the humans,’ said Rudiger. ‘Though they seem to be able to look after themselves fairly well,’ he added turning to look towards a cluster of boulders where Elena and Immosey hovered around a small fire. Elena snapped a branch over her knee and placed the wood in the flames.

Borgulnay was beside Immosey in seconds and the rest of the group followed.
‘Please don’t tell me you went wandering around in the forest looking for wood without telling me, Immy,’ he said pleadingly.

Borg, there are guards on every side of this hill. We didn’t go past them, so you can stop worrying,’ said Immosey firmly, waving a knife in his direction. Gilgarry stared at the knife for a second. His hand went to his empty sheath and he shook his head crossly at his sister.

These are good,’ Borgulnay observed, picking up one of the sticks Immosey had sharpened to a point. ‘Who taught you how to do this?’

Mil taught us, when he led us across the Ice into Nyinaku,’ said Immosey proudly.

You led them
Nyinaku?’ Rudiger looked disbelievingly at Milgorry.

We thought they would be less likely to believe we would go that way,’ Elena explained casually.

You’re joking! No-one except you Mil could come up with such a mad and dangerous idea. You would have to be a lunatic to lead a human into Nyinaku. But you’re probably the only person I can think of who would come up with a plan like that and get away with it!’

Actually it was my idea,’ said Louisa uncomfortably. ‘And we didn’t get away with it. We were caught.’

You’re lucky to be alive,’ said Rudiger. ‘Eat and get some rest and I’ll wake you at midnight. We’ll help you to get out of here.’





Alexander pointed confidently.
‘That way,’ he said leaning forward and squinting through the blinding sheets of rain. There was an ominous cracking sound and the log on which they were perched shot away from the steep bank and rolled down the hill, sending everyone tumbling. They hurtled down the muddy slope like a human avalanche, landing awkwardly in a heap at the bottom of the hill with Callian holding Aithne protectively in his arms. He stared at her in alarm, hoping the little girl was uninjured. She burst out laughing. Callian glanced around. Everyone was covered prolifically with mud and leaves and all wore the same stunned expression. He climbed to his feet.

Aithne, who suggested we climb onto that old log so we could better see where we were going?’ he asked, pretending to think hard.

He did!’ the little girl said accusingly, pointing to Alex who raised his hands innocently.

Obviously I meant that to happen,’ said Alex, looking at Callian disdainfully, ‘so you would all be better camouflaged you see.’

Of course you did,’ Danil agreed sarcastically. ‘At least there’s little chance of us being seen or heard over this rain!’

You all look terrible,’ Alex commented, to Aithne’s amusement.

How far to the jetty Alex?’ asked Callian, trying unsuccessfully to squint through the torrential downpour.

About two miles, General,’ Alex was instantly serious. ‘We need to approach from the north.’

Let’s go,’ said Dale, shaking the rain from his hair. Valeska moved to the front of the group and led the way through the trees. The rain became even heavier and the wind roared against their ears, but as Valeska moved forwards the gale seemed to calm a little and even though the rain continued Dale noticed he could see a path ahead. He started in alarm as he found they were following the path which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere in front of them and he swung around to Callian wondering what would happen if a bunch of the fallen suddenly decided to use the path. Callian smiled at Dale’s anxious face.

Look behind us Baron,’ he suggested and he gestured in the direction from which they had come.

’s jaw dropped as he gazed back up the slope. There was no sign of any path. Toobada bushes were growing together so closely that he couldn’t see how they had pushed their way through without being scratched to pieces, and yet he knew they had come that way.

The path wasn’t made by the fallen,’ Callian explained. ‘It’s Valeska’s path. It won’t hide us, but it’s certainly quicker than fighting our way through the bushes. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed just how easily we’ve been making our way around Nyinaku! It wasn’t by coincidence. No-one can follow this path unless Valeska leads them. Even so, we remain wary.’ Dale noticed that both Callian and Danil’s hands rested on the hilts of their swords.

Dale followed the group down Valeska’s path. He couldn’t help but look backwards every minute or so and at no time did there appear to be any path behind them. Even when he stared at the path ahead without blinking he couldn’t work out how the path was forming. It was as if it had been there forever. They walked north until Alex was satisfied that they had gone far enough, then they turned and made their way east. The bloodwood and ironbark trees thinned, giving way to masses of bright yellow wattle trees. The group came to a halt where the rocks formed a natural windbreak and the rain’s intensity was lessened somewhat by the overhanging wattle branches. The instant Valeska stopped moving forward, the path melted away and they once again felt the full force of the wind and rain, so they were pleased for what little shelter the rocks and branches provided. Aithne reached up from where she perched on Callian’s shoulders and grabbed a sprig of wattle blossom and tried to snap it from the tree. A shower of water burst from the branches and dumped itself on the already drenched group. Aithne stared around guiltily at their surprised faces.

Ah! Now I’m wet Aithne!’ Enri feigned indignity and the little girl giggled.

You’re about to get wetter,’ Dale assured him and the Squire wrinkled his forehead in disbelief.

I don’t think that’s possible Dale,’ said Enri skeptically, ‘unless you think we’re going to need to swim out to the boat.’ Enri cursed under his breath. ‘That’s exactly what you intend, isn’t it?’

We can’t very well wander into one of their huts and ask them not to notice if we use the jetty now, can we?’ said Dale rolling his eyes. ‘Relax. We only need to go in the water if they are actually watching the jetty.’

How are we supposed to get into the boat from the water?’ Enri’s voice betrayed his dislike for Dale’s plan.

I would think the boats are either moored or anchored. So there must be a rope.’ Dale now sounded unsure of himself and Enri sighed worriedly. ‘If there’s no-one around the jetty there will be no need to swim,’ Dale continued. ‘We just need to pick a boat that’s unoccupied.’

Unoccupied? I suppose they could be occupied couldn’t they?’

You think?’ said Dale, sounding frustrated. ‘Let’s see now, this is a fishing settlement and these are fishing boats.’

Enri grimaced.
He leaned towards Dale and whispered, ‘With respect sir, pointing out to everyone how stupid I am isn’t getting us any closer to the boats.’

Dale closed his eyes for a moment and then turned to Enri.
‘Enri, you are the furthest thing from stupid I can imagine. I’m just getting a little panicky and you happened to be standing next to me. I’m sorry. It’s this crazy plan to steal a boat and go across the lake. Whoever thought it up must be an idiot.’

Well, if you two have finished discussing who the biggest fool is, can we get going?’ said Lias drily. ‘I suggest we do this as quickly as possible.’

Minutes later they left their hiding place and
ran down to the wooden jetty. To Dale’s dismay there was only one boat tied to the jetty and it didn’t look big enough to carry them all. Unfortunately they had no choice but to take it as they were already almost at the end of the small jetty and they could hear voices approaching. Dale cursed from shock as Callian grabbed him and flung him backwards into the boat. The boat rocked dangerously as Enri landed squarely on top of him. He pushed Enri away and caught Aithne as she leapt from the jetty and then he leaned forward and grabbed the oars. A second later Alexander and Valeska were in the boat. Callian flung his own pack into the boat and turned and grabbed Lias’ and Danil’s packs and tossed them to Dale. Then he reached down and shoved the little boat away from the jetty.

’s heart froze as he saw Lias and Callian run back along the boardwalk to stand side by side blocking anyone from approaching the jetty. Danil looked into Valeska’s eyes for a long moment as the boat drifted away.

Lead them home Vali,’ he said softly, and he turned and ran to join Callian and Lias.

Swords!’ cried Danil, seeing that the approaching warriors were closing too fast for anyone to have time to use a bow.

No!’ cried Valeska, trying to get out of the boat. Alexander grabbed her from behind and pulled her backwards and she fell on top of him, crying out in panic.

Go!’ Callian’s shout came through the rain. ‘You must go.’ Dale sat frozen with shock as Callian’s thoughts came to him.
‘Please make my return worthwhile Dale. Go.’
Aithne began to sob as Dale started rowing and seconds later they were hidden by the rain and fog.

As the first warrior struck,
Danil lashed out violently with his sword, determined to give Dale as much time as possible to cross the lake. He ducked as a weapon swung past his head and he struck out with the knife in his left hand. There was a cry as his blade made contact. He gave a shout as a sword cut his arm deeply and he swung hard to the right leaping over a body. Pushing forward, he drove two warriors backwards and then with two quick blows they fell. He turned and brought up his sword again finding himself between Callian and Lias. In front of them more than fifty warriors stood with raised swords. He knew he couldn’t win this battle and his heart ached for Valeska and for his child that he would never see. He took a deep breath.

Now?’ Callian murmured and Lias and Danil nodded. As one they charged forward with swords raised.

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