The Fallen (Book 1) (35 page)

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Authors: Dan O'Sullivan

BOOK: The Fallen (Book 1)
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Then get us out of here!’ Kelian ordered.

There was a flash of movement in the trees to the east and everyone froze, staring into the
forest. They stood without moving for several minutes before Kelian spoke. ‘Was that an animal?’

I doubt it,’ said Milgorry with a frown. ‘I think it was someone trying to-’ he turned and gave a growl of anger as he saw that Nandul’s body was gone, ‘create a diversion.’ His voice trailed away making it obvious that he could barely believe he had been fooled.

was stunned. ‘I’m sorry Callian. He shouldn’t have wakened. He’s far stronger than I thought. Truly, it should have been impossible!’

I don’t think he did wake,’ said Enri jumping to the ground and walking to where Nandul had been lying under the tree. ‘I think whilst we were all busy staring at shadows, someone slipped in here and took his body. There are drag marks just there,’ he said pointing to the ground.

Dale joined Enri
. ‘Yes,’ he agreed. ‘That way,’ he pointed.

No,’ said Danil firmly. ‘Baron, Squire, I sense you both wanting to go after him.’ He shook his head in disbelief. ‘It’s too late. I have no doubt we could catch up with him if we tried. Then we would find ourselves in the middle of hundreds of infuriated warriors. Right now we will have to accept that he’s gone.’

I can’t believe I neither saw nor heard them take his body!’ said Araas angrily.

Believe it,’ said Milgorry bluntly. ‘We may not be as strong and fast as you are guardian, but this is
territory and when it comes to being sneaky bastards, we’re the best.’


Chapter 34



leaned back against the rocks next to Elena, her arms aching. She had clung to Louisa’s back for hours as they ran through the forest and every muscle in her arms and shoulders ached in protest. Louisa held onto her wrists as she ran, making it impossible for her to fall from sheer exhaustion. Milgorry led them to a pebbly stream and they followed it east for as long as possible. They waded ashore where there was little chance of leaving foot prints. From here they continued east until they came to the top of high curving cliffs overlooking a lush green gorge.

a pushed herself to her feet and walked over to join Kelian and Milgorry. Borgulnay detached himself from the group and went to where Immosey lay with her eyes closed. He looked at the girl pityingly and then reached down and picked her up. Her eyes opened in surprise and she clutched at his uniform as he lifted her.

I’m not going to drop you Immosey,’ he said gently. ‘I just thought that rock didn’t look like the most comfortable place to rest.’

You suggest there’s a better place?’ asked Immosey dubiously, swiveling her head around to look at the hard rocky ground and the patches of spiky grass sticking up in clumps. ‘Believe it or not, that was probably the most comfortable place.’

More comfortable than me?’ said Borgulnay, mischievously smiling down at her startled face.

No,’ she admitted. ‘Aren’t you tired?’

Definitely, but I’ll bet I’m not as tired as you are.’

I’d be inclined to agree. We’d better join the discussion,’ said Immosey, and Borgulnay walked over to the group, still holding Immosey in his arms. can put me down now.’


This is kind of embarrassing.’


People will think I’m pathetic...soft.’

If I put you down, people might think I don’t care.’

She lay there feeling confused. This huge soldier she barely knew was carrying her and she felt so comfortable and safe she suddenly felt she would cry if he put her down. She shook her head at how ridiculous this seemed and glanced towards
Milgorry who was looking at her and trying not to laugh.

You look
, little sister,’ he said with a cheeky grin, and Immosey blushed. Milgorry turned to Kelian, his face turning serious. ‘You must choose; north or south?’

elian frowned. ‘You say both the Ice Coast and the Khynol Gap will be blocked. I don’t like the idea of going back across the Ice Coast. The spring is here, but those high mountains are perpetually frozen.’

It’s not as cold as you might imagine, you’re just not used to it, living in Castle,’ Milgorry observed. ‘In winter it’s very harsh, but now…not so bad.’

The Gap is a long way away,’ said Danil worriedly. ‘Though there is a chance our troops will be lined up on the border waiting. Another invitation to start a war,’ he added grimacing.

North then?’ asked Valeska.

I don’t like it. It’s what they will expect,’ said David.

shrugged. ‘I think they will be just as prepared for us to go south.’

What food do we have?’ asked Alexander, beginning to rummage through the packs. ‘Gil has a few travel cakes, but nothing else.’

We don’t have enough for everyone for the trip home,’ David answered. ‘Some of Caity’s travel cakes and a little dried fruit and these parcels of nuts and…well, that’s all I have. What’s in your pack?’

Nothing more than Gil’s,’ said Alexander flatly. He looked at Borgulnay who just shook his head.

sat at the brink of the precipice, his legs hanging over the rocky edge. ‘A beautiful place,’ he observed, gazing down at the water dropping lazily and splashing into a little rocky pool at the base of the cliffs, then running away under a thick canopy of dark green.

Yes it is,’ Lias agreed, sitting beside him. He pointed towards the horizon. ‘See where the moon is rising?’ Kelian looked at the serene white disk sitting low in the sky. ‘In daylight you can see right to the edge of the Great Wasteland. If you look from here in the early morning you see a shimmer over the land.’

Which way would you go, Lias?’ asked Kelian feeling disheartened.

Don’t lose hope, Prince Kelian. We will make a choice and we will succeed or we will fail,’ said Lias calmly. He glanced past Kelian and laughed. Dale had rummaged around in his pack and found a spare pair of trousers which Louisa was now wearing. She had them drawn in at the waist with a piece of leather cord but they were still far too big, hanging well down over her feet. Coupled with Milgorry’s long shirt the slight girl looked lost. Dale knelt beside her and drew his dagger from his belt. Quickly and efficiently he cut the trousers off at Louisa’s ankles. He stood up, sheathed the dagger and walked to Kelian.

Neither,’ he said bluntly.

I beg your pardon?’ Kelian frowned at Dale in confusion.

Neither north nor south; or perhaps I should say we must choose a different path. Not the Ice Coast and not the Khynol Gap.’

snorted. ‘Can you imagine their faces, if we were to head somewhere completely ridiculous? They would never believe it. Not after Dale’s little stunt leading them off to some random clearing in the forest.’ He frowned thoughtfully and scratched his chin. ‘We could cut through some part of the Wasteland. Surely there are more than enough guardians here to get us all through a little bit of Wasteland, not to mention Mil and Lias. Or we could make it look like we’re heading for Mirri but in actual fact we would end up at Dwyre. At least that’s in the direction of the Prince’s ship.’ His voice saddened as he thought of Prince Galbraith.

Milgorry laughed. ‘Supreme Majesty! Yes, I can imagine their faces Enri. Danil?’

Danil was silent as he thought through this dangerous strategy.
‘It’s possible. Actually it’s brilliant,’ he said eventually, still staring at Enri. ‘Apparently Kelian wants Dale to do his duty as Baron of East Inlet. But you Enri, you have potential…’

Kelian snorted.
‘Yes, King’s Marshall. He has the potential to be Duke of Western Downs one day. Though I suppose a little military training in the meantime wouldn’t hurt. I refuse to send him back to Castle if he doesn’t wish to go. It would be like-’ Kelian glanced at Dale, ‘like caging an eagle,’ he finished.

Maybe two groups in different directions?’ Dale suggested.

If we go south, we’ll need more clothing or some blankets,’ said Elena. ‘A lot more clothing,’ she added, remembering the cold nights in the mountains.

And if a group goes towards Mirri then up to Dwyre they will need to be fast, probably should be soldiers or guardians,’ Alexander added.

Or us,’ added Lias.

I was including you with the guardians,’ said Alexander bluntly. ‘No offense was intended,’ he added quickly as Lias stared at him incredulously.

None taken,’ said Lias quietly, still staring at Alexander, but with an expression showing he was trying hard to come to terms with his own emotions.

Both groups will need to be strong enough to defend themselves and fast enough if they are pursued,’ said Gilgarry. Elena watched him anxiously. He looked very weak and pale.

Timbul glanced towards Elena.
‘Your brother will be fine,’ he said calmly. ‘We just can’t let him walk for a while. He will have to suffer the indignity of being carried,’ he said smiling at Gilgarry.

I can manage that,’ Gilgarry admitted.

So, shall we be two groups, Kelian?’ asked Araas.

I think that’s a good plan,’ said Kelian with hesitance. ‘We’re stronger together, but even so we’re not strong enough if we’re attacked by hundreds of fallen. Confusion will probably serve us better.’

Milgorry gestured towards the girls.
‘I’ll take Louisa, Elena and Immosey,’ he said protectively. Kelian immediately walked over and stood beside Milgorry. Milgorry smiled. ‘And the Prince,’ he said. He raised his eyebrows. ‘And whoever else is attached to Immy.’

Borgulnay walked over and stood beside
Elena, still carrying Immosey in his arms. ‘Gil?’ he said, and Gilgarry moved over to stand beside him. ‘We need more guardians,’ Borgulnay added. Araas and Timbul walked over and stood either side of Kelian and Milgorry.

Good,’ said Callian. ‘Lias are you willing to guide the rest of us?’

I am, General,’ answered Lias without hesitation. ‘It seems speed will be our advantage,’ he observed. ‘There are enough of us to carry the humans if we need to hurry.’

Then we’ll go towards Mirri,’ said Callian. ‘We’ll go past so fast they will barely see us.’

Show off,’ said Enri under his breath, and Callian laughed. Enri’s face turned pink, surprised at how sharp the guardian’s hearing was.

Don’t forget Squire, this idea belongs to you and Baron Dale,’ said Callian shrugging. ‘We’re merely following your orders.’

Enri raised one eyebrow in
disbelief, and Dale laughed.

glanced in the direction from which they had come. ‘How far behind us do you think they are, Mil?’ he asked.

Milgorry shrugged.
‘If they picked up our tracks, they could be here at any moment. They know you came from the north, through the Khynol Gap. I’m inclined to think they will try to move north quickly to cut us off before we get close enough to the Gap for the entire Alkiran army to storm across the border looking for their Prince.’

That’s what I would do,’ Danil commented. ‘What about horses? Should we try to get hold of some horses? Surely that would speed us up across the Plains of Old Sagria?’

No!’ Milgorry looked horrified. ‘I’m sure my people can’t outrun horses, but the tracks we would leave would be…no Danil. No horses. Besides there are so many hidden streams and swamps across the plains I think horses would be a hindrance. And most other places in Nyinaku the land is so rugged that horses would need to be led, not ridden. And how would we feed them?’ His voice trailed away as Danil held up his hands resignedly.

walked over and stood before Milgorry, looking worried.

I’ll bring them home, Guardian General,’ said Milgorry confidently. ‘I know it must be difficult for you to believe one of the…of the fallen, but you must trust me.’

I do trust you,’ said Callian frankly. ‘I can think of no one more capable. I just don’t want to see anyone, including you, returned or killed. And right now you seem to be about as fallen as I am,’ he added. He turned and led his group into the forest leaving Milgorry standing staring after him, his face stunned.


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