The Fae Ring (8 page)

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Authors: C. A. Szarek

Tags: #Fantasy Romance

BOOK: The Fae Ring
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“Then wha’?”

“Then I’d have to recharge them.”

He called forth six more lights. Using magic exhausted Xander, but he had enough energy left to order the orbs to perch themselves along the cavern walls. They stuck, and would remain there until he removed them.

Janet stared, not saying much; he preferred her fascination to horror over magic.

Their bond was already deepening. Xander was starting to be able to sense her emotions. If he concentrated enough to see the golden rope of the mating bond itself, he could even see the aura it displayed. The glow was currently pastel colors, a mixture of both of their emotions. They were both tired, but calm.

However, his mate sat on a rock, shivering in her wet clothing.

“Lass, I shall call forth a bed; you should get out of those clothes.”

In the newly lit cavern, he saw her cheeks go crimson. “Nay, I’ve nothing to wear.”

Xander whipped his tunic over his head. “I can light a fire, but you can’t sit in wet fabric.”


“You’ve no worries.” He strode over, squatted in front of her and started unlacing her bodice. “The sun will dry our clothes. We can lay them on the rocks.”

Janet stared. She swallowed and Xander resisted the urge to lay a line of kisses down her neck and throat. When her corset loosened enough to bare the leine beneath, and hinted at her breasts, he tore his eyes away. It was ivory in color, and would be see-through.

It was a temptation he couldn’t resist, despite the chemise under it.

Xander forced himself to straighten and reached for the ties on his trews.

She still hadn’t moved from the rock she’d made into a seat, but she did move her hands to catch her untied bodice, cover her body. Janet looked up at him, her cheeks adorably pink.

“What is it?”

“N-n-nothin’.” Her words belied her eyes, which were skimming his naked chest.

Awareness prickled between them, and Xander gave into a smile.

She was studying him, as if pleased with what she saw.

If Janet watched him like that much longer, his body would respond. Arousal rode beneath the surface, and Xander had to bite back a groan. He cleared his throat. “Give me your skirts, your corset, and I will lay them out so you don’t have to walk.”

“As…as you wish.”

He paused as she said the phrase he often uttered.

“Can…can you please turn ‘round?”

“Aye.” He complied, imagining his mate undressing.

Xander tried to ignore the blood pounding in his ears, thrumming through his limbs. Heat settled in his lower belly, and his cock started to harden. His wings twitched. He forced his wet leather trews off one hip, then the other, wishing he could remove the short pants he wore beneath. It would be too much for his mate. Fae had no qualms about nudity, but humans certainly did.

“Here.” Janet averted her gaze when he turned to her.

Gathering the heavy wet wool into his arms, he ordered himself not to study her barely covered skin. Her chemise was white, and also wet, but Janet had pulled it away from her body. It was no longer clinging.


She wouldn’t meet his eyes.

Xander smiled to himself. Janet MacLeod was appealing, with her mix of strength and vulnerability. He wanted her even more.

Her face was crimson, her dark locks damp and mussed. Their bond was palpable, desire and mixed emotions bouncing between the two of them, making him fight tremors. Xander needed some air.

He grabbed their boots and forced one foot in front of the other, moving away from Janet. The water roared as he moved closer to the falls, but he was able to stay dry as he slipped away from the cave’s wide mouth, staying on the thick ledge of the cliff face beside it.

Xander put their clothes where the sun beat down, but as low as he could manage, so if someone flew overhead the garments would remain unseen. He probably could’ve used a spell to dry them, but he wanted to steal a proper bed for them to sleep on.

Something that large would exhaust him even more, so he needed to conserve his energy. He also wanted to try to heal her ankle.

Janet still wouldn’t look at him when he slid back inside. She sat on the same small boulder, her knees to her chest and her arms around them. Her face was buried on top of them, and she rocked slightly.

He wanted to banish the uncertainty he felt from her. Xander craved her smile, even her touch. He took a seat beside her but she didn’t respond. He tried to ignore the slight bite of rejection. “Lass?”

Wide blue eyes met his gaze, but she looked so scared it made his heart thump.

Xander reached for her hand and squeezed. “You’re cold.” He wanted to rub her arms, pull her against him again, but didn’t. “I’ll get you a bed, then light a fire and see if I can fix your foot.”







Chapter Nine


He didn’t miss her intake of breath when he gripped her foot; though it was as gentle as he could manage. Xander’s gaze followed the curve of her shapely calf up to her knee. Her ankle was delicate, her skin pale and creamy, and he wanted to touch her, caress every smooth line.

She was tall for a female, and seeing her bare legs made him want more. Janet was utterly feminine. Her chemise was thin, but it pooled between her legs, hiding the part of her body he wanted to see most.

His cock strained against his short pants, despite his assurance it was
the time. His wife was injured; he was supposed to be healing her, not seducing her. Besides, there was nothing even remotely sexual about his touch.

When he looked up, he could see their mating bond. It glowed gold, wrapping around them both, disappearing into her chest. He looked down and saw the same on his body. The aura he’d sensed earlier was still there; his emotions and hers. It had a red pulse. Janet’s foot hurt her.

Xander frowned. If his touch was causing her pain, she said nothing.

She reached out, as if to caress the mating bond.

Tingles shot down his spine, and his wings flexed of their own accord.

Janet gasped.

“You can see the bond,” he said.

“Aye. I…touched it.”

“I felt it.”

“Me too.” Janet swallowed, her eyes locking onto her face. “It’s odd…”

Xander nodded. “It will deepen with time. You will start to sense my feelings, and I will be able to sense yours. The lore says we’ll be able to think and feel as one, even communicate by thoughts.”

She didn’t say anything, so he let the magic information drop. If Janet asked, he’d tell her all she wanted to know of the ring and mating bonds.

Now, it was overwhelming. Instinct and their bond told him as much. She might know of magic because of Alana and Angus, but it was different to experience it.

He rotated her foot and she winced, gripping the blanket beneath her.

Xander had lifted her onto the mattress as soon as he’d conjured it. He’d taken it from a guest room he’d been in once. Hopefully its disappearance went unnoticed. It’d taken all his willpower not to lay her down and settle on top of her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted to make sure it’s not broken.”

“I’m well.” The words were strained, but his lass didn’t cry out.

By the gods, she’s strong.



He caressed her ankle, then closed his eyes, calling magic to him. “Won’t be long now.” Xander whispered spellwords.


* * * *


His hands were warm, and even though his touch wasn’t inappropriate, Janet’s stomach flipped. “Okay.” She forced the answer out, borrowing a word she’d learned from Claire. Her sister-by-marriage said the word a great deal.

Xander’s hands started to glow. She watched, fascinated as his skin brightened, lighting from the inside out. Like the magic lanterns he’d

He caressed her ankle, her foot, and even her calf.

Warmth spread up her leg, but then it kept going, heating her belly, her chest, her arms. Her heart picked up speed and her cheeks burned. The place between her legs started to throb and she wanted to squeeze her thighs to make it stop, but her fated husband was still chanting words she didn’t understand.

Janet started to pant, and imagined his hands moving higher on her body. His fingers teasing, feather-light touches all over her form. Her breasts felt heavy, her nipples hard and achy. She swallowed a moan. Wanted to lean back into the soft mattress he’d called from the palace.

Touch me.
The words played on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t muster the courage to say them.

Pain faded from her foot, but she was so distracted by the desire consuming her, she couldn’t tell if whatever magic Xander was using was the cause.

If he didn’t get on with—

“There. Better?” He looked up. When their gazes collided, his violet eyes went wide and his nostrils flared.

Janet moaned.

What’s wrong with me?

Xander’s fingertips slipped from her foot, and he scooted backwards. The apple of his throat bobbed. “Lass…” The word was a croak.

Her eyes trailed his form, and she didn’t miss the tented linen at his crotch. Thin fabric that could be gone in seconds. The arousal she’d felt against her stomach when he kissed her on the beach was before her now. Her desire had fed his, through their bond, no doubt.

Some of the haziness clouding her brain faded now that they weren’t touching, and embarrassment settled over Janet. She tore her gaze from his body, heat creeping up her neck. Different from the warmth of passion, this left her mortified that she’d stared at a half-naked man, even if he was supposed to be her mate.

“What type of a word is
for people, anaway?” she blurted. Janet still couldn’t look at him.

When he’d shed his tunic, she’d caught herself staring. From all the recent times in his arms, against that chest, she’d felt his hard muscles. But to see their beauty…

The Fae man was gorgeous. His chest was hairless, but then Alana had told her Fae didn’t have any body hair. Xander was broad and defined, with a tapered waist and many lines she wanted to explore.



Janet cleared her throat. She’d seen tons of shirtless clansmen. Even MacLeods she had no blood tie to. Never had she been tempted, to…touch…kiss any of them. Nor had she been attracted to any of them in a physical way.

Is this magic?

Our bond?

is an old term, of course.”

His words jolted her, and she fidgeted on the soft mattress. “We’re no’ animals.”

Xander’s deep chuckle appealed as much as he did, and she looked at him. Couldn’t help herself. The smile that curved his full mouth made her heart miss a beat.

“Nay. We’re not. Fae use the same terms as humans. Husband, wife. But
has hung on when it comes to these rare fated situations.” He gestured between them. Xander stood from the rocky ground, and went to retrieve the hide bag he’d brought.

Janet watched as if transfixed, not able to muster a retort about fate. She studied the play of his muscles, how his iridescent wings caught the light of globes he’d positioned around the cavern. He was graceful in every movement.


She still could say nothing as he returned to sit on the rock she’d perched on before. His biceps contracted and released as he pulled on the bag’s ties.

Janet stopped herself from asking him to come closer. Sit on the soft bedding next to her, as she was reclined.

“Hungry, lass?”

She jumped. Her stomach rumbled as if to answer for her. “Aye.” She forced the word out. Had to say
, lest he think she’d gone mute…or daft.

If Xander was aware of her perusal and what his nearly nude form was doing to her, his smile didn’t give anything away.

Heat scorched her cheeks again. If she didn’t get herself in order, being around this Fae man was likely to make her blush permanent.

Janet could feel their bond. His heartbeat echoed hers, like before. It was becoming as normal as breathing to have him close, either magically or physically. She chided herself for craving more.

“I have to go to the Faery Stones.” His words were casual, and Xander leaned closer, handing her a chunk of bread with strip of dried meat. “Alone.”

Her yearning for him scattered, her focus suddenly switching to panic. Not even his touch helped as their hands brushed in the transfer of food. “Nay…”

Xander paused. He squatted in front of her. “I must.” His voice was low, serious, and the regret in his violet eyes was clear.

“Don’ leave me.”

He slid onto the mattress next to her, setting the food down on the cloth it’d been wrapped in. Xander tucked a strand of her damp hair behind her ear. “I shall wait until night falls. I’ll be quick, and be back before you can miss me.”

Nay. I’d miss you immediately.
“I’ll go with you.”

“Nay, lass. Tis too dangerous. I must determine
the guard is weak. So we can get home.”

She wanted to burrow into his chest.

“You’ll know where I am. You’ll feel our bond.” He took her hand and squeezed.

When she glanced down, she noticed her slice of bread was now in crumbs on her lap. She’d crushed it without realizing.

“I’ll return to you. You’ve my word,” Xander added.

A vow.

It didn’t make her feel better. Janet swallowed.

“Eat, I need you strong. As soon as the sun is down, I shall go. Then you can bathe, if you wish it.”


Xander nodded, a smile playing at his lips. “There’s a pool at the back of this cavern. It’s waist deep and naturally warm. This whole area is riddled with hot springs. The water is pure and soothing.”

“You’ve been here before?”

“Aye. Alana and I discovered this cave years ago. My cousin was always too curious for her own good.” He laughed and it made Janet’s stomach flutter. “Was she not, she would’ve never met your brother, but that’s a story for another time.” The fondness in his voice made her want to frown.

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