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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

The Facility (16 page)

BOOK: The Facility
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She lifted his cock and kissed along the underside of its length. Pausing with his testicles cupped in her hand she looked up at him. “I promise,” she said. “I promise I will take it all.” At that moment she felt Zembouri’s hands on her hips and then the searing pain as he shoved his fat penis into her anal passage. She gasped and almost fell forward.

“She has been trained,” Abul said, “to perform anal intercourse without moving. And, Zembouri, you need not move either. Just bury your cock in her and make her work those muscles. You will feel how hot the passage becomes, and she will milk you dry. Tell him, Mrs. Ryan.”

“Yes,” Kathy said. “I will milk you dry.”

Narimov grabbed Kathy’s head and tilted it up. “Open,” he said. Kathy made a circle of her lips. “I’m going to fuck your mouth, you understand?” Kathy closed her eyes and nodded. Still holding her head, he pushed his cock in and out of her mouth slowly. From her waist to her toes she was rigid. She concentrated on squeezing and relaxing her anal muscles and sphincter. She could feel Zembouri’s penis swell inside her anal passage.

“Ahhh!” Abul cried, “Look at her! Look at the intelligent and cultured American who a short time ago was attending the symphony with her handsome husband.” He leaned forward in his chair, “Narimov, my friend, look how your prick slides between the red lips of the American woman!” Laughing, he banged his hands down on the arms of his chair, “While her mouth is filled with Narimov’s prick, she takes Zembouri’s stiff cock up her hot ass!” He shook his finger at her, “If only your rich friends could see you, Mrs. Ryan, if only your young husband were alive to see what you’ve become!”

“The woman now belongs to us!” Narimov shouted. He looked down at her as he viciously fucked her mouth. “Truly, Abul, she does.”

“Yes, my friend,” Abul replied. “And she has chosen to be ours. She wants what we give her. See how stiff her brown nipples are! How she sweats! See how her soft lips caress your cock!” He leaned forward again, once more pounding the arms of his chair. “Observe how the white cheeks of her ass don’t even quiver as she holds Zembouri’s prick tight inside her!”

His shouted words caused both men to cum at the same time. Narimov pressed Kathy’s face against his crotch as he shot his watery cum into her mouth and forced her to swallow it. Zembouri grunted and, for a moment, looked as if he might collapse over Kathy’s back. His cock, like a plump sausage, slid from her opening. Narimov let go of Kathy’s head and stumbled back to his chair. Kathy remained on her hands and knees. She was trembling so much she could not stand. Then, she felt the brushes spin. She caught her breath and turned to look back at Miko who nodded before switching off the remote.

“Come, Mrs. Ryan,” Abul motioned for her to crawl to him. When she once more knelt at his feet, he made her straighten her shoulders. He put his hand under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. He stared at her for several moments. Sneering he said, “You look disgusting. Your hair is tangled. Your lips are smeared. You are covered with sweat. And you smell bad, Mrs. Ryan. You should be ashamed to appear before your Master and his guests like this. Are you ashamed?”

“Yes,” Kathy’s head was spinning, her voice no more than a whisper, “I’m ashamed.”

“In the past you have mentioned my odor offends you, Mrs. Ryan, but that is no longer true, is it?”

“No, Master, I have learned to love your scent.”

He let her go and pointed across the room to where Miko was standing before a folding screen. Swart made a growling noise as Kathy crawled away from them. “Don’t worry,” Abul turned toward him, “she will offer her pretty ass to your whip.”

Behind the screen Mi Jong had set up a small table and mirror. After making Kathy remove the leather skirt, Miko helped her to a stool in front of the table and quickly began to brush her hair. Mi Jong knelt beside a large copper bowl containing hot water, which was scented with jasmine. Carefully she sponged Kathy’s body. After Kathy had been dried with huge towels, she was told to make up her face just as she had earlier in the evening: heavy eye shadow, exaggerated bright red lips coated with gloss. She tried to master her thoughts and feelings, but in spite of her efforts, her pussy became moist and her nipples hardened. Mi Jong smiled and Miko nodded. “I will put a drop of oil on each one. Make bright,” Miko said. She leaned over Kathy’s breasts with an eyedropper. “Good,” she said, “wet shine. Pink now instead of brown.” She buckled the familiar collar around Kathy’s neck.

When Kathy saw Mi Jong bringing the wrist and ankle cuffs, she backed away. “Oh, God, not the whip...please!”

Miko grabbed her arm and forced her back down on the stool. “What you think punishment mean? You offended Master. Must pay.”

“I thought that…that horrible mixture on my breasts...I thought it was the punishment.”

“Silly woman,” Miko said as she helped Mi Jong with the cuffs. “Get up,” Miko said. When she stood, Kathy began to tremble so Mi Jong had to support her as Miko led her across the room to the seated men. Except for the collar, the leather bindings that crisscrossed her breasts, and the black heels, she was naked.

When she was once more kneeling at the feet of Abul, the two Asian women stepped back. Kathy looked up at Abul pleading, “Please, Master, I promise to obey. I will do whatever you wish, but please not the whip.”

“Yes, the whip!” Abul looked down at her, the contempt and hatred obvious in his voice, “Yes, Mrs. Ryan, you will be whipped! You refused my order. Even to remember the words you said puts me in a rage. You are lucky Mr. Satomi values you, or I would have you beaten to death! Do you understand?” His hands had closed into tight fists and his face was dark red with anger. She was afraid to speak. She bowed her head to the floor and kissed his feet. “You are not only going to be whipped, you are going to ask to be whipped,” Abul said, motioning to Swart who quickly crossed to stand beside Abul’s chair.

Abul nodded to him. Kathy’s parted lips were still pressed against Abul’s filthy toes, the tip of her tongue tasting him in the hope that he might relent. The black dwarf tapped Kathy’s shoulder. When she raised her head, he held the whip handle to her lips. Shuddering, she kissed it. “Now ask him,” Abul said in a hoarse whisper, “ask him to whip you.”

There would be no escape. She looked into the grinning face of the dwarf. His empty eye socket was coated with a yellow-red mucus. Drool ran from the corner of his mouth over his chin. His thick lips were stretched tight exposing his black gums. “Swart, will you...will you whip me?” Although she tried to hold back the tears, they rolled down her cheeks.

Abul signaled to Miko and Mi Jong who came forward and lifted Kathy to her feet. Slowly they walked her back to the whipping post where they fitted the rope through her wrist cuffs and pulled until her feet were almost off the floor. Then, securing the rope, they stepped away. Swart took his place behind her. He uncoiled the whip and was about to strike when Abul held up his hand. He stood and in a loud voice spoke to her. “Mrs. Ryan, who is your Master?”

“You are my Master,” she had difficulty speaking. Her throat had gone dry and her breath was coming quickly.

“Speak up. You are to get twenty strokes. If I can’t hear your answers, I’ll add ten more.”

“You are my Master!” Kathy shouted.

“You bragged to me that your husband was strong and brave. I say he was not worth the shit that comes from your new Master’s ass. What do you say, Mrs. Ryan?”

Kathy knew how she must answer. “You are right, Master.”

“Say it,” Abul ordered.

“My husband...,” she paused, the tears streaking her cheeks, “my husband was not...was not worth the...the...shit that comes from my new Master’s ass.”

“You would never lick your husband’s hole would you, Mrs. Ryan?”

“No never. I could not possibly do that. Not for him. Not for anyone.”

“But you will lick Abul’s hole?”

Miko, standing a few feet in front of Kathy, nodded. After a moment, Kathy said, “Yes, I will lick Abul’s hole.”

“For a long time.”

“Yes, for as long as you wish.”

“And the longer you lick Abul’s hole, the more excited you will become?”

“Yes, the longer I lick Abul’s hole the more excited I will become.”

“When, Mrs. Ryan, when do you wish to worship Abul in this way?”

“Whenever it pleases you, Master.”

Narimov leaned across to Abul, “I would like to watch that,” he said.

“You shall, my friend, you shall.” He shouted to Kathy, “Invite him, Mrs. Ryan! Let us hear you invite Mr. Narimov to watch you worship your Master’s ass. Invite him to watch you clean Abul’s crack with your tongue.”

Miko switched on the remote and the soft brushes spun slowly against Kathy’s swollen clitoris. She drew in her breath desperately hoping Miko would let them continue. “I...I...invite Mr. Narimov to watch me when I worship my Master’s watch me lick my Master’s crack.” Miko turned off the remote.

“Are your nipples hard, Mrs. Ryan?”

“Yes, they are hard.”

“Why...why, Mrs. Ryan?”

“Because...because I’m about to be whipped for your pleasure. You excite me, Master.”

Miko gave her a short burst of rapidly spinning brushes. Kathy moaned as she felt her hot secretions trickle down the inside of her thighs.

Abul smiled across at the other two men. “Is it not fitting, my friends, that the rich American woman who stands before us waiting for the whip, is aroused by the sight of Abul?”

“Yes,” Zembouri answered, “we see how you affect her. Imagine how aroused she will become when you, Abul, permit her the sweat from your balls and your foul smelling prick.”

“Tell us, Mrs. Ryan,” Abul said, “are you eager to suck me?”

“Yes, Master Abul, very anxious.”

“And clean my ass crack with your sweet tongue?”

“No!” Kathy cried, squeezing her eyes shut so she wouldn’t see Miko. “I will not...I will never...”

“It is time for the whip!” Abul shouted cutting her off. He signaled to Swart.

“ please...” Kathy began to beg, but screamed as the first crack of the whip left a long red mark across her ass cheeks. Miko, as she had before, made the brushes spin each time the dwarf struck. She shut the brushes off during the pauses between blows. Again, Kathy realized that with the searing pain would come a moment of pleasure. As her beautifully rounded white ass became crisscrossed with red welts, she came closer and closer to the orgasm she so desperately needed.

“Wiggle your ass!” Abul shouted, laughing. “Make it invite the whip!” Kathy moved her hips from side to side. Swart increased the power of his blows until the final ones drew thin beads of blood. Each time the whip whistled and cracked, Kathy tried to stop herself from screaming, but could not. Finally, Swart delivered the twentieth stroke. He looked back at Abul, who held up his hand.

Kathy’s body hung almost limp from the rope that stretched her arms over her head. Her ass cheeks continued to twitch and quiver as the bright red lash marks darkened. Miko had brought Kathy to the edge of her orgasm but, unlike the last time, did not let her cum.

“Turn her around and secure her ankles,” Abul instructed Miko and Mi Jong.

As they were carrying out his orders, Miko whispered fiercely in Kathy’s ear, “I stop brushes before you cum because you did not answer Master properly. Did not say what he expected. Did not show respect. You foolish woman. Never learn.” Kathy didn’t respond. Her buttocks felt as if they were on fire...

“Stand up straight,” Abul said. “Spread your legs.” Kathy’s legs were trembling, but she did as he commanded. Immediately Miko attached a short chain to each ankle cuff and snapped the other end into a bracket on the floor. With her hands still secured to the rope above her head and her legs spread and anchored to the floor, she could not move. The sticky wetness coated her labial lips, and they could see where it had run down her thighs. “I think the whip truly does excite you, Mrs. Ryan. Yes?” Kathy looked at the floor and did not answer. “Still defiant.” Abul glared at her. “Or perhaps you are just stupid.” He gestured to Mi Jong. “Teach her,” he said.

Mi Jong smiled as Miko handed her a short, thin riding crop made of spring steel that had been covered with leather. Miko then held up a ball gag. Abul nodded, and Miko stepped behind Kathy and ordered her to open her mouth. As Kathy did so, Miko shoved the rubber ball into it, pulled the strap tight behind Kathy’s head, and buckled it. Mi Jong took her place facing Kathy, and slightly to the side of her. Kathy’s eyes widened in fear when she saw the crop.

“Even from here across the room, Mrs. Ryan,” Abul shouted, “it is obvious to us that your nipples are hard. That must mean the sight of what Mi Jong is holding arouses you?” Desperately, Kathy shook her head, ‘no’. “Well, then, if your protruding nipples subside, we will know that you are not anxious to have Mi Jong whip them.” Abul turned to his companions. All three laughed. Kathy closed her eyes trying to will her swollen nipples to diminish. It was no use. “Look, gentlemen!” Abul cried, “They increase, they extend even further. I think they long to feel the crop!” He nodded to Mi Jong.

With a sure, quick snap of her wrist she brought the crop down across Kathy’s right breast. Kathy’s high scream was stifled by the gag. She twisted in agony but the wrist and ankle cuffs permitted almost no movement. Mi Jong struck the left breast. The excruciating pain cut through Kathy like a knife. Miko turned up the remote so that the bushes spun rapidly. Kathy’s cunt flowed with secretions. The next two blows sent her into spasms of agony. Mi Jong paused. “Mrs. Ryan,” Abul called out to her. “Look up at me.” Kathy raised her tear-streaked face. The spittle ran from the corners of her mouth. Abul called to her, “Your nipples reveal how much you are aroused. They seem to want the whip.” Kathy shook her head wildly. “I will ask you again, Mrs. Ryan. If I were to give you permission, would you not now be anxious to push your tongue into my hole?” Looking directly at him, Kathy shook her head ‘no’.

BOOK: The Facility
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