Read The Eyes Die Last Online

Authors: Teri Riggs

The Eyes Die Last (24 page)

BOOK: The Eyes Die Last
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“There really isn’t much to go on.  He’s a cocky shit, leaves his DNA all over the victims and a BEFORE picture with their bodies.  All three women were killed the same way, strangled from behind with the killer’s bare hands.  Next, he sends a copy of the vic’s dead body to the news anchor at LVTVS, Ed Hershey.  We’re not sure why he chose Hershey unless he’s copying the serial killer who sent clues to him years ago.” 

“Hadley Cox, right?” 

Kennedy nodded.  Pieces of the puzzle fell together as she spoke. 

“You know, the killer probably goes on the hunt for his prey in Hooker Haven, looking until he finds the right victim.  He stalks her a few days, taking photos.  I’d guess he keeps a copy for his own little treasure box.  No money or jewelry’s been found on the victims’ bodies.  If he’s not hoarding the jewelry, he might be pawning it.” 

Grandpa nodded.  “Keep going.” 

“I need to find out what, if any, jewelry the dead women wore and check the pawn shops.  It’s a long shot.  I can’t imagine a fifty dollar hooker wore expensive jewelry.” 

“It won’t hurt to cover your bases.” 

“You’re right.  Since we haven’t got any other great ideas, we’ll go with it. 

“We have no eyewitnesses.  No clues.  No useful evidence.  Nothing except his DNA.  Lots of DNA, but no suspect’s samples to compare it with.  All we really have is three dead bodies and maybe, a big maybe, some pawned jewelry.  How about you, Grandpa?  Have you heard anything?  Any word out on the street?” 

“No, but I’ve got a few people on it.  If I hear something, I’ll get a hold of you.  I have a guy checking out
St. Louis
and Campenelli.” 

“I’ve been doing some digging too.” 

“Good.  In the meantime, maybe you should look at what you do have, namely your killer’s DNA.  He’s obviously never been in trouble before or he wouldn’t be throwing his DNA around like a...”  He snapped his fingers.  “What do you call it?  Ah yes, a Frisbee.” 

“We’ve sent the DNA from the victims to the Combined DNA Index System, CODIS, to run.  You’re right, so far, no matches.” 

“In the meantime, if your suspects want to clear their names, they should be happy to give up a DNA sample for the cause.  If they’re agreeable, you can focus elsewhere.  If one of them isn’t willing, what can I say?  Concentrate on that guy, case closed.” 

“I’ve asked Ed Hershey and threw out a request for his boss to donate, but no, their legal department blocked it.  I’ll need a warrant.” 

“Makes them look like they’re hiding something to me.”  “Other than the fact they’re slime balls?” 

He laughed.  “Ask the rest of your suspects.  They’ll volunteer to hand it over if you point out you’d like to clear them.” 

“Yeah, I’d already decided on the drive over here I would ask Campenelli and
St. Louis
for their DNA.  Actually, I mentioned it to Campenelli before, but didn’t push it.  I will now.” 

“That’s a good idea.” 

“I’m glad I came by.  I’m feeling pumped again.  By the way, I need to cancel our lunch date for Sunday.  I’m going to take a few hours for myself Saturday night.  I thought I’d camp out at the River’s Edge.  I’m in the mood for sleeping out under the stars.  I might even try catching a few fish before I head back.” 

“You be careful out there in the boonies all by yourself.  It’s not as safe as it used to be.  And make sure to take that monster-sized pistol of yours.  It’ll even up the odds if need be.”  He winked at her. 

”Like I ever leave home without my gun.” 

“And forget the fish, lass.  The river’s going to be too low for good fishing.” 

Kennedy gave him a kiss and left with her newly acquired photo album.  Her mouth curled into a grin, her chest felt lighter.  Her sudden good mood became even better when she got into her Mustang and found her ass didn’t burn when it hit the leather seat.  Traveling after dark had its advantages. 

She had one stop to make before she went home.  She was going to pick up the closed case file on her father’s murder. 



  The station’s ratings were way up and management knew he was the reason for the jump.  He’d already been invited up to the corporate office for cocktails.  “Just like old times, having the big guys sucking up to me.”  He straightened his tie and looked at his boss, sitting across from him.

“By next week, they’ll be offering me a raise with all kinds of extra perks.  And best of all, the other networks want me for interviews.  With Metro PD refusing to give out any details, the networks are begging for information.

“It’s good to be back on top, Frankie.  Back where I belong,” Ed boasted.  “It’s been a long time coming.”

“You’re planning to decline the other networks’ offers for interviews, aren’t you?  The top brass are asking me to encourage you not to cooperate with our local and national competitors.”  He tapped the Corporate letter he held firmly in his hand.

Ed ignored the letter when the other man held it out to him.  “I’ll stick to our own affiliates.  For now anyway.”

“Good.  Management also strongly urges you not to jump ship.  I’m supposed to remind you about the employment contract and non-competes you signed.  How about it?  You want to make brownie points with the big guys?”

“I shouldn’t after the way they treated me when the Hadley Cox affair was over.  I should have gotten an evening anchor spot on a network show.  When the story grew cold they forgot about me and what I wanted.”

“God Almighty, Hersh, that’s just the way it is in our business.  You know that.  I suggest you focus on what’s going on now and grab the brass ring before the killer is caught or decides to quit killing.”

“I plan on doing just that.  But I’d like to see management squirm a bit before I do, let them worry I might be jumping ship and taking the prostitute killer story with me.  That’s all I want.  It’s not asking too much.”

“Don’t play games with the big guys too long.  They won’t forget it if you do.” 

“I’ve got plenty of time to play.  The cops aren’t going to catch this guy  anytime soon, if ever.  They’re clueless.” 

“I don’t know about that, Hersh.  Detective James has been putting away killers for years and his partner is as smart as she is beautiful.  They’ll get this killer.  It’s just a matter of time.” 

Ed leaned forward in his chair, his fists balled tight, tight enough to turn his knuckles white.  “Well, that killer is your meal ticket right now.  You better hope he doesn’t get caught anytime soon.” 

“Shit, Hersh, don’t get so bent out of shape.  I know he’s our hottest news story, but the killing can’t go on forever.” 

“I hope the killer stays busy until I get picked up for an anchor spot at one of the networks.  It shouldn’t be long until I’ll be able to choose who I want to work for and name my own salary while your sorry, bleeding-heart ass will still be here at good old LVTVS.  Wake up and appreciate the murders for what they are...  windows of opportunity.  Besides, the guy is only killing whores.  It’s not like they’ll be missed.” 

Ed’s hands relaxed and he laughed at the streak of red that crept over Frank’s face. 

“God Almighty, Hersh.  Try and tell that to the women’s families.  That last one had two small children.  They’re sure as shit going to miss their mom.  What the hell is wrong with you?”  He stood and dropped the papers he was holding on Ed’s desk.  “You can be a real prick sometimes.  And I’m not going to apologize for saying so.” 

“Oh, calm down.  I was just blowing smoke up your ass.  You just told me the other day that you were the only one around here that had big enough balls to admit the murders boost our ratings.” 

“Yeah, I might have said something like that.  But you sounded heartless.”  “Maybe so.” 

“No, it’s definitely so.” 

“Get a hold of yourself, Frankie.  Come over here and help me decide what interviews I want to give.”  He pushed away Frank’s letter and spread his own stack of papers over his desk. 

“You really piss me off sometimes.”  Frank settled back down in his chair and looked at Ed’s
“You know you’ll have to start with interviews for our own network and then get permission to do any talk shows on other networks, don’t you?” 

“King wants me.  There’s nothing to think about.” 

“Surely, even the big Ed Hershey wouldn’t try and screw with his own network.  If I were you, I’d give this list of requests to the corporate boys and let them decide who gets a piece of you.  It’ll make you look like the team player you never were, or for that matter, never will be.” 

“Now who’s the heartless bastard, Frankie?” 

He tapped the spread out papers.  “I’m just saying you should be careful with any decisions about this stuff.” 

“I will be.” 

“I have a meeting I need to get to right now.  My blonde is waiting for me in my office.  We’re still in promotion negotiations.” 

“See you around, Frankie.”  Not for long though.  I’m on my way up to the big show.  I only need to be our killer’s best friend for a while longer.  Then I’m home free.  Money.  Fame.  Maybe get my two-timing wife back. 

Later that night, Ed sat on the big leather sofa at the corporate offices of LVTVS being interviewed by none other than the Network’s Nightly News anchor himself.  The famous anchorman questioned Ed for over an hour. 

“Can you tell us why you think the serial killer picked you to send the photos of the murdered women to?” 

Ed crossed an ankle over the opposite knee.  “I can take an educated guess.  The killer knows I’m a well known personality nationally, as well as here in Las Vegas.  I’m somebody.  This killer wants his work to be noticed.  What better way to guarantee that than to use a celebrity like myself?” 

The interviewer’s brows arched and he cleared his throat.  “Do you think there’s any connection to the Hadley Cox case from four years ago?  Cox sent you letters with clues back then, didn’t he?” 

“Yes, Hadley Cox chose me to send his clues to.  I in turn, passed them on to the proper authorities.  Like this newest killer, Cox was looking for instant recognition.  With me as his go between, he knew he could achieve that goal.  I was instrumental in helping solve that case.  Metro PD was very grateful for my help.”  He rubbed his jaw between a thumb and a forefinger.  “I don’t believe the two cases are related other than using me as a way of communicating.  The murders are different.  The killers are different.  And of course Hadley Cox is dead.” 

“Do you think the police are close to solving this case?  Are they as appreciative of your help this time around as they were last time?” 

Was that a smirk on the interviewer’s face?  Bastard. 

Ed plastered a smile on his face.  “Sure, they appreciate my help.  I spent an evening with Detective Kennedy O’Brien, the lead detective, going over the case, sharing some of the information I’ve come across.” 

“What kind of information would that be?” 

“I really am not at liberty to share that with you at this time.  I can, however, tell you it involves one of the suspects from the detective’s short
I can also tell you that the suspect is one of Vegas’ wealthiest businessmen and currently seeking public office.  I might add, if he is guilty, his money will not buy his way out of being prosecuted for this horrific crime.  He’ll be punished to the full extent of the law.  Detective O’Brien and the fine court system we have will see to that.” 

Campenelli turned off his TV and tossed his remote on the couch.  He grabbed his cell phone and punched his campaign manager’s number on his speed dial. 

“John, how in the hell does the son of a bitch keep getting away with this kind of crap?  Surely this time he’s crossed the line.  Everybody in the city will know who the wealthy businessman running for public office is.  Can’t we take the little shit to court now?  Get legal on the line and find out what we need to do to nail his ass.  Conference call Jeff in too.” 

“Calm down, Nick.  Hershey never mentioned your name.  He hasn’t done anything illegal...  yet.  I’ll double check with our lawyers, but don’t count on this being anything we can haul him to court over.  I’m sure he’s had some counsel on how to pick and choose the right words.” 

“The prick is going to get away with this?  Is that what you’re saying?”  Nick felt like a hammer was pounding nails into his skull, felt his skin heat.  “I can’t believe this.  Have legal contact Metro and light a fire under their ass.  They’re supposed to be getting the real version of my talk with Phoebe Mixer.  I want off their suspect list and Ed Hershey stopped.” 

“He’ll slip up and legal will nail him.  In the meantime, let’s get you on the air and do some damage control.”  John’s voice went low.  “You’re going to have to do a personal interview.” 

“I don’t give personal interviews.” 

“You need to let the people see the real you, not j
ust the politician,” John shot

“Maybe the politician is the real me.” 

“Nice try, but that line isn’t going to work on me.  You’re going to have to give in on this one, Nick.  At least think about it.” 

BOOK: The Eyes Die Last
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