The Exodus Sagas: Book I - Of Spiders And Falcons (42 page)

BOOK: The Exodus Sagas: Book I - Of Spiders And Falcons
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“Yes Captain, might I interject how well a man of Harlaheim looks in the royal falcon uniform of Chazzrynn.” his smile was not reassuring of what purpose he held, nor was his flattery.

“Thank you Johnas.” Balric bowed again, making eye contact with his lover Vanessa Blackflame. Her black robes and red sashes nearly as perfect as her round face and young dark eyes that were deeper than the Vateric Ocean. He had not held her in many nights and longed to be able to steal her away for just an hour or three, to whisper as they did about leaving this place forever.

“I have recently spoken with our foul acquaintance, Salah-Cam to the south. He proposes a split on the scroll, and whatever other treasures this little band possesses. His only wants are the daughter of Lazlette and the scroll, the rest are ours. I agreed to this deal, despite my reluctance to deal at all, and in return Salah has given me some information regarding these travelers. I will require the guard to move into positions to the west of the city, allied by our shapechanging agents, and set a trap for them. First, we will allow them into the city, to make their arrangements at port. The morning journey to the docks will be hindered by Vanessa, distracted by the disguised agents, and brought down by Balric and Farrigus and their men. Quickly, quietly, and be warned, the reports I have received from the late Dasius indicate that the underestimation of these five is unwise at best.” Johnas paced, smiling, but walked when he spoke, tapping his scabbard with each step as if timing his words.

“Why not meet them at the gate when they enter and just take em’ outright, sire?” the scarred killer Farrigus spoke up.

“Three reasons dear Farrigus. One, Kendari of Stillwood. Impossible to detect and could be anywhere on the outskirts, but he will think twice before sneaking inside the city. Two, there is another elf and a satyr that are near and allies of the five that I hope to lure in. Three, they killed over thirty of our men in Vallakazz, in wide open streets eliminating most of our presence there. The wizard is dangerous and needs to be contained as well as the minotaur. The tight streets here, especially toward the docks, will limit their movements and Lazlette’s magic. Are we clear now?” still pacing a foot in front of the throne, Johnas waited for a response from his trusted killer.

“Like glass my Prince.”

“Excellent. Vanessa, meet me in my chambers so that we may discuss what you are to do to influence our little trap. Balric get your best ten archers. Farrigus, make contact on the north side with the doppelgangers since Gregore’ is deep in cover on the Altestani ship. Tell them we need at least five for this evening. Understood? Heathen, you stay with me. And someone get riders out to find our lady Jade of the West as I have heard nothing from Southwind Keep in some time now.” his mood like the turbulent ocean, Johnas seemed almost happy now that there was some hunting and some capture on the horizon.

Balric, Farrigus, and Heathen bowed together to their prince, only Balric stayed still. He watched as Vanessa slowly walked, eyes glistening with tears, toward the passage behind the throne that led to Johnas’ personal chambers and the prince with her. Balric felt his heart sink, the hopelessness take over, and then his anger began to flush his face. His hand went to his saber, like many times before, knowing that he would be doing the world and his heart a favor by killing this wretch in his own chambers.

“She’s not for you to have Harlian, she’s the Prince’s toy…
heh heh

Balric drew his saber and shortblade, still looking ahead at the shadow of Vanessa in the candlelit passageway. He turned his guard up, as Farrigus drew his longsword. The wicked grin only pushed him harder, and Balric attacked with both blades lunging ahead as Farrigus backed up. The longblade of the killer cut horizontal near the spy’s nose, missing with a
as the Harlian swordsman’s quick motions averted contact. His shortblade out to counter any attacks and his saber began to weave cuts up and down at the torso of Farrigus. “
Bastard scum
!” Another cut deflected down, and Balric moved in with his shortsword pressed against the neck of his enemy. He felt at the same moment, a dagger pressed against his throat, from under the tight quarters between the two. Farrigus had drawn a hidden weapon and was ready to cut should he be cut.

The two swordsmen glared, eye to eye, blades at each others throats, anger dripping from Balric’s face and hate spilling from his every breath. Farrigus smiled, “You know what he
does with her in that chamber now…”

“Aaaarghh! Shut your mouth fiend!” the pain was too much, his thoughts raced of cutting this mans throat despite the dagger at his own.

“Enough!” two heavy hands placed on their shoulders, the minotaur towered nearly two feet over them both. “The Prince’s business is his own and this chamber is not for killing unless I do it! You have your orders, now get out!”

The men lowered their blades, sheathed their swords, and backed up from each other a few steps, not taking even a blink off of the gaze of the other. “The Harlian seems to fancy the Prince’s whore Heathen...”

“Enough Farrigus! Leave now or I will remove you!” Heathen placed his hand on his scimitar and pointed toward the doors.

The foul one-eyed killer of the White Spider, one of many, strode out the doors, chuckling to himself all the way. Balric went to walk after him, into the streets, but a scimitar almost as tall as he, drew from the minotaur, blocked his passage. “You would do well to hide your feelings for the lady, Harlian. The Prince does not trust you already,
you know this
, and your position gives you no leverage to go after Farrigus. In fact, you are in a tight spot. I would advise you to stay away from Lady Blackflame, no matter what has gone on between you, for your sake and hers.” he huffed, sheathing his oversized blade once more, and took two steps back.

“Understood and appreciated my friend.” Balric knew his affair was no secret to some of the circles here in the capital of the criminal guild.

“I am
your friend, Balric. I think you are a spy from the king’s court in Harlaheim, and so does the Prince. Should that be the case, I will delight in throwing you into that pit with Dasius, and many others to rot with you. Your loyalty and skills are the only things keeping you alive right now, do not tempt me to inform Johnas of your affair.”

“Well put, minotaur. I will take my leave.”

Balric strode out of the inner sanctum of the White Spider, his legs weak and shaking with fear. His heart heavy with sorrow and anger he could not displace nor put closure to. His mind raced on how to get Vanessa from here, to make it out and get to Harlaheim safely. He still did not know the Altestani business or the contacts of the White Spider in other kingdoms, Johnas had kept that information from him. Until he knew, he was safe nowhere, not even at home. He walked back to the barracks, head down, watching for Farrigus to appear from around a corner. Every wretch, whore, shopkeeper, anyone he saw could be a set of eyes for the Prince. The Prince who was taking his woman against her will, and the anger stirred more. Balric D’Vrelle wracked his mind, searching for an answer, trying to tie loose ends together, attempting to have faith that he could get what he needed for the church and get out. He began to plan his attack on Prince Johnas Valhera, which would be the fastest way to get out with Vanessa. It would also make him the most wanted man by the White Spider,
the kingdom of Chazzrynn. Balric sat in the barracks and weighed his options, balancing love and danger, evil and murder, mission and secrecy. “Guard!”

“Yes captain D’Vrelle.”

“Bring me our best archers.”


Lavress I:III

Temple of the Whitemoon, Central Chazzrynn

Peering around to see if they were followed, the wood elf hunter stepped silently from the shadows behind the twisting banyan roots and carefully walked on the gray stone steps that led down into the grove. “Bedesh, stay close and do not veer from the steps.” Lavress knew that the sacred groves of the Whitemoon were well protected by fey enchantments millennia old, and even for a member or the Hedim Anah such as he, violation would result in entry being denied for certain should he not step appropriately. The stone steps were to be followed, no tree branches touched, no weapons drawn, and above all else, only the language of the fey court was to be spoken once inside the circle of the sacred temple. “Do you speak the tongue of the forests?”

“Of course I do, I grew up in Haven Glen.” the satyr was nervous, as always, but felt safer with this savage elf, knowing he is the beloved of Shinayne. She had told him much of Lavress Tilaniun, and so far, she had been right. He moved like a shade of the night through the forest, saw things before they were near, and spoke seldom. Bedesh tried to make conversation over the last two days, but to little avail. Lavress was always watching, stalking, maneuvering through the forests he was, keeping the pace brisk and determined to not be caught by whatever and whoever hunted the two of them.

“Very well. Do not speak any other tongue than that, and do not draw your bow for any reason. Follow my exact steps, and remain calm. This is a temple of the Whitemoon, and you are my guest, be nothing short of respectful here.” the wood elf hunter did not blink when he spoke, his eyes full of reason and discipline, a seriousness unwavering. Lavress walked softly down ancient stone steps overgrown with vines and foliage, his soft hide boots making not a sound on the cracked descent. A grove of willows and banyans cascading a circle around polished stones in an open field appeared, the cold wind blowing the bare branches as they approached. “The wind has told the trees we are here, and the trees will tell the court. We will wait here at the stones.”

Bedesh watched, as peace and security fell over him from merely stepping foot in the circle of trees. He followed the motions of the savage elf in front of him, got on his knees with his eyes toward the clouded sky in prayer. Mimicking every motion of his rescuer, the satyr leaned over and placed his hands palm down on the grass and earth, and kissed it softly. He could not follow the exact words or phrases the elf was issuing to Seirena, the Goddess of nature and life, but he did hum along and did his best to listen in the ancient forest tongue of his homeland elders.

Lavress Tilaniun stood up, his hands clasped in front of his waist, eyes closed, and he heard the song of the fey. Faint whispers in harmony, songs from small voices unseen, humming in yet deeper tones, the wind rushing through the branches, the synchronicity of it all made everything move, yet time stood still. The voices rose from the northern side of the circle, and the two weary fugitives felt relief of warm air and green light as the stone steps opposite them split as vine and earth seemed to flow apart like water. From under split steps up and out of the grove, stairs down under the earth revealed. Lights of red and green shimmered in the flickering light as dozens of sprites, no bigger than the elf’s hand, darted about entrance to the sacred hidden temple, inviting, guarding, and whispering songs of the earth. The wood elf hunter raised his left hand to his chin, and then lowered it, tracing a circle around his chest, the salute of the Hedim Anah. The fey guardians of the court parted, and the shadow of a great cat began to form up the stairs. Bedesh stepped back, further behind Lavress, curious, but intimidated by a feline with glowing green eyes, not to mention it was the size of a horse.

“Greetings Lavress Tilaniun, devout of the Hedim Anah, child of Gualidura. And to you as well, Bedesh of Haven Glen.” the deep voice came from the human countenance wreathed in a braided mane of gray and golden hair. The creature’s body that of a large lion with golden feathered wings tinged with white tips, strode gracefully forward to the center of the grove, its green feline eyes meeting the elf’s equally in height.

“Kilbura, child of Mirash, guardian sphinx of the southern temple, it is an honor to be received. Seirena’s breath be within you.” Lavress bowed to the ancient winged feline with the face of a man, the bow followed by Bedesh and returned by the flitting fey and Kilbura alike. “I have recovered three tomes of the four, however...”

“However, you are being tracked, and it is no small threat. Kendari of Stillwood is known well to us, known well for nearly half a millennium. How is Queen Ganidaea Chaldre of your forest kingdom in Gualidura?” Kilbura smiled as the name escaped his tongue in ancient fey. “And your younger brother, Calliun?”

“They are well great one, at peace with the trees and with life, and I long to see them, and …”

“Lady Shinayne T’Sarrin, she has been following you great distances my friend. She travels with one that has seen a God and carries his gift. Her path is uncertain, but let us speak inside. Princess Finwel-Dur is most anxious to see you and sends her love.” the great beast strode down the steps, scattering fey whisperers on tiny wings as he moved. Kilbura could easily finish the sentences and thoughts of those he remained close to, as could most of his kind.

“Are we going down there Lavress?”

“Yes, for how long I do not know. Time moves faster inside the temple of the Whitemoon, so we can not stay long, Bedesh of Haven Glen. Remember my instructions, a princess of the fey will know your heart before it beats, and is likely thousands of years old. Mind your respects.” Lavress followed the sphinx, and he and the satyr entered the most holy of places deep in the earth. His spirit had led him here, knowing the books must return as ordered. The wood elf felt safe, knowing that the temple would move mystically across the continent to other sacred locations with an ancient ritual that the priests here alone were capable of. He had much to inform the court of, and was curious as to what Shinayne had gotten involved in.

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