The Exception (17 page)

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Authors: Adriana Locke

BOOK: The Exception
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“I totally don’t believe that. If that was true, you wouldn’t have that look on your face right now.”

“He’s coming to get us,” she said smugly.

“You secretly love this, I can tell.”

“I do and I don’t know why. He said he doesn’t want us in a taxi this late.”

I watched Kari for a moment, considering what to say next. “Have you ever considered that maybe you like Max more than you are even willing to admit?”

“Now why would I go do something stupid like that?”

“Because it’s true.”

“Have you ever considered that maybe you like Cane more than you are even willing to admit?”

“No. Because I don’t.” I wasn’t about to have a conversation about any feelings I did or didn’t have for Cane Alexander. There was no reason to spoil the night.

Kari sighed. “Whatever. I’m going to grab some water. Stay here in case Max comes, ‘kay?”

She walked across the stone patio, towards the little bar outside that offered water and soda. She disappeared into the sea of bodies.

I placed my head in my hands.
Kari has what she needs and she doesn’t even recognize it. For the first time in her life, she has snagged a good man. Why does she keep fighting him off?

I tried to remember Kari’s last serious fling. Besides the Australian surfer, the only one she ever seemed serious about was a firefighter from Colorado. That ended abruptly after just a few weeks when he took a job in Northern California.

I’m just going to lay it all out there for her. Make her see what an idiot she is being.

The last time I had “laid it out there” for her involved hot chocolate, tissues, and a Julia Roberts marathon.

I could go for that right about now, anyway.

I fiddled with a coaster on the tabletop absentmindedly, when my entire body suddenly tensed.

My heartbeat quickened in my chest as my body went on alert. A chill came over me as I lifted my head and scanned the crowd once again. My sight felt drawn to the back entrance of the patio. A man was turning away from me, a dark baseball cap pulled down low over his face. He turned quickly, sliding his way out of the gate as the rest of the patrons in that area stood in a group, absorbed in a conversation.

I saw the back of his red shirt and a bit of jet-black hair sticking out the back of the cap, a contrast to the color of his shirt.

I craned my neck to get a better look, but he was gone.

An eerie feeling settled over me as I sank back into my chair, chewing on my bottom lip.

Stop it. I’m just overstimulated tonight.

I swallowed hard as Kari appeared again from the throngs of bodies, one of the water bottles pressed to her forehead. “It’s a madhouse over there!”

“I can see that. But I do appreciate your sacrifice.”

I took one from her outstretched hand, unscrewed the top and took a drink. The coolness of the water felt amazing against the heat of the air. I looked around the patio and until my eyes landed on a tall, dark, and handsome man.

“Water is not what I was expecting to see you drinking,” Max said, smiling at us as he approached.

My spirits fell dramatically as my eyes wandered behind Max … to Cane.

He was ridiculously good looking. His white shirt was pulled tightly over his sculpted chest and abs, the blue design spiraling over his shoulder making his eyes nearly glow. I noticed a table full of college girls watching him walk past, but his eyes were focused intently on me. That made me a little giddy, regardless of the fact that I was still mad.

His face was void of emotion; I had no idea what he was thinking or why he was there.

“I told you I was fine, Max,” Kari said, before flashing him a seductive smile. “But I’m not going to turn down a ride home from a hot guy.”

“I’m hot, huh?” Max grinned. “Let’s go back to your place and I will show you how hot I think you are.” He bent down and nibbled at Kari’s neck, making her giggle.

I looked up to Cane, a look of hesitation marring his features. He seemed to be unsure how I was going to react to him being there. He finally offered his hand to me.

I timidly took it, allowing him to pull me up.

Don’t give him the satisfaction of thinking he gets to me. Play this off.

“Miss me?” Cane asked, smirking.

His arrogance burned through me, but I pretended not to hear him as I smoothed down my black dress. I caught the eye of a guy to my right. He was decent looking, but a little too metrosexual for my taste. We exchanged a flirty smile and Cane bristled at my side.

“Are you fucking serious?” Cane growled.

“Am I serious about what?”

“Jada,” he warned.

“What, Cane? Don’t act like I’m not infatuated with you? Do you want me to pretend like you are the only guy here tonight? Is that what you want?”

“It would make things easier,” he said, his jaw tense.

“I’m sure,” I said in disbelief. “Because things are always about what you want, right?”

Cane’s face contorted angrily. “You like the look of that dipshit over there, peacocking in front of everyone? Fine,” he said, shrugging his shoulders and holding out his hands. “Be my guest.”

He turned to look at the guy again before facing me, a laugh in his voice. “No, really, Jada. If that’s what turns you on, go for it. I won’t even say anything—he wouldn’t even be worth me fucking with until he does something besides the pretty boy workout on the Nautilus machine. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t know whether to fight him or fuck him.”

“Fuck you,” I said, fueled by the alcohol. “You didn’t have to come here tonight. You’ve already gotten what you wanted—there’s no reason for you to pretend like you like me anymore. I know how this works. I’ve done it a time or two.”

Cane’s eyes blazed. “What is that supposed to mean?”

I threw my head back and laughed. “Did you think my heart was going to be broken after you ignored me after we fucked?” I shook my head, smiling at the shocked look on his face at my crudeness. “What? Did you think I would think we made love?”

“No, I didn’t expect you to think that. But I didn’t ignore you either!”

“Really? I must be drunker than I thought.”

Cane blew out a breath and took a step back. “You know what? I don’t need this shit.”

“That makes two of us.” I turned on my heel and marched in the bar. I made my way through the crowd until I got to the front and spotted Kari and Max talking to a couple of people.

Cane’s arrogance made me seethe.
Who did he think he was?

I stood beside my sister, trying to avoid eye contact.

“Let’s get out of here,” Kari said, squeezing Max’s bicep. “Where’s Cane?”

“I have no idea,” I said as nonchalantly as I could.

Max shot me a look before he began scanning the crowds for his friend.

“Is that him?” Kari pointed. My eyes followed the direction she was indicating and I saw him walking towards us, a smirk on his face, a bottle of Corona in his hand, and a blonde on his arm.

I was stunned.

He looked over my head to Max standing behind me, acting like I didn’t even exist. “Hey, man. I’ve been looking for you.” He grinned at Max like there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary happening. I could feel Max stiffen behind me.

“What’s going on, Cane?” Max’s voice was scarily calm.

“Nothing,” he said, tipping back his beer, talking a long swig. My eyes watched the blonde running her hand up Cane’s abs beneath his shirt. “Lesley and I are going to head on out. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow sometime.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Kari exclaimed, mouth agape. “You’re serious right now?”

Cane’s eyes cooled further as he peered down at Kari. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Acting like a dick isn’t going to make yours any bigger!” Kari took a step towards Cane and Max pulled her back as Cane chuckled.

“The size of my dick isn’t something I’m worried about.” He shot a quick look at me before wrapping his arm around Lesley’s waist and looking at Max. “I think I’ve been worried about a little too much lately.”

He tossed his beer into a trash can and made his way out of the bar.


What the fuck was I thinking?

I sat in the passenger side of Lesley’s little car as she drove up Mill Avenue. A Playboy bunny bounced off of the rearview mirror.

I looked at her, the bright yellow dress she wore riding high on her thighs. They were hot as fuck—a little on the chunky side and shining with some glitter shit.

I could be in worse situations.

“Do you want to go to my house or yours?” she asked. The sound of her voice grated on my nerves.

Why wasn’t she this annoying in the bar?

I rested my elbow on the window and rubbed my forehead. This was not how I envisioned the night panning out.

“We can just go to your house,” she said, popping her bubblegum.

The thought of this chick at my house annoyed me even more. I could tell she was the type that wouldn’t want to leave easily. I should have paid better attention before actually talking to her.

I said like five words.
I rubbed my forehead harder.

I wonder what Jada’s doing now … no. I don’t give a fuck.

“Maybe I should run by mine first, though, so I have something to wear when we get up,” she said, looking at me out of the corner of her eye and smiling. “Unless I can just wear something of yours.”

She reached over the console and grabbed my cock through my jeans, massaging it with the palm of her hand. I could see the top of her lace bra as she leaned across and it only made me harder.

I scanned our surroundings, spotting a dark parking lot that was fairly empty. “Pull in over there,” I said, pointing to my right. Lesley’s eyes flashed as she whipped the car into the lot and parked in the very back.

She’s done this a time or two.

I scooted my chair back and undid my belt, pushing my pants down to my ankles. I grabbed my cock and pumped it a little, looking at her while she licked her lips. I rolled the condom I had taken from my pocket down and over myself.

“Just get on,” I said. There was no use in pretenses.

She kicked off her heels and pulled her dress up to her waist as she climbed over the console and squatted over me. She grabbed my cock and sat hard on it, slamming it into her.

She wants it rough? I’m more than happy to do that for her.

Her knees on the seat on either side of me, she bounced up and down, taking me in harder with each movement. I grabbed her hips and raised mine, meeting her thrust for thrust.

Her eyes widened as she looked at me, feeling what I had to give her. “Fuck, Cane!” she groaned, throwing her head back a little.

I took my left hand and wound it through her hair, tugging her head back roughly as she continued to slam herself onto me. She cried out as she came all over me and I thrust into her one final time before holding her down as hard as I could, feeling my load shoot against the back of her body. She ground her pussy over me, riding out her orgasm.

I closed my eyes, enjoying this little moment of pleasure in my otherwise hellish life.

I need to fuck more.

I opened my eyes to see her brown eyes smiling back at me.

They should be green.

“That was so fucking good.”

“Not bad.” I lifted her off of me and towards her seat.

“Not bad?” She looked surprised as she clamored across the console and sat down.

“That’s what I said.” I opened the door, tossed the condom out, and shut it hard.

She watched me pull up my pants in disbelief as she tugged her dress back down.

I did a quick assessment of the area and grabbed the door handle again. “I’m going to head over there for a drink.”

“What? Like, you aren’t riding home with me? Or you want me to wait? Or what?”

“I’ll call a cab or something. No worries.” I got out of the car and headed toward Mill. I heard her car start up and she sped past me, sticking her middle finger out the window.

I walked towards the lights. The smell of the city—hot, heavy, and impersonal—made me feel very alone for the first time in a long time.

Images of a brunette with gorgeous green eyes came to mind, her beautiful face contorted with anger.

At me.

What in the fuck am I doing?

I growled, frustrated by my own indecisiveness, the lights of the street getting closer. I pulled out my cell and scrolled through names, looking for one in particular, until the rational part of my brain took hold.

I did what I had to do. I would walk away from her eventually and I’ve already taken the first step.

This is for the best.

Keep walking, Alexander. Keep walking.

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