The Evening News (33 page)

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Authors: Arthur Hailey

BOOK: The Evening News
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This would contain incidental intelligence, some of it speculation or
rumor, whose sequence was irrelevant or not known. From time to time, as

items developed, they would be transferred to the other
board-all of it a research responsibility
The boards' purpose was twofold: first, to apprise everyone in the task
force inner circle of all available information and new developments;
second, to provide a focus for progress reviews and brainstorming sessions
which could, and often did, provoke new ideas.

Punctually at ten o'clock, Rita Abrams raised her voice, cutting across the
general buzz of conversation
All right, everyone! Let's get to work

She was seated at the head of a long table, Harry Partridge beside her
Leslie Chippingham arrived and took his place at
the table too. As he caught Rita's eye, they exchanged discreet smiles
Crawford Sloane seated himself at the far end. He did not expect to
contribute to the discussion at this point and had confided to Partridge
"I feel helpless right now, like a loose nut

Also at the table were the three producers Rita had recruited. Norman
Jaeger, oldest of the three, was a CBA veteran who had worked in every
phase of news. Soft-spoken, imaginative and scholarly, he was a producer
for the network's highly acclaimed magazine program, "Behind the

His abrupt temporary reassignment today pointed up the exceptional resources of the task force
Next to Jaeger was Iris Everly, in her mid-twenties and a brightly shining
star on the news production scene. Petite, pretty, a Columbia Journalism
School graduate, she had a shrewd mind which functioned at lightning speed
When working to pursue an elusive news story, her reputation for toughness
and cunning matched Rasputin's
Karl Owens, the third producer, was a workhorse who had gained his
reputation through persistent, tireless plodding; sometimes his joint
investigative work with correspondents succeeded after competitors had
given up. Midway in age between Jaeger and Iris Everly and not as
imaginative as either, Owens could be counted on for solidity and a
thorough knowledge of his craft
In other seats at the table and immediately behind were Teddy Cooper and
the two assistant researchers, a staff writer borrowed from the National
Evening News, Minh Van Canh, who would be senior cameraman, and a woman
secretary, appointed unit manager
Okay, we all know why we're here
Rita said, opening the meeting with a
businesslike tone
What we'll discuss now is how to go about our work
First, I'll talk about organization. After that, Harry will direct us on
the way we should march editorially

Rita paused and looked the length of the table at Crawford Sloane
we won't make speeches here. I don't think
any of us could without becoming emotional, and you have enough distress to carry without our adding to that burden. But I want to tell you, very simply and from all of us-for your sake, your family's, and our own because we care-we're going to do our damnedest

From the other task force members there was an approving, sympathetic
Sloane nodded twice, then managed to utter, "Thank you
his voice
From here in
Rita said, "we shall operate on two levels -the long-term
project and the daily breaking story. Norm
she continued, addressing
the older producer, "you're to be in charge of long term


"Iris, you'll do the day-by-day, starting with a spot for the news
tonight, which we'll discuss shortly

Iris Everly said crisply, "Got it, and the first thing I'll want is the
video of that melee this morning outside Crawf's house

Sloane winced at the mention of the incident and glanced half pleadingly
at Iris, though she took no notice
You'll get it
Rita told her
The tape's on the way in

To the third producer, Owens, Rita said, "Karl, you'll move between the
two project sides as needed

She added, "And I'll be working closely
with all three of you

Her attention turned to Cooper
Teddy, I understand you want to go to

Cooper looked up with a grin
Yes, ma'am. To dig around and make like
the famed Sherlock H

Turning his head, he added for the others, "At
which I'm exceptionally good

Partridge said, speaking for the first time, "everyone in this
room is exceptionally good. It's why they're here

Unabashed, Cooper beamed
Then I oughta feel right at home

"After we finish this meeting
Rita advised him, "Minh will go to
Larchmont, heading two fresh camera crews. You'll go with him, Teddy, and
meet Bert Fisher who's a stringer for our local affiliate station. I've
arranged it. Fisher was first to
break the story yesterday. He'll drive you around and introduce you to whoever you want to sec

"Wizard! I'll make a note o' that: Go fishing with Fisher

Norm Jaeger said softly to Karl Owens, "Before this assignment's over I may
strangle that Limey

Iris Everly said to the cameraman, "let's you and me talk, please
before you leave for Larchmont

Minh Van Canh, his square dark face impassive as usual, nodded
For the time being that takes care of the nuts and bolts
Rita said
Now, more important, there's editorial direction. Harry-over to you

"Our first objective, as I see it
Partridge began, "is to find out more
about the kidnappers. Who are they? Where are they from? What are they
aiming for? Of course, very soon they may tell us that themselves; however
we won't wait for it to happen. At this point I can't tell you how we'll
learn the answers to those questions, except that together we will focus
our brains on everything that's occurred so far, plus each new piece of
information that comes in. Today I want everyone here to study all the data
that we have, memorizing details. The boards will help

He motioned to the
"Sequence of Events

and "Miscellaneous

boards, adding, "Both will be up
to date later this morning
After everyone has caught up I want us, separately and collectively, to
keep picking over the pieces, worrying at them. If we do that, based on
past experience something will come out
Around the table the group listened attentively as Partridge continued
One thing I'll tell you for sure. Somewhere, those people
kidnappers-have left traces. Everybody leaves traces, no matter how
carefully they try to hide them. The trick is to locate some

He nodded
to Jaeger
Concentrating on that will be your job, Norman

"Got it
Jaeger said
Now the short term. Iris, about our spot for tonight's evening news. I know you've been thinking. How do you see the bones? Do you have a framework

She answered crisply
If there's no fresh dramatic news like communication
from the kidnappers, after saying there isn't, we may go to the snafn this
morning outside Crawf's house. Then, since this will be the first full day
since the event, a recap of yesterday. I've watched the tape of last night;
it was a mishmash. Tonight we can do better, be more orderly. Also I'd like
re-interviews with witnesses at Larchmont"-Iris consulted notes-"especially
the old lady, Priscilla Rhea, who's video-rich. She and the others may have
remembered something new

"What about reactions

Jaeger asked
As in Washington

Partridge answered
A short bite only, from the President, I think. Maybe
some citizen interviews if we have time

"But nothing from Capitol Hill

"Maybe tomorrow
Partridge said
Maybe never. Everyone on the Hill will
want to get in the act

He motioned for Iris to continue
To wrap up
she said, "we should do some analysis at the end n interview
witb an authority on kidnapping

Partridge asked, "Anyone in mind

"Not yet

Karl Owens volunteered, "I know of a guy. Name's Ralph Salerno, an ex-New
York cop, lives at Naples, Florida. He lectures about crime to police
forces all over and has written books. Knows a lot about kidnap. I've seen
him on air. He's good

"Let's get him
Iris said, glancing at Partridge who nodded his approval
Chippingham int
cted, "Karl, we have an affiliate in the Naples
area. Work through them if you can; otherwise fly Salerno to Miami

"And either way
Iris added, "book satellite time for Harry to do the

"I'll get onto it
Owens said, and made a note. After another fifteen minutes of discussion, Rita tapped the
That'll do
she announced
The rap is over. Real work begins.,,

Amid the serious business, a marginal tempest
For research purposes, Harry Partridge had decided to interview Crawford
Sloane. Partridge believed that Sloane, like many people who became
involved in a complex episode, knew more than he realized and that skilled
persistent questioning might bring out new facts. Sloane had already agreed
to the session
In the conference room after the meeting, as Partridge reminded Sloane of
the arrangement, a voice behind them broke in, "If you don't mind, I'd like
to sit in and listen. I may learn something too

Surprised, they turned. Confronting them was Special Agent Otis Havelock
who had w
alked in as the meeting broke up
Partridge said, "since you ask, I do mind

Rita Abrams queried Havelock, "Aren't you Mr. FBI
He answered amiabl
y, "You mean like 'Miss America!
My colleagues might not
think so

"What I really mean
Rita said, "is you shouldn't be in here at all. This
area is off limits to anyone except those working here

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