The Eternity that Follows (20 page)

BOOK: The Eternity that Follows
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Joey finished styling his hair, and came out of the
bathroom, while Gabriella was back at her vanity still doing her
makeup. Joey went over to her, giving her a kiss on the of her
“What was that for?” Gabriella asked, turning around smiling.

Gabriella turned back around, still blushing, to finish doing
her makeup. Joey sat on the bed for a concise moment, watching
Gabriella. When Gabriella was done, she stood up, and noticed
Joey watching her.
“Get dressed silly. We have to leave here in a few minutes.”
Gabriella ordered, politely, not yet dressed herself.
“I was waiting for you to get dressed.”
“Oh really? Well don’t get any ideas, I’m starving.”
“I didn’t have any.”
“Oh no.” Gabriella said, teasing Joey while taking off her shirt
“Still no?” Gabriella asked, slipping off her cotton shorts.
“Oh. Well that’s all the strip tease you’re getting.” Gabriella
announced, she wasn’t about to take off her bra and panties she
was wearing tonight just to tease Joey.
“That’s fine. I’ll be taking that all off later anyway.” Joey said,
getting up from the bed, and showing through his pajama pants he
wore for his nap, he was indeed in the mood.

Gabriella laughed to Joey's words.


“I do turn you on.”

Joey smirked manifestly, while taking off his clothes, and
starting to get dressed. Gabriella stayed watching Joey for a
moment, she loved watching Joey undress himself, not being able
to help but be attracted to his body.
“Now I’m turned on.” Gabriella admitted, suggesting maybe they
had a little time.
“Good.” Joey said, continuing on to get dressed.

“You look pretty tonight.” Joey complimented Gabriella, from
behind the crowded bar, while they were waiting for the bartender
to serve them.

They had already polished off dinner with Shawn and
Danielle at Hamlet’s crossing. Joey got to know her friends better
and took a liking to them. Joey told them all about his company,
while Gabriella sat and listened proudly. Shawn and Danielle
shared the joys of parenthood, and married life. They then talked
about the wedding, and Gabriella asked Danielle to be one of her
bridesmaids. The waitress had already left for the night, so Joey
and Gabrielle were getting drinks to bring back to the table.
“Why thank you.” Gabriella replied, to Joey's compliment.
“You always look pretty.” Joey said, bringing Gabriella’s butt into
his lower half.
“Do I?”
“Yes and very sexy I might add.” Joey said, then thinking of
Gabriella in bed, allowing himself to get slightly hard. He pushed
her closer so she could feel what he was talking about. “See what
you do to me?”
“Stop it Joey.” Gabriella said, embarrassed others may hear.
“I can’t help it. Gabriella, you’re all I want.” Joey confessed. “I
can’t wait to have you naked.” He then admitted.

Gabriella started to giggle. “You think it’s funny?” Joey
asked, confused why Gabriella was laughing.
“No, I think it’s cute! You’re cute.” Gabriella said, turning around
and playfully tapping Joey on the nose.
“Cute?” Joey questioned. He was trying to put Gabriella in the
mood, cute wasn’t the reply he was hoping for. Gabriella didn’t
have a chance to explain her adoption of words.
“What can I get you?” The bartender asked Gabriella, who had
been waving Joey’s money trying to get his attention.

Joey ordered for them, Gabriella paid, leaving behind a tip,
and giving the rest of the money to Joey to put back in his wallet.
Gabriella then grabbed hers and Danielle’s drinks, moved Joey out
of the way, and went back to the table. Joey threw down an extra
two dollars for a tip, put the rest of the change in his wallet,
grabbed his and Shawn’s drinks, and headed back for the table.
“Where’s Gabriella?” Joey asked, handing Shawn his drink and
then sitting down.
“She’s picking out her karaoke song.” Danielle said.
“Oh.” Joey said, laughing. “This ought to be good.”
“Actually she’s a good singer.” Shawn said. “I heard her one
night Danielle dragged me out with the girls for ladies night.”
“Dragged?” Danielle asked.
“Yeah dragged.”
“You wanted to come out that night.”
“Yeah to watch over you.” Shawn replied. Joey found humor in
their conversation, thinking back on how Gabriella told him earlier
she was going out for ladies night tomorrow.
“I know what your saying.” Joey said, shrugging toward Gabriella
to imply how attracted he was to here. “In fact, I’ll be right back.”
Joey said, excusing himself from the table, to accompany

Gabriella, who was at the karaoke stand looking through
the song book to select which song she wanted to sing. There was
a group of guys milling around, not talking to Gabriella or even
looking at her, but something about the situation made Joey
“Stop looking so hot.” Joey said, pinching Gabriella on the hip for
her attention.
“How am I supposed to do that?”
“I don’t know. You’re not allowed to leave the house anymore.”
“Oh really?”
“Not without me.” Joey said, pointing to the group of guys who
were standing just a few short feet away.
“Joey, they’re not even looking at me, and I’m not doing anything
wrong. Sing a song with me, please?” Gabriella asked in her
cutest voice, Joey couldn’t refuse her.
“Fine. But I’ll only rap.”
“Okay I have the perfect song then.” Gabriella said, flipping
through the book to find it.
“And what song is that?” Joey asked, while Gabriella wrote their
names down on the karaoke slip.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” Gabriella said, handing the slip
to the karaoke man.
“Gabriella? Say if I don’t’ know it?”
“Oh you know it.” Gabriella said, postive he knew the song she
had picked.

Gabriella took Joey’s hand into her own, and lead him
back to the table. The karaoke Dee Jay called a few people up
before Joey and Gabriella, while they all sat there watching and
listening to people make fools of themselves singing. After one
guy stumbled off the stage, Joey turned to Gabriella,
“do I really have to do this?” Gabriella batted her eyeslashes at
“yup, it’s so much fun I promise.”

Joey wanted to back out, but just as he was about to say
something, the Dee Jay called their names to come up and sing.
Gabriella sprung from her seat, and Joey felt he had to follow. The
karaoke Dee Jay handed Joey and Gabriella separate microphones,
then started up the music. Gabriella picked Jay-Z’s and Beyonce’s,
‘Crazy in Love.’ Joey was alleviated he knew the song, but
mostly because he knew the rap part wasn’t too long.

Gabriella danced sexily for Joey on stage as she sang.
When Joey got to his rap part, Gabriella bursted out into laughter.
Joey, instead of rapping, simply recited the lyrics in a half speaking
voice. When Joey was through with his part, Gabriella finished
singing the rest of Beyonce’s lyrics. She then dropped low to the
end of the song, using her signature move, and shot right back up.
When they walked off the stage, Joey was red in embarrassment,
but he was laughing. Joey then was a tad mad at Gabriella for
putting on a display for the boys at the bar using her dance moves.
“You want to be an entertainer or something?” Joey asked
Gabriella, when they reached back to the table.
“Nope. Just wanted to entertain you.”
“Better have been for me.”
“You guys did great.” Danielle said, seriously.
“Yeah, the next Sunny and Char.” Shawn said, laughing.
“Thanks” Joey said, brushing off the compliments knowing they
hadn’t done all that well.
“Oh you think?” Gabriella said, pretending she was gullible and
she believed them.
“Most definitely.” Shawn answered, laughing.
“We have to get going.” Danielle said, noticing the time. “We told
the babysitter we’d be home by one-thirty.”
“Oh wow, it’s around that time already?” Shawn asked.
“Yup babe. Time flies when you’re having fun.” Danielle said,
causing Gabriella to become exultant she and Joey were able to
show her friends a good time.

Gabriella and Joey stood up for the good byes. Joey was
polite, telling them it was a pleasure to meet them, and he was
looking forward to the next time they could all get together.
Gabriella gave them kisses good bye, telling Danielle, she’d call
her one day during the week. When they were gone, Joey and
Gabriella were sitting down at the table again, all by themselves.
“Sing another song with me?” Gabriella joked. While Joey
laughed at her suggestion.
“You’re not that cute.”
“Sure I am.” Gabriella protested, making a cute face.
“Nope not working. Come on lets get out of here too.” Joey said.
Gabriella took a sip of her drink, and when she were done, Joey
turned his chair to match the way Gabriella was sitting. Her back
was against the wall, and she was facing sideways at the table.
Joey then grabbed the side of Gabriella’s thighs, moving himself
slowly toward her, then backing away to where he was orginally
“Well when you put it like that.” Gabriella said.

Joey leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss, suggesting
he couldn’t wait any longer. “All right well go.” Gabriella said,
after Joey’s kiss.
“Thought so.” Joey said, with a smile.

When they reached the car, Gabriella suggested they go for
a ride into Candlewood to look at the house Joey was building, but
Joey didn’t want Gabriella to drive any further then she had to after
a night out of mildly drinking. When they got into the driveway,
Joey couldn’t wait anymore to have Gabriella. Joey leaned over
the middle console, and whispered in Gabriella’s ear,
“I want you right here.”
“Yes! Get naked.” Joey said, as he started to undo his pants.
“Joey, what if the neighbor see?” Gabriella said, teasing as she
was undoing the top button of her skirt already.
“I’ll have to kill them. All off.” Joey said, taking off his own shirt.

Gabriella followed his instructions, while Joey lowered the
back of the passengers side car seat. When they were both
undressed, Joey asked Gabriella to come on top of him. Having no
protest, she climbed upetop of him, and entered him slowly into
her as she slowly lowered herself all the way down, to take him all
in. She then looked into Joey’s eyes.
“Forever?” She asked.

Gabriella then moved Joey slowly in and out of her,
tantalizing him, and not letting him fully enter inside her. Joey had
found gratification in Gabriella’s teasing, while becoming more
and more aroused waiting for action. Gabriella moved all of him
out of her, and then moved herself down, hard and rough with
passion, hitting the spot Joey had found for her. Gabriella built up
momentum, bringing herself to a climax, and Joey too soon began
to climax. Joey slowed Gabriella down, moving along with her to
enhance his climax. Gabriella found great pleasure in Joey’s body
moving along with hers, she climaxed again, afterwards, she
collapsed on her own seat.
“Wow Joey.” Gabriella said, taking Joey’s hand into her own.
“Wow.” Joey replied, giving Gabriella a wet smack on the lips.

Gabriella put her hand on the side of Joey’s face, causing
Joey to look into her eyes.
“I love you Joe.” Gabriella said, softly.
“I love you too.” .
“Let’s go inside and start our weekend of cuddling.”
“Let’s hop in the back and do it again.”
“Joey!” Gabriella said, shyly.
“Gabriella.” Joey said, trying to turn her on.

Joey hoped into the back seat and held his arms out for
Gabriella to join him. Gabriella compliantly hopped into the
backseat as well. Joey kissed her, while lying her down on the
back seat of the car. Gabriella opened her legs, and Joey naturally
put himself inside. Joey looked into her eyes.
“For the eternity that follows?” He asked
“For the eternity that follows.”

Joey took his time with Gabriella, moving slowly in and
out of her. He kissed her sweetly with his tongue as she responded
sweetly back with hers. Joey got lost in Gabriella’s kiss as they
shared themselves with an intimacy neither of them ever had with
another partner. He made love to her for over an hour as his
orgasm was slow and fulfilling, causing them both to tremble
afterwards, while they held each other tightly. When they were
through, Gabriella cuddled up to Joey in the back seat of the car.
Gabriella was lost for words, Joey had never made love to her with
such care and gentleness before. Joey held her for a few minutes
until he suggested they both get dressed and get inside.

When they were out of the car, Joey looked up and spotted
the constellation, Virgo. He pointed it out to Gabriella, and she felt
magic overcome her.
She couldn’t help feel a higher power, and
the eternity that awaited her and Joey’s souls to rest on together.
Joey carried Gabriella inside, and got her undressed again. He
then turned down the covers, and placed she in bed. Joey
undressed himself and got into the bed pulling Gabriella gently
close to him, to fall asleep. Joey whispered promises of forever,
and never letting go into Gabriella’s ear, as she fell asleep into a
deep peaceful dream. Joey himself, fell asleep moments after in
peace as well.

Chapter Fifteen

Gabriella woke up around ten in the morning with Joey’s
arms wrapped tightly around her waist as she lay on her side.
Gabriella gave Joey a light kiss on the lips to wake him up. Joey
responded by opening his eyes slowly, closing them again, and
then finally returning the kiss. Joey then let go of the tight hold he
had around Gabriella, and turned around to fall back asleep.
Gabriella held Joey from behind for a few minutes, while giving
him sweet kisses all over his back. Gabriella then went
downstairs, and made breakfast for the two of them, to bring it
back up.
“I love this face so much.” Gabriella said, as Joey opened his eyes
slowly. “Good morning, handsome, I made you breakfast.”
“Oh baby doll, you didn’t have to.” Joey said, taking her into the
bed with him to cuddle.
“Lets eat.” Gabriella said, pushing Joey off of her, and going back
over to the night stand, on the other side of the bed.
“Fine.” Joey said, as he sat up. Gabriella handed him the plate of
food. “For me?” Joey asked, pleased with his pancakes.
“For you.”

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