The End of Games (20 page)

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Authors: Tara Brown

BOOK: The End of Games
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Coop caught up with me. His voice was gruff, "You have to remember to keep everything private. You know better."

I looked at Coop, "You aren’t mad that he shoved my face in his dick the entire ride here? That doesn’t make you angry? Me talking in front of the guy, I assumed he had on the payroll, that makes you psycho?"

Coop gave me his stoic face, "I saw you throat punch him, least that’s what it looked like. He has a decent welt. I assumed you had it."

Disgust covered every inch of my face, "What? No, I didn’t have it." I looked back at Servario. He blew me a kiss. I flipped him off.

I didn’t know why I had agreed to even do the stupid mission. It made no sense, nothing ever made sense. I wanted to shoot something, but we had bailed all our guns, and there was nothing left but the clothes on our backs. Even our passports were gone. I turned into the marina but Servario shouted, "That way, milady."

I looked over at a shack down the road. Of course. Nothing was ever predictable with them. The shack was a dirty, little shit hole. I opened the front door, praying to just get shot when I opened it. Inside was nothing. It literally was nothing but a room. Jack came in after me, "They went behind it."

I nodded and followed him into the woods. "That probably looked suspicious, the four of us walking into the bush. The two dead guys are probably not making us look less suspicious."

Jack nodded, "Yeah, this is one of the odder things I've ever done, and that’s saying something."

I sighed, "Yeah, me too."

He stopped, "Let's be honest about the things you've done, this is nothing. Evie, walking through some woods after shooting two dudes is like a regular Thursday for you."

I laughed. We followed Coop and Servario, who walked without speaking at all. When we got to a trail there was another cabin. I went to walk past it but Jack grabbed my arm, "They went inside."

"Of course they did."

He nodded, "You know you'll guess the wrong one. Statically speaking, when making a choice, a female…"

I put my fingers up to his lips, "Stop."

He smiled and spoke through my fingers, "You remind me of Luce sometimes."

I nodded, "Thank you." I pushed him into the shack. Servario was passing out things. I started to get excited when I saw some heels. "Louboutin?"

He shook his head, "Choo."

I fought my smile, "Cool."

He rolled his eyes, "Oh, just get excited."

I snatched the stunning heels from his hands and ran my fingers down the side of the strappy silver stiletto. The straps were so delicate and fine. It was like the band of an engagement ring. I touched the bling lining the sides, "Are those real?"

He sneered, "You know I only buy the best." Coop and Jack had gone into the other room. Servario handed me a black pleated skirt, short black bob wig, a makeup kit, a water bra, and a red, off-the-shoulder top with bat wings. I nodded, "I miss Roxy sometimes." He glared at me. I shrugged, "I know she was a bad person, but she had great taste. These were hers, weren’t they?"

He looked disturbed, "No." He backed up to the wall, leaning on it. I scowled, "Turn around."

He smiled, shaking his head, "Hurry up."

I met his gaze with confidence, "Fine."

I pulled off my shirt and bra and pulled on the strapless water bra. I turned to the side, "You sure these aren’t too big?"

He laughed, "You need to look like the usual girls."

I cocked an eyebrow, "Ewwww. I am not getting on that boat again. Pervert. You should have burned it to the last dildo."

He chuckled, "We aren’t going on the boat with all the dead people on it."

I pulled on the skirt and dragged my yoga pants off. I tossed my pants at him. He pulled the underwear out, "Really?"

I nodded, "I'm trying to look the part of boat whore."

He pocketed the underwear, "You're trying to drive me crazy, that is what you're doing."

I lost my smile, staring at the small lump my panties made in his pocket. "Those were dirty."

His smile widened, "Oh, I know."

I mentally massaged my temples and reminded myself of Coop. I really liked Coop. I could bring Coop around my kids and he was amazing in bed. He was never going to be the big bad wolf that Servario was. I almost looked down at my bare vagina and reiterated that point.

Coop good, Servario bad.

I pulled on the top and positioned it so it hung with one shoulder uncovered. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and slipped the wig on. I dropped to my knee and slipped on one shoe and then the other. I could hear his breathing changing as I walked over to him and passed him the mirror.

"You look…"

I shook my head, "Shut up, please, or I will swear at you." I looked in the mirror and put on the falsies and eye shadow. I dragged the eyebrow pencil up my eyebrows and back brushed them with the small comb. They looked natural being that dark.

I dragged the lip brush covered in Russian Red across my lips.

"Fuck me, Evie."

I looked over at Coop and laughed. He and Jack both looked like they were going to star in an Eminem video. Baggy Carhartt cargo shorts, Nike runners, baseball caps and baggy t-shirts. They both looked young. "What are you two wearing?"

Servario looked at them both, "They look like my young American friends who come and party."

I scowled, "They don’t dress like you?"

He shook his head, "No. They're Americans. They dress like urban gangsters."

"They look like they're twenty."

He nodded, "They are twenty, what's your point."

I saw what he was doing. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." Coop was still staring at me, as was Jack. I scowled, "You like my new hair?"

"Tits, I mean, I like the whole thing."

I glared, "You and the water bras."

He nodded, "Yeah, those look so real."

Jack gave him a look, "He means you look really slutty, very whorish. I think this is perfect, exactly the type of girl we normally record Servario with."

Servario's eyes twitched, "Let's go."

He turned and walked out the back of the shack. Coop walked to me, pulling me into his arms. I pushed on his chest, "We need to look professional. Like partners." He smiled but I pushed him back, "No."

We walked out the back of the cabin to a massive set of stairs. I looked at them, "Are you kidding?"

Servario smiled, "I'd be happy to carry you?"

I laughed and walked past him, "This isn’t a fun little field trip; you guys get that, right?"

By the time we got to the bottom, my feet were pressing through the ends of the sexy sandals. I was in agony. I looked at the huge flight of stairs climbing the cliff, shaking my head. Coop wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "You wearing underwear?"

I gave him a sly smile, "Why?"

His eyes turned steely, "I thought that about mid-flight of the stairs there was a gust of wind, and I might have seen something, something I recognized from the other day."

I smiled, "I'm pretty sure you didn’t see anything."

Jack smiled as he walked past, "No, we did."

I blushed, "Well, stop looking, perverts."

Coop looked nervous, "Why aren’t you wearing underwear?"

I shrugged, "They were boy shorts, they didn’t suit my skirt. Why? Is it distracting you to see my bum?"

He nodded, "Someone might see the other part."

I nodded, "Everyone has seen it. I had like seven doctors and nurses in the room when I gave birth. I was pushing in front of a mirror, with like eleven people total, trust me. People have seen it."

Servario grabbed Coop's arm, "Run. You want to avoid this story, at all costs. The mirror is only the start, it really goes downhill from there."

Coop looked back at me as we walked out onto the pier to where a small boat was sitting. We climbed on board, and Servario started it. He drove us out into the massive waves. I started to get nervous, gripping to my wig and covering my falsies, "This was a bad idea."

Coop pulled me into his chest, making a massive wind barrier. "That better?"

I nodded, "A bit."

“Put your underwear back on!"

I laughed, "No." Call it petty, but seeing him and Servario go berserk over some underwear was awesome. It was payback by the boatload. Coop looked like I might accidentally fall on a cock and let it fuck me. Like all girls with no underwear were just there for sex. I was fine without the underwear. The skirt went to my knees.

It wasn’t Coop I was doing it for though. It was hang-Evie's-ass-out-to-dry Servario. He looked hopeful, like I might actually let him fall on me and accidentally fuck me. Ha!

He could keep my underwear like a pervert. That was the last whiff of this he was getting.

I stopped my overly-confident inner rant and pondered, when was the last time I had changed my underwear?

I didn’t want to be known for anything that didn’t smell like roses… yikes.

We rode out to a massive yacht anchored at sea. Suddenly, I understood why Servario had not cared about the yacht we had been on. It was nothing, compared to the one we floated up to.

I looked at the huge dock and set of stairs, "I'll go last."

Jack jumped out, "I'll go first." He ran from the possibility of seeing my entire underside. Coop and Servario had a stare down. I pushed them at the stairs, "Hurry up. My ass cheeks are getting cold."

When we got halfway, Servario looked down at me, "How high are you guys?"

I gave him a thumbs up. He smiled, "Let's get the party started then."

I assumed that was his way of saying we were high and the boat was bugged.

At the top, Coop nuzzled into my neck, "I'm going to fuck the hell out of you later, when we are done killing shit."

I nodded, "Fair enough. If you gave your underwear to one of your exes and partied with a bunch of chicks who could see your cock, I might be mad."

He looked pissed but didn’t get a chance to say anything. The boat was a full-fledged party. Coop and Jack did fit in. Unfortunately, so did I.

Chapter Twenty-Two

It's just a quickie

Servario leaned into my neck as the helicopter started. He pushed me back and dragged a line of white powder on my chest. He snorted and licked it up. Coop started kissing up my arms. Jack was flying the helicopter. We took off from the yacht under the guise of joining the mile-high club.

I shoved them both off when we got into the air, "What the fuck did you snort?"

He laughed, "It was made for me; it tastes like cocaine, but I don’t get a high from it. It has no effect. I use it at every party I go to. You should see the people who try it and say it's the best shit ever."

Jack shook his head, “The memory of the previous stone from cocaine, acid, mushrooms, or heroin, and even ecstasy, can actually trigger an effect on the brain. Just thinking about it can trigger memories and reactions. It’s part of the addictions; our brain is trying to convince us to do it again by making us crave it.”

I laughed as Servario gave him a strange look. Coop shook his head, "Your parties are awesome."

Servario nodded, "They truly are. It's a non-stop orgy most weekends. The captain brings the boat to wherever I want him to. It's a good life."

I shook my head, "You are a health risk, a walking, fucking health risk."

He sighed, "We have rules about the boat."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, I saw a lot of responsible young adults making choices based entirely on rules. Good call."

He scoffed, "You are so frigid." I shot him a look but he ignored it, "Are you guys ready? This is going to be heavy."

Coop gave me a questioning look but I nodded, "I'm ready. What weapons do I have? I'm sort of screwed for places to hide them."

Jack looked back and shouted, "You could put them in your…"

Servario and Coop simultaneously shouted, "NO!"

Jack put his hands up, "Alright, I was just saying, it's an available spot."

It took me a second to realize where he was thinking. I wrinkled my nose, "Ewwww. Plus, what if it went off?" I squeezed my thighs together and shuddered.

Servario handed me two thin knives like the ones he had hidden in the couch on the yacht. They had slim hilts and sharp blades. He passed me a pair of knife garters. I slid them up my thighs discretely and pushed the knives into the holsters. They were at the tops of my legs, hidden in the pleats.

He winked, "I thought of everything."

I was sitting between the two of them, both staring at me. I frowned, "What?"

Servario shook his head innocently and Coop swallowed hard. They knew something I did not.

"Fuck, what?"

Coop bit his lips, "We're taking you in as a new whore."

My jaw dropped, "Why am I always the whore?"

Jack looked back at me. I pointed, "Shut it before I kill you."

He put his hands up and turned back around.

"Fuck, seriously? Why?" I asked Servario but he just sat there looking nervous. I scowled, "You’re against human trafficking. They're gonna know that you wouldn’t bring me there."

He shook his head, "Only girls, underage girls. I sell women… sometimes."

My skin crawled as I imagined his hands on me, touching me the way he would have a whore who he had sold. A whore who had once been someone’s daughter or wife or mother. I couldn’t fight the disgusted look on my face, "Oh God. Oh my God."

He looked worse, "Evie, it's just… like spies for the other guys, and you know, competition. Sometimes they’re daughters or granddaughters of bad people, as payback. Sometimes someone’s family is the only way to get to them."

I gagged, "Oh my God. You sell women into sex slavery? You sell granddaughters and other spies? Fuck! Servario, they were someone’s daughter or granddaughter or mother."

His hands came out, "Baby, it's my business. I have to be in everything—how do you say that? My toes in all the jars. No. I mean…" He was panicking. I grimaced at him calling me baby.

Jack looked back, "Keep your fingers in many pots."

I growled. Jack gave me a look, "Evie, calm down. You didn’t think the gunrunner and drug dealer was also into whores? Please. We all knew."

Servario pointed at Jack, "He's right. They all go hand in hand."

"Fine, I'm a whore. I don’t want to talk about this again, you don’t do it ever again, and we never speak of this. I feel like I might throw up.” I gagged a little and looked at Coop, “Why does Coop still look like he's going to piss his pants?"

Servario pressed his lips into a fine line for a second, "The boss likes to taste the merchandise, he likes a quickie. Just one fast one. No biggie. Think of what Elise went through for the protection of her father. She had been at that brothel a while before we got there. It’s for the greater good, really."

It took a second to hit and for me to realize what he was talking about. Jack gave them both a disturbed look. I started to laugh, "Uhm, you think I'm going to let him have a quickie? For the greater good?" I looked at Coop.

He shook his head, "If you can kill him, really fast and silently, without being recorded and alerting the guards, you can get away. The plan is for us to kill them all silently before they can alert anyone or tell anyone who is there. But you have to keep Karl, the guy who runs this one, busy. We have to stay out in the lobby, pretending to do coke and hang out while he tastes the merchandise "

"Stop saying merchandise like I'm bringing him a fucking cake. Say pussy at least, okay? Wow. This is really low." I shook my head, "I'm killing him, so fuck that." I thought about it for a second, "How does he do it?"

Servario winced, "From behind. I've seen him do it a couple times."

I glared at him, "Does he have training I should know about?"

He shook his head, "No. He's a lazy pimp. He fucks all day, he has no cares."

"He's got one now."

We landed on a roof. Everyone was certain of the plan, but I was desperately anxious. What if I wasn’t fast or able to kill him? What if he got his quickie? What if he was strong and raped me? Oh God. My stomach curdled.

Servario grabbed me by the arm. Jack and Coop came along behind us joking around, and I struggled as hard as I could.

The building was nice. I assumed it was in Maui. It was still warm and beautiful but we were in a city, a big city. But we hadn’t flown so far as to be anywhere but in Hawaii still.

The top floor was a solarium for the helicopter visitors. Servario pressed a button on the outside of the elevator and then slid a card through a card reader. I gave him a dirty look, “You’re a card-carrying member?” He shoved me into the elevator. When we got inside, he did the same with the card.

The elevator went down fast, stopping smoothly on a floor not too far down. The door on the other side of the elevator opened. It was a wall of mirrors, I wouldn’t have guessed it was a door. I guessed that was the point.

Servario dragged me inside. He gave a smile to a redhead at the front desk, like it was a hotel.

"Mr. Servario, how are you?"

He nodded "Very well. Is he in?"

She smiled sweetly, "He is. I'll ring. Please, have a seat and some refreshments."

He dragged me over to the couch, "Thanks Roberta, we already had some on the flight over."

She gave me a sarcastic look and giggled. She knew I was the refreshment and thought it was funny? What kind of woman did that to another woman?

I pushed at Servario but he grabbed my arm, "Do I have to turn you over my knee again?"

I shook my head profusely, "No, please."

Coop and Jack laughed and rubbed their noses. Roberta eyed up Coop. He grinned at her, "Sup?"

She blushed, "Not much. What's up with you?"

He shook his head, "Just bringing my friend here a few girls to party with."

She nodded but a man spoke making us all turn around. "We do like to party. Servario, how are you? It’s been ages."

I was almost confused when I saw an extremely-handsome British man, in a well-cut suit, walk up. He had dark hair and eyes, and a sly smile.

Servario shook his hand and nodded at Coop and Jack, "I’ve been well, my friend. Karl Bergman, these are my associates, Tom and Jimmy Sullivan."

"From Boston?"

Coop frowned, "You know us?" His Bostonian was perfect.

Karl nodded, "I know of your family well. The Sullivan brothers are a well-run organization."

Coop rubbed his nose, "We have a good time." He slapped his hand into Karl's as did Jack. He looked wooden and awkward, but it suited him, even in disguise.

"What have you here, Gustavo? She is stunning."

Servario nodded, "Yup. She's an agent out of Hong Kong. She worked her way into the Sullivan's organization. They wish to be rid of her."

Coop winked, "She worked fucking hard, let me tell you."

Karl chuckled, running his fingers down my face, "This really is top shelf, my old friend. I might have to keep her for myself."

Servario shrugged, "However you wish it, I just want my merchandise."

Karl nodded at a corner of the room, “Let me see what she is worth.” Two men walked in from a large door, grabbing my arms and dragging me to the door they had come through. We turned right, down a hallway.

They brought me to a room with a couch and desk and some file cabinets. It looked like an office. They left me there alone. I sat on the couch, making sure my skirt was under my butt. I looked down, noticing my knives were visible if I sat. I stood up and paced, holding myself. I had to assume it was a recorded room.

I recalled a video I had seen once of women in sexual tourism. They were weak and scared. They barely fought it. They did what they had to do to save their necks. I found the camera in the corner and prepared myself. The doorknob turned, clicking a lock. Karl came in, smiling nicely. "You really are a beautiful woman. What's your name?"

I swallowed hard, "Josie."

He walked over to me, "Are these your clothes, Josie?"

I shook my head, almost crying like I believed his sweet British act, "No. They—they made me go to a party on a boat. They made me do things I didn’t want to do. You have to help me. Please, I know things. I can be of use, I swear."

He nodded, "I am going to help you. I know you’ll be of use." His eyes locked on my bright Russian Red lipstick. He ran his thumb over my lips, "I just need to smear your lipstick with my cock a little first."

I swallowed hard, nodding and then backing away as if I had just realized what he had said, "What?"

He grabbed my neck and dragged me to the couch. He sat, pulling my face down into his groin.

My hand shook as I tried to fight him off, shaking my head, “Please, no.” He raised his hand but I flinched away, nodding, "Okay, I’ll do whatever you want. Please, don’t hit me." My voice sounded desperate.

He nodded, "That’s my girl."

My fingers shook as I reached for his zipper. He was already erect when I pulled it out. It was a respectable size but not circumcised. I almost made a face, but I knew that would get me killed. He jerked his cock in my hand, forcing me to stroke it. He bit his lip and gyrated into my hand a little, "You have such soft hands. Jerk me a bit before you get it wet."

I stroked his cock, ready to gag. He reached forward and smeared my lipstick with his thumb, "Oh shit. I am taking you home for the next month or two. I need a new pet. Have you ever been a submissive before?"

"No." I gripped and stroked, twisting my hand the way Servario had taught me to do when he discovered I was not interested in blow jobs. Not his kind anyway.

Karl thrust into my hands, "Okay it’s time to test out that mouth."

I nodded, "Okay. But I like to do it better with the man standing, is that okay?"

He gave me a look like he might get violent. I backed away from him and crawled to the door, the only empty wall space, and out of the view of the camera. I gave him a sexy look, "I like to have my hair pulled and my face fucked." He jumped up. Apparently, I had lied convincingly.

Servario would be excited his version of a blow job was what saved our mission.

Karl pressed his back against the door, "This better be good." He grabbed my hair and forced my mouth down on his cock. I didn’t have a chance to gag. I sucked, pulled a blade and shoved it into his taint. I pulled the other one and stabbed into his voice box as he was taking his breath to scream.

I pulled the blade from his taint and stabbed into his heart. He died instantly, sliding down the door to the floor. I took a couple breaths, looking at the camera and the couch and the feet on the floor. I was out of breath and a little disoriented, but I needed to get moving.

I stood up, taking his keys, phone and sliding card. I wiped my blades and bloody hands on his clothes, staying as close to the wall as I could and opened the door. I barely got the heavy door open because of how his body was pressed against it. When I did, I walked down the hallway like I had been sent that way. I was glad I'd worn the red shirt. Servario had thought of everything.

I saw the two guards standing by a TV and walked that way. I hit the first one in the jugular and the second in the heart. The first pulled his gun, but I kicked him against the wall and stabbed him in the heart too.

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