The Eagle and the Rose (9 page)

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Authors: Rosemary Altea

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BOOK: The Eagle and the Rose
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The need for spirit rescue is quite rare and can be dangerous and exhausting for the medium both mentally and physically. Not only does the medium, through trance, vacate his or her body and allow a spirit entity to use that body—he or she will also accept that the entity needs to be allowed full and extensive expression of his or her thoughts and feelings. Care must be taken by those who work with the medium to ensure that conditions for this work are favorable. Always I have Grey Eagle's protection, and part of that protection is making sure I have the right people around me when I work. With rescue work it is doubly important that the people who sit with me are sensible, emotionally stable, and able to cope with any eventuality.

The first spirit rescue that Grey Eagle brought to me was a woman who, using my body, began to relive her death experience. All of the souls I have helped to rescue have gone through their death experience a second time. Reliving the death experience helps them fully accept and come to terms with the fact that the return to the earth plane is impossible, that their journey must continue on in another way.

When Grey Eagle brought this first lady to me she was in great distress, struggling with the abrupt and ghastly way she had died. Through me, using my body, my vocal cords, she relived the accident she had had, the fear she had experienced as she'd sat behind the wheel of her car as the truck that killed her approached. She relived the shock at the point of death, as she looked to where her body lay, and realized she had been decapitated. As the most bloodcurdling and chilling scream emitted from my mouth, we realized that it had been this terrible shock that had created a block in her mind and therefore a denial of her situation that had prevented her from going forward to her new life.

Mick and Paul talked to her for about an hour and encouraged her to talk to them. They explained that she had to go forward, that the dark place she was in was of her own making. Gradually she became calmer, more at peace, and much less afraid.

While all of this was happening I had stood to one side of my body, listening and in sympathy with everything I had heard, aware of the immense stress and sheer terror of the woman as she had seen her head cut off. Now I could feel that she was much more peaceful and that she was slowly coming to terms with the fact that it had only been the physical self she had used during her life on earth that had been destroyed.
had remained whole.

As I watched from my vantage point I became aware of a gathering of souls, people in the spirit world who had come to escort this lady home. I knew that our work, mine and that of my small group, along with Grey Eagle, was nearly done, that very soon now she would vacate “my” body and continue her journey in peace. By giving her the opportunity to relive her death, and to talk with mortal beings on the earth plane, she had been able to understand that it was time to move on, and she was no longer afraid to do this. She had indeed been rescued from her fear.

Another rescue we did involved a woman who had been buried alive. I have no idea how or why this lady was buried alive, and it was not for me to know. It obviously was not necessary for us to be given this information in order to help her, and I have learned over the years to detach myself somewhat from the intrigues of people's lives, information that would only muddle my mind. Again I was fascinated to see how this woman was able to use my body as I looked on, amazed, to relive the trauma of her death. My (her) body writhed about as she tried to claw her way out of the coffin she was trapped in. I too was reliving her death with her, even to the point of seeing the ends of her fingers, broken and bleeding, as a vision came to me of her struggle. Eventually she too, as with all of those who have been brought to us by Grey Eagle in this way, became calm and found peace, and I was able then to watch as she vacated my body and went toward her loved ones, who had been waiting, to continue her journey.

Grey Eagle taught me that what I must remember is that we all have a free will and each of us is responsible for who we are, how we grow, and what we become. Through life, each of us is given many opportunities to learn. Our journey is one of discovery. Whether or not we choose to take these opportunities is up to each of us. But we do choose as individuals, we do make conscious choices as to which path of life we walk down. As we go on, past death and into the next world, continuing our lives, we have those same choices, and those who are brought to us for rescue, their choice was to reject the new path that was waiting for them when they first passed through the door called death.

Grey Eagle was a good teacher, kind and patient, never asking more of me than I could give. Never sharp, always caring. And my confidence grew.

For the first time in my life, I was spoiled, nurtured, allowed to believe that I was someone special, for to Grey Eagle I was.

After the healer man had first talked to me of spirit guides, it had occurred to me to wonder whether my father might be my guide. But this was not to be; in order for me to develop my gift, my potential to the fullest, I needed a guide who was a highly evolved spirit being, which Grey Eagle is. Even when he was living on the earth plane, Grey Eagle, born Apache, was a shaman, a wise man, seer, teacher, and healer. Because he was a spiritual leader of his people, he was well qualified to guide and teach me.

There are so many things that I have been taught by Grey Eagle. His wisdom, his understanding, his great compassion, tolerance, and love of others, are so inspiring. As a shaman he has taught me, as only a shaman can truly teach a shaman, of the power of the spirit self, the light of the soul, and how to use this power. We have been together on many journeys, making vision quests, seeking dream visions, and he has taught me to know myself and to some extent to know my future.

The Apache, a nomadic race, were known to be the most aggressive and threatening of the North American Indians, a warrior race and the last of their people to give up their lands and their rights to the white man. They fought savagely to retain what was theirs, so much so that the name
struck terror into the hearts of many. There are those who would say that it might have looked better for me had my guide been of a different race, born into another culture, one of a gentle and peace-loving people, that that image would be more acceptable for a spirit guide than the image of a fearsome warrior. But I am unconcerned about this, and I am used to the uncertainties of others in respect to my guide, for I know only of his strength and of his gentleness. I know only that his teachings touch my heart and fill my soul with joy. I too am a warrior, fighting for those in the spirit world. So we stand together, my guide and I, side by side in unity one with the other, and I am proud that he is with me.

Working with me as my guide, Grey Eagle leads me down the road of learning, never angry when I fail, always encouraging, never doubting. He has taught me that it is not
you achieve in life that is important, only that you try.

Grey Eagle made a promise to me on that first meeting, to give to his little flower water, food, and sustenance, and I can tell you honestly that he has never once deserted me when I have needed him, and I feel his protection and guidance all around me. I know that it will be there for all of my life, both here on the earth plane and also as my life continues in the next world.

This all sounds, I know, like a child's fairy story with a “happy ever after” ending. But my heart is full of love for this man, my spirit guide, Grey Eagle, and it is certain that we will be together, and work together, always.

The Eagle and the Rose.

The Illusion

hen I first began my work as a medium with Grey Eagle, my natural sense of curiosity led me to ask many questions, mostly about my ability to communicate with the spirit world: Was I born with this gift? Why was I born with this gift? How and why did Grey Eagle choose to work with me? I asked whether I could develop that communication further, how I could best serve those in the spirit world wishing to use me as a channel, and of course, how “it” worked. By “it,” I meant that natural and easy link that unites and connects me with those external universal forces.

Many of these questions were answered over a period of time, but not easily, for Grey Eagle has taught me that my search for truth must begin from within. The questions that still remain may or may not be answered in time, depending on how much time or energy I am prepared to give toward more discovery.

So many people who come into contact with me and learn of my gift and of my spirit guide presume that I have an instant and remarkable wealth of knowledge at my fingertips and that if I have a problem, or a need to know something, all I have to do is to ask Grey Eagle and he will spell out the answers to my questions as if he were some great personal encyclopedia especially available for my own use. But it is not like that at all. Part of his role as my guide is to teach me to teach myself, so when I ask my questions of him, his answer is usually, “What do you think?” He can, and often does, help me discover answers, like all good teachers; and like all good teachers, he is always there to listen, to encourage, and to steer me gently along my path. But I am not infallible and have often found myself having reached one conclusion, through some (often) small experience, only to discover that my thought process was too narrow, too earthly, too inflexible, and that I have some major rethinking to do.

Strangely, though, although by nature an inquisitive and curious human being, I rarely have asked Grey Eagle questions that relate to him personally, knowing that he would tell me about himself when, and if ever, he was ready to do so. He is, I have discovered, a highly evolved spirit entity, very learned and knowledgeable, but to describe his place in the universe would be like trying to explain the structure of the universe. With my limited vision, I am able to grasp only the very basics; I know that much of the structure and plan of the universe is beyond my understanding and not at all similar to anything of our earthly world that I have experienced so far. I marvel at the intellect and attention to detail, the precision manifested by the workings of this great and often unseen force of which we are all a part. It is both wondrous and, at times, puzzling to me.

Another thing I have discovered that I know little about is the concept of time. My work has taught me that time in the spirit world is of a different essence from time as we on the earth plane know it to be.

Once, a patient of mine, Colin, who was dying of cancer, wanted me to ask Grey Eagle if he would describe the universe. I was doubtful that we would receive a fulfilling answer but nevertheless asked the question of my guide. He chuckled at my uncertainty and replied, “That's easy, tell Colin it's like holes in a cheese.” I relayed the message, expecting Colin to be muddled by this answer, but he simply nodded and told me that Grey Eagle had verified his own thoughts on the matter. I, too, smiled, for I understood exactly what the information meant: tunnels, passageways, some running parallel, some crossing, each in harmony with the other, each a gateway to new life and new learning, full of light and color and discovery. Like holes in a cheese, seeming to have no purpose yet naturally formed. Seeming to lead nowhere yet going everywhere.

There are many who talk on the subject of the universe with great authority. I am not one of them. I am aware that what I know is just a very small part of the whole scheme of things. With my senses keenly tuned I listen in awe and with wonder when Grey Eagle speaks to me of the universe and of our (we of the earth plane) place in it. When he is ready to teach me something, I hear his words of wisdom, and as two souls joining, our hearts touch and I am filled with joy, for his words are always full of hope and bring me great comfort. Yet even saying this, I must add that his words do not absolve me from personal pain and anxiety, for I am human and am here on earth to learn.

Even though I am fortunate to have constant contact and communication with those in the spirit world this does not make me all knowing and all seeing and above the trials life brings to us all. Those souls, real people, and I see them in supermarkets, on the street, in restaurants, wherever I go, are of our world too. And this gives me the insight to understand that pain, no matter how prolonged it seems to be, is just a short-lived thing that one day, in one way or another, we will overcome. And when I work as a medium and am able to reunite those of us here on earth with those in the spirit world, this knowledge helps me and I know that I can in all truth give people hope of a brighter future.

There are of course times when I might see something in someone's future that is not too good, and I often will be told of future trials that I am able to give good and sound advice on (although I must state here that no real medium will ever reveal anything bad even if she or he sees it); in those cases, forewarned is forearmed. Always, the communication between those in spirit and those of us on the earth plane is advantageous and is a great learning process as well as a great comfort.

I am often asked, How do I see these people, these ghosts from another world? Throughout this book and in the numerous stories I have told, you will see that there are many different ways. But I never see them as ghosts, as flimsy or intangible, as so many people imagine them to be. In fact, I believe from my many experiences that the spirit world is more real, more solid, than this earth in which we live. In truth, ours is a world of illusion. All that seems so solid is yet just a mass: molecules locked together, forming an impression of solid matter that in fact is not solid at all. A “ghost” is seen to walk or to pass through a wall. We presume therefore that the “ghost” has no real substance. Yet we know that in reality it is the wall that is not solid, that has no substance. Could it be, then, that the “ghost” is more real, more solid, and therefore able to pass through the wall because
the wall
is merely an illusion? My belief, through my experiences, is that the world in which we live is but an illusionary world, a world that one day we will leave behind as we travel on toward our destiny and toward reality.

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