The Duke Conspiracy (38 page)

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Authors: Astraea Press

Tags: #suspense, #adventure, #spies, #regency, #clean romance, #sweet romance

BOOK: The Duke Conspiracy
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Rose felt the rush of embarrassment heating
her face as she tried to pull away from Alex. In the fierce
emotions that had dogged her during her escape she had failed to
realize that she was still clinging to the duke. She realized he
must have felt the same as he was slow to release her. After a
moment he let her go and she ran to her father.

Lord Smythe engulfed his daughter in a fierce
hug before holding her away from him and examining her closely.
“Did that wretched man hurt you in any way?” He gasped when he saw
the bloodstained cloths wrapped around her wrists. “Good heavens,
child, what happened?”

Rose followed her gaze to her wrists and
blushed guiltily, trying to hide them from sight as she realized
that all the men were staring at her awaiting an explanation.
“Perhaps we could be getting along home now, Papa. I would dearly
love a bath and perhaps a meal. And a change of clothes would not
be amiss either.”

“Yes, yes, of course, my dear, but pray tell,
what happened to your wrists? Did Broderick cut you?” Lord Smythe
tried not to be demanding, but he wanted to disembowel the cretin
who had so harmed his only daughter.

“No Papa, I did this to myself,

“How could you have possibly done that to
yourself?” Alex demanded, incredulous.

“Through the night, my arms were tied behind
my back. I had hoped to escape at first light and make my way home
before my absence would be noticed. I struggled against the ropes
for hours. This is the result.”

“Well, it cannot be said that you did that to
yourself. You did not tie yourself up. Any right minded individual
would do their best to escape. Broderick did this to you. For that
he will pay.”

Alex looked so fierce as he said those words
that Rose could not help the grin that broke over her face. “Could
we please leave, Papa? Your Grace? I have no wish to remain here
another moment.” Those last words were not as strong leaving her
mouth as she would have wished and to her chagrin she felt her legs
giving way weakly. In the blink of an eye Alex was there, scooping
her into his arms, disregarding Lord Smythe's objections.

“Never mind your protestations, my lord.
Clearly she is worn out and needs to be escorted home. Let us see
her there safely and then we will deal with the rest.” Turning to
Wesley he gave him an assignment. “Dunbar, could you remain here
with a couple of the men in case Broderick returns? If you capture
him, send word. We will see Rosie home safely and then spread out
through the city to capture him. Rose had been about to tell me
what he was scheming.”

Rose chose that moment to revive herself. “He
is trying to get the Prince to sign over the lands being negotiated
from France to him. That is why he wants to keep Papa occupied, so
he cannot thwart his plans. He was hoping to ensnare the backing of
the Duke of Wrentham to assist his efforts. But when that did not
work out as planned, he decided to prevent Papa from going to Paris
for the negotiations.” Looking into Alex's eyes shyly, she
whispered, “You can put me down now, Your Grace. I am fairly
certain that I can walk under my own steam.”

“Never,” he whispered back with a smile. “You
need to rest.”

Rose relaxed slightly, enjoying the shiver of
pleasure that shimmied up her spine at his masterful ways. Within
minutes they were in a carriage and on the way to the Smythe
residence. Alex had had to relinquish his hold on her when he
placed her on the seat. The baron had been quick to take his seat
next to his daughter and sat glaring at the duke for the duration
of the ride. Alex ignored the hostility, smiling calmly as they
drove. Rose looked between the two men curiously, wondering how
they came to be cooperating together, but she was too tired to ask
about it.

Things moved quickly as soon as they got
home. Rose was bundled into the house through the servants'
entrance at the back of the house. Her mother cried and fussed over
her, as did her maid. A bath was quickly drawn for her and her
wounds anointed with ointment. The gentlemen took themselves off to
avenge themselves upon her captor. Before long Rose was tucked up
into bed to sleep off the rigors of her ordeal.




Some hours later, Rose groggily climbed from
the bed, facing the eager attentions of her loyal maid.

“Oh Miss, I am ever so glad to see you alive
and well. We were all so terribly worried about you. It has been
awful being stuck here, not being able to do anything. At least the
men were able to dash about searching for you. All we could do was
sit about wringing our hands and worrying.”

“I am so sorry that everyone was put to such
trouble over me.”

“Don't be daft, Miss Rose. You didn't ask for
this trouble and, of course, we would worry over you. Everyone
loves you.”

“Thank you, Mary. Do you know how my mother
is? I was so tired when I got home I could hardly see straight, but
I did notice that she looked rather drawn.”

“She stayed up most of the night waiting for
word. His grace and your father were in and out throughout the
night searching for you and waiting for news from their different

“Does it not strike you as strange that my
father and the duke have been cooperating over this?”

“Somewhat, yes, Miss. But maybe you won't
have to be the one to broker the peace after all. Perhaps it has
already been negotiated.”

“Now that I find hard to believe, Mary.”

As they were talking, Mary had helped Rose to
dress in a simple day gown of pale yellow sprig muslin, with long
sleeves to nicely cover her bandages, despite the early evening
hour. As Rose said, “Surely Mama has sent our regrets to whichever
entertainments we were supposed to attend,” and Mary was just
putting the finishing touches to her hairstyle, there was a
scratching at the door.

“Come in,” Rose called, admitting her anxious

“You look remarkably lovely, my dear,” Lady
Smythe said with a lightness that Rose had not witnessed in her in

“Thank you, Mama,” Rose said with a

“Looking at you no one would ever believe you
have just escaped the clutches of a madman.”

Rose blinked at her mother. “You seem
remarkably sanguine about the entire affair, Mama.”

“I too had a nap and it did me the world of
good. It is so wonderful to have you home safe and sound.”

Looking into the mirror, the two shared a
look of warm companionship. Lady Smythe inquired politely, “Are you
truly as comfortable as you look, my dear? Should we have called
for the doctor to attend to your injuries? Are you certain there is
nothing else hurt on you?”

“I am quite certain. My main concern at the
moment is how very hungry I am. Even my wrists are not causing me
much discomfort. The housekeeper's concoction has worked wonders
for my scratches. Now all I can think of is to eat.”

“Well then you are in luck. The kitchen staff
has been expending themselves all afternoon as you slept making all
of your favorite dishes. If you are ready they will be serving it

The two Smythe ladies made their way down to
the dining room in companionable silence. Lady Smythe had her arm
around her daughter, reluctant to take her hands off her. Rose was
surprised at the display of affection. Her surprise was to exceed
its bounds as she entered the dining room to see the Duke of
Wrentham seated conversing quietly with her father. Rose gazed
wonderingly between the two men. Lord Smythe stepped forward to
kiss her gently on the cheek and Alex winked at her when no one was
looking. When no explanation of his surprising presence was
offered, she smiled crookedly at them both and allowed her mother
to guide her to her seat.

Dinner was a quiet affair. Just as they sat
down Lord Smythe assured his daughter that Sir Jason Broderick was
safely confined, no longer a threat to her or the Prince, but
everyone at the table silently agreed not to discuss it for the
duration of the meal. It would be much safer for everyone's
digestion if they stuck to innocuous topics such as the latest
or which play they had enjoyed most this Season.

“We have received word that your brother
should be arriving later this evening. Apparently their crossing
was rough and it took longer than expected.” Lady Smythe seemed so
excited at the prospect of welcoming her son home. Rose attributed
her altered manner to that and relief over her own safety.

Rose was highly amused at the politeness
everyone was displaying. The last time she had seen her parents in
the same room as a Wrentham, cutting words had been hurled from
both sides. She assumed the truce had to do with their mutual
efforts to save her and thwart Broderick. So she was stunned into
silence when the dishes were removed and her father turned to her
to say, “It would seem the duke has some things he wishes to
discuss with you, my dear. The two of you may sit in the receiving
room for a few minutes while your mother and I go to my library to
enjoy the fire I am sure the footmen have started there.”

Blinking in confusion, Rose did not resist as
Alex pulled her seat back for her and offered his elbow. She
wondered if she was still dreaming as he escorted her to the ivory
room at the front of the house.

Settling herself on the settee, Rose blushed
with pleasure when Alex sat closely beside her and did not release
her arm. Instead, he held her hand gently and stared at the
bandages covering her wrists.

“I am so sorry for the pain you have had to
endure these two days,” he began earnestly.

“Oh Alex,” Rose sighed, “This can hardly be
considered to be your fault. I should never have gone off with
Broderick, but when he said he had my mother, I could not think
fast enough to resist as he escorted me from the room.”

“Ah, so your father was right. He figured
some sort of a threat must have been made against a loved one to
make you cooperate.”

“How did you know something had happened to
me? And how has it transpired that you and my father are getting
along so well? I thought we hated each other.”

“I never hated you, Rosie, and I dearly hope
you do not hate me either.”

Rose blushed and looked away, not answering
his question.

He did not pursue it at the moment, instead
answering her first question. “Lady Elizabeth alerted me almost
immediately. She had seen you leave the ballroom with Broderick and
right away was suspicious that all was not right. Unfortunately, by
the time I was able to discover your whereabouts I was just in time
to see his carriage leaving the Rotherhams' property. I had already
had men posted to watch your house, hoping to keep you safe, so I
came right away to tell your father what had happened and to see if
my men knew anything.”

“But how did you manage to get my father to
be so pleasant to you? And my mother? She seems to be a different
person than she has been in ever so long. It is lovely, but

Again Alex ignored her questions. He had one
of his own that he was burning to ask and he wanted to know her
truthful answer.

“Rosie, my dear, your father told you I have
something to discuss with you.” Seeing her stifling a yawn, he was
quick to ask, “Do you feel up to a conversation now, or should I
let you get some sleep? I could return tomorrow.”

Rose was exhausted but she could not bear for
this particular dream to end just yet. She clung to his hand and
shook her head. “I am perfectly fine, Your Grace, thank you for

Alex smiled into his beloved's eyes. “You lie
very sweetly, my dear. I will try not to keep you for too long, but
I am relieved that you will not make me wait until the morrow. I do
believe I would expire from the suspense.”

Rose grinned at his foolishness. “Well then
get on with it. I highly doubt my parents will leave us alone for
overlong anyway.”

“Rosie, my darling,” he began haltingly as
Rose grew serious. Noticing his use of the term of endearment, her
eyes grew round with her amazement. “You have been my dearest
friend since you were four years old. It is true we have barely
spoken for three years, but our association in the last several
days has shown me that you have not changed. I have loved you since
you were in pigtails and short skirts. Would you do me the great
honor of becoming my duchess?”

Staring at him with her mouth slightly agape
in her shock, Rose could not answer immediately. The first thing
that popped out of her mouth was, “But Alex, I am neither gracious
nor graceful, how can I possibly be a duchess?”

“While I disagree fiercely with your
assessment, when you are my duchess it will not matter, for
everyone will have to call you 'Your Grace' regardless.”

Rose grinned at his words, but still stared
at him as though he had lost his mind. “How could you possibly love
me, Alex? Wrenthams hate Smythes. Your mother would never allow it
and your father would roll over in his grave. Besides, my parents,
did they know what you wanted to discuss with me?”

“They did, as a matter of fact,” Alex
replied, leaving her speechless once again. He took advantage of
her silence to prod further. “It matters not what anyone else
thinks, how do you feel about it?” He began to worry at her
continued silence so he began to bargain with her. “I know you have
not been enjoying the Season and you feel that settling into
domestic life will be a letdown after the excitement you have
experienced in Vienna. Would you agree to be my duchess if I
promise to find us more adventures?”

Taking a moment to entertain the thought,
Rose allowed all the feelings that had been growing in her heart
over the past weeks, but that she had been fiercely suppressing, to
flow over her in waves of warmth. Looking at her dearest friend
beside her, she knew her love was undoubtedly beaming from her
eyes. “After the events of the past two days I suspect I may have
had enough adventure to last me for a while, Your Grace,” she
replied drily, “although that is a highly romantic offer.” She
paused for a moment, clasping his hand tight. “I have loved you for
as long as I can remember, Alex. When I was a little girl it was
hero worship, but as I grew older it has changed. I would love
nothing more than to be your wife.” She was about to say more,
expressing her doubts about their families' reception to his
proposal, but he crushed her words by pulling her into his

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