The Duke Conspiracy (14 page)

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Authors: Astraea Press

Tags: #suspense, #adventure, #spies, #regency, #clean romance, #sweet romance

BOOK: The Duke Conspiracy
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Wesley chuckled. “I have no idea why. Have we
not been friends for eons?”

“Good point,” the duke replied, his tone

“It would seem all the parties are present
this evening,” Wesley observed, keeping his voice appropriately low
as he gazed out at the sea of well-dressed guests flowing through
the countess's rooms. “I just saw your Rosie meet up with her
friend, Lady Elizabeth. The Austens were announced not a quarter
hour past and I do believe I saw Sir Broderick in one of the card
rooms as I walked by.”

“Let the games begin,” Alex muttered.

“Are you going to shock the
asking Miss Smythe to the dance floor?” Wesley was curious.

“You really are daft tonight, are you not?
That would be exactly what we do not need for this occasion. I seek
information. For that it would be best if I do not make myself the
brunt of every tidbit of gossip to be dissected tomorrow.”

“So that would be a no, then, would it?”
Wesley drawled. “Very well, then, I think I shall seek out the lady
and ask for her myself, if that is the case.”

Alex had to clamp his teeth together tightly
to prevent from growling his dismay over his friend's treachery.
“Judas,” he called after his friend's departing back.

Wesley's laugh floated on the heavy air as he
waved in acknowledgement but did not stop his progression. “See you
later, Your Grace,” he called over his shoulder as he walked

Alex watched as the viscount made his way
through the throng, pausing here and there to exchange greetings.
Finally he arrived where Rose and Elizabeth were standing. He could
not hear their words, but saw that what was clearly good-hearted
banter was being exchanged before Rose accepted his elbow and the
two made their way to the dance floor.

Watching them, Alex questioned his own
sanity. It was foolish beyond belief for him to torture himself by
standing there watching them when there was no possibility of him
ever being able to partner her in a dance. But there was a degree
of pleasure in the watching as well. She danced with such graceful,
economical movements. It revealed something about her that even
while dancing she clearly wanted to be in control. She had always
been a managing little thing, even as a child, but it would seem
that the loss of her brother had made that tendency a bit more
extreme. Some might find it charming, he thought, but not him, he
reminded himself once more. Finally he turned away, unable to stand
the unbearable burden of sadness that pressed upon him for all that
they had lost.

With purpose he turned on his heel and strode
further from the dance floor. Finally, he spotted his quarry.

“Lord Austen, what a pleasure to see you this
evening.” Alex hoped his words sounded much more sincere outside of
his head than they did inside.

“Your Grace.” Lord Austen's obsequious tone
made Alex grit his teeth, but he managed to keep a smile on his
face by sheer effort of will. “It is entirely my pleasure to see
you, Your Grace. Are you having a good time? Have you seen my
lovely daughter? I am certain she would be delighted to dance with
you, Your Grace.”

“I have not yet had the pleasure of seeing
Lady Anne this evening, my lord. I meant to ask you, I have not
seen you in the House of Lords very recently. Is all well with you?
You used to be so active in the running of our country.”

“Oh yes, Your Grace, how good of you to
notice. I dearly love being involved with our nation's governance,
of course, Your Grace, but I have been so very busy with overseeing
my dear daughter's first Season, you see.”

Alex smiled at Lord Austen. “I always thought
the Season was to complement Parliament, not the other way

Lord Austen began to look uncomfortable;
perhaps he was embarrassed by Alex's observation. Alex could see
his eyes start to dart around as though he were wishing for a
rescue from some quarter. Alex hoped his smile did not look quite
as predatorial as it felt.

“I am sure it must be a huge responsibility
to have your daughter debuting at her first Season, especially
since she does not have a mother. Of course, no doubt your late
wife's sister is of great assistance in such a delicate matter as

“Oh yes, the earl and countess have been
lovely. They have been most generous hosts. My dear Anne is lucky
to have them in her life.” Alex watched in fascination as the other
man mustered up his composure and appeared a trifle more conniving.
“Her connections will make my daughter a remarkably good wife to
some fortunate nobleman.”

Alex smiled in reply. “No doubt. You will
have to be most vigilant to make sure she finds someone who truly
appreciates her and all she has to offer.”

“That is exactly the truth of the matter and
why I have to miss so many sessions, Your Grace. One's only child
is a precious thing and I must take the most care of her that is
possible. There are always others who will be able to do as good a
job as I ever could in the House of Lords, to be sure.”

Alex had to agree with the man about others
doing a better job but did not think it seemly to do so verbally,
so he merely offered a bland smile. Lord Austen must have taken
this for encouragement.

“I do believe my darling daughter would make
a lovely duchess, your grace.”

“Perhaps she would, my lord. There are a few
dukes looking about for wives this Season if you can believe the
gossips. I happen to not be searching for one myself as I am of the
opinion that I should wait until I have everything in the duchy in
order as I would like it. Taking over my father's properties and
titles has been a bigger challenge than I had expected.”

“Of course, of course,” Lord Austen murmured,
trying to sound sympathetic, but Alex distrusted the calculated
gleam that had taken root in the other man's eyes. The duke feared
he had just given added motivation to the scheme against him. But
then he reassured himself that he would prefer an attack, the more
open the better, rather than waiting around wondering about it. He
was not surprised when he heard an oily voice from behind him.

“Well, well, well. What a surprise to see you
talking with the Duke of Wrentham.”

Alex had to work hard to keep the sneer from
his face as he turned to greet Sir Jason Broderick.

“Sir Broderick.” It was not in him to lie any
further by saying it was a pleasure to see him. He merely bowed his
head slightly in greeting.

“Good evening, Your Grace. Lord Austen, how
good to see you. I trust you are well. Are you gentlemen enjoying
the ball so far?”

“I have yet to spend any time on the dance
floor, which I should really give some attention to. I was enjoying
a little visit with Lord Austen here.” Alex kept his explanation
short and opened the way to make his escape.

“Oh yes, Sir Broderick, I am having a fine
time this evening. My lovely daughter is off with her aunt; no
doubt she is busy dancing. His Grace and I were merely catching up
on news from the House of Lords.”

“Ah yes, the House of Lords. Is there
anything of import going on in the House these days, your

“Nothing that need concern anybody overly.
There have been some lively debates over a few issues, but nothing
that we cannot handle. Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me.”

Alex made good his escape, managing not to
allow his sigh of relief to be audible. He felt as though he needed
to bathe after being in the presence of Sir Broderick. That man put
him in mind of some sort of sneaky creature, such as a weasel or a
minx, stalking his prey. He certainly had no intention of being
anyone's dupe.

As he had been talking with what he was
beginning to seriously consider were his enemies, he had been
keeping half an eye upon Rosie and her progress through the room.
Having the advantage of height meant he was able to observe the
goings on of the ballroom more easily than others. He was glad to
see she appeared to be having a good time.




It had taken Rose a few tense seconds to
overcome that moment with Alex where their eyes had met. It had
felt like such a significant experience, but she hastened to shove
it to the corner recesses of her mind. She could not have
significant experiences with a Wrentham, she reminded herself,
blinking furiously.

“Is all well with you?”

Rose could hear the sincere concern in
Elizabeth's voice and strove to control her features. “Of course,
is this not a lovely ballroom? I absolutely adore the size of it
and the darling alcoves, such as the one which the orchestra is

“Now I know you are not all right. You do not
use the word darling, especially not in describing

This brought a genuine smile to Rose's face
and a tinkle of laughter escaped her lips. “I will admit to you
that I am a trifle nervous this evening. I am unused to playing the
role of Bow Street Runner here in London. And all whilst wearing a
fancy ball gown.”

“Well, you do look smashing this evening, if
that is any consolation. And there is not a trace of nervousness
showing either. In fact, you look positively radiant tonight. It
would seem the role of Runner suits you,” Elizabeth teased in an
undertone. Rose was grateful she kept her voice low as she did not
wish for this conversation to be overheard.

It was very well indeed as just at that
moment they were hailed by Lord Wesley Dunbar. Rose was unsure if
the duke would have confided in his friend. “Good evening, ladies.
You both look lovely this evening.”

Both girls dipped into well practiced
curtsies, rising with welcoming smiles upon their face for the
personable viscount.

“How are you this evening, my lord?” Rose

“You look lovely yourself, Lord Wesley,”
Elizabeth complimented, causing the trio to laugh.




At that moment another gentleman approached
to claim Elizabeth's hand for the waltz that was just about to
begin, leaving Rose alone with Wesley.

“Since you are recently returned from Vienna,
I am certain you are an expert at the waltz, so I tremble in my
shoes lest you cast me in the shade, but would you be so kind as to
do me the honor of sharing this dance with me?”

“Oh, my lord, you are a complete hand,” Rose
countered. Little did she know that Wesley lost his heart to her at
that very moment. Never had he met a debutante who was so
unaffected or who received compliments with such aplomb. Most debs
would simper, bat their eyelashes, and beg for more. Not Miss Rose.
Of course, as it was obvious there were unresolved feelings from
the duke toward Miss Rose, the viscount kept his feelings familial,
but he resolved to assist her in any way he could.

They were silent for a few beats, enjoying
the music and getting into the rhythm of the dance, but then Wesley
deemed it safe to converse; they could hardly be overheard while on
the dance floor. And as long as they schooled their features, no
one would know they were discussing anything but the blandest
inanities. He trusted Miss Rose would be able to manage that. His
trust was well placed.

“The duke has told me of his predicament and
your involvement in it,” he began.

“Which duke is that, my lord?” Rose asked
with an innocent look upon her face that brought a grin to

“How on earth do you manage that?” he asked
with genuine interest.

His grin grew as he watched Rose bat her
eyelashes. “Manage what, my lord? I assure you there is nothing on
my mind save the effort required not to tread upon your toes and
count the steps so as to not collide with any other couples on the
dance floor.”

“Oh, Miss Smythe, now
are being a
complete hand. You know well and good which duke and which
predicament I am speaking of. I can assure you, he would not mind
us discussing it. In fact, given the sticky situation of your
families' feuding, it would no doubt be best if I act as mediator
between the two of you.”

“Do you not think it would be best if the
fewer people were involved as possible? There are reputations at
stake. And we do not wish to cause the very situation we are trying
to prevent. No one with any knowledge of this wishes to find
themselves in the parson's mousetrap, not even you, my lord.”
Wesley was disconcerted by her straight, intelligent stare as she
looked him directly in the eye for a beat before looking away with
a social smile firmly in place.
This girl is skilled at this
sort of prevarication,
he marveled to himself, wondering how
the straight-laced duke would feel about that sort of

“I swear to you I will preserve any
confidence you share with me and do my utmost to protect anyone's
reputation who might become embroiled in this affair. And I promise
you that I do not have designs upon your dowry, as my own pockets
are sufficiently well lined.”

This was exactly the right thing to say,
Wesley observed, as Rose threw her head back and chuckled huskily.
He watched in fascination as she brought her sparkling gaze back to
his and slowly sobered.

“Very well, my lord, I will bring you into my
confidences if that is your wish. You shall soon see that it is not
all that exciting but is terribly complicated. I find that I
actually like Lady Anne, although she strikes me as being a trifle
simple. I have come to believe that she is somewhat innocent in
this. While she may be involved in a plot to entrap the duke, I do
not believe she means him any ill will but actually considers that
he would be a suitable mate. I think she is being manipulated by
her father and his friend Sir Broderick.”

Wesley watched as a myriad of emotions chased
themselves fleetingly across her face before she was again wearing
her mask of social behavior. “Now, that does not really change
anything, it merely makes it a little more difficult as she has
gained my sympathies. I still have no wish to see the duke
entrapped by anyone, least of all Sir Broderick.”

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