The Dominant Cowboy (4 page)

Read The Dominant Cowboy Online

Authors: Johnathan Bishop

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #adult, #fantasy, #romantic, #bdsm, #submission, #bondage, #sm, #kinky, #forced orgasm, #kink, #bound, #forced submission

BOOK: The Dominant Cowboy
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Chapter 05

Amanda got home from Billy's and hurried
inside hoping she didn't run into any of her neighbors. She was
dressed as she was when she left last night, and she didn't need
anyone asking any questions. She hurried into her apartment, and
headed to her bedroom. She pulled her robe out of her closet,
stripped out of her outfit and heels and headed to the
She listened to her messages, making a mental note to call her
girlfriend back later. She started some spaghetti sauce for supper,
thinking she could take left overs to work with her. She cleaned up
her living room, putting away some magazines and straightened the
While she worked she thought about what had taken place that
weekend. She found herself thinking differently about Billy. He had
always been a buddy, since he had started teaching her how to ride
a horse, but now she was having other feelings for him. She was
coming to respect him as a Dom and possibly more. She wandered back
into the kitchen to stir the sauce, and see what else she could
make with her spaghetti. She found some garlic bread and some
sausage she could add to the sauce. She cooked up the sausage and
added it to the simmering sauce. She wandered around the house her
thoughts on Billy.
She checked her sauce once more, and then grabbed a book hoping to
take her mind off of Billy for a while. Tossing all these thoughts
around in her head was just making her more confused. She curled up
on the couch and opened the book, but she just couldn’t
concentrate. Her thoughts kept drifting back to when she and Billy
were in the shower. She wasn’t sure if the heat and longing she
felt with him was more than just the heat of the moment or not. She
didn’t know how he felt either. Tossing the book aside she went
back to the kitchen to stir her sauce. She put water on to boil for
the noodles, just as the phone rang.
“Amanda, its Billy. How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine Sir. Just making some supper” Amanda felt as nervous as a
schoolgirl talking to her first crush. She smiled to herself.
“I was wondering if you’d like to go out Friday night? To a local
bar do some dancing.”
“I umm sure, that sounds like it would be fun.” Amanda’s palms
began to sweat. She couldn’t figure out why this invitation had her
so worked up.
“Are you sure you’re all right?” Billy questioned.
“Yes Sir I’m fine. Just have something else on my mind at the
“Okay, if you change your mind just give me a call. Dress casual
jeans and shirt are fine. I figured we could go country dancing if
that is all right with you?”
“That sounds fine to me.”
Billy wanted to see how she was in a more relaxed setting. He knew
how she reacted to him when they were alone, but he wanted to see
how she would be in public. He figured some dancing and that being
among a lot of people would be a nice casual evening. I’ll pick you
up around 7 p.m. is that OK?”
“Yes, Sir that will be fine.” Amanda heard the water boiling and
dumps noodles into the water. They say their good byes and hang
Amanda shakes her head and decided to not think about it any
longer. She would just take her relationship with Billy one step at
a time.
Friday evening, Amanda dressed in a long black skirt that fell to
her ankles, and a yellow peasant blouse that she left off of her
shoulders. She placed a gold choker around her neck and a simple
pair of gold earrings in her ears. She pulled her long hair up into
a ponytail, knowing that if she danced she would get too warm with
it on her neck. Checking her appearance in her full-length mirror
she nodded. She wanted to look good for Billy. She wanted him to be
pleased by the sight of her. She paused for a moment. She couldn’t
remember when she wanted a man to be pleased by the sight of her.
She always dressed for herself. She always felt better when she
looked good. She lightly sprayed her favorite perfume on and walked
into the living room just as Billy knocked on her door.
She took a deep breath as she opened the door. She smiled and
motioned Billy inside.
“You look lovely this evening, Amanda.”
“Thank you, Sir.” Amanda smiled shyly. She turned and picked up her
purse from the kitchen table.
“Are you ready to do some dancing, and relaxing?”
“Yes Sir, I am.”
They walk out to the truck, and Billy opens her door for her and
waits while she climbs inside. He makes sure she gets all of her
skirt inside before he closes the door. He walks around to the
driver’s side, and climbs in. He starts the truck and they drive in
silence for a few minutes.
“How was your week?” Billy asked as they got on the freeway.
“It was good, nothing exciting happened. How was yours?”
“Same thing for me, just keeping the ranch running. Getting ready
for a few of the mares to become mothers. Hoping for some good
strong racing horses.”
“ Sounds like your everyday is a little more complicated than mine.
I have enough trouble keeping up with all the details of my work.
I’m not sure I could run a ranch.” Amanda laughed softly.
They arrived at the bar, and Billy opened the door for Amanda, and
helped her out of the truck. They went inside and were immediately
assaulted with the smoke and beer smell that is so prominent in a
bar. They managed to find an open table in a far corner.
“Would you like a drink? Some wine or something else?” Billy leaned
close so he could be heard over the noise.
“Just a Sprite would be fine. I’m not much on drinking”
Billy got up to make his way to the bar. He figured they would have
a long wait for a waitress with this many people in here. Billy
walked up to the bar and ordered sodas for both of them. While he
was waiting a friend of his walked up next to him.
“Hey Billy, how are you?” Bill slapped him on the back.
“Doing OK Bill, and yourself? I haven’t seen you in quite a
“I’m doing OK, trying to keep my submissive in line like usual.”
Bill laughed as he indicated the woman standing behind him.
“Hello Mandy” Billy looked over Bills shoulder.
“Hello Sir.” Mandy replied quietly.
“Yes, I know what you mean. I’ve got myself a new submissive as
well. She’s hiding in the corner at our table if you’d like to join
me. I’m sure the women can chat while we talk.” Billy led the way
back to the table with Bill and his lady following him.
“Bill and Mandy, I’d like to introduce you to Amanda”
Amanda stood up. “Hello Sir, and Mandy.” Amanda glanced at Billy
wondering if she had made a mistake in saying that. But he just
stood there smiling.
“Hello Amanda, Mandy why don’t you sit here by Amanda and you two
young ladies can talk while Billy and I talk about Ranching.”
“Yes, Sir.” Mandy sat next to Amanda and the two of them talked
They decided to go do some line dances since the men were involved
in a conversation about ranching.
Both of the Dom’s watched them as they made their way to the floor.
Both girls had men watching them as they made their way to the
floor and joined in the line dancing. The two of them danced and
laughed through a couple of songs. As they walked back to the
table, two of the guys who had been watching them on the floor
stopped them.
Bill and Billy kept a careful eye on the exchange. They saw both
girls shake their heads no, and start walking away.
The girls came back to the table and sat down, before either one of
their bottoms hit the chair Bill was questioning Mandy.
“What did they want?”
“They wanted to know if we would join them for a drink, Sir. We
told them no” Mandy replied quietly.
“Is that all they wanted?”
“Yes Sir it is.”
“Maybe we should get going, the two of you on the dance floor may
cause nothing but problems” Billy spoke up.
“But…” Amanda stopped at the look in Billy’s eyes. “Yes,
The four of them left, the men deciding to go back to Billy’s place
since it was closer. The drive home was quiet, neither Billy nor
Amanda had much to say.
When they pulled up to the house, Billy finally spoke. “Go out to
the barn, you and Mandy can stay in there and talk while Bill and I
take care of some things.”
“Yes, Sir” Amanda replied quietly. She wasn’t sure if Billy was
upset with her or not, but felt it was best to not question him.
Bill and Mandy arrived moments later and Bill sent her towards the
barn where Amanda was already waiting.
“I’m up here Mandy.” Amanda called down from the play area. Mandy
climbed up the steps to the loft.
“Oh wow, I never knew he had all of this here.” Mandy said in
Amanda laughed. “I imagine my eyes were as big as yours when I
first saw this place. I like it though lots of room.”
“I can see why.” Mandy laughed. Mandy walked over to the wall where
all of his floggers and clamps were hanging. She casually picked up
a clamp and opened and closed it. She had a dreamy look on her
face. “I’ve always wanted to put clamps on another female.”
“Oh, ummm.” Amanda stammered. She watched Mandy closely; not sure
that Billy or Bill would be pleased if the two of them were to be
caught playing.
“Oh come on. Neither one of them will know what we are doing. If I
know them we can play for a little while before they come in here.
They are discussing ranching. That will take them a while.” Mandy
pleaded with Amanda.
Amanda took a deep breath, looked around nervously, and nodded her
Mandy walked slowly towards Amanda. A small smile on her face, she
could see that Amanda was nervous, guessing that Amanda had never
played with another woman before. She circled around Amanda,
looking her up and down. She stroked her head from behind, causing
her to shiver. As she walked back in front of her, she stopped and
grabbed both of her nipples through her blouse and pinched them
hard. Amanda winced, but didn’t say anything. Mandy smiled; she was
enjoying watching Amanda’s reactions. Mandy slowly started to drag
Amanda’s top off of her shoulders, leaving it bunched at her waist.
Amanda stood there mesmerized by the look on Mandy’s face. It
wasn’t like watching Billy, but she still had the desire to please
Mandy the same way she always pleased Billy.
Mandy lightly smacked each of her breasts with her hand, and then
squeezed her nipples again.
In the house Bill and Billy watched the scene unfolding in the play
loft. Both had small smiles on their faces.
“Let’s let them play for a bit, I’d like to see how this unfolds.”
Billy suggested to Bill. Both men sat back and enjoyed their cigars
and cognac. Billy was glad he had put the security system up in the
play loft and the rest of the barn.
Back in the play loft Mandy now had Amanda standing in the center
of the room naked. Mandy, slowly stroked Amanda’s body until Amanda
was wiggling around in response to her touch.
“Open your legs for me” Mandy purred in Amanda’s ear.
Amanda’s legs opened, even though Amanda could not consciously
remember doing so. She was totally in Mandy’s power. She never
expected to feel this way with another woman. When Mandy’s hand
touched Amanda’s clit, she was stunned at the feelings going
through her. She never expected to enjoy having another woman touch
her. She had always thought of it as taboo, but Mandy’s fingers
stroking her clit were quickly bringing her to an orgasm.
“Don’t wait to ask for permission with me, just let it happen”
Mandy knowingly told Amanda.
Moments later Amanda had a hard orgasm. Her whole body was shaking
and trembling she had to grab Mandy’s shoulders to keep herself
upright. “Oh gawd” Amanda sighed as her orgasm subsided. Mandy
leaned in and touched her lips to Amanda’s. Amanda hesitantly
responded. It was a different feeling, than kissing a man, one she
wasn’t used to. Amanda slowly relaxed and reached out to touch
Mandy’s breast. Gently squeezing, kneading her through her blouse.
She slowly pulled her blouse off, exposing her naked and perky
breast. Amanda just had to taste them. She pulled one nipple into
her mouth and sucked greedily. Then she did the same to the other.
Mandy’s hands were never still; they were constantly touching
Amanda. Amanda slipped her hand under Mandy’s dress, finding her
wet and warm clit; she started to stroke it. Making Mandy moan much
the same as she had moments before. Amanda watched Mandy’s eyes
glass over as she stroked her to an orgasm. Both girls were spent
and relaxed as the men walked into the room. Amanda dropped to her
knees as Billy walked into the room, his face a mask of his true
“Just what have you two been doing here?” Bill asked.
“Umm, playing Sir.” Came Mandy’s soft reply. She also had knelt
when the men came into the room. Her eyes were downcast and her
hands were behind her back. She couldn’t tell by the tone of Bill’s
voice if he was upset or not.
“We can see that. Did you have our permission to play or to cum?”
Billy questioned.
“No Sir.” Came the reply from both girls.
Amanda was shaking. She had no idea how to tell what Billy’s mood
“I don’t know Bill, do you think we should just let them get away
with this little act of disobedience? Or should we give them both a
little punishment?” Billy was standing directly in front of Amanda
his hand resting lightly on her head. He could feel her nerves,
making her shake. He smiled as he looked at Bill. Bill moved to
stand in front of Mandy, mimicking Billy’s stance he could also
feel Mandy shaking a little.
“I think we should give them a little punishment. Seeing as we knew
what they were doing in here all along”
Both girls looked up in confusion.
“You both provided us with a very nice picture on the monitor.”
Billy casually picked up the conversation. “ We know exactly what
you two were doing in here, and yes we let you get away with it,
but I still think a bit of a punishment is in order”
“You saw us?” Amanda whispered. She never realized that Billy had a
video camera set up in the loft. Knowing this gave her a slight
thrill and a slight bit of fear.
“Don’t worry. Little one, no one else will ever see it. I wasn’t
recording; I just had it on monitor. I wouldn’t ever do something
like that without your knowledge or consent”
Amanda took a deep breath. “Thank you Sir.”
“Stand up, ladies” Billy quietly commanded.

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