The Divine Whisper (36 page)

Read The Divine Whisper Online

Authors: Rebekah Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Suspense, #Teen & Young Adult, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Angels, #Demons & Devils

BOOK: The Divine Whisper
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She was hungry.
She was hungry and she was tired of trying to avoid Gemariah.

Day after day he would want to talk about everything she had learned, but she didn’t want to talk.
She had tried once, but then learned that Gemariah, plus her children, were supposedly related to Ramiel, a being that thrived on urging people to beat their kids. She wasn’t worried that Gemariah would be anything like him, but it was still hard to accept. So, for the time being, she wanted to feign ignorance, if only for a little while longer. The moment she accepted everything, was the moment that her whole world changed.

Knowing Gemariah was home, she didn’t want to go down the stairs to get questioned yet again, but dang it… she was really hungry!

Sighing in frustration, she decided to get off the bed and face whatever came to her. Hopefully, she could make a plate and sneak back upstairs without him even knowing.

She lightly stepped down the stairs and looked around.
There was no sign of him, but she chose to still keep quiet, just in case. She quietly made it into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

“Looking for anything in particular?

Gemariah’s voice made her jump and swing around to see where it had come from. Because of all her careful work to stay quiet, she had overlooked the formidable figure sitting at the kitchen table.

One hand over her heart, she laughed at herself for being so on edge and turned back around to look in the fridge.

“I don’t know yet.
I’m just hungry.”

“You do know that it’s eleven o’clock at night, don’t you?”

“Tell that to your children.” She chuckled as she grabbed a leftover peperoni calzone and day old Crab Rangoon. Turning around, she kicked the refrigerator door shut because her arms were full, and walked over to put everything at the table.

“Do you want me to heat any of that up for you?”


Sitting down, she looked at everything that she had grabbed and started to open things up. She picked up a piece of the calzone with her fork and was about to put it into her mouth when it was as if the crab Rangoon was calling her. Placing down her fork, she cracked open the Rangoon and the same thing happened. Inches from putting the piece into her mouth, she wanted the peperoni calzone again. Laughingly, she pictured both babies arguing over what they wanted more, but her indecisiveness eventually drove her nuts, and with a shrug, she smeared the crab filling on the calzone and took a bite.

It was perfect, and exactly what she was in the mood for.
She could taste that the calzone was a little old, but it didn’t matter.
Could be worse
, she thought with a smile,
at least it wasn’t centuries old.

The thought made her start thinking, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to bring it up.
It was nice pretending that everything was normal again. Curiosity won out, though.

“I have a question.”

“Okay,” he answered hesitantly and looked up from the paper he was reading.

“Conner was joking right… when he said that he hadn’t been called ‘boy’ in over three centuries. That was some more weird lingo that you people use, right?”

Gemariah sighed and leaned forward in his chair and looked to the side. “Well, you might as well find out now,” he mumbled more to himself than to her.

When he brought his focus back to her, she got a bad feeling that she wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

“You remember what I told you about what makes a Nephilim?”
She did, but he didn’t give her a chance to answer. “Our blood comes from angels, timeless beings. The only way that we die is if our hearts are destroyed. Therefore, age means nothing. We grow until we come of age, and then everything stops. It’s then that we stop aging, heal quickly, get our abilities, and so on. With some people that’s as early as eighteen. With me, I was thirty one.”

“Yeah, I remember you saying that you were thirty one, but… how long have you been thirty one?”

He sighed as if reluctant to answer, but went on, “314 years.”

You’re 314 years old?”

“No, I’ve been thirty one for 314 years.
Nicole, I’m 345.”

Taking a deep breath, she pushed her chair back from the table.
She was fully intent on walking away, but it was as if she was rooted to her seat.

“It’s alright…”

He tried to comfort her, but she put a hand up to silence him. “Just let me process this,” she said.

For once, he was smart and kept his mouth shut.

It took a few moments, but eventually she snapped. “This is ridiculous! And you want me to become like you? One, this is nuts and two… I’m not going to do something that will purposefully make me outlive my children. No way!”

He started to rub his forehead.
“You’re not getting it.
children will be like me. And, you’re right. There will be no way that you will outlive them without becoming like me. You will DIE during childbirth. I have explained this to you over and over!”

She got up and walked over to the counter.
Keeping her back towards him she asked quietly, “If that happens, will you take care of them?”

“Dammit Nicole!”
She turned to look at him when he slammed his hand down hard on the table, successfully making a Rangoon bounce onto the floor. “Why won’t you see reason? You can be there for them, to see them grow, to raise them into good people, to make sure I don’t screw things up, but only if you let me change you!”

“Can’t you see this from where I’m coming from?
I mean, you are 345 years old. It just seems unnatural.”

He reared back as if she had slapped him.
“Yes, it’s different than what you’re used to, but how can we be unnatural when we’re descendants of entities that were made by the same person that made humans?

Trust me, it was hard for me to accept it as well.
I was raised to believe in many Gods; Odin, Loki, Freya... to name a few. At fifteen, The Godsend Warriors approached me and told me about myself and who I really was. It all made sense after that; my father’s hatred, why I was so different from everyone else. That’s why I keep telling myself that my kids will be different. They will know how special they are every day that I’m there to tell them.”

She didn’t say anything as she looked closely at him.
That was the most emotion and sincerity she had seen from him, and it was humbling to see him like that. Even through all his faults, it was that moment that she knew he would make a wonderful Dad.

How she wished that she would be there to see it!
She might put on a brave front, but her gut made her believe him when he said that she wouldn’t survive the strain of their twins being born.

Didn’t he get it, though?
For a person with so many years on Earth, he was sure blind to what was right in front of him.

She loved him, and was pretty sure that she had for some time.
Fighting it for so long was getting tiresome, but when she was about to open up to him, she discovered that he wasn’t who he said he was. The shock upset her, but his deception was almost as painful.

Now, he wanted to “change” her.
Not because he couldn’t live without her, but because the children needed her. It was understandable, but she needed more. Eventually, the kids would grow and be on their own, but she would still be physically and emotionally tied to Gemariah. Lifetimes of loving someone that wouldn’t ever see her the same way would break her.

She pictured Gemariah kneeling and telling their children how much they were loved as he wrapped his arms around them.
The vision comforted her. Quickly, it changed to a young Gemariah, cold and alone with a father that screamed at him. Not for what he had done, but for who he was, and she thought how lucky her children would be.

“Wait,” she stopped her train of thought, “you were a Viking?”

“Norseman, actually. I never did any plundering. I took off on my own before I was old enough.”

“I should be in shock right now, but after everything I’ve learned, this seems tame.”

“Stop trying to change the subject!”

She sighed and looked at him with as much remorse as she felt.
“For me, the subject is closed.”

Without another word, he angrily scooted his chair back, stood, and left the room.


Nicole awoke two nights later after having a disturbing nightmare.
Everyone she knew and loved had changed. No longer were they the caring people she had come to love, but had transformed into her father, her mother, previous foster parents, adults that had constantly showed their disdain for her throughout the years. Her children… her little boy and girl had the faces of kids that would torment her in the homes that she had had to live in.

Every face represented someone that didn’t want her around, and could care less if she was no longer in the world.
She knew that it was a dream and it wasn’t real, but it still shook her to her core.

Covered in sweat, she kicked off the covers.
The action caused a pain to spread through the swell of her stomach, and out of habit, she put her hand there for comfort. Unlike all the previous times before, the pain slowly increased instead of dissipating. When it got strong enough to make her gasp, she felt it slowly start to recede.

Once the pain had gone completely, she let out a breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding.
She then moved to prop herself up on a pillow, and when the breeze from the ceiling fan hit her, she remembered how she was covered in sweat. Even her legs, she thought, when they rubbed against each other.

She was shocked at how much was down there, but then flew into full panic mode.
Reaching over, she clicked on her bedside lamp, and threw back the covers. The initial reaction to the sight of her wet pajama bottoms was relief that it wasn’t blood, but then quickly turned to worry when she realized how early it was for her water to break.

She was only thirty one weeks along, and was supposed to have another nine weeks to go.
Her little girl was too small, to survive being born that early.

Tears started to swell in her eyes at the thought, and she moved to try and get out of bed.
Quickly, she was slammed with another pain and it caused her to lose her footing and fall to the floor. The pressure was much more intense than the one before and she let out a cry when it felt like she was going to be ripped apart.

The door slammed open and she saw the silhouette of Gemariah standing in the doorway.
Breathing a sigh of relief, she reached out. “Gemariah,” was all she could say before the pressure increased to its peak.


The voice wasn’t Gemariah’s, and she was a surprised to see Conner step forward and kneel beside her. “What? How?” she gasped.

“Everyone’s on an assignment.
Gemariah called me to stay here until he got back.” He must have seen her disbelieving face, because he added, “Trust me, he was not happy about the idea, but everyone was needed, and he had no choice.”

At that point, she didn’t care who was there with her, there was only one thing on her mind.
The pain was dwindling, but it was still too intense to form a complete sentence. Instead, she gasped, “Hospital… now!”

He picked her up with an arm behind her back and one under her legs.

The movement made her pain spike once again and she screamed.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! Okay. Hold on.”

Conner ran down the stairs, successfully jarring her the whole way.
Instead of yelling out, she bit her lower lip and dug her nails into his back where she was holding on. To give him credit, he never stopped her even though she knew that she had to have broken skin.

Placing her gently on a bench seat inside an old pick-up that she was assuming was his, he buckled her in and ran to get in on the driver’s side.
Once he got the truck started, he quickly backed out of the driveway and placed his phone to his ear.

After a minute, a string of profanities left his mouth, before he hit a button on his phone and put it back up to his ear.
After another minute, he roared and threw his phone against the dash. When it broke into a few different pieces, he yelled and hit the dash.

“Okay, I give,” she panted.
“What’s wrong?”

He gestured to the spot where his phone hit the dash.
“Gemariah! He wasn’t answering, and now I have no way of getting a hold of him. If anything happens to you before he can get there, I’m dead.”

“Well, then we’ll be in the same boat.”
At the glare he shot at her, she nodded. “You’re right… bad joke.”

The truth was that she was scared out of her mind.
She thought that she was going to have more time, and the night kind of snuck up on her. All she wanted right then was for Gemariah to be there and hold her, but it looked as if she wasn’t going to get that wish either.

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