The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 1 (4 page)

BOOK: The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 1
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Jesus Wants Your Heart

(Part 2)


Key Verse:
Luke 6:31 (NIV)

Do to others as you would have them do to you.


The Map:


In this lesson, we’ll see how God wants our hearts, not just our religious activities. In other words, He wants you to really love Him and not just pretend like it. Just like in the last lesson, we’ll see how Jesus challenges the Jewish leaders to love God with their heart, not just their rules! The key verse for the next six lessons is Luke 6:31, so don’t forget to start working on memorizing.


The Dig:
Luke 6:1-5


What is the Sabbath? 


What are the Pharisees, or the Jewish leaders, saying Jesus and His disciples had done?


What example does Jesus use from the Old Testament to show He hasn’t broken the Law?


What else does Jesus say about Himself in verse 5? 


The Treasure:


Jesus’ word is greater than the religious leaders’ rules! Because Jesus is God in the flesh, He is able to tell us what is right and wrong. What Jesus says has more authority over what the religious leaders say. 


The Display:


God wants us to be careful about whom we listen to! God wants us to listen to Him and love Him with our all of our heart, soul, and strength. Who are the people you listen to?

Lesson 14:

Jesus Wants Your Heart

(Part 3)


Key Verse:
Luke 6:31 (NIV)

Do to others as you would have them do to you.


The Map:


In this lesson, we’ll see how Jesus challenges the rules of the Jewish leaders. In the last two lessons, we’ve been talking about how God wants us to really love Him and not just keep rules. Are you ready to dig?


The Dig:
Luke 6:6-11


What do the Jewish leaders do with rules about the Sabbath?


What does Jesus do on the Sabbath?


What do the religious leaders do?


The Treasure:


God is loving and compassionate! In this passage, we see that God desires for His people to show love and kindness to people who are in need. The rules of the Jewish leaders were more important to them than showing God’s compassion.


The Display:


Have you ever been too busy or distracted to help someone else out? The religious leaders were more focused on keeping the rules than they were in showing love and compassion to people in need. How can you show compassion to your friends and family?

Lesson 15:

Pray Before You Act


Key Verse:
Luke 6:31 (NIV)

Do to others as you would have them do to you.


The Map: 


After I graduated from high school, I decided to go to college in Israel. I wanted to study the Bible where Jesus lived. Before I made the choice to go, I prayed and prayed! It was a hard choice, but God always gives us wisdom when we ask Him. How do you make choices? Do you just do something without thinking about it? Hopefully not! In this lesson, we’ll see how Jesus makes important decisions.


The Dig:
Luke 6:12-16


What does Jesus go to the mountainside to do?


According to the passage, how long does Jesus pray? 


What is Jesus praying about?


Take a minute and look up these Bible passages on prayer: 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Philippians 4:6-7. What do these verses say we are supposed to do?


The Treasure:


It pays to pray! All of these verses teach us to be careful with the choices we make every day. If we are scared, we should pray. If we need wisdom, we should pray. If we are sad, we should pray. If we are thankful, we should pray. Get the point? Don’t just act; always pray first!


The Display:


What are some things you want to pray for in your own life? Who are some friends or family members you can be praying for? Try to start each day this week by praying before you leave the house!

Lesson 16:

God Is with You


Key Verse:
Luke 6:31 (NIV)

Do to others as you would have them do to you.


The Map:


Sometimes being a Christian can be hard! In this lesson, we’ll look at Jesus’ promise that even if things get rough, we have a great reward in Heaven! Do not be afraid because God is with you and loves you.


The Dig:
Luke 6:17-26


Even if you are poor, hungry, insulted, crying, and even hated, what does Jesus say you are?


What do you think it means to be blessed?


What does the word “woe” mean? 


The Treasure:


It’s better to love God than have everything in the world! Sometimes people seem to have it all. They have lots of money, people like them, and they always seem happy. But Jesus is warning them that if they don’t have a relationship with God then they really don’t have true happiness!


The Display:


There is nothing better in life than knowing we have a relationship with Jesus. Even if we are poor, hungry, sad, or even hated, we know that God is with us and loves us. What makes you the happiest?

Lesson 17:

Love Your Enemies


Key Verse:
Luke 6:31 (NIV)

Do to others as you would have them do to you.


The Map:


Has someone ever been mean to you? How did you treat them back? In this lesson, we’ll learn about what Jesus says about our enemies. Let’s get ready to dig!


The Dig:
Luke 6:27-36


What is an enemy?


Do you have any enemies?


According to this passage, what does Jesus say we are supposed to do to our enemies?


Read verse 31 again. What does Jesus mean?


The Treasure:


Love is stronger than hate! Anybody can be downright nasty and mean, but not everyone can love. Jesus teaches us that the most powerful thing we can do is love people, even our enemies.


The Display:


How can you go out of your way to love someone this week? Do you know someone who isn’t very nice? How can you love them?

Lesson 18:

Don’t Point the Finger


Key Verse:
Luke 6:31 (NIV)

Do to others as you would have them do to you.


The Map:


It’s a lot easier to see what other people are doing wrong than it is to see what you are doing wrong! In this lesson, we’ll see what Jesus has to say about judging other people.


The Dig:
Luke 6:37-42


What does it mean to judge? 


Why do you think Jesus is telling us to be careful not to judge? 


What else is Jesus telling us to do? 


The Treasure:


Don’t make a decision about someone too quickly before you know all the facts! When you judge someone, you are looking at them and then making a decision about them. Sometimes our judgments of people are right, but sometimes they are way off. Make sure you look more closely at your own life.


The Display:


Take a minute and think about some things you think God might want you to work on changing in your own life. What are some things that you are doing or saying that you shouldn’t be? Let’s ask God to help with those right now!

The Oasis


Congratulations! You have made it through the next six lessons! The Oasis is a chance to stop, rest up, and review what you have learned so far on the adventure. During each Oasis, you will be quizzed over the lessons you have already done. Do you think you can remember what you have studied so far? Let’s find out!


Review Key Verse:
Luke 6:31 (NIV)


Take a minute and tell your mom or dad the key verse. Remember, you are not allowed to look!


Review Questions:


1.  Some Jewish leaders are more concerned about ________ than they are about ________.


2.  Finish this sentence: Jesus wants your ________.


3.  What does Jesus go to the mountainside to do?


4. What does Jesus say about how we should treat our enemies?


5.  What does it mean to judge someone?


6.  Are we supposed to judge other people?

The Oasis Activity


Each Oasis Activity is a fun and creative project for children to complete that will help them remember the key verse from each section.  To download and print your copy, please visit:


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Lesson 19:

Who Wants a Rotten Apple?


Key Verse:
Luke 6:43

For no good tree bears bad fruit,
nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit.


The Map:


Have you ever picked a piece of fruit off of a tree? One time when I was hiking up to Masada, a mountain overlooking the Sea of Galilee, I stopped to pick a piece of fruit from a branch that was hanging over a fence. When I bit into what I thought was going to be a juicy apple, it turned out to be rotten! Boy, was I surprised. In this lesson, we’ll learn what Jesus says about rotten fruit. The key verse for the next six lessons is Luke 6:43, so start memorizing!


The Dig:
Luke 6:43-45


What can’t a good tree do?


What can’t a bad tree do?


What do you think Jesus is teaching us?


The Treasure:


A bad tree will grow bad fruit, but a good tree will grow good fruit. Which tree do you want to be like? A good person does good things, but a bad heart produces bad actions (fruit).


The Display:


Remember a few lessons ago when we talked about how Jesus wants our hearts? Jesus is saying that when we really love God with everything we have then we will do the right thing. We will be like a good tree that produces good fruit. If our hearts don’t love and believe God, we will be like a bad tree that produces rotten fruit! What are examples of good fruit?

Lesson 20:

Where Are YOU

 Going to Build?


Key Verse:
Luke 6:43

For no good tree bears bad fruit,
nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit.


The Map:


Have you ever built something and then it came crashing down? In this lesson, we’ll be looking at two different ways to build. You can either build on sand or build on the Rock. Let’s dig!


The Dig:
Luke 6:46-49


What kind of foundation does the first builder build on?


What about the second?


Why does the second house come crashing down?

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