The Difference Engine (27 page)

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Authors: William Gibson,Bruce Sterling

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fantasy, #Historical, #Steampunk, #Cyberpunk

BOOK: The Difference Engine
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Mallory smiled. “Wrote an editorial about it, did we?”

“For the Morning Clarion . . .” Disraeli shrugged. “I admit my rhetoric is somewhat over-colored. But it has been a damned odd summer, and that’s the truth. A few days of good soaking rain, to flush out the Thames and break these odd stifling clouds, and all will be well with us. But much more of this freak weather, and those who are elderly, or weak of lung, may suffer greatly.”

“You think so, truly?”

Disraeli lowered his voice. “They say the cholera is loose again in Limehouse.”

Mallory felt a dreadful chill. “Who says it?”

“Dame Rumour. But who will doubt her in these circumstances? In such a vile summer, it’s all too likely that effluvia and foetor will spread a deadly contagion.” Disraeli emptied his pipe and began re-loading it from a rubber-sealed humidor stuffed with black Turkish shag. “I dearly love this city, Mallory, but there are times when discretion must outweigh devotion. You have family in Sussex, I know. If I were you, I should leave at once, and join them.”

“But I have a speech to deliver. In two days. On the Brontosaurus. With kinotrope accompaniment!”

“Cancel the speech,” Disraeli said, fussing with a repeating-match. “Postpone it.”

“I cannot. It is to be a great occasion, a great professional and popular event!”

“Mallory, there shan’t be anyone to see it. No one who matters, anyway. You’ll be wasting your breath.”

“There shall be working-men,” Mallory said stubbornly. “The humbler classes can’t afford to leave London.”

“Oh,” Disraeli nodded, puffing smoke. “That will be splendid. The sort of fellows who read tuppenny dreadfuls. Be sure to commend me to your audience.”

Mallory set his jaw stubbornly.

Disraeli sighed. “Let’s to work. We’ve a lot to do.” He plucked the latest issue of Family Museum from a shelf. “What did you think of last week’s episode?”

“Fine. The best yet.”

“Too much damned scientific theory in it,” Disraeli said. “It needs more sentimental interest.”

“What’s wrong with theory, if it is good theory?”

“No one but a specialist wants to read about the hinging pressures of a reptile’s jawbone, Mallory. Truth to tell, there’s only one thing people really want to know about dinosaurs: why the damned things are all dead.”

“I thought we agreed to save that for the end.”

“Oh, yes. Makes a fine climax, that business with the great smashing comet, and the great black dust-storm wiping out all reptilian life and so forth. Very dramatic, very catastrophic. That’s what the public likes about Catastrophism, Mallory. Catastrophe feels better than this Uniformity drivel about the Earth being a thousand million years old. Tedious and boring — boring on the face of it!”

“An appeal to vulgar emotion is neither here nor there!” Mallory said hotly. “The evidence supports me! Look at the Moon — absolutely covered with comet-craters!”

“Yes,” Disraeli said absently, “rigorous science, so much the better.”

“No one can explain how the Sun could burn for even ten million years. No combustion could last that long — it violates elementary laws of physics! ”

“Give it a rest for a moment. I’m all with your friend Huxley that we should enlighten the public ignorance, but one must throw the dog a bone every once in a while. Our readers want to know about Leviathan Mallory, the man.”

Mallory grunted.

“That’s why we must get back to the business of this Indian girl.”

Mallory shook his head. He had been dreading this. “She wasn’t a ‘girl.’ She was a native woman . . . ”

“We’ve already explained that you’ve never married,” Disraeli said patiently. “You won’t acknowledge any English sweetheart. The time has come to bring out this Indian maiden. You don’t have to be indecent or blunt about matters. Just a few kind words about her, a gallantry or two, a few dropped hints. Women dote on that business, Mallory. And they read far more than men do.” Disraeli picked up his reservoir-pen. “You haven’t even told me her name.”

Mallory sat in a chair. “The Cheyenne don’t have names as we do. Especially not their women.”

“She must have been called something.”

“Well, sometimes she was called Widow-of-Red-Blanket, and sometimes she was called Mother-of-Spotted-Snake, or Mother-of-Lame-Horse. But I couldn’t swear to any of those names, actually. We had this drunken half-breed Frenchie with us as interpreter, and he lied like a cur.”

Disraeli was disappointed. “You never spoke directly to her, then?”

“I don’t know. I got to where I could manage pretty well with the hand-signs. Her name was Wak-see-nee-ha-wah, or Wak-nee-see-wah-ha, something much like that.”

“How would it be if I call her ‘Prairie Maiden’?”

“Dizzy, she was a widow. She had two grown children. She was missing some teeth and was lean as a wolf.”

Disraeli sighed. “You’re not cooperating. Mallory.”

“All right.” Mallory tugged his beard. “She was a good seamstress; you could say that. We won her, ah, friendship, by giving her needles. Steel needles, rather than bison-bone splinters. And glass beads, of course. They all want glass beads.”

” ‘Shy at first. Prairie Flower was won over by her innate love for feminine accomplishments,’ ” Disraeli said, scribbling.

Disraeli teased at the edges of the matter, bit by bit, as Mallory squirmed in his chair.

It was nothing like the truth. The truth could not be written on civilized paper. Mallory had put the whole squalid business successfully out of his mind. But he had not forgotten it, not really. As Disraeli sat scribbling his sentimental treacle, the truth surged back at Mallory with savage vividness.

It was snowing outside the conical tents and the Cheyenne were drunk. Whooping howling drunken pandemonium, because the wretches had no real idea what liquor was; for them it was a poison and an incubus. They pranced and staggered like bedlamites, firing their rifles into the empty American heavens, and they fell on the frozen ground in the grip of visions, showing nothing but the whites of eyes. Once they had started, they would go on for hours.

Mallory had not wanted to go in to the widow. He had fought the temptation for many days, but the time had finally come when he realized it would do his soul less damage to simply get the business over with. So he had drunk two inches from one of the whiskey bottles, two inches of cheap Birmingham rotgut, shipped over with the rifles. He had gone inside the tent where the widow sat crouched in her blankets and leathers over the dung-fire. The two children left, their round brown faces squinting bleakly against the wind.

Mallory showed her a new needle, and did the business with his hands, lewd gestures. The widow nodded, with the exaggerated wobble of someone to whom a nod was a foreign language, and slid back into her nest of hides, and lay on her back with her legs spread, and stretched her arms up. Mallory climbed up over her, got under the blankets with her, pulled his taut and aching member out of his trousers, and forced it between her legs. He had thought it would be over with quickly, and perhaps without much shame, but it was too strange and upsetting to him. The rutting went on for a long time, and finally she began to look at him with a kind of querulous shyness, and plucked curiously at the hair of his beard. And at last the warmth, the sweet friction, the rank animal smell of her, thawed something in him, and he spent long and hard, spent inside her, though he had not meant to do that. The three other times he went to her, later, he withdrew, and did not risk getting the poor creature with child. He was very sorry he had done it even once. But if she was with child when they left, the odds were great that it was not his at all, but one of the other men’s.

At length Disraeli moved on to other matters and things became more easy. But Mallory left Disraeli’s rooms full of bitter confusion. It was not Disraeli’s flowery prose that had stirred up the devil in him, but the savage power of his own memories. The vital animus had returned with a vengeance. He was stiff and restless with lust, and felt out of his own command. He had not had a woman since Canada, and the French girl in Toronto had not seemed wholly clean. He needed a woman, badly. An Englishwoman, some country girl with solid white legs and fat fair freckled arms . . .

Mallory made his way back to Fleet Street. Out in the open air, his eyes began to smart almost at once. There was no sign of Fraser in the hustling crowds. The gloom of the day was truly extraordinary. It was scarcely noon, but the dome of St. Paul’s was shrouded in filthy mist. Great rolling wads of oily fog hid the spires and the giant bannered adverts of Ludgate Hill. Fleet Street was a high-piled clattering chaos, all whip-cracking, steam-snorting, shouting. The women on the pavements crouched under soot-stained parasols and walked half-bent, and men and women alike clutched kerchiefs to their eyes and noses. Men and boys lugged family carpetbags and rubber-handled traveling-cases, their cheery straw boaters already speckled with detritus. A crowded excursion-train chugged past on the spidery elevated track of the London, Chatham & Dover, its cloud of cindered exhaust hanging in the sullen air like a banner of filth.

Mallory studied the sky. The thready jellyfish mess of rising smoke was gone now, swallowed in a looming opaque fog. Here and there, gray flakes of something like snow were settling delicately over Fleet Street. Mallory examined one that lit on his jacket-sleeve, a strange slaggy flake of crystallized grit. At his touch it burst into the finest ash.

Fraser was shouting at him from beneath a lamp-post across the street. “Dr. Mallory!” Fraser beckoned in a manner that was, for him, remarkably animated; Mallory realized belatedly that Fraser had likely been shouting at him for some time.

Mallory fought and dodged his way across the traffic: cabs, carts, a large stumbling herd of bleating, wheezing sheep. The effort of it set him gasping.

Two strangers stood beneath the lamp-post with Fraser, both their faces tightly swathed with white kerchiefs. The taller fellow had been breathing through his kerchief for some time, for the cloth beneath his nose was stained yellow-brown. “Take ‘em off, lads,” Fraser commanded. Sullenly, the two strangers tugged their kerchiefs below their chins.

“The Coughing Gent!” Mallory said, stunned.

“Permit me,” Fraser said wryly. “This is Mr. J. C. Tate, and this is his partner, Mr. George Velasco. They style themselves confidential agents, or something of the sort.” Fraser’s mouth grew thinner, became something almost like a smile. “I believe you gents have already met Dr. Edward Mallory.”

“We know ‘im,” Tate said. There was a swollen purple bruise on the side of Tate’s jaw. The kerchief had hidden it. “Bloody lunatic, he is! Violent bloody maniac, as ought to be in Bedlam.”

“Mr. Tate was an officer on our metropolitan force,” Fraser said, fixing Tate with a leaden stare. “Till he lost the post.”

“I resigned!” Tate declared. “I quit on principle, as there’s no way to get justice done in the public police in London, and you know that as well as I do, Ebenezer Fraser.”

“As for Mr. Velasco, he’s one of your would-be dark-lantern men,” Fraser said mildly. “Father came to London as a Spanish royalist refugee, but our young Mr. George is apt to turn his hand to anything — false passports, keyhole-peering, blackjacking prominent savants in the street . . . ”

“I am a native-born British citizen,” said the swarthy little half-breed, with an ugly glare at Mallory.

“Don’t put on airs, Fraser,” Tate said. “You walked a beat same as me, and if you’re a big brass-hat now, it’s only so you can sit on dirty scandals for the Government. Clap the darbies on us, Fraser! Take us into custody! Do your worst! I’ve my own friends, you know.”

“I won’t let Dr. Mallory hit you, Tate. Stop worrying. But do tell us why you’ve been dogging him.”

“Professional confidentiality,” Tate protested. “Can’t nark on a patron.”

“Don’t be a fool,” Fraser said.

“Your gentleman here is a bloody murderer! Had his rival gutted like a fish!”

“I did no such thing,” Mallory said. “I’m a Royal Society scholar, not some back-alley conspirator!”

Tate and Velasco exchanged glances of amazed skepticism. Velasco began to snicker helplessly.

“What’s so amusing?” Mallory said.

“They were hired by one of your colleagues,” Fraser said. “This is a Royal Society intrigue. Is that not so, Mr. Tate?”

“I told you I ain’t tellin’,” Tate said.

“Is it the Commission on Free Trade?” Mallory demanded. No answer. “Is it Charles Lyell?”

Tate rolled his smoke-reddened eyes and elbowed Velasco in the ribs. “He’s as pure as the snow, your Dr. Mallory is, just as you say, Fraser.” He wiped his face with his stained kerchief. “Things’ve come to a pretty pass, damn it all, with London stinking to perdition and the country in the hands of learned lunatics with too much money and hearts of stone!”

Mallory felt the strong impulse to give the insolent rascal another sharp taste of the fist, but with a swift effort of will he throttled the useless instinct. He stroked his beard with a professorial air, and smiled on Tate, coldly and deliberately.

“Whoever your employer may be,” Mallory said, “he shan’t be very happy that Mr. Fraser and I have found you out.”

Tate watched Mallory narrowly, saying nothing. Velasco put his hands in his pockets and looked ready to sidle off at any moment.

“We may have come to blows earlier,” Mallory said, “but I pride myself that I can rise above a natural resentment, and see our situation objectively! Now that you’ve lost the cover of deceit under which you have been stalking me, you’re of no use to your patron anymore. Is that not so?”

“What if it is?” Tate asked.

“The two of you might still be of considerable use to a certain Ned Mallory. What is he paying you, this fancy patron fellow?”

“Have a care, Mallory,” Fraser warned.

“If you’ve watched me at all closely, you must be aware that I’m a generous man,” Mallory insisted.

“Five shillings a day,” Tate muttered.

“Each,” Velasco put in. “Plus expenses.”

“They’re lying,” Fraser said.

“I’ll have five golden guineas waiting for you, in my rooms at the Palace of Paleontology, at the end of this week,” Mallory promised. “In exchange for that sum, I want you to treat your former patron exactly as you’ve treated me — simple poetic justice, as it were! Stalk him secretly, wherever he goes, and tell me everything he does. That’s what you were hired for, is it not?”

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