The Devil’s Guide To Hollywood (91 page)

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Renoir, Jean, 241

repetition, writing process, 172

rereading, of script, 158

respect, 56

reviews, 337–348, 352–353

revisions (rewrites by original author).
See also
rewrites (by different author)

directors, 214–215

literature, 172

openness to, 212–217

timing in, 153

writer’s block solution, 162

rewards to self, 157

rewrites (by different author), 84, 94, 95, 111–112, 128, 261–262.
See also
revisions (rewrites by original author)

credits, 135

directors, 214–215

Reynolds, Burt, 63–64, 191, 334

Rice, Anne, 92

Richmond, Ray, 339

Riefenstahl, Leni, 109, 293

Rifkin, Arnold, 110, 286

rights, 134

Riordan, Richard, 10


Rivera, José, 240

Rivers, Joan, 304

Rizzo, Jilly, 245

Robbins, Tim, 313, 324, 332

Robert, Julia, 333

Roberts, Jason, 158

Robinson, Sugar Ray, 37, 202

Roddenberry, Gene, 213

Rogers, Mimi, 334

Rogers, Will, 114

role models, 71, 106

Rolling Stone
(magazine), 203, 212

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 9–10, 12, 13

Rose, Judd, 352

Rose Café, 24

Ross, Tom, 129–130

Roth, Joe, 297

rough cuts, 218

“round conversation,” defined, 296

Rourke, Mickey, 142

Rowe, Kenneth, xiii

Rubirosa, Porfirio, 365

Rudin, Scott, 70, 206, 277

Rudner, Rita, 155

Rudnick, Paul, 41

Russell, Jane, 250

Russell, Ken, 134, 230

Russo, Richard, 9

Ryan, James, 121, 122, 290, 318

Ryan, Meg, 101

Ryder, Winona, 317

Sachs, Oliver, 139

Sackheim, William, 266

Sacred Cows (Media Mogul)
, 373–379

sadism, directors, 244

The Saint
, 285

Salles, Walter, 240, 249, 268

Salt, Waldo, 74

Sanders, George, 28, 175, 365

Sargent, Alvin, 162

Saroyan, William, 205–206, 316

Saunders, Dan, 10

Saunders, John Monk, 71

Sayles, John, 357

Sayre, Joel, 135

scenery, 237

scene structure, writing process, 160

Schary, Dore, 22

schedules, 97, 151, 153, 154, 155, 158

Scheider, Roy, 330

Schell, Maximilian, 308

Schenck, Joe, 273

Schisgal, Murray, 331

Schneider, Bert, 20, 51, 268

“schnorrer,” defined, 260

Schrader, Paul, 9, 70, 340

Schroeder, Barbet, 237, 239

Schulberg, Budd, 3–4, 6, 275, 287

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 56, 72, 128–129, 238, 295, 314, 318

Scientology, 27, 77–78, 186

Scorsese, Martin, 67, 69, 238, 241, 246

Scott, A. O., 340

Scott, George C., 307, 331

Scott, Ridley, 234

screen adaptations, credit for novelist, 94

screenings, tips on, 220–222

script girls, 63

script jackets, 147

script length, 160, 171–172

script meetings.
studio executive meetings

script notes, 214, 216–217

“script stalker,” defined, 187


scriptwriting time, 203–204

Seberg, Jean, 71

Sebold, Alice, 9

second act, writing process, 167, 168

self-deception, 64

self-rewards, 157

Sellers, Peter, 191

Selznick, David O., 8, 22, 37, 42, 51–52, 118, 168, 192, 235, 260, 262, 269, 271, 272, 273, 277, 302, 358

Selznick, Lewis J., 8

Selznick, Myron, 269

Semel, Terry, 25

“send me some pages,” defined, 294

sense memory (Method school), 315

sentimentality, 157

sequels, 102

sets, writers at, 217

sex scenes, 142–145

sexuality, 43, 44–45.
See also
affairs; bisexuality

agents, 183–184

bisexuality, 139, 140

directors, 250

homophobia, 36

homosexuality, 71, 138–140, 144, 195

interracial, 142

masturbation, 155, 170, 174, 250

political correctness, 355

“production fuck,” 218

villains, 141–142

Wilder, Billy, 82

writers, 71–72, 75

Shalit, Gene, 345

Shandling, Garry, 314

Shapiro, George, 197

Sharif, Omar, 264

sharing of script, 160

Shatzberg, Jerry, 248

Shaw, George Bernard, 189, 258

Shaw, Irwin, 75, 197–198, 263, 264

Shaw, Marion, 264

Shawn, Dick, 337

Shelton, Ron, 140, 145, 148, 152, 185, 366

Shepard, Jim, 9

Shore, Dinah, 198

, 105–106, 125, 145, 152, 173, 174, 179, 261–262, 290, 293, 314, 324, 352, 355

“showman,” defined, 267

Shriver, Maria, 72

Shulgasser, Barbara, 340

“Side-Al” nudity, defined, 143

Silver, Joel, 76, 109, 146, 262, 272

simplicity, writing process, 160

Simpson, Don, 42, 81, 102, 196, 233, 250, 258, 265, 267, 268, 271

Simpson, O. J., 34

Sinatra, Frank, 106, 191, 245

Slade, Bernard, 177

, 105, 145, 173, 310, 316, 327, 355

Smith, Roy, 11

smoking, 156

social life, writers, 52, 80

Solt, Andrew, 334

Somebody Up There Likes Me
, 305

Some Kind of Hero
, 142

The Sound and the Fury
(Faulkner), 204

Spacey, Kevin, 67

spec scripts, 119–120

writing speed

Spiegel, Sam, 61, 62, 63, 168, 210, 211, 218, 244, 258, 260, 261, 263–266, 269, 273, 275, 278, 319, 329–330, 369

“Spiegelese,” defined, 62

Spielberg, Steven, 26, 27, 58, 81, 113, 187–188, 211–212, 231, 234, 253, 329, 355, 374–375, 378

Spillane, Mickey, 54

“spitballing,” defined, 292

stage plays, reading of, 74, 117

Stahr, Monroe, 90

Stallone, Sylvester, 7–8, 38, 64, 77, 109, 140, 211, 234, 245, 292, 323, 334, 364

Stanley, Alessandra, 236–237

Stanwyck, Barbara, 51

Stark, Ray, 16, 47, 70, 86

Stec, Bob, 12

Steel, Dawn, 233

Stein, Julius Caesar, 197, 198

“stereotypes,” defined, 293

Stern, Howard, 107

Stewart, Donald, 96

Stone, Oliver, 67, 102, 224, 293

Stone, Sharon, 39, 41, 43, 44, 47, 72, 78, 80–81, 102, 103, 104, 105, 109, 142, 145, 159, 166, 169, 172, 179, 191, 211, 220, 305–306, 310, 316, 322, 323, 325, 327

story meetings, 209–210, 288.
See also
studio executive meetings

Streisand, Barbra, 333

structure, writing process, 160

studio executive meetings

clothing for, 208–209

preparation for, 207–208

story meetings, 209–210, 288

tips on, 209–211, 213–214, 291, 292

studio executives

agents and, 192–194

background information on, 207

committee syndrome, 283, 284–285

producers and, 258–259

reading, 127, 201, 272

telephoning of, 83

writers and, 89–92, 95, 224–225, 283–297

studio offices, 67

studio reader, role of, 201–202

Sturges, Preston, 63, 110–111, 207

subject matter, 123, 126, 127, 128–130, 132, 133, 134, 137, 138–146, 151


corruption, 16–17, 88

friendships and, 35

“suckfish,” defined, 289

suicide, 61, 62, 352, 355, 361

suicide notes, 28

“suicide years,” defined, 307

sunglasses, 26, 27

Sunset Boulevard
, 305, 353

supernatural, 67

Swedlin, Rosalie, 235

swimming pools, 28

swimming pool scenes, 142

Tanenbaum, Robert, 10

tape recordings, dialogue, 175–176

Tapp, Tom, 44

Tartikoff, Brandon, 207, 313

Taylor, Elizabeth, 331

teeth, 58

telephone calls, 66, 83

television, 108, 156

television writing, 357, 358, 359

Telling Lies in America
, 126

Temple, Shirley, 314

“tender love story,” defined, 133

The Terminator
, 129

Tewksbury, Joan, 344

Thalberg, Irving, 274

“that doesn’t work,” defined, 295

thefts, 124

of memorabilia, 218

prevention of, 179–180

titles, 177

“theory of creative conflict,” defined, 218

Theron, Charlize, 142

The Third Man
, 249

“this is the best draft I’ve ever read,” defined, 297

Thomas, Betty, 377–378

Thomas, Jim, 60

Thomas, Sandy Charlebois, 88

Thompson, Hunter S., 74–75, 83, 101, 156, 302

Thomson, David, 83–84, 102

Thornton, Billy Bob, 9, 14, 64, 91, 379

Thorp, Roderick, 147

“three beat,” defined, 175

“three Cs,” defined, 38

“three-piss picture,” defined, 289

Thunder Road
, 74–75

Tidyman, Ernest, 363

tightening, writing process, 172

timeliness, in payment, 61

time of day, 154

, 353

titles, selection of, 176–177

Toback, James, 343–344

show, 68, 293

Todd, Mike, 265, 363

“to do a Belushi,” defined, 81

“to do a Burt Weisbourd,” defined, 271

“to do a Cimino,” defined, 231

“to do a Garry Shandling,” defined, 314

“to do a Hughie,” defined, 85

“to do a Jennifer Grey,” defined, 316

“to do a Pee-wee,” defined, 308

To Have and Have Not
, 95

Tolkin, Michael, 171

tone, writing process, 167

“too ethnic,” defined, 141

Toole, F. X., 234

Toole, John Kennedy, 355

Top Gun
, 133

“to Spiegel,” defined, 62

“to sweat dollars,” defined, 286

“total fucking disaster,” defined, 290

“to Wirtschafter,” defined, 192

Towne, Robert, 25, 51, 84, 95, 98, 99, 124, 125, 160, 194, 239, 252, 276, 278, 319

Tracy, Lee, 301

Tracy, Spencer, 63

trade magazines, publicity, 84

Tramell, Catherine, 102, 203, 306

Trammell, Alan, 172

Traube, Lenny, 342

Travolta, John, 211, 322

trends, 64

Trevor, William, 358

“trophy girls,” defined, 139

“truffle nose,” defined, 274

Trumbo, Dalton, 13, 17, 36, 61, 74, 83, 98, 111–112, 155, 156, 217, 356, 367

Truscott, Lucian, 95

Tubb, Ernest, 129

“tumeling,” defined, 191

“tweaking your script,” defined, 296

, 238

Tyler, Liv, 324

Tyler, Steve, 324

typewriter, 154, 368–369

Tyson, Mike, 161

of Hollywood,” defined, 190

“unelectric,” defined, 46

“unemployable,” defined, 73

“unfuckable,” defined, 269

urine rising, 58–59

Vail, Tom, 172–173

Valenti, Jack, 107, 293, 296

Van Damme, Jean Claude, 220

Van Sant, Gus, 248

Van Susteren, Greta, 33

“velvet octopus,” defined, 278

Verhoeven, Paul, 58–59, 81, 103, 104, 106, 125, 156, 169, 179, 215, 231, 234, 242, 248, 251, 324, 347

Viagra, 174

Victor, Ed, 197

Vidal, Gore, 50, 95, 138, 204, 260, 351, 353

video games, 63

videotapes, of dailies, 217

Vidor, King, 277

Viertel, Peter, 65, 71

Vilanch, Bruce, 231, 311–312

villains, 141–142

Vinton, Bobby, 59

violence, 145–146, 314, 329

virgins, 141–142

voice-over, avoidance of, 158

von Sternberg, Joseph, 220, 239, 320

Wachowski, Andy, 109

Wachowski, Larry, 109

Wald, Jerry, 6, 78

Walden, Phil, 136

Walken, Christopher, 111, 315

Walker, Andrew Kevin, 185

Walker, Robert, Sr., 25

Walker, Robert, Jr. (“Bob”), 25

Walter, Richard, 34

Warner, Jack, 184, 287, 289

War Zone, Los Angeles, California, 52

Washington, Denzel, 139, 142

Wasserman, Edie, 294–295

Wasserman, Lew, 70, 287, 288, 290, 294–295

Wayne, John, 140

Weaver, Sigourney, 62

Wechsler, Richard, 240

Weinstein, Harvey, 238, 364

Weir, Peter, 248

Weisbourd, Burt, 271

Weld, Tuesday, 24

Welles, Orson, 13, 22, 71, 126, 142, 234, 237, 249, 354

Wells, Frank, 322

Wells, H. G., 157

Wells, Jane, 9–10

Welty, Eudora, 163

West, Mae, 62, 198

westerns, 132

Westlake, Donald, 234

“whammo chart,” defined, 146

White, James L., 97

“whiz-bang,” defined, 146

Wiatt, Jim, 22–23

Widmark, Richard, 125

Wilder, Billy, 82, 147, 231, 319, 329, 360

Wilis, Bruce, 100

William Morris Agency, 46, 192, 197, 286

Williams, Hank, 130

Williams, Robin, 34, 379

Williams, Tennessee, 125, 197, 220

Willingham, Calder, 210

Willis, Bruce, 307, 334, 337–338

Wilson, David, 26

Wilson, Edmund, 344

Wilson, Michael, 232

Winchell, Walter, 43

Winger, Debra, 166, 242, 304

Winkler, Irwin, 101, 106, 171, 231, 257, 272, 277, 347, 373, 374, 375, 376–377, 379

“winner’s walk,” defined, 138

Winters, Shelly, 71–72

Wirtschafter, David, 46, 192

, 82

Wolf, Naomi, 343

Wolfe, Thomas, 71

Wood, Natalie, 191

Woods, James, 306, 334

Wooley, Monty, 122

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