The Devil You Know (38 page)

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Authors: Marie Castle

BOOK: The Devil You Know
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A myriad of emotions flashed in her gaze. Relief. Disbelief. Guilt. Absolution. When the carousel finally stopped, she watched me with reluctant hope. I returned her hesitant smile with one of my own. It was my first real smile since sunrise.

I held out my hand. “Take me home, Detective.”

We still had secrets. There was more I hadn’t told her, as well as burdens I could sense but not identify lurking in the shadows of her mind. Burdens I hoped she would someday share. But it was enough for tonight. Rome wasn’t built in a day. And trust didn’t grow from shacks to skyscrapers in the blink of an eye. If we were fortunate and the Fates kind, we would have a lifetime to stack those bricks, one by one, building new kinds of walls, enclosing us. It was hard to believe a lifetime would ever be enough. But I didn’t dare ask for more…not until I knew the cost.

“As my lady commands.” Jacq took my hand, but before she could tug me up, something cold and wet pushed against my fingers. I looked to see a boralis offering one more stone, the largest yet. As Jacq pulled me to my feet, I cupped the stone, blowing on it like a pair of dice.

“For luck,” I said.

Jacq gave me a curious look but didn’t say a word. As we turned to leave, I lit and threw the stone with more power than before. It rocketed across the pond, leaping in fiery steps, running on the water, dancing in the tiny waves…taking my breath with it.

With each ripple, the spell I’d breathed into the lifeless rock was exhaled.
The sound of it in my head faded as the rock traveled farther and farther away.

We walked away, and I didn’t look back. Even so I knew what was happening behind me. One by one, the red lights that had lit the pond dimmed as they sank into the murky depths. Thanks to Fera’s stasis spell, the term “sleeping with the fishes” had just become quite literal. But unlike the others that went to their end that way, my little fire-eaters would return if called.

And knowing their luck…and mine…that might be sooner than we would all like.

* * *

Day Fourteen

The sun filtering through the curtains behind us was bright, meaning it was past time to awaken. Even on Saturdays, the Delacys didn’t “lie abed,” as my Grams would have said. But the house was quiet, as if the world were still sleeping. Still, I knew it was a false silence. Brittan and my family had to be up and about, walking on eggshells as they pursued their morning tasks, last night’s somber mood carrying over into the light of day. I should be up too, preparing to help Mynx deliver Kathryn and Van home safely again. But I lingered in the cocoon of the warm blanket, Jacq’s hot body close behind me, holding me tightly. Her sleeping breath, fluttering softly against my neck, made me drowsy, yet I fought it.

The walk home hand in hand with Jacq had been sweet. Climbing into bed to cuddle, knowing the next day we would be at her house and alone finally, far far away from anyone who could pop into a room, knock on a door, or yell up the stairs at the most inopportune moment…well, that had been even sweeter. I’d gone to sleep in such a promising fashion with more than one tantalizing scene playing out in my head. But that’s where the promise had ended.

During the night, I’d awakened several times to find myself crying in Jacq’s arms. Bon’s stolen memories had mixed with my own to form a series of twisted nightmares—most of which were now in the light of day thankfully forgotten. But I’d seen and done too much in the last few days to believe the night’s bad dreams would be my last. Even so, in some ways the light of day was harder to face than the darkness.

This morning, my chest hurt in a way it hadn’t the night before, making my breath tight. And only part of that pain was from the pounding I’d taken to restart my heart. Though I hadn’t been his killer, Domini Roskov’s funeral had reminded me that for every life I had taken, whether good or bad, whether necessary or not, someone somewhere would cry over its loss. I couldn’t help but wonder who would cry over Bon. Or over the boy I had killed in the fight against Nicodemus. Over the ones I had failed to protect. Over Ramus and the other demon I had ordered killed.

War had casualties. Though I’d heard no declaration of battle—hell, I didn’t even know who my enemies were—there was still a fight coming. Jupiter had said it all when he’d pointed at the limo carrying Kathryn and Van and said there was my trouble. They’d brought trouble into my life, and it wasn’t going to go home simply because they did. I didn’t want it, didn’t need it. But like it or not, I was involved, had agreed to be involved before I’d even stepped into that car. Who would cry, indeed? I had cried for Bon and for those boys. Little good tears did them now.

Little good tears and self-recrimination did me.

I sighed and rolled over to face Jacq. The sunlight made her auburn hair almost golden. For several minutes, I lay there, emptying my mind, pushing away the sadness and worries, the bitterness and bad memories. After a time, I snaked my arm around her waist and slid my hand under her shirt and up her back to stroke her tattoo. Magic feathers ruffled under my fingertips, and I felt the phoenix’s head butt against my hand, silently asking for more. Inside, my demon-half purred, her mood always better when our brilliant firebird was near.

Jacq’s eyes fluttered open, bright with awareness. She gave me a sleepy, contented smile, and I returned it, yesterday’s sadness leeching away to be replaced by a strange sort of optimism. Coming to a decision, I scooted closer and kissed her lips sweetly.

Today would be the first day of a new life…even if I had to body slam, hog-tie, and beat the snot out of someone to make it so.

“I need to speak with Kathryn,” I said quietly to Jacq.

The moment I’d been dreading had finally come. I’d also decided to give Wrin a message to take to my father, but there was no point in sharing this until I knew his response.

She pushed my hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear. “Do you want me to accompany you?” She tried to hide her worry from our bond, but I could see it in her serious eyes.

“Thank you, but I need to do this alone. You should probably check with Mynx. Make sure everything’s set.”

“I understand. I’ll be near if you need me.” She kissed my forehead.

“Thank you.” I blinked, feeling unexpectedly shy, and leaned forward to give her another kiss. I meant it to be short and gentle. It was all that and more. But when that kiss ended my lips hungered for another…and another. Passion flared between us, hot and fast. Without thought, my hands held her hips to mine, Jacq responded in kind, holding my face, taking my mouth greedily. Our bodies moved together. Tongues clashed. Limbs twisted together. Magic spiked between us, rippling down my spine in pleasurable waves, reminding me where we were—more specifically
we were—and I pulled away reluctantly. My head knew why we had to wait, but my heart and sundry body parts weren’t happy. Indeed, if my lips could have ripped themselves from my face and surgically attached themselves to Jacq’s the defectors would have immediately done so. And I wouldn’t have blamed them a bit.

Panting, I released the firm buttocks I had no memory of grasping. “I think we may have melted the polar ice caps.”

Eyes bright with magic, breath coming fast, Jacq squeezed my own derriere, eliciting a moan from us both. “One cap at the most. The world’s fine.” She grinned and shrugged. “They have another.”

“Clearly you missed your calling as an environmentalist.” Laughing, I removed her hands, kissed each before placing them on her own buttocks, and returned her grin. “Keep those warm for me.”

“It would be my pleasure.” Jacq waggled her eyebrows.

Smiling, I waved my finger at her, left the bed, and quickly donned dark green cargo pants, a matching tank top, and boots. For my part in today’s events I couldn’t carry visible weapons, but I slipped a sheathed knife into each boot. Jacq chose classic black slacks and a dark gray T. She looked calm, but the heat sizzling in her eyes told me all I needed to know. Next time, there would be no stopping.

Ready to go downstairs, Jacq stopped me before I could open my bedroom door. I looked to her in question.

“No matter what comes of your conversation with Kathryn,” Jacq said softly, “remember I love you, Cate. I will follow you anywhere, even to Hell if that’s your decision.”

My eyes misted. “You don’t know what you’re offering.”

She cupped my cheek in her palm. “Believe me, I do.” She opened the door and was gone before I could say another word.

I found Kathryn in the kitchen, drinking tea and eating a fruit, sausage and nut breakfast casserole with Nana while discussing next month’s solar eclipse. They grew quiet when they noticed me in the doorway.

“Good morning,” I greeted both women before turning to Kathryn. “Can I speak with you alone for a few minutes?”

“Certainly.” Kathryn looked to Nana, who nodded and arose from her chair.

Nana brushed my arm soothingly on her way out the door. “Breakfast is in the oven. Eat. I’ll see you both when it’s time to leave.”

I fixed myself a glass of orange juice and a plate of casserole before taking a seat. I studied Kathryn as I sipped my juice. She looked well. The flowing cream pants and matching top she’d borrowed from Nana gave her light olive skin a nice glow.

Kathryn returned my scrutiny. “Good morning, young Cate. How are you this morn?”

“I’ll live.” I smiled ruefully. “How are you?”

Kathryn returned my smile, faintly. “As well as can be expected, considering the situation.”

My smile slipped and my tone turned somber. “The situation is what I wanted to speak with you about, but first let me thank you for what you did for Gemini.”

Kathryn waved her hand. “No thanks are needed for the repayment of a debt.”

“Even so, the gesture is appreciated.” I took a deep breath before plunging ahead. “There isn’t much time so please forgive me for getting right to the point. We captured two of the demons who attacked Wednesday night. I had them interrogated then killed. One of them was your driver, Ramus.”

Part of me had hardened that night. It was that part that stared at Kathryn with unflinching eyes, watching for her reaction.

Kathryn’s own smile faded and her gaze grew intent. “Yes, I was there.”

I shifted in my seat, my ribs aching. “Mynx didn’t tell me that.”

“She was unaware. I cloaked my presence.” She waved her hand as if it were nothing, but I knew better. Cloaking spells, especially
ones, were anything but easy.

“Then you know those demons weren’t acting alone.” I took a bite of the crunchy, slightly sweet casserole. I wasn’t hungry but there wouldn’t be time to eat later.

“They worked for The Betrayer.”

I recognized the name. Mynx had told me Ramus’s cohort had confessed to working for a demon lord by that name and that they’d been assisted by an unknown traitorous vampire we assumed was Bon.

“Tell me about The Betrayer.”

Kathryn began, “His name was struck from the records long ago for unimaginable crimes. Gwendolyn told me of the dark sorcerer you battled, Nicodemus—the one who possessed Gemini’s father. I believe The Betrayer is who Nicodemus and his brothers sought to free. The Betrayer was trapped long ago on Koue, a mountainous island of ice and stone located in the midst of a frozen sea. He escaped once several centuries past but was trapped again. The Betrayer believes my throne and the thrones of the other Queens should be his.”

“From what little I know of demon law, I’m surprised you didn’t kill him in the first place.”

Kathryn pressed her lips together tightly. “The Betrayer has proved to be most difficult to kill.”

“Is that why you used me to bait your trap?”

Kathryn shook her head. “You were never meant to be bait.
I was

That took me aback. Why would she use herself as bait? A Queen was in no position to place herself at such risk.

Wouldn’t you do the same?
my demon-half whispered in my mind.
Haven’t you in the past? Perhaps you’re not as different as you think.

“I wouldn’t tell Vanguard that,” I said to Kathryn, ignoring my demon-half. There would be time enough in the future to consider her words. “When Ramus attacked, Van was willing to kill us both to save you. He wouldn’t be happy to know you put yourself in danger intentionally.”

Kathryn sighed. When she spoke her words were low and full of sorrow. “You are right. But my time as Queen is ending. My nephew will come to see that eventually.”

I could almost feel the emotions bubbling out of her, but I couldn’t stop. Things needed to be said. “Van may not have come to grips with that end, but others certainly have. Ramus’s attack on me Monday night was no accident. Neither was the one Wednesday night. He said he would leave no takers for the throne. Whether you meant to put me in danger or not, the result is the same.”

Regret was etched in every line of her face. “The purpose for my visit was kept very quiet. Even Ramus didn’t know why until I spoke with you in the car. Presumably his first attack was instinctual while his second was clearly planned. But even before our arrival, there were rumors of you. The Betrayer’s people would have come, even without my presence to show them the way.”

My heart dropped. “I was afraid of that.” I met her eyes. “Even if I decline your offer, more will come after you leave, won’t they?”


With that one word, she changed the course of my entire life.

“They will not risk leaving an heir, any heir, even one who does not want the throne.” Her eye contact was direct and unflinching.

I released a long breath and ran my hands down my face. “Will my family be safe if I leave?” I watched her intently for subterfuge but there was only weary sincerity.

“Most likely. The Betrayer’s resources on this plane are limited…for the time being. You are the threat. If you are not here they will follow you.”

For the time being?
How long do I have?” My thoughts were already racing.
I needed to talk with Nana, Jacq, Mynx, Aunt Helena…goddess, someone needed to watch over Brit until she could handle her powers.

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