The Departed (17 page)

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Authors: J. A. Templeton

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Departed
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Laria’s father pleaded with the family to be lenient, to put her in the dungeon, to send her away, but they would not hear of it.

The noose was thrown over the tree branch, and Duncan tested it, making sure it would not break.

Laria kicked her captors, in an effort to escape one last time.

I turned away, unable to look any longer.


I flinched, glancing over my shoulder and scanning the room. I had clearly heard my name being whispered in my ear. My God, that voice had sounded so much like Ian’s.

A woman’s scream pierced the night, and then there was silence.

When I next looked out the window, I saw the small group of men, along with a horse and a body flung over its back, making their way toward the river.

I gripped tight to the window frame, unable to believe I was caught up in such events. Even more, I found it impossible to accept that the beautiful young man I had met and fallen in love with was dead.


Chapter 18



I gave myself a final once-over in the mirror. Cass’s stepmom had hired a cosmetologist to come in and do makeup and hair for the party. I stared at my reflection and barely recognized the girl with the haunted, smoky eyes. I normally didn’t wear a lot of makeup, and I never put so much effort into my hair. The stylist had done an intricate updo and she’d put a gloss on it that made the blonde strands shine. The cobalt blue dress cut in the Grecian goddess style did wonders for my pale skin tone, but also made the dark circles beneath my eyes more obvious.

For the past week I’d had the same dream about Ian’s death. Every single night. No matter what, I always woke up in the same place, and I always felt a sickening sensation…like I was just waiting for Laria to show up.

But she was surprisingly absent, as was Peter and even the blonde woman who had appeared from time to time.

I felt like it was the calm before the storm.

At school this week, three of my teachers had asked me to stay after class, and each repeatedly asked if everything was okay at home because I’d been quiet and withdrawn. I was agitated and pissed off, tired and sleep deprived, but it’s not like I could explain that to my teachers.

Kade and I had even gotten into a stupid argument last night. It was ridiculous, over him being five minutes late. All evening he kept asking me if I was all right. I was sick of everyone asking me if I was all right.

Thank God my dad had left for Edinburgh to spend the weekend with Cheryl. I’d told him that the activity in the house had calmed down, and he seemed relieved. So relieved he had left us alone, which still kind of stung. Given what had been happening, my mom would have never let us stay by ourselves, but Dad figured we had Miss Akin, and that she would call if we needed him.

This morning when I woke up, I considered not going to the party, but Megan, apparently sensing that I was going to bail, had put the brakes on that. She’d picked me up and from the second we got to Cass’s, I was getting sucked into the whole party theme. It was going to be fun, and Cass’s dad had gone out of his way to make her day special.

The party was set up in the basement, and already the DJ was playing techno music; our steps all fell into rhythm with the beat.

Megan wore a cute red dress with a plunging neckline, and Cait a black dress with feathers on the skirt and a halter top that showed off her athletic back. Cass, not to be outdone, wore a long, shimmering gold dress that was red carpet ready. She looked amazing, and much older than a seventeen-year-old girl.

The DJ announced her, and a loud cheer went up. I recognized a lot of people from school, and a few faces I didn’t know at all. I lingered back from the spotlight with Cait, and Megan waited as Cass posed a few seconds at the bottom step to take it all in. I had to admit that Cass’s stepmum, better known as Bitchzilla, had done a great job on the decorating, or hiring the event planner, because the place was off the chain. Stars glimmered on the dark ceiling, and a disco ball twirled over the black and white checkerboard dance floor.

“This is sick,” Cait said, huge smile in place.

I nodded in agreement. I was happy to be part of this night, to have found this group of girls, and to have been accepted into their circle.

The party at Cass’s was in full swing by the time Kade showed up with Johan and Tom. I saw him over the heads of the others, and as he came walking toward me I felt a sense of pride. Pride that he was mine. That he had stuck by my side. That no matter what, we were going to stay together.

He was dressed in a long-sleeved slim-fitting black shirt and dark jeans. His hair had gotten longish and I liked how the strands curled up at the collar.

“You look amazing,” he said, pulling me in for a kiss.

I grinned, pleased by the compliment. “So do you.”

“Look at that,” he said motioning toward a group of girls who were pouring a bottle of vodka into the punchbowl when Bitchzilla wasn’t looking.

I was excited for Cass. I knew how much she wanted to drive. When her dad came down the stairs and asked everyone to head to the driveway, she was all smiles.

Cass had already practiced her surprise face in the mirror when we were getting ready in her suite of a room, and I had my camera ready to capture the moment. Kade’s fingers tightened on mine as we walked outside.

Cass’s dad was tall and barrel-chested, with a grey comb-over and a penchant for wearing cowboy boots and jeans. He walked behind her, hands over her eyes, and signaled for everyone to count to three. Down the driveway, headlights turned on. Everyone cheered as a brand new pearl white BMW rolled up the cobbled drive, chrome wheels shimmering.

I have to admit, Cass did herself proud with the over-the-top reaction, even managing some tears. Who knew, maybe they weren’t all for show. After all, she had wanted a Beamer.

I met Megan and Cait’s gazes and we all shared a smile, happy for our friend, and knowing that we were going to enjoy the perks of that car as well. “Score,” Megan said under her breath. “She can drive now, and use Daddy’s gas card while she’s at it.”

I had little doubt Cass would be driving from here on out.

While Cass and her father took the BMW for a quick spin, we were all ushered back inside by Bitchzilla. I was stunned, not to mention extremely irritated when I saw Dana in the crowd.

“How the hell did she sneak in here?” Megan asked.

Cait shook her head. “I’m sure she snuck in when we were all occupied with the big reveal.” She didn’t hesitate and walked straight over to her. They talked for a few minutes, Dana glancing past Cait’s shoulder toward me. Shaking her head, Cait headed back toward me. “Seems her mum is an acquaintance of Bitchzilla’s.”

“But this is Cass’s party,” Megan said, stating the obvious.

“Maybe Cass will tell her to leave,” Cait said, sounding hopeful.

Or maybe I would just have to finally deal with her…and her friends.

Kade was talking with Johan, Tom, and a kid I had seen around school.

“I’m going inside with the girls,” I said.

“I’ll be right there,” Kade replied, and I felt his gaze on me as I walked away. I glanced over my shoulder and sure enough he was watching me. I flashed a smile and he winked.

I followed the girls into the bathroom where we spent the next ten minutes reapplying makeup. I didn’t pretend that Dana being here didn’t bother me. I couldn’t stand her, and she would forever be a constant reminder of what Laria had done to Kade that night at Tom’s house.

I left the bathroom before the other girls, and walked down the hallway. Kade headed my way, his lips spreading into a devilish grin. “Hey, you want to dance?”

I was surprised he was asking. I guess I never took him as the dancing type, but I was happy he was. Having taken dance classes for years when I was younger, I loved any opportunity to dance.

Half the guests were already out on the floor, moving and gyrating to a song with a great beat.

Kade took me by the hand and I followed him out to the dance floor, near the middle of the crowd. He was an incredible dancer, and I could feel the blood in my veins sizzle as he moved closer. The heat came off him in waves. His hand slid to my hip.

I reached up and touched his arm.

The side of his mouth curved in a sexy smile, and he leaned and whispered in my ear, “I want to be with you tonight.”

My breath caught in my throat. “I want to be with you, too.”

Despite all the drama of late, I wanted to be alone with him. The day at the river seemed like a lifetime ago and I craved the intimacy we’d shared that day.

I saw Dana dancing with a friend, and the way they both watched us, with huge smiles on their faces, made me frown and wonder what she was up to now. I quickly looked away. I would not let that bitch ruin my night.

“You’re a great dancer,” Kade said in my ear. “So sexy.”

“You’re pretty damn good yourself,” I said, feeling slightly lightheaded. I’d had a cup of the spiked punch, maybe enough to get a little buzz on, but not enough to get drunk and pass out.

At least I was in good hands.

The dizziness faded. We moved closer together, and I slipped my arms around his neck. He slid his hands around my waist, and held me so close I could feel his heart pounding against my chest.

His hands moved from my hips to my butt.

I lifted a brow. He lowered his head, his lips hovering over mine.

A second later Kade was ripped away, and before I could blink Johan was on the floor and Kade was on top of him, punching him in the face.

What the hell?

It took Shane, Tom, and Milo to pull Kade off of Johan.

Johan’s face was bloodied, and Kade’s chest was rising and falling as he looked at Johan, then at me.

Cass’s eyes narrowed as she watched me. “What the fuck, Riley?” She rushed off the floor and I glanced at Megan, who shook her head and ran after Cass.

Everyone was staring at me, mostly in surprise. My heart was a roar in my ears. Something was very wrong.

Shane came up to me and put his arm around me. “You okay?”

“No, not really.” I was ready to ask him what had happened when Kade came up to me, took me by the hand and walked off the floor.

“Dude, where are you going?” Shane said, right behind us.

Kade turned on him. “Give me a minute with your sister, will you? She’ll be fine. I promise.”

“She better be,” Shane replied, and glanced at me. “You okay? If you want to leave, we can go right now.”

“I’m fine,” I said, and followed Kade, whose fingers tightened on mine.

We walked out the back door, onto a beautiful patio, and past guests who went silent the second they saw us. I had to take two steps to his one. I could feel his rage.

We rounded the corner, and up a walkway on the side of the house. He abruptly dropped my hand and turned on me. “Why would you dance with Johan like that? I know we fought last night, and you’ve been distant this week, but I don’t—”

“What do you mean dancing with Johan?” I said, dread filling me at his words. “I was dancing with you.”

He watched me for a long minute and shook his head. “What?”

“Kade, I swear on my life that I was dancing with you. I wasn’t dancing with Johan.”

His eyes narrowed. “I don’t understand.”

Oh my God, no wonder Cass was so mad. She had seen me dancing with Johan.
had seen me dancing with Johan. Laria was at it again…

He ran a trembling hand through his hair. “Wait, you’re telling me you thought you were dancing with me?”

dancing with you. Seriously, go ask Johan—ask him if he remembers any of the past ten minutes. I guarantee you he won’t remember a thing.”

“This sounds familiar,” he said, shaking his head. “Bloody hell, when will she stop?”

“Hopefully when we bind her to her grave,” I said absently, my mind racing. I needed to find Cass and explain. This looked really bad. “I should find Cass and Megan, and you should probably talk to Johan.”

His fingers threaded through mine. “Let’s go together.”

I nodded, but he stopped short and pulled me close. “I’m sorry, Riley. I just saw red when I saw you together. I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

I cradled his face between my palms. “I love you, Kade. I want you. I don’t want anyone else. I would never knowingly hurt you.”

He looked so relieved. “I love you, too…and I don’t want anyone else either.”

We hadn’t made it five feet into the house when Cass’s stepmum blocked us from coming inside.

“It’s time for you to leave,” she said, looking at Kade. She glanced at our linked hands and lifted a brow.

Shane and Cait came up to us.

“I need to go,” Kade said, looking at his sister. “Will you tell Johan I’d like to talk to him outside?”

Cait nodded. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, that’s okay. You stay and have fun with your friends. I’m sure Cass or Megan will drive you home.”

There was no way I was staying at the party. “I’m coming with you.”

He didn’t argue with me.

“I just need to get my purse,” I said to Cass’s stepmum, who let me in, but she made a point of keeping Kade out.

“I’ll meet you out front,” Kade said, and I nodded and raced up the steps to Cass’s room where I’d left my things.

Cass and Megan were in the room and seeing me, Cass looked at me, eyes red and swollen. “What the fuck was that, Riley? I thought you were my friend.”

“Laria’s back. I swear to God I was dancing with Kade. That wasn’t Johan. I didn’t even see Johan until Kade had him on the floor.”

“Fuckin’ hell,” Megan said, getting up from where she’d been sitting on the bed. “I knew something was off. I just knew there was no way you would do that to Kade or Cass.”

“I’m sorry, Cass. I didn’t mean to mess up your birthday.”

Cass swallowed hard and gave me a hug. “I feel like such an idiot.”

feel like an idiot,” I said. “All those people out there saw me dancing with Johan.” I just wanted to leave, go home with Kade, and forget about tonight.

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