The Deadliest Haunted Castle (6 page)

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Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #action adventure, #science fiction bestsellers, #paranormal action adventure, #ultimate voyager, #frontiers of universe, #deadly first contact scenarios, #lost voyager, #moviestyle sci fi fantasy thrillers, #time probe, #deadliest haunted castle

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Bryson watched how startled the pilots were
at what the mission was, with their strange looks and hidden
thoughts, which he had expected with the descriptions Mitchell had

The region was desolate and a mystery, and
they had not seen there before. They soon opened the compartment
door at the rear end and removed a smaller digger, and one of the
men aboard drove it over to where they had marked where the
creature was buried under, and he soon started digging it out.

Bryson and the two paranormal scientists had
become outstandingly famous since their discoveries at the last
castle and some of the helicopter people were surprised to see them
there, and gave more gasps at the discovery when they saw it. Yet
Bryson was not sure what would become of the creature or what they
would find it to be! They could easily end up classing it as some
new variation of some animal!

When they mentioned the preservation
of the creature the majority of them looked baffled, and nobody
gave any proper explanation to why it had not rotted
. It clearly had
been there for a great deal of time!

So when
it was completely dug out and eventually lifted out into daylight
the scientists frantically talked, studied, and
photographed it, avoiding giving much scientific explanations, and
remained interested in the study its preservation and the uses it
could have if they found something new there.

Bryson examined it to find the best way of
killing it, if it was one of those beasts in the wood! Yet where
had they appeared from, and they were invisible and partially
invisible? So how could they handle such a thing? Would it be
impossible to kill something that was invisible? Yet could it have
killed while invisible? All the stories of encounters, which some
of them could have been from them, as well as many other things,
gave accounts of deaths! Did they fully materialize to carry out
their attacks?

Bryson was still confused at what they were
up against. They had nothing but a monster creature, from
somewhere. Their vague examinations of its features and organs gave
little, and showed little of its natural environment.

Yet when the helicopter was getting ready to
take off, and all the people there were discussing the creature, he
realized that they no longer believed it was one of the things in
the wood and was something else, and Merton and Mortimer had lost
interest in it completely, also thinking so, as all their
examinations of it showed it was only a new form of animal.

The helicopter lifted off sweeping out low
and increasing its height, with its deafening thuds rattling him to
the bone, while simultaneously shattering their eardrums, making
him wonder how the pilots never damaged themselves, and realized
how much he had adapted to the deep desolate silence at the
location, and he watched it vanish into the horizon, leaving its
impression firmly in his minds.







Chapter 9


The Exploration


It was shocking
how fast they started to realize the truth and that they should
actually have left on the helicopter! When the early winter night
started edging into the region all their recollections of the night
before started emerging, and that they had not achieved their
mission of leaving the wood, and at least getting to the

The place was
a public menace and should be marked as a danger zone and fenced
off! Even as the sun edged into the horizon Bryson saw things that
should not be there start to appear about the place, even the
ground beneath them seemed to sag like it were turning into

Bryson felt
like he had a sixth sense that could not detect the supernatural,
and his brain detected other things caused by it.

The plan was
to follow the rest of the tunnel, which they had dug into earlier,
and they would find where that went and at least be away from their

A peculiar
whistle haunted them, which could not be properly heard, like
sounds animals hear that humans cannot, which came from no real
location and shadowed them, irritating them trying to identify it
and its location.

The tunnel was the same, and when they
started marching into it Bryson heard scrambling movements and
panic-stricken voices behind him and wondered if they had timed it
too late, and if something had happened to the last people to enter
and they did not know if they should go back or ignore it.

They soon discovered that it was only the
last people that entered had seen a light deep in the wood before
they entered!

If there were a death he wondered how the
police would handle the situation if confronted with it and what
the outcome would be?

better have our weapons ready anyway!” Mitchell warned his men
behind him, as he stood in front of them, removing his weapon and
putting it back, and waited for the others to remove their weapons
and get the feel of them.

Merton went
with Mitchell, in front of everyone, and Bryson and Mortimer
followed them, with others in their usual formation following.

It was not as
bad as it had been! They had renewed the energy in their lights and
had more equipment that they needed, and could easily camp out in
the tunnel if they needed to, and were not trapped, plodding on
into the night.

Bryson tested the floor of the tunnel, which
was dry packed mud and rock, wondering if it was a new form of
mining that had created the walls. The technology behind it could
be worth a great deal if it was what he thought it was, and the
technology behind it was unknown, just like the creature that they
found there, which had incredibly been able to burrow through the
ground with its immense size, which they had not heard of before,
which he would have dismissed as impossible.

It surprised him that if the technology to
do it existed, and was unknown, how did it get there? Where did it
come from?

Yet there was no proof and he did not know
if he ever could prove it existed, and even doubted if the evidence
and technology would be found, and yet could something like the
creature have created the tunnel though?

Merton shifted around and spoke silently
with Mortimer in conversations breaking the deep silence that kept

Bryson noticed the shaft prevented water
flooding it by descending slightly. Small amounts of water had
seeped through cracks, flowing down it to places it could exit from
the tunnel. Yet he still never knew if it was deliberately built
for long lasting use, and most of all why it was built, and he
recalled the people that had made the human sacrifice back in the
cavity. Yet that never made sense either! Why go to such lengths to
build a tunnel and cavity? The time it would have taken could have
been incredible!

Who built this?

Mitchell moaned loudly
once, trying to get them to give him something to solve one of the
mysteries, but nobody replied and he thought of some other

It reminded Bryson of the shaft that he had
seen in the last castle, and had been built by William Randall. Yet
the other tunnels there were made in the normal way without such
technology. Yet the castle, if it existed, was built there about
1880, according the information they had heard. The technology of
the tunnel was far more advanced, even by the current

Over and over he thought of it and did not
have a clue what a tunnel was doing in a wood! Why had they gone to
such lengths to construct it? What hidden motive had been behind

They had to have put it there for logical
reasons as all the constructions that he could recall had been
built for. They had built them for their needs!

Was it originally part of water

Merton mumbled to Mortimer, confused at the enormous distance
it had, trying to recollect something such as it.

Therefore, we should meet with where
the water went!

Mitchell answered.

Merton pointed the light straight out in
front of him, illuminating the ground many feet further down into
it, and examined it. And he lunged forward as if he had decided
that he wanted get to the source of it as soon as possible. He
shifted down examining it going into the darkness, which seemed to
go on endlessly, searching for any evidence of anything.

Its main feature now was its neat perfect
size that continuously held without altering, but not from moving
downwards now, making it resemble a mine but far more expertly
constructed than that, as though built to last a long time like a

Bryson even wondered if people had found
gold or other precious metal there, in a great amount, and had gone
out of their way to cover it up, making sure nobody heard of

Occasionally he had watched Mitchell and his
men examine the ground and mud for anything of value!

Webs shrouded the roof and corners about it
again and occasionally they had to wave scraping them away from
them, while the radiance from the lights made insects scurry away,
especially when they saw them.

The builders must have known where all the
rock had been as they avoided going through areas where it was not
there, and must have been able to check for miles where it had been
before building it, and he wondered what they would have done if
there had not been any rock there as the tunnel would have
collapsed if it had not been built in it, and they surely would
have needed something to hold it all up.

Large tree roots had been sliced off and
their lower areas were gone and some had grown again in places, and
they had to walk around them, and the amount of mud increased and
the tunnel started to lose shape in places where it sagged, and
small collapses of the roof and sides appeared and they started to
worry about not being able to reach their destination.

The tunnel went endlessly on into the
distance turning in different directions, through nothing but the
upper wood, and Bryson marched off into it preparing himself for
what they might meet with, and wondering if it had collapsed if
they could go back and follow its direction from the outside in the

He was sure that they had compasses in their
equipment and knew the general direction anyway, but could they
accurately find the place if it was buried away deep in the wood,
if it actually led there anyway.

His thoughts went to the wood again and its
strange eerie confines and he wondered what normal animals actually
existed there during the day, and how they survived.

What dangers could the wood hold? Did it
have only something of an incomprehensible nature existing in its

All the significations of it were startling!
The other day he had mostly not believed that it could be there
never mind there being a tunnel going under it.

The journey kept giving him feelings of how
absurd it was with it going so far into it. The direction and his
perspective of where they were had altered so much he was positive
that if they had to turn back that he personally could not find
where it led to in the above wood.

At times it seemed like some of the others
were there just to handle a fantasy situation more than

Want one?

Merton moaned, handing the
cigarettes out again, puffing out smoke everywhere, and they all
slowed and he took a break from the endless routine.

Mitchell removed his phone like it was a
communicator and silently started trying to contact someone, and
when he could not he tried to contact other places, and look
surprised at it again.

place must be the only place in northern hemisphere you can’t get a
signal?” he joked, putting it firmly away.

He stood
trying to grasp the situation, and what was there.

has to be something blocking the signal ...” Mortimer continued,
with his investigation of the phenomenon. “It has to be pretty
powerful too ...”

has to be powerful?” he asked, still investigating their paranormal
investigation and nature, not fully grasping something.

Mortimer never
replied and Mitchell ignored him.

the hell is out here?” Mitchell muttered to himself later, with a
worried glare, and rubbed his fingers over the perfectly flat
smooth tunnel wall.

At this
rate we’ll be spending the night here after all!” Mortimer replied,
with his professional tone.

better have our weapons ready if we leave here!” Mitchell moaned,
removing a more powerful weapon, which he had got off the
helicopter, and put it away, and Bryson realized that they were
more confident of killing the things in the above wood now that
they had found the dead creature, and had examined it, and thought
they could kill them once they properly appeared.

His men also
removed their weapons to get the feel of them.

The situation
was confusing and Bryson did not fully get if they could kill

that fog stop the communicators working ...?” Mitchell asked them,
still trying to grasp the situation, and surprised them with his

conditions may create such occurrences!” Mortimer jokingly

normally!” Merton continued. “But this fog and it being out here
changes the rules.”

So once
again nothing!” Mitchell answered, getting ready to continue
walking faster. “Don’t forget those things attacked us

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