The Dead War Series (Book 1): Good Intentions (2 page)

Read The Dead War Series (Book 1): Good Intentions Online

Authors: D.N. Simmons

Tags: #Zombies | Vampires

BOOK: The Dead War Series (Book 1): Good Intentions
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“You’re going to have beer there, you say?” Vincent asked sarcastically.

Richard shrugged. “Just a few bottles. Nothing special.” He grinned.

Vincent laughed outright, slapping his friend on the arm. “Yeah, yeah, that sounds good. I could use the distraction.”

“Good, cause I’ve already told Linda you’re coming,” Richard said, smiling wider.

“Oh you did, did you?” Vincent shook his head as he slipped his dollar into the vending machine. “Man, you’re something else.”

He pressed the buttons and a Snickers candy bar fell to the bottom. Vincent retrieved it and both he and Richard sat down at the table to enjoy their snacks and coffee. They chatted idly about the current weather, sports and other co-workers for a while.

“So, do you think you’re close to discovering the first super-human elixir?” Richard asked him, bringing the conversation to Vincent’s supposedly “secret” project.

“How in the hell do
know about what we're working on?” Vincent asked, shocked.

Richard cocked an eyebrow as if to say “really?” then shrugged. “Apparently, Morris has a big mouth, especially when he's pillow talking Cathy.”

Vincent's eyebrows shot up and he leaned forward. “Wait, Steve Morris and Cathy Billroy are fucking?”

Richard snorted. “Where the hell have you been, man? I thought the whole company knew about that. Cathy's been walking around bragging that he's going to leave his wife for her. Frankly, I don't see that happening. His wife has all the money in the family. He's stupid for cheating on her with a big-mouth gossip like Cathy, but I guess she's got that kind of snatch that makes a man do some stupid shit.”

“You kiss your wife with that vulgar mouth of yours?” Vincent teased.

“If you knew the things I do with my mouth to that woman—”

Vincent held up his hand. “I'm going to stop you right there on the grounds of too much fucking information.” He laughed.

Richard winked. “I'm just saying.”

“Yeah, back to what you were saying earlier... about my project...” Vincent sighed and leaned back into his chair. “Truth be told, it’s not looking good. That’s what the meeting was about. I think our only test subject that had some semblance of success is going to pass away.  So I feel like we’re taking two steps back. There are some things I haven’t tried, but I don’t think they’re the best options.”

“Who knows,” Richard stuck another potato chip into his mouth, “the shit you haven’t tried might just be the one thing you need to try.”

Vincent regarded him thoughtfully. “You might be right. I’ll run some other tests before I try those other two options. Just to make sure I’m dotting all my
and crossing all of my

“Do what you have to do.” Richard looked down at his watch. “Listen, my break is over. I’ll see you this Saturday, right?” He pointed at him as he rose from his chair.

Vincent nodded. “Yeah, Sarah and I will be there at about two, is that cool?”

“Perfect, see you then.” Richard walked toward the door making sure to toss his trash in the waste paper basket on the way out.

Vincent sipped the last drop of his bitter coffee and rose from the table. He tossed the Styrofoam cup in the recycling bin and went straight to his lab. After donning the bio-protective suit, he went through the decontamination chamber and stood still under the chemical mist. Once the process was complete, he walked out of the chamber into the lab and met up with his fellow scientists.

“How is test subject 12-19?” Vincent asked in greeting.

“There has been a steady decline in his health. I administered six milliliters of the VH-32 into the solution in 12-19’s IV, but there’s been no change as of yet,” Dr. Philip Pierce informed.

Vincent sighed again. In spite of some very violent and undesired side effects, VH-32 was the most concentrated formula they had. It was able to heal broken bones and cure full blown AIDS in less than sixty-seconds. Unfortunately, the subject suffered from powerful withdrawal symptoms. Whatever the test ape 12-19 was suffering from, the strongest vaccine they had—even with its flaws---wasn’t working. This wasn’t good. Vincent knew they were trifling with forces they had no business fucking with. The day he was told to study the top secret red liquid he’d acquired from the high ranking military general, Bradley Fuller, he knew he was in for trouble. That was nearly six months ago and the government never divulged where they got the base solution, what it was, or anything concrete about its origins, for that matter. It worried Vincent at first. Their lab was supposed to study holistic medicines—natural herbs and remedies. After one look at the compound they'd been given, he knew that they were breaking new ground. He just hoped it was for the better.

Vincent walked over to the cage where test subject 12-19 lay on his side. The ape’s chest rose slowly as he struggled to breathe. Vincent frowned as he looked at the discoloration around the ape’s eyes, nose, and mouth. The black skin had turned an ashen gray and looked to be dry and crusty.

“You said you gave it six milliliters of VH-32?” Vincent asked.

Dr. Philip turned around. “Yes, and that was twenty minutes ago. It’s still not working?”

“No. I think the subject is dying. If anything we’ve learned from this is that compound RTX-52 counteracts whatever definitive properties are in the VH-32 and VH-12. If it’s showing this sort of adverse results in the ape, it will most likely have the same effects on human DNA,” Vincent pointed out.

Philip walked over to the cage to check in on their test subject. The animal was clearly in pain, but it was far too weak to move. Every few seconds it released a pitiful whimper or moan. They studied the dying ape with frowns on their faces. It was customary to give the animals numbers. To give them names would create personal bonds and, as scientists, they couldn’t afford to have sympathy for the animals in their care. Human lives depended on their objectivity and skill to remain on task. Still, seeing the animal lying in the cage suffering put both men in a shameful state knowing they were the cause of it. They had never lost an animal test subject before. Their usual experiments never produced these kinds of deadly results. This whole situation was taking its toll on everyone and everything involved.

“Maybe we should put it out of its misery?” Philip suggested.

“I wouldn’t do that, doctors,” Dr. Henrick intervened, coming up behind the two men. He peeked into the cage and groaned. “Even though test specimen 12-19 may be dying, we still need to study the length of time it takes for the ape to die. As a matter of fact, we should inject another specimen… perhaps 04-16 to see how long it takes them to die without the aid of VH-32 and VH-12.”

“I’m not going to subject another animal to the whims of our own errors or curiosity,” Vincent protested.

“We're scientists, Dr. Masterson. Acting on our curiosity is in our blood,” Dr. Henrick countered.

“That may be, but I'm going to disagree with that plan.  We need to figure out how to save the one that’s already dying before we condemn another to death simply to satisfy
,” Vincent snapped.

Dr. Henrick practically snarled at the insult. “It’s not my 'morbid curiosity' as you’ve incorrectly stated that is behind my motivation. We don’t know what compound VH-0 is. All we know is that it’s powerful and unlike anything else on the face of this earth. Where did it come from? Was it extracted from a plant of some sort? Did it come from a human? We need to study the RTX solution if for nothing more than a weapon we can have against the VH-0.”

Vincent didn’t say anything for a while as he thought about what Dr. Henrick proposed. It wasn’t a bad idea. Truth was, what they didn't know about the VH-0 compound could set them back further. Vincent often speculated about the origin of the compound, as did the other scientists. Where did it come from? That was the big question. What if it did come from a human with a rare blood disease—a rare blood disease that seemed to be the cure to every single ailment known to man and could also drive you crazy or kill you or both. Would it be such a bad thing to have a counter to this unknown substance? He looked at his fellow scientist, Dr.  Pierce, for his opinion.

Philip shrugged a shoulder. “He’s got a point. But more importantly, since this stuff is so addictive maybe we can work with the RTX-52 compound to dilute the addictive properties in the base VH-0 solution?”

Dr. Henrick pointed at Dr. Pierce. “Exactly. For all we know this may be some new drug that’s already out on the streets. Or if it’s not out already, it may very well be soon. It’s going to need a detox chemical to counter its effects.”

“One that doesn't kill the patient,” Dr. Philip added. “Or drive it insane.”

“Look, what you two suggest makes sense. But for now, let’s focus on what the funding is actually paying for. The government wants us to come up with a solution that can give its soldiers superhuman abilities. They’re looking for something that will increase the healing process, as well as their speed, strength, stamina, and heighten their senses and cognitive reasoning. So far, all we have is a highly addictive drug that can heal diseases and injuries, but it leaves the subject highly irrational and out of control,” Vincent said, wanting to get everyone back on task.

“At least we've made some breakthroughs. The subjects aren't dying anymore,” Dr. Henrick stated flatly.

“That, and the VH-0 solution and all its derivatives have proven to be too strong,” Vincent said.

“We need to figure out just what the hell we are missing.” Dr. Henrick scratched his head with the tip of his ink pen as he pondered.

“Very well. Let’s get back to work then,” Dr. Philip said, walking back to his desk.

Vincent looked at Dr. Henrick. “Anything else?”

“Of course not, you’re the lead scientist on this project. I follow
orders,” Dr. Henrick replied with more derision in his tone than necessary.

Vincent’s brow creased. “If you have a problem working for me, Dr. Henrick, I’m sure other arrangements can be made. SciTech does have positions available on Level One.”

Dr. Henrick jerked with the mention of a possible demotion. Level One was for the scientist whose main focus was maintaining proper plant growth. The study of different grades of soil was their thing, it wasn’t his.

He cleared his throat. “No problem at all, Dr. Masterson.”

With that he walked away back to his desk, keeping his mumbled curses below earshot level. Vincent eyed the man a moment longer. He could practically feel the venom the man no doubt spewed forth in his honor. He could hate him all he wanted, but it was his lab, his rules. The last thing he wanted to do was have conflict with a co-worker with so much at stake. He checked in on the ape inside the cage still struggling to breathe. Its heart rate was slow and erratic. There was no change from a few minutes ago when he examined the animal. Being more optimistic than rational thought would suggest, he was hoping the animal was stabilizing. However, he knew in his best judgment, the animal was simply dying a slower more painful death. He’d check in with the animal in another hour to see where its vitals were at. Until then, it was back to the drawing board.


Chapter Two


“Oh no, you don’t. You’re not going to come to my party with that same gloomy frown you had on your face all day at work yesterday,” Richard said as he handed his buddy a cold beer.

Vincent shook himself. “Man, I’m sorry. Shit at work has been on my mind, ya know?”

“Leave that shit at work, then. Come on, it’s a beautiful day. The grill’s hot and flaming up some great-tasting ribs—you know I put my special sauce on those bad boys, too. So there’s nothing to be frowning about, get the lead out of your ass.”

He nudged him and then pointed to two beautiful women standing near the punch table. Sarah was five-six with shoulder-length blond hair and baby-blue eyes that seemed to brighten the room whenever she walked in. Her skin was not only the color of the sweetest cream, but it was just as smooth to the touch. Linda, the other lovely lady, was five-nine with legs for days. Her beautiful chocolate complexion shone brightly under the heated rays of the sun. Both women turned looking at their mates and giggled.

“Ah, looks like their sharp, predatory senses picked up male eye-contact. Look, they’re coming in for the kill,” Richard joked. “Darling!” He embraced his beautiful wife, Linda.

“Mm hmm, now I know you were over here up to no good,” Linda said, kissing her husband lovingly.

“Naw, babe. I'm just trying to get this one here to relax and have some fun,” Richard nudged Vincent’s arm.

“I’m relaxed enough. I can’t help it if I have things on my mind. You’re not on a ticking time bomb schedule like I am. You can afford to party hard. I can’t. I’ve got to be at the lab tomorrow morning,” Vincent reminded his friend.

Richard took a swig of his beer and saluted Vincent with the bottle. “Fair enough.”

“Still, let’s have some fun now before you have to leave me tomorrow morning,” Sarah said, giving Vincent a tender kiss on the cheek.

Vincent smiled at his fiancée. “All right, I can’t disappoint you.” He clinked his bottle of beer with his friend’s and took a swig.

Richard walked away to check on the meat searing on the grill. He flipped the slabs of ribs over and basted them with his renowned homemade barbeque sauce. Other friends who came to the party mingled with each other, some standing over the grill with Richard either admiring his culinary skills or the grill itself. Others wanted to point out the spots he missed on their desired pieces of meat.

“I’m going to have to ask you to shut the hell up, Ryan. You’re cramping my style,” Richard joked.

“What style? You know I love the small ends a little burnt, make it happen,” Ryan retorted.

Richard pointed the barbeque fork at him. “Keep it up and you’ll get the bones from everyone else’s plate.”

Everyone watching the two men engaging in their ribbing laughed at the idle threat. The music was blaring—various hits of the times along with a few oldies but goodies. Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” in particular had the party goers imitating the historic dance sequence. They laughed, ate, drank, and danced for hours and hours until they felt it was a decent time to leave without having to be thrown out by their hosts.

With an unsteady gait, Vincent walked over to Richard, giving him a hug and pat on the back.

“Thanks for having me over, man. It was nice and just what the doctor ordered.”

“I knew you’d have a good time. Linda and I are going to throw a little something-something later on this month. You’re invited to that, too, ya know,” Richard said.

“If I’m not working that day, I’d love to come.”

“What do you mean, 'if you're not working'? It's a barbeque at my house, man. My famous sauce alone is reason enough to play hooky on any normal workday. Besides, it'll be on the weekend, kill the overtime and make it happen. It won't be a party if my BFF ain't here,” Richard said as he and Vincent walked toward their two women.

Vincent made a drunken off-handed gesture. “Okay, okay, I'll be here with my appetite.”

Richard laughed as he balanced Vincent in front Sarah. “It's good you didn't get loaded like this guy here,” he joked as he handed Vincent off to his fiancée.

Vincent wrapped his arm around Sarah's shoulder. He leaned over kissing her on her temple. “You ready to go, baby?”

“With you in this condition, you're going to be sorry in the morning,” Sarah laughed and then looked at her watch. “Wow, it’s that late already. Time really flies when you’re having fun. It’s almost one in the morning.”

“I know,” Vincent said with a chuckle.

“All right, all right.” Sarah smiled. She wasn’t quite ready to go as she was having a great time chatting it up with Linda as always. But Vincent had to be at the office by seven and he was going to need to sleep some of the night festivities off as much as possible.  

“I’ll see you later, sweetie,” Linda said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “You too, hun. Take care of my girl.” She gave Vincent a friendly peck on the cheek as well.

“Don’t worry, I will.” Vincent took his fiancée’s hand and led her out of the backyard toward their Mercedes Benz GLK.

“That was a lot of fun,” Sarah said as she climbed inside behind the wheel.

“Yeah, it was,” Vincent agreed as he slipped on his seat belt.

Sarah kicked on the ignition and shifted the car into gear. She looked over at her fiancé, his eyes studied the road, focused but weary. She patted his leg, gaining his attention.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

Vincent smiled. “Yeah, I’m fine, baby. Just tired, that’s all...” He paused and with a lopsided grin added. “And maybe a little bit drunk.”

“Well, you are that.” She giggled then grew serious. “Are you under a lot of stress at work? Is that asshole, Morris riding you again?”

“You guessed it. But it’s nothing you need to concern yourself with. We’re coming very close to making a breakthrough and all will be well soon enough,” Vincent said reassuringly.

Sarah caressed the side of his face, gently rubbing her fingers down the length of his jawline. “I love you.”

Vincent smiled. “I love you, too.”

She drove to their condo on Roosevelt Road near Downtown Chicago. It didn’t take long to park and get up to their two-bedroom condo. Both were exhausted after the long workweek prior to the exhilarating party. Vincent was first to brush his teeth and don his pajamas. After that, he practically fell into the bed. Somehow he managed to get under the covers. Sarah followed suit and she slid closer to Vincent, wrapping her arm around his waist and laying her head on his chest. He smiled and pulled her closer as he drifted off to sleep.



Aaron tossed off his Regency Hotel uniform on the back of his loveseat. He walked the rest of the way to his bathroom naked. Leaning over, he turned on the shower, adjusting the knobs to get the perfect temperature. He liked it hot, hotter than most people could stand it. Climbing inside the shower stall, he pressed his forehead and hands on the tiled wall in front of him. The hot water cascading down his back felt extraordinary and he released a soft moan in satisfaction. He stood under the steaming spray for what seemed like forever before he actually started to bathe. Once he was done with that, he climbed out and toweled off. Naked still, he walked to his closet and fished through the many outfits that hung on the rod looking for one he thought would make a statement.

The charcoal gray suit with a black silk shirt and silver tie caught his attention. It had cost him more than half his paycheck, but when he saw it on the mannequin, he just had to have it. He'd seen a lot of the other guys wearing similar suits. He didn't doubt theirs were way more expensive, but he had to start somewhere. He dressed quickly, snatched up his wallet and keys and left the apartment.

It didn't take him long to get to the best nightclub in the city—well, the best in his opinion. What was a pain in the ass was finding a damned parking spot. All the ones on the street were taken and that left the parking garage. The expensive, never give you a damn break, parking garage. He pulled up to the entrance in his Hyundai Elantra and read the fee chart.

“Are you fucking kidding me,” he cursed as he noted the after-hours price. “Twenty fucking dollars? I ain't staying here long.” After two hours, the price when up ten more dollars. He pushed the button, got his ticket and drove forward once the bar rose. It didn't take long to find a spot. He parked and climbed out of his car, adjusting his suit accordingly. The line outside the club was long and he was hoping his friend was minding the door this evening. He was. Luck was on his side this night.

“Hey Aaron, didn't think you'd come around tonight,” Jesse greeted along with a masculine handshake that involved a slight chest bump.

“Yeah, I almost passed on tonight. I'm pulling an early shift at work tomorrow, trying to make a little extra on the paycheck, you know what I mean?” Aaron said, chuckling.

“Hell yeah, ain't nothing wrong with that.”

“So, are they here tonight?”

“Oh, you mean the Elite?”

Aaron blushed a little and shrugged a shoulder.

Jesse shook his head. “Man, you've got a real hard-on for them.”

“Who doesn’t? Don't pretend it's just me. Everyone who walks through these doors wants to be where they are,” Aaron pointed out.

“Yeah, but not everyone can be where they are. I'm comfortable where I'm at. Sometimes having power ain't a good thing.”


“Hey, I'm just speaking for myself.”

“Bullshit. You're trying to tell me if they wanted you in their inner circle, you'd tell them, 'thanks, but no thanks'?” Aaron cocked an eyebrow as he waited for his friend's response. One he was prepared not to believe.

“I'm saying sometimes it good to be insignificant to some people. Once you're on their radar, you never know what they'll ask of you.”

“Spoken like a true chump.”

“I guess your ass wants to wait in the back of the line tonight, right?” Jesse taunted. “I plan on letting little, gray-haired old ladies in the club before I let you in, jerk.”

Aaron laughed. “Don't be that way. So are they here?”

“Oh right, that's how this little conversation got started.” Jesse sighed. “Yes, bootlicker, some of them are here.”

“Fuck you for calling me a bootlicker.”

“Fuck you for calling me a chump, just 'cause I'm not about to readily kiss ass if I don't have to.”

“Fair enough.” Aaron conceded. “So, can I go in, buddy?”

“Yeah, yeah, have fun.” Jesse removed the red velvet rope and let his friend inside the club.

Aaron walked into the main interior of the club. Red velvet and black satin—as clichéd as you want to be—the club was still very stylish in spite of its pretentiousness. There was a certain level of elegance in the décor. Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings along with crystal balls that reflected multicolored lights throughout the club. Red velvet booths were lined with the club’s patrons. Some were chatting. Others were in various levels of making out—one or two to the point of needing their own room. It was the norm for a club like this. Decadence, passion and debauchery. It was
The Den
and he loved it. That's why he'd been trying to get a job there for over a year and, even with his friend putting a good word in for him, he was still unsuccessful. He knew he had to prove himself worthy to the owner.

He looked around the club towards the VIP section, and there they were. Well, some of them, like Jesse had said.  He recognized the one people called Chloe right away. She was easy to spot since she had her male plaything, Patrick, faithfully by her side. His collar fastened securely around his neck and the leash held lightly in her delicate fingers. No one dare try to take him from her and the boy-toy wouldn't dare leave her side. To her right were the Twins.

The fucking Twins. If he believed the rumors about them, they had more blood on their hands than Capone's mafia. By their side was Veronica and, if the rumors were true about her, she was as bloodthirsty and freaky as her twin lovers. Aaron couldn't help but be fascinated by their relationship. How did both men enjoy sharing the same woman? And how did she like being with two men who looked exactly alike? He shook the thought from his mind. He didn't want to be caught staring.

He looked around some more and sighed. That was it. Three of the Elite inner circle, but not the head honcho himself.  Cassian wasn't around tonight. He was the one Aaron had dressed in his best for.

“Shit,” he mumbled.

“Hey, handsome,” a female slipped her arm around his waist, gaining his attention.

He turned around, facing her. She was pretty, brunette, blue eyes, with a delicious body. Totally fuckable and just what he needed after the day he’d had.

“Hey there, sexy,” Aaron said, offering her his charming smile.

“So are you here by yourself?” she asked.


“Good. My name's Allison.”

“Aaron. Listen, do you want to get out of here?”

“I thought you'd never ask.” She gave him a come-hither smile as she led the way to the exit. He followed her and gave his friend Jesse a wink as he passed. It didn't take him long to get to his car and back to his apartment for a little more fun before the sun rose and his shift started.

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