The Dead War Series (Book 1): Good Intentions (19 page)

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Authors: D.N. Simmons

Tags: #Zombies | Vampires

BOOK: The Dead War Series (Book 1): Good Intentions
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Ovidius sat back, running a finger along the smooth flesh of his bottom lip. “Costco comes to mind. It is well stocked with an assortment of items and it has limited windows and access points. Not to mention its own gas station.”

Cassian nodded slowly as he mentally scanned his memory of the location.

“What about a shopping mall?” Robert suggested.

Both vampires turned toward him, which made him a bit nervous. He knew that he had spoken out of turn, but something had compelled him to speak out. He switched from one foot to the other as his fingers fidgeted with the straps of the duffel bags he was still holding.

“Come again?” Cassian arched an eyebrow as he waited for him to elaborate.

Robert's palms began to sweat, but he took several breaths, calming himself down since his faux pas was being overlooked. No doubt in favor of the current emergency situation.

“Well, I guess, since vampires are going to make themselves known, might as well take over the huge location with even more resources. I mean, at least in a huge shopping mall, you have a ton of stores with clothes, food, tools, whatever they need or want.  Plus there are places people can sleep and a food court where they can eat—places where food can be cooked.”

Ovidius snorted. “Had your human kept his tongue as he is supposed to, he would have learned that his suggestion was already a part of my plan.”

“Is that so?” Cassian cocked an eyebrow. “My human forgot his place, but I applaud him for trying... to a point. Unfortunately, with a shopping mall, there are many windows and entry points. It will need serious reinforcing with materials even vampires will have difficulty breaking through. … Truth be told, I don't think we have the time. With your delaying the necessary actions that needed to be taken, our options have also dwindled.”

“The location I mentioned will have to suffice, then. It's most certainly large enough,” Ovidius stated with a hint of agitation in his tone. He could tolerate his sire just fine when he was in Chicago and there was a nice distance between them. But this co-existence was going to be a challenge for the both of them. He was no longer Cassian's protégé. He was his equal by Vampire law. A Master in his own right and he had complete reign of St. Louis.

Robert stood silent, still holding the heavy luggage, as the two vampires spoke. He didn't need to be a vampire to feel the intense heat between the two Masters. The air was thick with it and any wrong step could send this already tense situation spiraling. His bladder begged for release and his stomach was still queasy from the flight over. He really just wanted to lay down somewhere—after relieving himself, of course. However, he wasn't going to interrupt two Master vampires a second time, not on his life.

“What about a condo complex, like where you lived? It has plenty of living quarters and we can stock the bottom floors with resources to disperse among the humans?” Ovidius asked.

Cassian shook his head. “It leaves us far too vulnerable.”

“Can these things climb buildings?”

“I am not fully aware of what they can or cannot do. However, I do know that vampires who are infected will be able to climb and fly. We cannot risk an infected vampire breaking into our stronghold and attacking our livestock of humans in a location where it would be difficult to maintain watch.”

Ovidius nodded, understanding Cassian's reasoning. “Very well, I'll send my vampires out to secure the local Costco. I'll also send out others to find all of the extra materials will need to fortify this location.”

“We won't be able to help everyone, but we can save enough to save ourselves and preserve the future of humanity,” Cassian said.  “This location will be its own resource.”

Ovidius nodded.

“May I ask a question?” Robert looked at his Master, awaiting permission.

Cassian turned towards his human. “What is it, Robert?”

“Master, how are you going to take over those places during the day when vampires are at their weakest? With everything that's going on, humans will be on high alert and any actions you take might be treated with extreme prejudice. They—the humans I mean—might try to take the vampires out, even at the risk of the humans inside. I don't want anything to happen to them or to you,” Robert said.

Cassian nodded slowly, his lips pursed as he carefully considered his human's concerns. “You prove a good point, Robert, one even I had overlooked.” He smiled. “I knew there was a reason I chose you to serve me.”

Robert grinned, pleased that his Master approved of him. “Thank you, Master. But really, you're so powerful, even now, when the sun is high in the sky. It was easy for you to overlook less powerful beings—”

Cassian held his hand up, silencing Robert. “I'm going to stop you right there. Your placating is taking you only so far before your words become insulting.”

Robert bowed. “My apologies, Master. I didn't mean to insult.”

“I know.” Cassian shook his head as he wiped his brow.

Ovidius chuckled, in spite of the tense situation surrounding them. “His point is valid. People are no doubt raiding those locations now, looking for resources before fleeing the city. It won't be easy to take over those areas secretly. No doubt the authorities will be called into action. But I trust my lieutenants and lords to be able to handle it as smoothly as they can.”

Cassian huffed. “We will have to do whatever is necessary. If this place is open, we close and barricade it trapping inside all the humans who happen to be there.  If this location is closed, we take it over and began to transport humans there for safe keeping. I believe that the time will come when we won't have to fight to keep them in. They'll be begging us to protect them from what's coming.”

“I'll get right on it. In the meantime, what will you be doing?” Ovidius inquired.

“I have to return to Chicago. There's a laboratory there where it's been reported as the point of the outbreak. I want to go there and see for myself if anything can be salvaged—people or research.” Cassian turned to head for the door.

“Wait!” Ovidius called out.

Cassian stopped, turning towards him. “What is it?”

“Like I've said, I've been watching the news. Those grotesque things seem pretty invulnerable. Although, when they get shot in the head—that seems to slow them down,” Ovidius warned.

“So, what are you saying?” Cassian arched an eyebrow.

“I wouldn't suggest taking these things head on. If you're going into the belly of the beast, as they say, take a weapon that will work better than a gun.”

“Why do you think I have this?” Cassian raised the sword.

Ovidius smiled, revealing his pearly whites. “The warrior in me almost envies you.”

“I'm sure you'll get your chance to spill blood.”

“I was so good at it, remember?”

Cassian smiled in memory. “As if I could ever forget.”

“Do you need assistance?”

“I have no idea what I'll be facing and in the unfortunate event that I am infected, I don't want to be in a position to easily infect others. Nor do I want to deal with an infected vampire when I'm trying to fend for myself and search for information.”

“You could have easily just said, 'no',” Ovidius teased.

“I could have, but then you would have been wondering why not,” Cassian winked.

“Very well then, do us a favor and don't get bitten. If what you told me is true, a vampire of your age and power would do a lot of damage if you're infected,” Ovidius said. There was a slight frown on his face as he pondered the dreadful prospect.

Cassian placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently in a reassuring gesture. “Don't worry, my friend. I don't intend on becoming one of those things, not even for a little while. Please take care of my people. I'm trusting you with them.”

Ovidius placed his hand over Cassian's where it rested on his shoulder. “I'll take care of them as well as I take care of my own.”

Satisfied with that answer, Cassian nodded and walked out of the room.

Ovidius looked at Robert. “Roman,” he called.

His human servant entered the room. “Yes, Master?”

“This is Robert, Cassian's servant. Please show him to the room where they will be staying,” Ovidius ordered. “For the moment, at least,” he added as an afterthought.

Roman bowed and then gestured for Robert to follow him as he led him out of the room. Ovidius returned to his position on the sofa as he pulled his cell phone from his pocket, dialing the number to one of his lieutenants.

“Yes, Master?” Ericka answered, knowing who was calling by the number.

“Where is Logan?” Ovidius inquired.

“Master, he is still sleeping.”

“Did I not tell you to wake him?”

“Master, I tried, but he has redesigned his morning sleeping chamber. It's locked from the inside and only he can open it. It's also soundproof,” Ericka explained. 

“How inconvenient,” Ovidius growled. If he wasn't already encumbered by his sire's demands, oh wait...
having to physically wake his child up was more than a little annoying as far as he was concerned.

“I'll be there shortly.” Ovidius ended the call, slipping his cell back into his pocket. He rose from the sofa just as Cassandra entered the den.

“So I heard Cassian, is he still here?” she asked, looking around the room.

“If you don't feel his presence, then he's not here,” Ovidius snapped.

She turned sharply, her gaze settling on him. “Well, you're in a mood. I wasn't sure, you know. Cassian can shield his aura.”

“I assure you, he didn't when he set foot into my home. But you're correct, I am in a mood. Apparently, Logan's installed a new sleeping chamber which is impenetrable to his human servant.”

“Or any human and probably vampire dumb enough to try to enter during the day,” Cassandra added.

“I'll praise him later for his ingenuity, but for now, I'll chastise him for putting me in this troublesome position.” Ovidius walked toward the exit, stopping in the doorway. “In my stead, I want you to gather my vampires and have them secure the Costco and Target Pharmacy.”

“The ones on Rusty road?” Cassandra asked both eyebrows raised in surprise. “I thought you were going to hold off on that?”

Ovidius nodded. “Initially, I was. However, Cassian is a hard man to shut out or shut down... especially when he's right.”

“But we'll be exposing ourselves. What if it never reaches us?” Cassandra asked, clearly worried about the consequence.

“It was my concern, too. But I can't ignore the possibility that St. Louis will be in the same crisis that Chicago and other cities are currently in. At the rate this epidemic is spreading, that may be sooner rather than never. If there was ever a time to throw caution to the wind, it is now. I'd much rather be exposed, than caught off guard. Now, go and do as I say.” With that, Ovidius walked out of the room, leaving the mansion entirely and heading towards Logan's home.






















Chapter Seven


Ovidius landed softly on the front porch of Logan's two-story mansion. He pressed the ornate doorbell and waited with foot tapping for the vampire's servant to answer.

The door opened and a lovely vixen stood in the frame. Ericka's long black hair fell softly over one shoulder as her electric blue eyes peered at her Master. She bowed her head. “Master, please come in.” She opened the door wider, stepping aside.

Ovidius entered, taking a quick look around. “Where's this new room Logan has constructed?”

“In the basement, Master. I can show you—”

Ovidius held up a hand, silencing her. “That won't be necessary; I can sense him on my own.” He placed a hand on her arm. “I need you to gather all of the blood Logan has in storage. Pack it safely. Also, gather all of his swords... we'll need them.”

Ericka didn't hesitate to carry out his orders. She nodded and turned, heading towards the kitchen to pack up the blood. Ovidius made his way into the basement, walking down the marble staircase. He followed the path down the long hallway, rounding the corner past several other rooms until he reached what could only be Logan's new sleeping chamber. A titanium door replaced the old oak one. There was a key pad, equipped with a retina and hand-print scanner. No doubt, it was the best in modern technology.

Ovidius pressed his hand against the titanium door and closed his eyes.

“Logan,” he whispered as he concentrated his mental energy on his target. “Rise and come to me.”

Very soon, he heard the locks disengage and the door opened with Logan standing on the other side naked and a bit disheveled.

“Master, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Get dressed. We have an emergency,” Ovidius said.

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