The Day Human King (25 page)

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Authors: B. Kristin McMichael

BOOK: The Day Human King
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“The Ferguson village will be disbanded, and all will be required to move to a new village. In fact, I think none of the villages should be segregated based on family. It’s time we change things around here, and Maureen gave us the best reason to do so. After the coronation, we will be implementing new rules, and a new way of do things. The sidhe are failing. You kill each other, and respond with retribution rather than justice. The sidhe world will evolve. It has to. For now, you may remain in your homes, but know that by next week it will change,” Devin replied.

The faces of the elite palace sidhe just stared at him. They were not used to change, and definitely not used to things at such a fast pace. He was telling them the truth, yet many still couldn’t grasp it. The older sidhe would never understand, but Devin didn’t care. He looked around at the younger faces. The change would have to come by them. The sidhe world needed them, and there were six fewer left due to Maureen. They wouldn’t let that happen again. The faces stared at the stage, waiting for Devin to say more. He did not. Helping Nessa to rise from her throne, he then led her out of the silent room.

“Are you serious?” Nessa whispered after they’d left.

“Absolutely,” Devin replied. “Things need to change, and after the coronation we will change them. We will make this a night human world we can be proud of. We’ll do it together.” Devin bent down and kissed Nessa. She couldn’t disagree with that.

Colin coughed, interrupting them. Devin pulled back from his kiss and smiled at Nessa.

“I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. Just stay with Turner, and I’ll come straight back to you when I return. I want to talk to you about something.” Devin kissed her forehead quickly.

With that, he walked away with Colin, Mara, and Fiona behind him. Fiona stopped as they made their way out of view.

“Nessie, make sure to come visit us.” Fiona rubbed her tummy and beamed at Nessa as they turned the corner and left.

“Where are they going?” Nessa asked Turner suspiciously. None of the three looked worried about starting over. How could that be? They wouldn’t fit in too well in the day human world, no matter what Devin thought. They had no money, no career, no house or possessions—no way to survive.

“To my town, where else?” Turner asked like it wasn’t a question. “My village is for all night and day humans who wish to live there. They’ll be fine and fit in with everyone. My father is setting them up with a place to live and jobs to start off with. They now have the chance to make their own future outside of these walls.” Turner offered Nessa his arm. Nessa accepted the gesture and let him walk her back to her room.


Devin returned from
Triclan City, Turner’s hometown, quicker than the fifteen minutes he’d expected it to take, and hoped that Turner had dropped Nessa off exactly where he’d asked. Getting Mara, Colin, and Fiona free of the sidhe was his first priority. Now, he needed to finally ask Nessa to marry him. The coronation was only a day away, and Devin wanted her to know that she was not alone. It wasn’t that marriage was important, or urgent, since they were already bonded, but now was as good as any time to ask her. They could always wait—as he would always want her, and he always be bonded to her—but they didn’t need to any longer. Devin loved Nessa, and he was sure she loved him, too. He didn’t even bother to return to his room, but made his way out of the palace.

Ronan sat outside of the palace in the courtyard. He was enjoying the quiet of the day breaking and the sidhe all retiring to bed. He was in good spirits with the assassin caught and being allowed outside of Nessa’s room.

“Are you finally going to ask her?” Ronan asked.

Devin grinned, and Ronan laughed.

“Just don’t piss her off before you get the words out,” Ronan teased as Devin ran out the gate and into the village.

For once, Devin didn’t worry about that. It had been hours since their last fight. Something had changed, and they were getting along better. It was the right moment to ask.

Running through the village, Devin dodged the last few remaining sidhe. He couldn’t wait to find Nessa and he didn’t even look at the stray people he passed as he ran. The village was losing its awe and wonder, and was becoming home. He liked the common sidhe and couldn’t wait to make changes to help them. Many bowed as he passed, and it was a little disappointing to find that they knew who he was now. He had hoped that wouldn’t change things, but he had seen it with Colin. His title changed everything.

Devin made it to the bridge, and Turner came walking across it.

“She’s alone?” Devin asked.

“I told Lindsey to scram as soon as you arrived. He just told me that you were here, so yes, all alone,” Turner replied. “I guess this means you really are going to ask her?” Turner grinned.

Even Turner knew what the plan was. Turner, Gemma, and Ronan were all rooting for him. Devin was nervous, yet very excited. He was starting the change with the sidhe by changing his own life. Devin had never imagined being married, but now he couldn’t imagine life without Nessa. Change was coming, and it was starting with him.

“Yes, I am,” Devin replied, brushing his fingers through his dark blond hair. It was longer than he had ever had it as he’d had no time to get a haircut since he met Nessa, but she didn’t mind. The sidhe wore their hair long enough to put into a ponytail, so even at the length it was, he still wasn’t there yet. Devin took a deep breath and pushed Turner away.

Devin walked over the bridge that brought outsiders to the sidhe village. He could remember walking that bridge only days ago, not having the slightest clue that it would lead him to where he was now. He never thought he would be staying, let alone caring for the people beyond the bridge. More than that, he never thought Nessa would be his forever. Devin paused at the edge of the bridge. Nessa sat in the clearing, playing with the flowers that Mara had graciously put there for Devin. The field was a mixture of purple, pink, and blue. Her dark curls were a stark contrast to the light-colored flowers basking in the morning sun. Devin could have stood there and watched her for hours. He always saw her as a wood sprite when she was surrounded by nature. It was time to ask her. She didn’t move as Devin approached.

“That was quick,” Nessa replied when Devin stopped behind her. She didn’t turn around but kept winding the flowers she picked into a crown.

“It didn’t take much. They, all three, were really excited to be there. They basically pushed me out the door to start their new lives,” Devin replied, moving in front of her. Nessa looked up at him and smiled. Returning the smile, Devin gently tugged on her curls, enjoying sitting amongst the flowers that now surrounded them.

“King Devin,” Nessa teased as she placed the crown of flowers she was making on his head. “This is beautiful.” She ran her hands over the flowers. They came in all shapes and sizes, and the sun rising on the horizon made Nessa’s eyes sparkle as she looked at them. He didn’t see the flowers any longer. All he saw was her.

Devin took her hands in his. The moment was perfect. He needed to tell her now.

“I never knew it was possible to love like this,” Devin began. Nessa looked like she was going to speak, but Devin placed a finger on her lips. “I need to get this out.” Nessa smiled and nodded. “You know about my past. You know that I was raised well and taken care of, but I never felt this emotion before. This is all new to me. I cared for Arianna, but there was nothing of the spark I feel with you. It’s different when I touch your hand, or your face.”

Devin gently rubbed his thumb along her cheek. Just that was enough to make him want to kiss her and forget everything he had planned. Nessa leaned into his hand. She enjoyed the feel of him as much as he enjoyed touching her. He had to stop or he would never get his question out.

“You have made me feel something I didn’t know was possible. You make me into the man I want to be. You believe in me, you trust me, and you make me feel like I’m perfect for this world I know nothing about. Nessa, I didn’t know I was lost before you came into my life, but let me tell you, I was. You found me.”

Nessa smiled and took his hands in her own. She didn’t interrupt him, but sat and listened. He could see her happiness at his words. The bond between them was open, and there was nothing hidden between them. He was speaking the truth and she knew it.

“I didn’t know the first time I met you what it was I felt. The emotions that went through me were foreign. But I can tell you now. I love you. Vanessa McKinny, I love you.”

Nessa leaned forward without replying and kissed Devin. His hands snaked to her waist and pulled her down on top of himself, onto the ground amongst the flowers they already crushed when they sat. His emotions were running wild, but so were hers. They were feeding off each other, and growing stronger together. Again he found himself completely distracted. Devin wanted to keep kissing her longer, but he was on a mission. He needed to ask her. Devin sat them both back up and pulled back just a little. The contact made him want to continue kissing her, but he needed her to know exactly how much he loved her.

“What?” she asked, wondering why he’d suddenly stopped.

“I need to finish what I came here to say. You are such a distraction,” Devin replied. Nessa grinned and sat back on the grass across from him. She found his need to talk amusing. Devin couldn’t help but grin back. “I love you, and need you in my life. This bond between us is forever, and I know you’ll always be mine. But I want more.”

Nessa’s eyes grew big. She finally understood how serious he was. The moment they both had been waiting for was there. Devin could ask her, and she was willing to accept his proposal.

“Aye.” A male voice called from across the glen. “Is that you, little Nessie?”

Nessa’s concentration on Devin shifted to the new arrival. Devin turned to see who it was. Personally, he wanted to hit any person that was dense enough to interrupt them. Two lovers rolling in the grass was not something you interrupted.

“Sorry,” Nessa whispered as she stood and greeted the man who approached. He was big and burly with curly red hair on his head and face. As he got closer, Devin noticed he had to only be in his twenties, but was built like an ox.

“Liam?” Nessa guessed, finally recognizing the man. The man wasn’t from their village, yet Nessa knew him.

Grinning, he stooped down to hug her. He picked her right off the ground and twirled her in a circle. He was too comfortable with Nessa for Devin’s taste. Devin stood and clenched his fists. His perfect moment was being ruined by a big ox that insisted on touching his girl.

‘He’s from one of the other villages,’
Nessa told Devin silently.
‘He’s a family friend, and just that.’
Nessa had to have felt Devin’s jealously.

“I knew you wouldn’t forget me. My pa told me that I shouldn’t expect much since it’s been over ten years, and you were but a wee girl at the time, but I was sure that you’d remember me. I’m not the forgettable type,” Liam told her. He was quite full of himself.

Nessa blushed as she was sat back on the ground from his big, long-lasting hug. Liam didn’t even attempt to introduce himself to Devin. He wanted to cough to get their attention, but in reality he just wanted the big oaf to move along. Devin was close to asking Nessa to marry him. The timing was right, and he was sure she was going to say yes. Devin stood and waited as Liam continued to talk. Couldn’t the big ox just move along?

“How could I forget you?” Nessa asked. That stung a bit for Devin. “You were the only one who actually stood up to Rhys when I was younger.” Devin’s jealously softened a bit. He knew how harsh Rhys could be with her when she was young. Anyone that helped her, she would remember.

“Well, he needed a little beat down after he was being rude. No lady should be treated that way,” Liam laughed. He obviously had not forgotten the incident either.

“I wouldn’t have classified myself as a lady,” Nessa replied with her own laugh. Devin tried to wait patiently for the red-haired fellow to leave. “What are you doing here?” Nessa finally asked what Devin wanted to know. The sidhe didn’t commonly visit the other villages.

“Coming to your coronation, of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Only wish Rhys was around to see it, too. Can you imagine how upset he would be right now?” Liam laughed a deep, hearty laugh. Nessa joined in the laughter, but Devin did not. He was early, and Devin didn’t appreciate that. It made it seem like this oaf of a man had some hidden intention. Devin hated the sidhe and their hidden agendas.

“Then your father isn’t coming?” Nessa asked, seeming a little disappointed. Devin appreciated that she wanted to see the father more than the ox.

“No, I insisted I be able to represent the family,” Liam replied. Nessa nodded with a smile. Obviously, they were old friends. “Because I could only do this in person.” Liam bowed down to Nessa. “I ask formally, Vanessa McKinny, since you are unwed, may I court you?”


Author note:

Thank you for reading
! Keep reading for the first pages of the next book in this series. Before we get there, I’d like to ask that if you enjoyed reading this book, please consider leaving me a good review on
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I greatly appreciate all the support from everyone and it keeps me going day in and day out! THANK YOU!

at the conclusion of Devin and Nessa’s tale in book three,
The Day Human Way


Chapter 1

Devin stared at
Nessa, waiting for her to acknowledge what he just heard. Some unknown redheaded sidhe had just asked to court her. She wasn’t available for courting. Nessa was his, and only his. They were bonded. What more did you need beyond that to be the one considered courting her. Nessa didn’t reply right away. She didn’t even look over to Devin.

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