The Dating List (26 page)

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Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #love story, #contemporary romance, #romantic story, #sexy romance, #sexy love story, #spicy romance, #story about love, #contemporary love story, #spicy love story

BOOK: The Dating List
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"Who's that? Grey? He's not supposed to see you,"
Janice snapped.

Carrie moved away from the window. Leah was laying
out the wedding veil and flowered headpiece. There was a knock on
the door.

"Come in," Carrie called out.

Janice straightened up and immediately went to the
door. She admitted Mary.

"Oops! I didn't mean to pry…"

"Come in, come in," Carrie took Mary by the arm and
pulled her close to the window.

"It's a lovely day for a wedding," Mary said, gazing
out the window.

Carrie hugged her almost mother-in-law, who colored.
"Thank you…"

"For what?" Mary's eyes got wide.

"For Grey. He's so wonderful. I love him so much. You
raised a fabulous son."

Mary blushed red. "No false modesty…I agree."

The women laughed.

"Can I help?" Mary asked.

"Just hold my hand."


"A little."

Mary sat down at the dressing table while Leah pulled
out a brand-new pair of shoes. "Brides always wear new shoes, don't
they kill your feet?"

"When you're in love you don't feel the pain," Mary

Carrie picked up the headpiece, a band of small white
flowers. Janice secured it with two bobby pins. Mary kissed
Carrie's cheek then returned to her family on the lawn, taking Leah
with her. The bride moved to the full length mirror on the back of
the door, examining her image.

"You can still back out of this, you know. It's not
too late."

"What?" Carrie turned to face her mother.

"I know what it's like to live with a cheater,"
Janice continued.

"Mom! Grey is not a cheater."

"Are you sure? Are you absolutely certain those trips
to Boston were about work? I'm going right now to confront him.
Make him tell you the truth" Janice opened the door an inch.

Carrie put her hand on her mother's arm. "You'll do
no such thing."

Masculine voices cut the women's conversation short.
From out in the hall, Carrie recognized a familiar voice; it was

"You don't know what you're talking about. Butt out,

"But I saw you. Saw you with my own eyes, coming out
of Giselle Davenport's house. You were supposed to be in Boston.
What were you doing there?"

"None of your business. Stop trying to stir up

"Don't do this, Grey. I saw Giselle kiss you on the
cheek. If you want her instead of Carrie, stop this wedding

"Are you insane? Shut up!" Grey gripped his brother's
upper arm.

Carrie swung the door to her room open, just in time
to see and hear Grey attempting to silence his brother. She stood
there, pain gathered like a lump in her throat. Her mouth fell open
a little but for a moment, she couldn't breathe. Struggling for
air, she gasped as her eyes filled with tears.

"I told you," Janice whispered. "Thank God it isn't
too late."

Grey looked up, his mouth fell open.

"It's not what you think, Carrie. Please, believe

Carrie pushed her mother into the hall, shut the door
and locked it. Stunned she stood still for a moment until she heard
the doorknob rattle.

"Go away!"

"Honey, it's me. Come on, open up. You don't believe
that, do you?"

"What else can I believe? Colin saw you at the
Davenports when you were supposed to be in Boston?" Carrie leaned
against the wall.

"I know it looks bad. Please let me explain." Grey's
plaintive voice came through the door.

"Drop dead." Anger flared up in her chest.

As quickly as it came, her anger turned to sadness.
I love you so much. How can you do this to me? Destroy
everything we have together?
Carrie slumped down on the bed and
began to cry.

"Oh, honey…Carrie, don't cry, baby, please, don't
cry. You're killing me. You know how I hate to see you cry…"

"You're responsible." She spat out, reaching for a

"Please listen to me."


There was silence only for a moment before the sound
of whispering and footsteps drifted through the door. Her heart
He gave up that easily? Did he ever love me?

A moment later, a throat cleared.

"Carrie? It's me, dear," a voice came through the

"Mary?" The surprise stopped her tears.

"Please open up, dear. Grey is telling the truth. I
know all about what was going on and it was totally innocent.
Please let him explain."

Carrie reached for another tissue then blew her nose,
loudly. The silence that followed grew heavy as she contemplated
Mary's plea.

"I swear…after you hear me out, if you still hate me,
I'll let you hit me with a baseball bat." It was Grey again.

She chuckled in spite of herself. "What if I want to
stop the wedding?"

There was a pause. She thought she heard a sigh.

"There'd be nothing I could do, honey. I can't force
you to marry me. But you'd break my heart. Just hear me out."

Silence again as Carrie pondered opening the door.
She waited but not a sound emanated from the other side of the
door. She padded over and turned the lock. Still no sound
least he still respects me enough not to barge in.
The metal
doorknob was cold in her hand as she turned it.

"Five minutes. You have five minutes." She stepped
back to swing the door open all the way.

Grey strode in, wrapping his arms around her. She
resisted the urge to fall into his embrace and be comforted.
Instead she pushed against his chest. Colin, Mary, Leah and Janice
shuffled in quickly right behind Grey. They lined up against the
wall, giving the couple some space but no privacy. Delia barged

"Hey! What is he doing here? Carrie's been crying?
You'll look all puffy for the pictures. Where are your shoes?
You're not dressed? What is going on? The judge has arrived and
we're supposed to have a wedding in fifteen minutes!"

Grey turned to her. "Stall, Delia. I just need ten
minutes with the bride."

"Oh, my God! You two are gonna kill me!" She looked
at their faces and knew this wasn't a joke. "All right, all
right…I'll think of something!"

She turned on her heel and scurried down the

"Ten minutes? I said five!"

"I know, but you always say I can't tell a story
fast, so maybe ten is more realistic."

Carrie sat down on the bed. She looked at her watch
then bit her cheek to keep from laughing.

"Four minutes and twenty seconds left."

Grey reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of
keys. His face was pale as his gaze sought hers.

"I know you love Pine Grove…love visiting my parents
there. I also know their house is getting a little small. I mean,
we're all getting married and soon having kids and stuff. Anyway,
privacy is nonexistent there – for the most part."

"It's not
bad," Mary huffed.

"Mom, please." Grey turned toward his mother for a


"So? What's that got to do with Boston?"

"I was saving this for after the wedding because it's
your wedding present."

He took Carrie's hand and dropped the set of keys in
her palm. She closed her fingers around the cold brass then looked
up at him.

"I don't get it."

"I bought the Davenport's house…for you. As a wedding
present. All my trips to Boston were really to Pine Grove. I had to
deal with Giselle and the estate lawyer. There were some
negotiations, requests Giselle had to keep some stuff. Papers to
sign and all that."

"You bought that big old Victorian…for me?"

"You said how much you liked it and with some TLC it
could be great. And it's big, so there's room for us, kids and
maybe even Colin."

"You bought a house for me?" Carrie repeated, still
staring at him.

"Yup. And I spoke to Gavin, too. He's going to do the
renovations. You'll love working with him, he's a master craftsman.
You can do all those things you were telling me about when we made
our condolence call to Giselle."

"Oh, my God!" Carrie looked at him, the tightness in
her chest dissipated as tears of happiness gathered in the corners
of her eyes.

"I wasn't
Giselle. There's no one for
me but you. I've told you that a thousand times. I'd think you'd
finally believe me." He frowned.

"You bought me that wonderful old house."

"You're repeating yourself. It's in your name, too.
So you can kick me out any time and keep the house."

"Grey, I'm so sorry. I apologize. I never thought…I
mean…wow. I should have trusted you." She wiped the beads of sweat
from his forehead with a tissue.

"You did until Colin opened his big mouth." Grey shot
his brother a dirty look.

Colin squirmed.

"That's the most thoughtful, wonderful
gift…I'm…speechless." She kissed him.

"I suppose I'd be getting a more…uh…tangible show of
your gratitude if there wasn't a crowd of people in here." Grey
glared at the family members fidgeting on the sidelines.

"And if Delia weren't holding back the crowds who are
waiting for us to get married." Carrie opened her hand and stared
at the keys. "My own old Victorian…our old Victorian." She looked
up at him, took his face in her hands and gave him a passionate

"I'm sorry I misjudged you. Welcome to the family,
Grey." Janice stepped forward.

"Thanks." He gave her a hug.

"I think everyone has heard all they need to hear.
Can we give them a moment of privacy before we put the finishing
touches on the bride and get on with this wedding?" Mary held the
door open and distributed stern looks to each spectator until
everyone had cleared out. She closed the door when she left.

"I'm so, so sorry. I never should have doubted you."
Carrie's gaze settled on the set of keys in her hand. "Can you
forgive me?"

Grey took her by the shoulders, stood her up and
pulled her into his embrace. His lips came down on hers gently.
When she melted against him, his mouth took hers with passion.

"Does this mean the wedding is back on?"

She nodded, tears of joy caught in her throat.

"No more crying. Delia will have a fit if you look
puffy in the pictures."

She laughed.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." He released her.

"It was!"

"I was so proud of you not listening to your mother,
but then…" he began, his thumb caressing her cheek.

"When I heard Colin…I had to believe what I didn't
want to believe."

"You never have to worry about me. I'll never stray
from you, Carrie."

"I know, I know. I should have let you speak."
Embarrassment colored her cheeks.

"Got that right!" He chuckled. "Are we okay now? Do
you like the house?

"Better than okay. I
the house! I'm so
excited. It'll be so great to visit any time we want, not bother
your parents but have our own place."


place. While you were meeting with
Giselle, did you ever find out why she stopped talking to you for a

Grey blushed. "Yeah. I made a pass at her on our
first date and it freaked her out. She thought I was a mover so she
stayed out of my way. Says she wasn't ready for sex in high school,
I scared her."

"Guess she had you pegged all right."

"Funny thing is I didn't know what to do. I was a
virgin when I did that. I did it because I thought I was supposed
to do it. Thought girls expected you to make a pass at them. But
look where I am now, about to marry the smartest, most beautiful
woman in the world. I couldn't be happier. Giselle did me a

He grinned at Carrie. His love glowed through his
hazel eyes. Carrie threw her arms around his neck then kissed him

"I love you so much, Grey."

"I love you, too, honey. But I'd better get out of
here before Delia kills me. We have a wedding…"

Grey kissed her before he stole out of the room.
Delia, Mary and Janice came in as soon as he left.

"Let's put this girl back together. My gorgeous
daughter, you'll make the most beautiful bride ever."

Chapter Seventeen


Delia and Leah hugged Carrie then left to take their
places down the aisle. Carrie took one more look in the mirror. The
soft white satin bodice fit her snugly but not too tight. The full
tulle skirt was plain, simple and elegant. A white sash with a
white satin bow in the back added interest. She wore her mother's
pearls around her neck and Delia's pearl earrings. A pearl bracelet
Grey had given her for her birthday graced her slender wrist. A
simple white headpiece with tiny pearls and flowers spanned the
width of Carrie's head. Hidden beneath her skirt was a blue

The veil fell gracefully over her face. Her thick
blonde-streaked hair was pulled back in front and tied with simple
white grosgrain ribbon, allowing it to flow down her back to her
shoulders. Leah had applied light makeup perfectly. Carrie was
delighted with the results. She paced, awaiting the arrival of her
father. Harvey stuck his head in her room.

"You still speaking to me?"

She stopped walking and turned to face him.

He walked tentatively into the room. "Am I still
giving you away?"

"Do I have any other father?"

"I suppose John Andrews would pinch-hit for me, if
you wanted him to."

"You're turn at bat, Dad."

"You look…breathtaking, Bunny. The most beautiful
bride ever. Grey is such a lucky man. I hope he knows that."

Carrie chuckled.

"I think he does.

"Are you ready?" Harvey offered her his arm.

He helped her down the stairs. Delia and Leah stood
on one side of the aisle in their lovely raspberry silk dresses.
Colin, John and Grey, all looking dashing in their tuxes with
raspberry cummerbunds, stood on the other side. Grey took a step
toward her until John put out his arm to stop his son.

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