The Dark Vampire: Last True Vampire 3 (47 page)

Read The Dark Vampire: Last True Vampire 3 Online

Authors: Kate Baxter

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Angels

BOOK: The Dark Vampire: Last True Vampire 3
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Bria grabbed a pair of oven mitts and removed the pizza from the oven. Alex had truly outdone himself—the steaming pie looked better than any she’d ever eaten. She placed the pizza stone on the counter and grabbed a wheel to cut Vanessa a couple of slices. Jenner plucked the utensil from Bria’s grip and set it on the counter before whirling her around into his arms.

“It needs to cool.” The gruffness of his voice touched every part of her and Bria’s lust resurfaced. His scent enveloped her, warm, spicy, and clean. His blood called to her and the vein in his throat pulsed as though begging for her bite.

He lifted Bria up and set her down on the counter. His dark gaze delved into hers. The intensity of it stole her breath. “I love you, Jenner.” She reached up and laid her palm along his strong jaw. He was everything she could ever want and she’d spend the rest of her existence making sure that he knew it.

Tender emotion surged in Jenner’s chest. Bria was a light in the darkness, the strength to his weakness. She was a fire that burned bright in his soul. “I love you. So gods-damned much.”

He settled himself in the cradle of her legs and they wrapped around his torso, welcoming him closer. Jenner cupped Bria’s face in his palms and brought his mouth to hers. The kiss sizzled through him, set his blood on fire, and hardened his cock. He thrust at her core, groaning against her lips. If he didn’t get Bria into one of the guest rooms soon he was going to explode.

“I need to fuck you,” he murmured against her lips. “Need to sink my fangs into your throat.”

Bria pressed her body against his. A delicate purr gathered in her throat. “Yes.” The word was nothing more than a desperate whisper, but it set Jenner ablaze. She slanted her mouth over his, hungry and demanding. Her tongue flicked out at the seam of his lips and Jenner deepened the kiss, his own tongue acting out on her mouth what he intended to do with his cock as soon as they were behind closed doors. The thought of her mouth on him, silky lips sliding over his shaft, sent a lick of heat up Jenner’s spine. Gods, he could come just thinking about it. About her. His perfect Bria.

He never could have imagined that Fate would have graced him with a such a mate. Bria was everything he could have ever wanted and more. She was made for him, her soul the piece that he’d needed to make his whole. He loved her so much that it hurt and he couldn’t wait to make a life with her, to make beautiful, perfect babies with her.

“It’s a boy!”

The exclamation came from the foot of the stairs. Bria pulled away to look at Jenner. Her expression shone with excitement, her amethyst eyes sparkling with happiness and her lush mouth upturned in a wide smile. His heart clenched at the sight of her. So beautiful in her joy.

He helped Bria hop down from the counter. She and Vanessa hit the foyer at the same time, both of them bouncing impatiently at the prospect of a baby. Jenner’s lips stretched into a smile. Gods, how he loved Bria.

“A boy! A boy!” Vanessa sang. “Can we see him?”

The dhampir, a female whose name Jenner didn’t know, bent low to meet Vanessa’s gaze. “You can, if you promise to be very calm and quiet.”

Vanessa settled in an instant. “I can. Promise.”

The dhampir looked at Bria. “You can come, too, if you want.”

Bria grabbed Jenner’s hand and urged him to follow
her up the stairs. He’d gladly follow wherever she led. To the ends of the fucking earth if that’s what she wanted. The third story of the house was dark and quiet. His footsteps fell far too loudly as he made his way down the carpeted hallway. Jenner wasn’t comfortable with intruding on what was no doubt a very intimate moment between Mikhail and Claire. He wondered, as the dhampir gently pushed open the door to Mikhail’s private suite, how he would react to a crowd of well-wishers if it was Bria who’d just given birth to his son.

They were all a family of sorts, though, weren’t they? Jenner realized as he stepped into the darkened bedroom that he would want to share his joy with Mikhail and Claire, with Ronan and Naya. He’d proudly show off the perfect little bundle as Mikhail did now, holding up his son for everyone to admire and croon to.

“He’s soooo cute!” Vanessa exclaimed in a whisper. “And he’s sort of like my little brother, isn’t he?”

“Of course he is,” Mikhail said. He brought the baby down for Vanessa to see more closely. She caressed her finger over his ruddy cheek as she spoke low in a singsong tone.

“What’s his name?” Bria stepped away from Jenner to admire the little pink bundle, but she kept hold of his hand.

Mikhail’s chest puffed out, 100 percent the proud father. “Braeden,” he replied in a robust tone. “We both agreed it suited him.”

Bria’s grip on Jenner’s hand tightened and a wave of anxiety crested over him. He stepped up behind her, unsure of the reason for her sudden discomfort, but he wanted to do whatever he could to assuage it. “A good name,” he said to Mikhail. “Strong.”

Mikhail beamed. Jenner had never seen the male so damned happy.

Ronan stepped into the room a few moments later. “Naya’s on her way over. Baby fever’s going to spread, I think.” He leaned over Jenner’s shoulder to get a peek. “Damn,” he said as though disappointed. “I was hoping he’d look like Claire.”

Mikhail didn’t seem a bit fazed by the playful dig. Instead, he said, “So was I. But I think we’ll keep him, regardless.”

Good humor abounded and congratulations were offered. Claire was obviously tired, but her expression shone with pure bliss as she lay tucked under the covers of the bed. After a while the baby began to fuss and Mikhail returned him to his mother. “I think he’s hungry,” Mikhail said low.

Jenner took that as their cue to clear the room. He gave a gentle tug on Bria’s hand and she turned to him with a dreamy smile.
Baby fever indeed.

“How about that pizza, Vanessa?” Bria said. “I’m pretty sure it’s cooled enough.”

“Oh man,” she said with a pout. “I wanna stay in here and play with the baby.”

“Later,” Bria said. “Let him eat and rest. I’m sure you can come up and visit him later.”

The girl grumped but complied and followed Jenner, Ronan, and Bria from the room. “Bye, Braeden!” she called in a stage whisper from the doorway. “I’ll be back soon.”

Once back in the kitchen, Bria set about getting everyone fed. Jenner watched his mate with awe and admiration as she took charge, becoming the head of the household while Mikhail and Claire enjoyed their son. Jenner’s mate was remarkable. So strong. So confident. Again, he was struck by his luck that fate had sent her into his life. She brought him the balance that he’d sought for months. Through Bria, Jenner had found peace.

She served Vanessa a plate with a couple of slices of pizza and slid a glass of root beer across the bar to where she sat. A furrow marred Bria’s brow and Jenner couldn’t help but think that the girl had rattled Bria somehow. Vanessa was a strange little human; they all knew it. But Jenner sensed that Bria knew something more about her than anyone else did.

Conversation flowed. Ronan grabbed containers of chicken and pasta from the fridge and popped them in the microwave. He and Bria talked about nothing and everything. Small talk that they included Vanessa in as the girl dug into her pizza with gusto. Bria’s earlier unease dissipated like clouds under the heat of the sun and a warm rush of pure happiness stretched out between their tether to bathe Jenner in warmth. Whatever her thoughts about the girl, they weren’t enough to trouble Bria any further.

So much to consider. Especially with the meeting with McAlister looming in their future. Jenner knew, though, that whatever obstacles were thrown in their path, he could handle it. He could handle anything as long as Bria was by his side. They were two halves of a whole. The perfect team. And there was no one he’d rather experience all of life’s adventures with. She was his. And he was inexorably hers.






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