The Dark-Hunters (747 page)

Read The Dark-Hunters Online

Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: The Dark-Hunters
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Slapping herself on the cheek, she focused her attention on the road that led her home.…

*   *   *

Jess cursed as he lost all trace of Abigail. The GPS literally flashed bright, then vanished altogether. It looked like something had burned it out.

What the hell?

He started to dial Ren, then remembered he was in crow mode, so he wouldn’t be able to answer. Instead, he rang Sasha, who picked it up immediately.


“I’ve lost her,” Jess said without preamble. “Can you give me any guidance?”

Sasha snorted. “On what? A new personality? Car buying? I’m a wolf, cowboy, not a life counselor.”

That sarcasm snapped at his tolerance. “Can you track her, Scooby, or am I asking too much of you?”

I can do. But it would leave Choo Co La Tah unguarded. Send birdbrain back, and I’ll swap off.”

“Fine.” Jess hung up and mumbled under his breath how much he really hated shape-shifters.

Changing lanes to avoid a slow-moving Toyota, he used his powers to talk to Ren. He’d never tried to do this before when Ren was in crow form, so he had no idea if it would even work. While his powers were starting to recover from being in the house with Ren all day, they still weren’t up to their usual strength.

“Talk to me,
You there?”

Luckily, Ren came back fast. “I’m here.”

Jess breathed a sigh of relief. “You wouldn’t happen to know where Abigail got off to, would you?”

“No. I can’t track her scent and I haven’t had a visual on her yet.”

Figured that would be too much to ask. “Then I need you to swap duties with Sasha so that he can track her down.”

“Why isn’t the GPS working?”

“Twenty-million-dollar question. No answer, and I have no idea who to call to get a clue. I’ll keep heading in the direction she was and hope she doesn’t turn off anytime soon.”

“All right. I’m flashing back. Will get Sasha to you ASAP.”

Jess slowed down and tried to use his own abilities to track her. He didn’t really have that power, but … At this point, he was willing to try most anything.

Why? The bad feeling in his gut that said if he didn’t find her quick, something awful would happen to her. It had nothing to do with needing to get her to the Valley to save the world. This was something else entirely. Something that made him desperate to locate her.

“Hang on, Abby. I’m coming.”

*   *   *

Abigail slowed as she reached the modest home she shared with Hannah in Henderson. She cringed a bit as she scraped the front of the car on the angle of the aggregate driveway.
Hope Jess doesn’t love this thing.

He might kill her after all.

She parked outside and headed for the front door. But as she neared it, a strange red haze seemed to drop down over everything. It was like she was staring out of a pair of red glasses. She heard that strange thrumming sound again—the same she’d heard when they put the demon blood in her.

Like she was listening to the heartbeat of the world.

Shaking her head, she forced herself forward.

“If something’s happened to her, Kurt, I swear I’ll never forgive you.”

“Shut up, Hannah, and sit down.”

She knew they were inside the house, but she could hear them as clearly as if they were standing beside her. More than that, she could see them sitting at the table with Jonah.

“We know where Sundown lives,” Hannah said. “Why can’t we go get her?”

Kurt curled his lip. “Are you out of your mind? We march into a Dark-Hunter’s home and do what? Tell him to hand her over?”

She lifted her chin defiantly. “Yes.”

Looking up from the laptop where he was working, Jonah rolled his eyes. “I’m really sick of you two fighting. Take your sister out of here while I do this.”

His voice …

There was something about it that tugged on the edge of her memory. But what?

Kurt grabbed Hannah by the arm and hauled her out of the room. As soon as they were gone, Jonah pulled out his phone and dialed it. “Hey. I’ve got her heartbeat on the monitor so we know she’s still alive. Yeah, I think it’s a good sign that the Hunter hasn’t killed her yet.”

At the sound of those words, Abigail felt a surge of some odd emotion throughout her entire body. Her teeth elongated. It was the demon again. It was reacting to being here.


Raw, unfettered rage followed the wave. The demon wanted to taste Jonah in the worst sort of way.

I can’t do that.

Yet she salivated. The taste of warm, sweet blood filled her mouth, making her ache to take some from someone else. The haze turned brighter. She walked through the door without opening it. With no real understanding of moving, she found herself in the kitchen with Jonah.

He looked up and blanched. He dropped his phone straight to the floor, where it landed with a thud. “What’s wrong?”

She licked at her fangs.
Taste him.… You know you want to.

Strangely enough, she did.

Abigail reached for his throat, but he jumped to his feet and put distance between them.

He kept backing away from her. “What did they do to you, Abby?”

Abby …

No, that didn’t seem right. She was …

Caught in a maelstrom. She could feel the winds whipping, howling, and tearing at her. The room spun around as more images flashed. She saw the past, the present, and a future filled with horrors that were indescribable.

But the one thing she saw clearest …

The night her parents died. And this time she knew why that voice had been familiar. Who had been there with “Sundown.”

“You were there.” She pointed her finger at Jonah, who stood before her, gaping.

“What are you talking about?”

She didn’t answer as the demon swallowed her whole. Before she knew what she was doing, she was on him, biting into his neck. The moment she tasted his blood, she knew the truth.

Jonah was a Daimon. It was why the demon in her wanted to annihilate him.

The souls of his victims screamed in her head with a chorus that was deafening and sickening. They wanted their freedom.

And she wanted his blood.

“Abby! Stop!”

She recognized Kurt’s voice, but there was no way she would listen to him. Not now. Not when the demon had her.

Kurt ran at her back and tried to knock her away. She turned on him and hissed, while she maintained her grip on Jonah, who was crying and begging for mercy.

Really? After all the people he’d ruthlessly killed to live, he had the nerve to beg for his own life? The hypocrisy sickened her even more.

“Coward,” she breathed in his ear. “You could have saved my mother, and you didn’t.” He had swallowed her soul so that he could live. Damn him! Agony and fury bonded inside her to such a level that it was all she could do not to rip him apart.

Instead, she reached down to his boot, where he always kept a knife hidden. In slow motion, she saw Kurt lunging for her back. Before he could reach her, she stabbed Jonah in the heart.

He gasped, then burst apart into a shower of gold dust.

“No!” Kurt drew the word out, but it was too late.

Jonah was dead. She’d killed him.

Numb and dizzy, she stared down at her pristine hand. There was no blood there. Nothing left of Jonah except a shimmering film that graced the floor. Iridescent like the wings of a summer butterfly.

She could hear the laughter of the human souls as they finally ascended to their rightful places. But more than that, she heard their gratitude. At least she had saved them. Too bad no one had saved her parents.

“What have you done?” His eyes wide, Kurt stared at her as if she was a stranger.

And she was. She didn’t know herself any more than he did. “What have you made me?”

“You were supposed to be stronger. Not … not—” He gestured wildly at her. “—

A weird odor filled her head. It was like sulfur, only stronger. It was …

“You took demon blood, too,” she accused him as she understood what the demon was telling her.

He didn’t deny it. “What was I supposed to do? I’ll turn twenty-seven in a few months. I don’t want to die any more than you do. At least it’s better than killing a human.”

Was it?

Hannah came out from the back of the house. She stared at Abigail with horrified eyes before she let out a shrill scream.

Abigail covered her ears as pain split her skull. She glared at her “brother.” “You lied to me.
of you. You didn’t tell me about Daimons.”

Kurt narrowed his gaze on her. “You didn’t need to know about them.”

Oh, now there was an award-winning answer. “You told me the Dark-Hunters were our enemies.”

“They are our enemies. They hunt and kill us.”

It wasn’t that simple. Not anymore. Jess had been right. They had lied to her. Used her. “You have no idea what you’ve done. What you’ve set into motion.”

You will be known forever by the tracks you leave.
Her mother’s words haunted her now.

I will be known as the woman who ended the world.
She felt so sick. Lost. Confused.


Kurt grabbed her arm. “Abigail, listen to me. We’re not your enemies. We took you in when no one else would have. My parents raised you like one of their own.”

But there was more to it than that.

The truth hovered around the fringes of her mind like a ghost she could neither see nor touch. Only feel.

She stared at him as her conscience shredded her over her actions. “I don’t trust you anymore.”

Hannah stepped forward. “Abby—”

She moved away from Hannah’s grasp.

I need to go.
She didn’t want to be here. It no longer felt like home.

It felt like hell.

She’d taken innocent lives. Killed an elder Guardian. Her life would never be the same. And it shouldn’t be. Not after what she’d done. She stumbled back toward the door and went outside. The sky above twinkled with stars. It looked a thousand times brighter tonight than it ever had before.


Why would it be that way when everything was so wrong? Surely it should be storming. But it wasn’t. The world appeared completely ignorant of the horrors to come.

“I have to fix this,” she whispered. Before it was too late.

She would go with Choo Co La Tah to the Valley.

And there she would die.


Jess followed Sasha’s directions as they sped toward Abigail’s location. His stomach was knotted tight, and he had no idea why. It wasn’t just that she was gone. He had a tangible need to find her and make sure she was all right.

To make sure no one hurt her.

He came around a corner right as a car rolled through the stop sign—straight into his path. Biting his lip, he tried to swerve to miss it, but because of the car’s speed, it still managed to clip his back tire. His motorcycle came out from under him and dragged him down the street at a deadly pace.

Crap! The asphalt tore at his clothes and skin, reminding him why he wore a duster when he rode and why he was glad he was no longer mortal. Still, it hurt to kiss pavement, and his body was extremely unhappy with this predicament.

*   *   *

Abigail’s heart stopped beating as she realized in her dazed stupor that she’d just hit someone. She slammed on the brakes and looked back to see the motorcycle and rider on the street, skidding sideways toward the curb.

Oh my God! What have I done now?

It wasn’t until she’d put the car in park and opened the door that she recognized the sprawled-out man.

“Jess!” She ran toward him as fast as she could. She cringed at the length of how far he’d traveled over the road on his back.
He’s a Dark-Hunter. A crash won’t kill him.
In her mind, she knew it was the truth.

But her emotions weren’t listening. Panic filled her as she drew closer and didn’t see him moving.

Jess lay on the street, looking up through his helmet, trying to figure out if he’d broken something other than his pride. Gah, it hurt to breathe. To move. He felt pretty banged up, but it was hard to tell just how bad.

And the damned billion-pound motorcycle was lying on his foot. That was going to leave a limp.

“Jess!” Out of nowhere, Abigail appeared, her face a mask of terrified fear. Before he could answer, she sank down beside him. “Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Are you all right? Are you alive? Did I hurt you?” She clutched at his body as if trying to find an injury. “Jess? Can you speak?”

It was so wrong, but he couldn’t help grinning at her panic. No woman had been this scared for him in a long while. “Yeah, I can talk. But I kind of like the attention you’re giving me. You want to grope a little lower, it’d be even better.”

“Oh, you…” She shoved at him.

Pain cut through his body. “Ow!”

Her panic returned instantly. “Are you all right?”

He laughed. “Dang, you’re easy.”

“And you’re completely evil.”

Jess pulled his helmet off to stare up at her. The streetlights played in her dark hair, making it shimmer. Her eyes glowed with warmth, concern, and anger. It was a heady combination. “And you’re completely beautiful.”

Abigail’s breath caught at those unexpected words. They settled something deep inside her. Made it calm in a way she’d never been calm before. And at the same time, her entire body was on fire from his nearness. A strange dichotomy that made no sense whatsoever.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her lips down to his so that he could give her the hottest kiss she’d ever received. One so unsettling that it made her entire body burn and caused her to forget where they were and what had happened. Nothing mattered in this moment except the sensation of his tongue sweeping against hers. Of his arms holding her close to his hard body.

Nothing had ever felt better.

“Excuse me, people. You’re both lying in the middle of the street. Might want to move before someone else runs over both your damn fool selves.”

Abigail pulled back, then turned to glare at Sasha, who stood on the curb under the streetlamp, giving them an irritated grimace. She started to smart off, when all of a sudden, she heard a peculiar sound. It was like someone had let loose a herd of angry chainsaws.

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