The Dark-Hunters (609 page)

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Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: The Dark-Hunters
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Jared laughed bitterly. “Your mercy is beyond reproach, my lady.”

“Sarcasm … such sweet music to me.” She kicked him hard in the ribs. “Now go and carry out your orders.”

Stryker met Jared’s searing gaze. Hatred burned bright, but something told him the hatred was directed more inwardly than out. The poor creature. It would be kindest to kill him.

“Are you sure he can do this?” Stryker asked Zephyra as she sheathed the dagger back into her boot.

She led him out of the room and into the hallway. War pulled up their rear. “Don’t let his sniveling fool you. He was created to kill.”

“So was the Malachai.”

“Yes, but the Malachai is half human and new to his powers. Jared should make easy work of him.” Pausing in the hallway, she looked past Stryker to War. “Keep an eye on Jared. Make sure his little demon doesn’t go free. That stupid slug is the only way I have to really control him.”

Stryker watched as War inclined his head to her before he returned to the room where Jared had been left. “How do you know he’s not going to rebel and kill War?”

She snorted. “So what if he does? Are you two friends?”

“Hardly, but if War is gone, Jared could come after you.”

“So long as he wears that collar, Jared is my property. He can’t kill me anymore than I can kill him. I can make him bleed and suffer, but the collar won’t allow him to attack his owner in any manner. In fact, if I’m under attack, he has no choice except to defend me whether he wants to or not.”

That had to be one of the cruelest things he’d ever heard of. He couldn’t imagine a worse punishment than being forced to protect someone he hated. Someone who tortured him.

And it made him take a hard look at the woman in front of him. She was so familiar and at the same time so foreign. What had happened to the woman he’d married? “I remember this beautiful girl who wouldn’t even allow me to have a cat in the house because she didn’t want it to hurt the mice. A woman who made me carry any insect outside to set it free rather than kill it.”

Her black eyes met his, and there inside he saw a hatred so potent, it stole his breath. “And I remember the sounds of my grandson screaming for mercy as he was viciously killed for being different and I was powerless to help him. I’m not that little girl you left behind, Stryker. I’m a vengeful woman at war with the world that did her wrong.”

“Then you understand me. I didn’t ask for this existence and I want the blood of everyone who took part in damning me to it. My father, Apollymi, Acheron, and Nick Gautier.”

“What of Artemis?”

“I have no love for her. But there’s no real hatred for her either. So long as she stays out of my way, I don’t care what happens where she’s concerned.”

Zephyra looked up at him. His black hair contrasted sharply with his swirling silver eyes. He looked nothing like the boy who’d stolen her heart. The boy she’d wanted to grow old with. In those days, she’d expected to spend forty years with him, if they were lucky, before death separated them.

Eleven thousand years later, here they stood. Toe to toe. Enemy to enemy.

It was ironic really. At fourteen, she would have sold her soul to spend eternity with him. Now she only wanted to see him die miserably.

How the world changed …

“Now, are you going to fulfill your word and release Medea?”

Stryker wondered at her sudden change of subject. “Absolutely.” He held his hand out toward her again, expecting her to slap it away.

She narrowed her gaze on it as if the thought was in her mind. Just when he was sure she’d knock it away, she reached out and took it gently in hers.

Stryker didn’t know why that made his heartbeat increase, but it did. Her skin was so soft. Her hand dainty and small. He could crush every bone in it and yet this one hand had once held enough power to bring him to his knees. “I’d forgotten how small you are.”

She’d always seemed larger than life. But with her near, he remembered just how good she’d felt snuggled up to him at night.

“I’m big enough to kick your ass.”

He lifted her hand so that he could place a kiss on her palm. “I look forward to it.”

Her eyes darkened. “Are you delaying me on purpose?”

“No.” He placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and flashed them back to the receiving room in Kalosis. “I will keep my promises to you. Always.”

“I might buy that had you not already broken the most significant promise a man can make to a woman. At the first test of your father, you fled. Call me jaded.”

“There’s no need to be jaded, my love.” He led her to his chambers where an extremely irate Medea was waiting for them.

As soon as he opened the door, Zephyra left him to make sure no harm had come to their daughter.

Medea glared hatefully at him. “You’re right, Mum. He is a prick.”

Zephyra laughed. “Eleven thousand years and you still don’t listen to my wisdom.”

“You’re only fourteen years older than I. It doesn’t really give you much of an advantage now, does it?” Medea looked past her mother. “Why’s he still breathing?”

“We’ve made a warrior’s pact, he and I. For the next two weeks we have to suffer him and then I can cut his throat.”

Stryker let out a deep breath at their rancorous reunion. “You two do realize that I’m still present?”

Zephyra gave him a haughty stare. “We know. We just don’t care.”

“Oh. Well, as long as we’re straight on that…” He rolled his eyes. “Why don’t I have one of my servants show Medea to her own set of rooms?”

“What about me?” Zephyra asked.

A slow smile spread across his face. “You’ll stay here. With me.”

Zephyra folded her arms over her chest. Stryker was being just a hair overconfident where she was concerned. While she had to admit he was a handsome man, it didn’t change the fact that she hated him. “You’re awfully sure of your charms.”

“I’ve had time to hone them.”

Medea curled her lip. “Gag reflex on the daughter, parents. Please respect the fact that vomiting up blood is disgusting and unless you two want to be hosed down with it, I’ll take those rooms now, please.”

“Davyn!” Stryker called.

His Daimon appeared instantly. “My lord?”

“Show my daughter to Satara’s rooms. Make sure she has everything she needs.”

Davyn inclined his head to him. “Is she free to come and go?”

He looked to Zephyra. “Are you going to send her to kill me?”

“No. I gave you my word, and unlike you, I stand by it. You’re safe, coward. I would never send a little girl in to do her mother’s work.”

He didn’t respond to her insults. “Give her access to the boltholes.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“Medea?” Stryker waited until she’d looked back at him before he spoke again. “Don’t worry. Satara’s rooms are far enough away that you won’t be subjected to the sounds of our wild monkey sex.”

Zephyra gaped.

Medea looked much less than pleased. “You were right, Mum. I should have allowed you to cut his throat.” She faced Davyn. “Get me out of here as quickly as possible.”

Davyn’s eyes danced with humor as he shut the doors behind them.

As soon as they were alone, Zephyra shook her head. “That was a cruel thing to do to her.”

“I couldn’t resist. Besides, you should have taught her to never let anyone know her weaknesses.”

“We’re her parents. We’re supposed to love her and not slash at her weaknesses.”

“And yet here we sit plotting the death of
father and aunt.”

plotting their deaths. I’m only waiting to kill you.”

“True, but the point is … family today, enemies tomorrow.”

“And that has always been your problem, Stryker. I believe in family forever. As they say, blood is thicker than water, and in the case of Apollites, it’s even more true.”

If only he could believe in that. But it had never been proven true in his experience. All family did was provide an inroad for enemies. “When has my family ever stood by me?”

“I think the real question is when have you ever stood by them? I would have been there for you. Forever. But you never gave me the chance.”

In spite of the hurt and betrayals of his past, he was piqued by her words. He wanted so much to have someone he could trust beside him. Just once. Only Urian had been there for him, and it was why he’d been so angry when he’d learned that Urian had kept secrets from him. That his son had gone behind his back …

Did he dare trust Zephyra?

“I’m giving you that chance now.”

Zephyra stepped away. “It’s too late. Too many
have passed. There was a time when I lived only to hear a kind word from your lips. But that ship sank under an assault of bitterness that no amount of charm or guile will recover.”

Stryker dipped his head down to where their lips were almost touching. “The fierce rhythm of your heart tells me that you’re lying. You still want me.”

“Don’t mistake my wrath for lust. It’s your blood I want, not your body.”

He didn’t believe that. Not for a minute. “Tell me honestly that you’re not thinking even a little bit about what I look like naked. That you’re not remembering the way we made love to each other.”

She reached down to carefully cup his erection in her hand. “You’re a man, Stryker. I know that’s what you think about.” She clenched her hand tightly, making him gasp and double over as pain ripped through his groin. She sank her nails into his scrotum. “But I’m a woman, and as the great poet so cleverly wrote, hell hath no fury as a woman scorned. Consider me your personal hell.” With one hard jerk, she stepped away.

Stryker wanted to blast her, but his body hurt so much that all he could do was glare at her as she turned and left him alone in his room.

“This isn’t over, love,” he growled painfully. He was going to reclaim her and make her beg for his forgiveness. No matter what it took, he would have her.

Then he would kill her himself.


“How’s he doing?”

Tory looked up from where Ash was lying on the bed, resting, to meet Savitar’s lavender gaze. Strange, she could have sworn his eyes were green earlier.…

He was out of his wet suit and dressed in a pair of white linen pants with an open beach shirt that showed off his sculpted torso. His long brown hair was swept back from his handsome face.

“War tore him up pretty badly, but—”

“I’ll live,” Ash said, rolling over to look at them. He propped himself up on the pillows and then brushed his black hair back with his fingers. “Believe me, I’ve had worse beatings. Just not recently.”

Tory gave him a chiding stare. “I don’t know, you did get run over by a car not that long ago.…”

Ash snorted as he laced his fingers with hers. “In my defense, I was preoccupied by a certain”—he gave her a meaningful glare—“human having a near-death experience. That doesn’t count.”

Savitar ignored his jibe. “Well, the good news is we routed him. The bad news is—”

Ash finished the sentence for him. “He’ll be back.”

Savitar nodded.

Tory swallowed as fear seized her. “Should we start making preparations here?”

Savitar looked completely offended by her question. “Punk-ass won’t come to
island. He knows better. You don’t tap on the Devil’s shoulder unless you’re willing to dance to his tune.”

Ash cleared his throat and gave Savitar a droll stare. “Actually, Tory, there’s a reason the island moves all the time. Sav is a bit paranoid, so the island is heavily shielded from paranormal types. You can’t get to Neratiti without a special invitation from our host, which is why Alexion brought you here. We knew it would be the only place War couldn’t get to. Me and mine have a standing invitation that doesn’t extend to the rest of the known universe.”

Savitar bristled. “And even if he could find it, he wouldn’t dare bring his loserness here. I’d kick it back to the Stone Age,” Savitar said with humor dancing in his eyes. “And don’t knock my paranoia, grom. It’s what saved your hide, now isn’t it?”

“Yes, and thank you.”

Savitar inclined his head to him. “You’re welcome. But don’t get into trouble again. Your mother has turned nagging for pain into an Olympic sport and she’s been making my head ache over you. I’d tell you to go let her sit on you until you hatch, but I don’t want the world to end. Suck ass though it is. However, if the nagging persists, I might change my mind and take you to her myself.”

Ash laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind. So any leads on who woke up our new friend and told him to come play with me?”

Tory gave them a sullen look. “My money’s on Artemis.”

Savitar made a buzzer sound. “I’ll take that bet, because you lose. Word from Artipou herself. She didn’t do this, which is more good news for you two since it seems she’s acclimating to the idea of not being Ash’s girl anymore. Not happy about it, but she’s not issuing death warrants on you two, either. Small victory, true. But better than none at all.”

Tory frowned. “Then who—”

“Our boy Stryker unleashed him.”

Ash cursed. “Figures. Where is War now?”

“Off the grid, which means he’s probably back in Kalosis to report his spectacular failure to Stryker.”

Ash’s eyes narrowed with concern. “Is my mother safe?”

“Judging by the noise in my head over you, that’s a definite affirmative. But don’t worry. I had the Charonte rally around her. She’s not happy about it, but for once she’s being reasonable. Her main concern is your safety. And she said for you to do what you have to to keep yourself healthy. Her life be damned.”

Ash snorted. “I’m not going to kill Stryker and then bury my mother. Why the hell did she tie their life forces together?”

Savitar shrugged. “She lacks our ability to see the future. Her powers are destruction, not prophecy. I’m sure had she known he would one day threaten you, she’d have killed him herself. And now you know why I take pity on no one. All compassion does is come back and bite the fat of your arse.”

Ash pulled the covers back from the bed and started to rise.

Tory caught him and pushed him back toward the pillows. “You should rest.”

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