The Dark-Hunters (589 page)

Read The Dark-Hunters Online

Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: The Dark-Hunters
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She couldn’t speak for the tangle of emotions that gathered in her throat to choke her. She was angry for him and heartbroken.

And in that moment, she realized how much she loved this man. Now Takeshi’s words made complete sense to her.

“Take care of him, Soteria. And remember it takes great courage and heart for a man who knows no kindness to show it to another. Even the wildest of beasts can be tamed by a patient and gentle hand.”

She ran her hand down his smooth, perfect back as she remembered the stories of his beatings. They hadn’t even allowed his back to scar so that the thicker, scarred skin would help to shield him from the pain of new lashes. What had been done to him was so wrong … “I’m so sorry for what they did to you, Acheron. I’m so sorry.”

Ash closed his eyes as he held her against him and breathed her in. “You don’t condemn me for it?”

“For what?”

“I’m…” He couldn’t bring himself to say the word “whore” to her.

Tory tightened her hold as she remembered his words about being broken the night before. This was what he’d meant by them. Pulling back, she cupped his face in her hands so that he could see her sincerity. “Nothing has changed between us. I don’t care about your past, Ash. I don’t. All that matters to me is the man in front of me right now.”

“I’m not a man, Soteria.”

No, he wasn’t. He was a god. Powerful. Humble. Kind and deadly. For the first time, she understood all the glimpses of him that she’d seen. “I know. But if you think your godhood excuses you from putting the toilet seat down, think again.”

Ash laughed, amazed by her strength and humor no matter the situation. “I’m not used to anyone standing with me.”

“I know. I was always lucky. My family would fight back the devil himself to keep me safe. I can’t imagine the strength it took for you to be alone in the world. To have no shelter from those out to hurt you. But I won’t abandon you. If I’m nothing else in my life, I’m loyal to those I call friend. And I’ll be more than honored to be your friend, Acheron, if you’ll let me.”

Pain ravaged his heart at her offer and at a single truth he couldn’t deny. “I’ve never had a friend who knew all about me before.” He didn’t count Artemis as a friend and that lack of knowledge was how Nick had ended up dead. Had he trusted Nick enough, just once, to introduce him to Simi, Nick wouldn’t have slept with her because he’d have known she belonged to Ash. It was a mistake that had cost them both everything.

“I know what you’re thinking, Ash,” she said, stepping back to look up at him. “You have trusted me and I will never forsake you.”

Time would tell.

She looked down and smiled warmly. “By the way, you’re very cute naked. Now get dressed. I have some questions for you.”

He was instantly clothed.

Tory’s eyes widened at his powers. “You know that could come in handy. I’ll bet you’re never late, huh?”

“I try. Now what questions do you have?”

She led him back into the room where the journal was lying on the bed. “You told me last night that you have a pregnant daughter. Now from the journal’s date, I know how old you are. How old is she?”

“I was twenty-one when she was born.” It was the easiest explanation for Kat’s age.

Tory picked the journal up and opened to the scrap of paper where she’d left off reading. “Okay, so she’s a great-great-great-grandmother. Messes with my head, but I can deal with that.” She made a note in the margin of the journal. “Who’s her mother?”

“I’d rather not say.”

“Artemis. Understood. We never talk about that.”

He frowned at her ability to guess and to be so accommodating about his redheaded problem. “How—”

She put her hand to his lips to keep him from speaking. “I got it from the journal that you protect her even when she refuses to return the favor. But my next question to you is what is she going to do when she finds out about me?”

*   *   *

Satara stayed back in the shadows of Sanctuary, pretending to be a patron at a table sipping her longneck beer—a rather nasty concoction—as she waited for Acheron to leave the room where he was holed up with his newfound pet. The only real gift her father, Apollo, had ever given her was the ability to pass undetected by other gods. He’d done that so she could spy for him. Little did he know that she used her gift against him more than for him—for a god of prophecy, her father could be unbelievably dense. Then again, his ego was such that he couldn’t conceive of anyone not absolutely adoring the very ground he stood upon.

And because of her gift, to Acheron, even with all the powers he possessed, she blended into the background. How nice to have an anti-Atlantean cloaking device.

Which had been very helpful last night while she’d been in the club trying to gather information for Stryker and instead had learned about Acheron’s current female obsession. Or should she say, weakness.

The journal she sought was here—she could feel its pull but the Atlantean god protected it and as long as he did, she couldn’t touch it without risking his wrath.

So she was waiting for him to let down his guard and leave either the bag or the bimbo unguarded. And if her demons would do their job correctly, she’d have a shot at Ryssa’s book and the secrets it contained.

Satara gasped as she felt the pain in her chest that signified Ash had left the building. Smiling, she got up and headed upstairs to steal his most guarded possession.


Satara pulled back as she caught sight of Aimee Peltier with Ash’s new pet standing outside the room where the two of them were staying. Damn! She couldn’t touch the little slut so long as the bear was with her. She’d attempted to violate the sanctity of a Were-Hunter safe zone once in Seattle and had almost been killed over it.

Savitar had made his point loud and clear. The Weres were off her menu.


But if nothing else, she learned from experience. Which meant she couldn’t grab the journal until either the bear was gone or they left the opening of that room so that she could sneak inside. Not to mention the fact that two of Apollymi’s high priestesses were near them too. The last thing she needed was for one of them to summon their goddess’s powers—Apollymi was a lethal bitch who made Artemis appear a whipped puppy in comparison.

She’d have to bide her time.

Stepping back, she returned to the shadows to wait until either she had a moment to pounce, or her demons arrived—if they would just get here. Those demons were turning out to be more trouble than they were worth most days. Unlike the Daimons, they had a god complex and didn’t like answering to anyone they didn’t have to obey.

But the demons were handy at times. If they violated sanctuary laws, oh, well. Who cared if they died?

Or better yet …

Auntie Artie might prove to be the better ally in this. If nothing else, Artemis would get Acheron out of the way for a while … especially if Auntie were to learn that Acheron had been playing in another woman’s garden.

*   *   *

Tory was desperate to keep reading, but on the off chance that Aimee might know the ancient language, she refrained and put the journal in her backpack purse to keep it safe.

She looked around the small round table where Aimee, Justina and Katherine were hanging out and exchanging bad date stories.

Not exactly Tory’s favorite way to waste her life. “Guys,” she said, smiling at them. “No offense, but I’m getting stir-crazy. Can we please go downstairs and hang in the bar or do anything that keeps me from sitting here bored out of my mind while the three of you watch me grow eyebrow hair? I mean really, I am fine. I’m not going to spontaneously combust or do anything else freaky. Promise.”

Aimee laughed. “Yeah, but if I go down there and the guys see me, they’ll put me to work.”

Tory grinned. “Put me to work, I beg you!” Anything was better than growing inert.

Aimee cocked her head suspiciously. “Do you know how to wait tables?”

“Absolutely. My family owns three delis and two restaurants in New York. I’m slave labor anytime I go near them.”

Justina held her hands up and grimaced. “I don’t do tables, dishes, windows or anything else that involves other people’s germs or saliva.”

The three of them looked at her curiously at the unsolicited confession that really was more information about her than any of them needed to know.

“Okay, sex and kissing notwithstanding. That’s completely different. Eating food is another matter. People are gross.”

Tory laughed.

“I’ll help out too,” Katherine said. “Tina can follow Tory around and make sure no one grabs her while we’re goofing off—that should keep Tina safe from saliva germs and Tory safe from boredom.”

Aimee scoffed at Katherine. “Ladies, have you not seen the muscle we have downstairs? Anyone or anything comes in here with a nasty intent and my family will mop the floor, ceiling and walls with them. Why do you think Ash brought Tory here in the first place?”

Katherine smiled. “Okay, we’re sold. Plus I have my priestesses dispersed in the crowd so that we can watch too. We should be pretty well covered.”

“Cool beans.” Tory followed Aimee downstairs so that she could get her a Sanctuary T-shirt and a white half apron to wear around her jeans. Tucking the journal into the apron pocket, Tory set about waiting tables while Justina tried to follow her around and remain inconspicuous.

Yeah …

It was hard to miss the tall brunette with an FO attitude so thick it could wall in an ancient city, who eyed everyone like they were the next victim. But that was okay. Tory loved the woman, attitude and all.

Smiling at her friend, she went over to a table where an extremely good-looking man sat alone, wearing a pair of sunglasses that reminded her of Ash’s. Dressed all in black, he also had the same FU attitude that she’d noted on Ash the night they met. His brown hair was brushed back from his face, which bore the same double bow and arrow mark that Dev had on his arm. Ash had told her those were used by Artemis to mark her Dark-Hunters, but it was still daylight outside so maybe he was like Dev and wore it because he thought it was cool.

As she drew closer, Tory assumed he was another Were-Animal. “Hey, sweetie,” she said in greeting. “What can I get for you?”

She couldn’t tell he was looking at her for the sunglasses, but she could feel the weight of his gaze like a tangible touch. Before she could blink, he was on his feet, standing behind her with one hand across her waist. He leaned his head down to her hair and took a deep breath.

“You stink of Acheron.” His voice was deep and laced with a thick Cajun accent.

Tory put her hand on the journal, ready to fight to the death over it. “You might want to take your hand off me and step back.”

“Or what?”

“Or I’m going to ruin your day.”

He laughed bitterly in her ear. “You think so?”

As quick as she could, she moved her hand from the journal to his crotch. Grinding her teeth, she took hold of him with a grip made strong from her years of archaeology and twisted until he was doubled over in pain. She let go as his face turned bright red and he cursed her.

“There’s no thinking to it, buddy. Given the fact that I’m six-foot-one, you had to know I wasn’t a wimpy female.”

Justina moved in behind her.

He started for her, but before he could make contact, Dev was there, pushing him back. “Nick, you know better.”

Nick shoved Dev away from him. When Dev started for him again, Nick held his hand up and with an unseen force, he slammed Dev against the wall. “I’m not your bitch, Dev. Don’t ever put your hands on me again.” Straightening his jacket with a tug at the lapels, Nick sauntered over to her. He lifted one piece of her hair off her shoulder. “Give Ash my best and make sure you tell him that you met Nick Gautier.” He tossed her hair away from him as if she disgusted him before he walked out.

Dev went slamming to the floor.

Tory ran to him to make sure he was all right as he cursed at being defeated. “What was that about?” she asked him.

Sighing, he pushed himself to his feet. “Nick has issues. Unfortunately, Ash seems to be his biggest one.”

“How so?”

“They used to be best friends and now they’re mortal enemies. I didn’t know Nick would be able to tell you were with Ash or I wouldn’t have let him in here. Sorry.”

Tory waved his apology away. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just stunned by the animosity.” She thought Ash only elicited that kind of anger from her. “What happened to make them enemies?”

“I honestly don’t know. But given how close they were a few years ago, it must have been one hell of a fight.”

Tory shook her head at the disclosure. Poor Ash. Couldn’t he depend on anyone to keep faith with him? No wonder he was so skittish of everyone. It seemed he collected enemies the way some people collected trading cards.

It made her want to protect him all the more.

*   *   *

Ash stopped right before he entered Liza’s store. He didn’t know why, but he had a bad feeling about Tory. Unable to explain it, he flashed himself back to Sanctuary where he found her standing behind the bar, making beers.

Relief the likes of which he’d never known filled him. Without thinking, he dodged behind the bar and pulled her back against him so that he could feel her there, safe and whole.

She reached up and cupped his cheek with her hand. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I just…” He snorted at his own stupidity. “Never mind.”

Aimee paused beside them. “If you were about to say that you had a bad feeling, you weren’t being ridiculous. Nick was here a few minutes ago.”

His stomach hit the floor as fear filled his entire being. “What happened?”

Tory turned to face him. “He told me to give you his regards.”

Ash cursed at the veiled threat. “I can’t believe that sack of shit. If he so much as breathes on you, I swear I’ll rip his throat out.”

Dev laughed as he leaned against the bar from the other side. “No fear there. Tory took him out on her own.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’d be really nice to her if I were you, Ash. She dropped his ass like a trained combat SEAL with one well-planted squeeze in a highly sensitive area. It was entertaining as hell for those of us not on the receiving end of it. Nick, however, will probably be a limping falsetto for at least a week.” He shuddered. “I for one plan to keep at least three feet between me and her arm’s reach for the rest of my lifetime.”

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