The Dark-Hunters (478 page)

Read The Dark-Hunters Online

Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: The Dark-Hunters
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Fang started to tell him what he could do with his warning. The last thing he wanted was to remove Aimee’s scent from him, but it was Christmas.

Time for peace and family.

“I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

Fury nodded as he watched Fang head for the back staircase. He felt so bad for his brother. If he could, he’d hand Aimee over to him, but it wasn’t meant to be. The bears would never tolerate their only daughter mating with a wolf. It just wasn’t done. And if the Fates didn’t decree it …

Man, it must suck.


He turned to see Maggie coming down the hallway to join him in the kitchen. “You need a hand?” she asked.

“Nah,” he said, heading for the fridge. “I was just getting some water. I don’t like to drink that human stuff. It screws with me and I don’t think you want your dad to see me flash into wolf form while he’s here.” Her father had no idea that he was surrounded by animals that were taking human form to placate Maggie and Bride’s families. “My luck, I’d be so drunk I’d piss on his leg.”

Maggie’s mate, Wren, laughed as he joined them. “For that, I might pay you.”

Maggie elbowed her mate in the stomach. “You promised me you’d behave.”

“I’m behaving. But if Fury happens to piss on your dad…”


He held his hands up in surrender before he gave her a wink.

“You are all so evil.”

Wren only smiled as he grabbed water from the fridge before they returned to the living room where Bride’s family was singing Christmas carols. Bride sat on the couch with her son in her lap while Vane sat on the floor, holding her hand as he cringed a bit from the disharmony of the a capella song.

Fury felt a deep need to howl, but the sharp look from Vane kept his jaw locked shut. He caught Fang’s gaze as his brother rejoined them. His dark hair was still wet from his quick shower.

Sniffing, Fang made a very wolf-like cringe as his nose was assailed by the human scents around them. It was hard whenever there were this many around. But they’d become masters at blending in.


Fury walked over and handed him a bottle of water. ‘Merry Christmas, brother.”

Fang nodded before he unscrewed the top and took a drink. But even so, Fury saw the longing on his brother’s face and wondered what was worse. Knowing what he wanted and not being able to claim it or to be like him and have no idea if he’d ever find someone who could tolerate him …



New Orleans

Hunter Household

Kyrian Hunter looked around at his friends and family who were gathered for Christmas dinner. His son, Nicky, and daughter, Marissa, were playing under the tree with his mother-in-law while his best friend, Julian, and his wife Grace were helping their kids open the last of their presents.

His wife’s family, the Devereaux clan, were all here, laughing and celebrating.

He had to be the luckiest bastard on the planet. It seemed like only yesterday he’d been alone in the world with no one to love. No one who cared about him.

And one night a lethal enemy had almost taken the very people who were now crowded into his home.

His sister-in-law, Tabitha, stood up and clanked her glass to get everyone’s attention. “Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to take a second and say Merry Christmas to all of you.”

A shout went up, but Tabitha motioned them to silence. “You know, my Romanian grandmother always said that enemies and lovers make strange bedfellows.”

Kyrian met Valerius’s gaze over Tabitha’s head. The two of them had spent centuries hating one another. But for the sake of their wives who were twin sisters, they’d buried the ax—just not in Valerius’s head as Kyrian had wanted. He raised his glass in a silent toast to Valerius who returned the gesture before his gaze went to his brother, Zarek, who was holding hands with his wife, Astrid. Like Kyrian, Zarek had spent eternity hating Valerius, too.

Now the brothers were reunited.

Miracles did happen. The people in this room were living proof.

“To family,” Tabitha said, holding up her glass. “And to those we’ve lost, but who we still hold in our hearts, I’d like to propose a moment of silence for them…”

Everyone bowed their heads in respect.

But it wasn’t sadness Kyrian felt, it was gratitude that all of them were here tonight, alive and well.

He lifted his head at the same time Talon and Sunshine did. Kyrian smiled at them, remembering a time when he and Talon had been the only two Dark-Hunters to patrol New Orleans. Boy, how things had changed from that fateful day when he’d awakened handcuffed to his wife, Amanda.

And thank the gods for it.

*   *   *

Nick stepped back from the window as he watched the group inside lifting their heads from prayer. He placed his hand against the window and remembered Christmases past when he and his mother had been in Kyrian’s house, celebrating.

Every year his mother had demanded he attend midnight mass with her. Every year until she’d been brutally murdered.

Now Nick had no one.

You could tell them.
Kyrian and Amanda would welcome him back. But he couldn’t allow them to. He’d sold his soul to the devil for vengeance and whatever he saw, Stryker saw.

And Stryker wanted Kyrian’s daughter.

No matter how much Nick might hate Acheron for allowing his mother to die, he couldn’t let Kyrian suffer. He owed Kyrian too much for that.

Closing his eyes, Nick turned away from them and pulled his collar up higher on his neck to block the chill. There really should be some kind of do-over for mistakes. But there wasn’t. Life was cold, and it was brutal.

For him, there could never be forgiveness. There was no way back to the life he’d once had.

No way back to the mother he’d once loved more than his own life. He’d screwed everything up royally.

His heart broken, Nick left Kyrian’s home and crossed the street to where he’d parked his Jag. After getting inside, Nick paused to stare at Kyrian’s house. The red and white lights sparkled in the night and he could hear the laughter that came from the party inside.

“Merry Christmas,” he breathed before he started his car and drove it over to the St. Louis Cemetery on Basin Street. He parked at the gas station across from it and crossed the empty street until he was at the locked gates. Nick looked to his right and then his left before he leapt to the top of the ten-foot wall and then jumped to the ground inside.

It was pitch black, but as a Dark-Hunter, he could see better at night than in full daylight. He ignored the hungry souls that reached out for him as he made his way to his mother’s tomb. Because of his ties to Stryker, he was immune from possession by their souls.

Nick parted his coat and pulled out the roses he’d brought for her. Shattered by the tragedy of his life, he knelt down before her tomb and placed his forehead against the cold stone. “I miss you, Mom. And I’m sorry.”

And there in the darkness for the merest sliver of a moment, he thought he could feel her presence. But he knew better. She was as lost as he was.

Falling to his knees, Nick curled up against the tomb and squeezed his eyes shut as overwhelming grief racked him.

*   *   *

Stryker rolled his eyes as he saw the image of Nick at his mother’s grave in his mind. “Why did I make him my servant again?”

His sister, Satara, looked up from her corner. “What?”

Stryker sighed as he shifted himself on his throne. “Your pet. He’s whining again. Go get him.”

Satara let out a loud sound of disgust. “Why don’t you kill him already?”

Stryker considered it. “Because he will be my tool to kill Acheron. Trust me.”

“Trust you…” She blew him a raspberry. She lifted her hand to form a ball so that she could see Nick. “Oh, just leave him. Let him wallow in his grief. The more he feels her loss, the better for us.”

Perhaps his sister was right.

Even so, watching Nick with his mother reminded Stryker of the loss he’d once suffered, and it pained him to see Nick grieve like that. But more than his loss, he thought of his own son.


The pain of his son’s death still burned deep inside him, and it made him hate the goddess he served who had demanded he kill his own child.

“One day, Apollymi, I will serve to you what you have served to me.” And he would laugh while she cried over the death of her precious Acheron.


Ash smiled as he watched his daughter, Simi, and her sister, Xirena, opening presents. Dressed in a Goth Santa’s Helper dress, Simi had red and black hair. Her demon’s wings were a matching red, and they fluttered while she unwrapped a large box.

Xirena’s hair was blond, and she was dressed in dark green and gold.

Suddenly, Simi squealed in delight. “BEGoth dolls!” She beamed at Acheron as she ripped open the box for her Slayer Storm doll and set it next to her Pandora doll. “Akri, you spoil your Simi and she loves her akri. Thank you!”

Xirena let out a similar noise as she opened her gifts to find a collection of Voodoo Babies. She turned to Ash’s servant, Alexion. “Oh akri, you know what your demon likes. Thank you.”

Danger leaned against Ash’s back to whisper up in his ear. “What do you think they’ll do when they open their Tokidoki bags?”

A shrill, piercing scream answered her question. Ash actually cringed. “I think I’ve lost all hearing.”

Alexion snorted. “I think we just lost some glass in the windows.”

Danger rolled her eyes at her husband before she left Ash’s side to put her arm around Alexion’s waist. “Shouldn’t you see about replacing it then?”

“I don’t—” Alexion paused as if he suddenly caught her meaning. “Um, yeah, I think I should.” He looked at Ash. “If you’ll excuse me…”

Ash didn’t have time to answer before the two of them vanished.

Simi frowned. “Where are they going?”

“Sweaty human sex,” Xirena answered before she ate one of the plastic qees for her handbag.

Ash cringed at Xirena’s comment which was most likely true. “Xirena, do you mind?”

She looked up innocently. “What? It’s what they’re going to do. It’s what they always do. All that huffing and—”

“Xirena, please!”

Simi let out a long-suffering sigh as she caught her sister’s attention. “It’s not you, Xirena. Akri afraid his Simi is going to find another human to have sex with.”

Xirena made a strange demon noise. “I keep telling you, you need to let me introduce you to some of my demon friends. They have a lot more stamina than them humans do. They can go for days without pausing. And they’re so much better-looking. No man turns blue when—”

Ash stood up. “Lady-demons? Do you mind? I’d really like to change this subject.”

Simi huffed. “Listen to him. You’d think akri had never had sex before the way he carries on, which the Simi knows is definitely not true. Akri has more sex than any ten sweaty humans you can name.”

“Simi! Mercy, please.” The last thing he wanted was to have open sex talks with his daughter.

Ash paused as a sudden idea hit him. He snapped his fingers. QVC came onto the TV, and the demons immediately flashed themselves to the monitors.

Thank the gods he knew at least one thing that could distract them. He let out a relieved breath as they stretched out on the floor and manifested cell phones so they could begin ordering.

“Having demon troubles?”

Ash froze as he heard his brother’s voice behind him. Alexion had warned him that he’d allowed Styxx to cross over to their side of Katoteros for the holiday.

Even so, it irked him.

Ash turned around to face the one person who was an almost-identical copy to him. The only difference was their eyes. Styxx’s were a vibrant blue while Ash’s were a swirling silver. “I thought you’d pass on this. It’s not exactly your holiday.”

Styxx looked at the Christmas tree in the corner of Ash’s throne room—half the ornaments were missing since the demons had decided to snack on them earlier in the evening. “Never thought I’d see something like that in the hall of the Atlantean gods. You think a lot of your family, don’t you?”

Ash hesitated. As a human, he’d once begged his brother to love him. At the very least, acknowledge him as family. And every time he’d reached out for Styxx, Styxx had brutally slapped him away.

Now the tables were turned, and Styxx was the one reaching for him. His instinct was to return the favor.

But Ash refused to be like that … at least today.

“It took me a long time to have a family that would claim me.”

Styxx sighed. “I’m never going to be able to prove myself to you, am I?”

“How many times have you tried to kill me now?”

Styxx placed his hand on Ash’s shoulder and gave him a sincere stare. “I’ve apologized for that.”

“And I’ve accepted your apology.”

“But you don’t trust me.”

“Would you?”

Styxx looked away as he removed his hand from Ash’s shoulder, and Ash felt sorry for the hurt in his brother’s gaze. He wanted to trust his brother, but it wasn’t that simple. Centuries of betrayal separated them.

“Look, we’re taking this slowly, Styxx. Give me time.”

Styxx nodded. “At least you’re not throwing me out on the street naked, huh?”

Ash went ramrod-stiff at the callous words and the memory that tore through him of the day Styxx and their father had done that to him.

Styxx looked horrified as he realized what he’d inadvertently said. “Oh gods, Acheron. I forgot. I’m so sorry.”

That was why there was still a wedge between them. Styxx had forgotten an event that had left an indelible scar on Ash’s soul. It was one of abject humiliation and bitterness.

And it made Ash want to put his brother through the wall behind him. He had the powers to do it without making a move.

So easy …

But he refrained for the time being. “What are you doing here, Styxx?”

“I don’t like being alone all the time.”

When Ash spoke, he made sure there was no emotion whatsoever in his voice. “Yeah, it really sucks to be alone, especially on days of celebration.”

Styxx flinched. “I was stupid, Acheron. Please, give me another chance.”

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