The Dark-Hunters (156 page)

Read The Dark-Hunters Online

Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: The Dark-Hunters
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He led her down the narrow corridor to a small room where he had weapons stored.

“Are we staying here for the day?”

“Since I don’t want to spontaneously burst into flames from the sun, I think it’s the safest thing to do, don’t you?”

She nodded.

Once he had as much firepower as he could carry, he took her to the end of the longest tunnel. The trapdoor above them opened into the dense forest that surrounded his cabin. It would be a safe place to leave from after dark.

“Why don’t you go ahead and get some sleep?” he said.

Without thinking, he pulled his musk-ox parka off and made her a small pallet on the floor.

Astrid started to protest, then stopped herself. Acts of kindness were alien to Zarek. She wasn’t about to complain over his good deed.

Instead, she lay down on his coat.

But he made no move to join her. He walked around the limited space and seemed to be waiting for her to go to sleep.

Curious as to what he had planned, she closed her eyes and feigned slumber.

Zarek waited several minutes before he picked up the cell phone Spawn had given him. He climbed up the stairs and opened the trapdoor to the forest so that he could get some reception for the phone.

He made sure not to let the predawn light in.

Zarek didn’t know if this would work or not, but he had to try.

He dialed Ash’s number and pressed

“Come on, Acheron,” he said under his breath. “Answer the damn phone.”

Astrid lay quietly, knowing the cell phone would never ring where Ash was. Artemis wouldn’t allow it.

But then, Artemis didn’t control everything.

Using her limited powers, Astrid “helped” the signal.

*   *   *

Ash jerked awake the instant his phone rang. Out of habit, he rolled over in bed to reach for his backpack, only to remember where he was and that he wasn’t allowed to answer his phone while in Artemis’s temple.

Come to think of it, his phone shouldn’t be ringing at all. It wasn’t as if there was a cell tower on Olympus to carry the signal.

Which meant it had to be coming from Astrid …

But if Artemis caught him talking to the nymph, she’d go ballistic on him and recant their deal. Not that he cared what she did to him, but he wasn’t about to unleash Artemis’s temper on Astrid.

Grinding his teeth, he pulled his phone out and let his voice mail answer it while he listened to the message.

What he heard made his eyesight dim.

It wasn’t Astrid. It was Zarek.

“Dammit, Acheron, where are you?” Zarek growled, then a few seconds of silence followed. “I … I need your help.”

Ash’s stomach tightened as he heard the four words he’d never expected Zarek to utter.

It must be bad for the ex-slave to ever admit he needed anything from anyone. Especially him.

“Look Acheron, I know I’m a dead man and I don’t care. I’m not sure how much you know about my situation, but there’s someone with me. Her name is Astrid and she says she’s a justice nymph. This thing, Thanatos, is after me and he’s already killed one Dark-Hunter tonight. I know if he gets his hands on Astrid he’ll kill her, too. You have to protect her for me, Acheron … please. I need you to come get her and keep her safe while I fight Thanatos. If you won’t do it for me, then do it for her. She doesn’t deserve to die because she tried to help me.”

Ash sat up in bed. He held the phone so tight it bit fiercely into his hand.

He wanted to answer it. But didn’t dare. Fury and pain surged through him.

How dare Artemis betray him yet again.

Damn her for it.

He should have known she wouldn’t pen Thanatos up as she had promised. What was one more life extinguished to her?

Nothing. Nothing mattered to her except what

But he cared. He cared in a way Artemis would never comprehend.

“I’m at my cabin with Spawn’s phone. Call me. We need to get her out of here as soon as possible.”

The phone went dead.

Ash threw back the blankets and willed his clothes onto his body. Furious, he shoved the phone into his backpack and threw open the bedroom doors with a clatter.

Artemis sat on her throne with her twin brother, Apollo, standing in front of her.

They both jumped as he entered.

No wonder Artemis had told him he needed to rest.

She knew better than to let him and Apollo be in the same room together. They got along even “better” than Artemis and Simi did.

Apollo charged him.

Ash threw out his hand and knocked the god back. “Stay away from me, Sunshine-boy. I’m in no mood for you today.”

Ash headed for the door only to find Artemis blocking his way again. “What are you doing?”

“I’m leaving.”

“You can’t.”

“Out of my way, Artemis. In the mood I’m in, I just might hurt you if you continue to stand there.”

“You swore you would stay here for two weeks. If you leave Olympus, you will die. You cannot break your word, you know that.”

Ash closed his eyes and cursed at the one tiny thing he’d forgotten in his anger. Unlike those of the Olympian gods, his oath was binding. Once he uttered an oath, he was bound by it no matter how much he willed it otherwise.

“What is he doing here?” Apollo growled. “You told me he didn’t come here anymore.”

“Shut up, Apollo,” he and Artemis said in unison.

Ash glared at Artemis as she took a step back. “Why did you lie to me about Thanatos? You told me he had been penned again.”

“I didn’t lie.”

“No? Then why was he loose in Alaska last night, killing my Dark-Hunters, after you told me you had him penned again?”

“He killed Zarek?”

He curled his lip. “Wipe that hopeful look off your face. Zarek is alive, but someone else was killed.”

Her face fell. “Who?”

“How would I know? I’m stuck up here with you.”

She stiffened at the way he said that. “I told the Oracles to pen him after Dion had freed him. I assumed they had done so.”

“Then who let him out this time?”

They both turned to look at Apollo.

“I didn’t do it,” Apollo snapped. “I don’t even know where you house that creature.”

“You better not have done it,” Ash growled.

Apollo gave him a snide smirk. “You don’t scare me, human. I killed you once, I can do it again.”

Ash smiled slowly, coldly. That was then, this was now, and they played on a whole new field with a brand-new set of rules he would give just about anything to introduce to the god. “Please try.”

Artemis stepped between them. “Apollo, leave.”

“What about

“He’s not your concern.”

Apollo looked as if they both repulsed him. “I can’t believe you allow something like him into your temple.”

Her face flushing, Artemis looked away, too embarrassed to say anything to her brother.

It was what Ash expected of her.

Ashamed of him and their relationship, Artemis had always tried to keep Ash away from the other Olympians as much as she could. For centuries now, the other gods knew he came to see her. Gossip abounded over what they did together and how long he stayed with her, but Artemis had never confirmed a relationship between them. Had never deigned to touch him in the presence of any other person.

Odd how even after eleven thousand years it still bothered him that he was her dirty little secret. That after everything they had shared and done, she could hardly stand to look at him whenever others were around.

And yet she bound him to her and refused to let him go.

Their relationship was sick and well he knew it.

Unfortunately, he had no choice in the matter.

But if he could ever break free of her, he would run as fast as he could. She knew it as well as he did.

It was why she held on to him so tightly.

Apollo raked him with a grimace.

Ash stiffened at the ancient Greek insult. It wasn’t the first time he’d been called that. As a human being, he had answered to it defiantly, with a sick kind of glee.

The only thing that really hurt was the knowledge that eleven thousand years later, it was every bit as applicable to him as it had been then.

Only now he didn’t revel in the title.

Now it cut him soul deep.

Artemis grabbed her brother by the ear and pulled him toward the door. “Get out,” she snarled as she shoved him outside and slammed the door.

She turned back to face Acheron.

Ash hadn’t moved. The insult still smoldered deep inside him.

“He’s an idiot.”

Ash didn’t bother to contradict her. He agreed completely.

“Simi, take human form.”

Simi floated out of his sleeve to manifest beside him. “Yes,

“Protect Zarek and Astrid.”

“No!” Artemis snapped. “You can’t let it go, it might tell Zarek everything that happened.”

“Then let her. It’s time he understood.”

“Understood what? Do you want him to know the truth about you?”

Ash felt a wave go through him and he knew his eyes flashed from silver to red. Artemis stepped back, further proving they had.

“It was the truth about
that I kept from him,” Ash said between clenched teeth.

“Was it, Acheron? Was it truly about me or did you erase his memories of that night because you were afraid of what he’d think about

The wave deepened.

Ash held his hand up to silence Artemis before it was too late and his powers took control of him. It had been too long since he had last fed and he was too volatile to control himself.

If they continued to fight, there was no telling what he might do.

He looked to Simi who waited beside him. “Simi, don’t speak to Zarek but make sure Thanatos doesn’t kill either one of them.”

“Tell it not to kill Thanatos, too.”

Ash started to argue, then stopped. They didn’t have time, nor did he have a tight enough grip on himself. If Thanatos killed Zarek and Astrid, life would be a lot more complicated for everyone.

“Don’t kill Thanatos, Simi. Now, go.”

I’ll protect them.” Simi vanished.

Artemis narrowed her green eyes at him. “I can’t believe you sent it out on its own. It’s worse than Zarek and Thanatos combined.”

“I have no choice, Artie. Have you given any thought as to what will happen if Astrid dies? How do you think her sisters will react?”

“She can’t die unless
will it.”

“That’s not true and you know it. There are some things that not even the Fates have control over. And I assure you that if your mad pet destroys their beloved baby sister, they will demand
head for it.”

Ash didn’t have to say anything more than that. Because if Artemis lost her head, then the world as all knew it would change into something truly frightening.

“I’ll go talk to the Oracles.”

“Yeah, you do that, Artie, and while you’re at it, you better think about going after Thanatos yourself and bringing him home.”

She curled her lip. “I’m a goddess, not a servant. I fetch for no one.”

Ash moved to stand so close to her that barely a handbreadth separated them. The air between them rippled with their warring powers, with the ferocity of their raw emotions. “Sooner or later, we all have to do things that are beneath us. Remember that, Artemis.”

He moved away from her and turned his back.

“Just because you sold yourself so cheaply, Acheron, it doesn’t mean I have to.”

He froze, his back still to her, as her words ripped through him. They were cruel and harsh. It was on the tip of his tongue to curse her for that.

He didn’t and she was damned lucky for his control.

Instead, he spoke calmly, and chose each deliberate word with care. “If I were you, Artie, I would pray that I never get what I truly deserve. But if Thanatos kills Astrid, not even
will be able to save you.”


Zarek tossed the phone down and stared at Astrid sleeping on his coat. He needed to rest too, but couldn’t quite manage it. He was too wound up to sleep.

After closing the trapdoor, he moved toward her pallet.

Memories surged through him.

He saw himself on a rampage. Saw faces and flames. Felt the rage of his anger sizzling through him. He had killed the very people he was supposed to protect.

Had killed …

Evil laughter echoed in his head. A flash of lightning filled the room.

And Ash …

Zarek struggled to remember. Why couldn’t he remember what had happened in New Orleans?

What had happened in his village?

It was all fragmented and nothing made sense. It was like thousands of puzzle pieces that had been tossed on the floor and he couldn’t figure out what went where.

He paced the tight quarters, doing his best to recall the past.

Hours went by slowly as he listened for any telltale sounds of Thanatos approaching. Sometime around noon exhaustion overtook him and he lay down beside Astrid.

Against his will, he found himself gathering her into his arms and inhaling the sweet, fragrant scent of her hair.

He snuggled against her, closed his eyes and prayed for a kind dream …

*   *   *

Zarek stumbled as he was jerked forward and secured to the whipping post in the old Roman courtyard. His tattered, threadbare peplos was ripped from him, leaving his entire body bare to the three people gathered there to punish him.

He was eleven years old.

His brothers Marius and Marcus stood in front of him with bored looks on their faces while their father uncoiled the leather whip.

Zarek was already tense, knowing all too well the stinging pain he was about to receive.

“I don’t care how many lashes you give him, Father,” Marius said. “I’m not sorry for insulting Maximillius and I intend to do it again the next time I see him.”

Their father stopped moving. “What if I told you this pitiful slave was your brother? Would you care then?”

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