The Cursed Doubloon (13 page)

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Authors: B.T. Love

BOOK: The Cursed Doubloon
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“I know it sounds ridiculous, but—”

“Ridiculous doesn’t even begin to describe it. The answer is no.”

“Grace,” Ladarius cut in, “what would you use the pearl for?”

“For my father.”

“Your father?” Callisto raged.

“Yes. I wish to put it on his doubloon and ask it to grant the wish for him to remember the secret word he needs to tell his bird. Then she can tell him where his treasure is.”

“And why would I care if your father remembers where his treasure is?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “There’s no reason why you would care, I know. And there’s no reason at all for you to grant me the privilege of receiving one of your beautiful pearls.”

“Brother,” Ladarius said, placing a firm hand on Callisto’s shoulder. “Grace saved me. I was tied up and thrown over the enemy’s ship. She used the second pearl tear you gave me to change me back into a merman so I would not drown.”

“What do you mean she changed you back into a merman?”

“I used the first pearl to change into a human. The legend of the Cursed Doubloon is true; it worked.”

“What!” he yelled. “First you leave your royal family and then you leave your species? Well it serves you right, leaving your way of life and becoming human. You were treated like one. I hope you got a good taste of how it felt.”

“I did, and I loved it.”

“You loved being human? I don’t believe that for one moment.”

“It is true. Walking on land is beautiful; sleeping in a bed is beautiful.”

“Drowning in a place which used to keep you alive must be beautiful as well?”

“Callisto,” Ladarius huffed, “you are not hearing me. I love that woman up there. She is my soul mate, and she cared enough to save me. Doesn’t that count for something?”

Callisto looked back up at me. The fog was thinning and I could see his beautiful face more clearly. “I don’t give my tears to humans.”

I nodded. “I understand. Thank you for hearing my proposal.”

“Wait,” he stopped me while raising his hand above the water. “I will give you two.”

“You will?” I perked up.

“Yes, I will, but under one condition.”

“What is the condition?”

“That you use the other pearl to wish to be a mermaid.”

My jaw dropped open. “A mermaid? Are you serious?”

“That is my one and only condition. You many choose to accept it or you may choose to leave it. I only give my pearls to Merfolk.”

Ladarius was staring up at me, his brows knitted together. “Do you understand what my brother is asking of you?”

“Yes, I, I do.”

“You don’t have to do this Grace. I will continue to follow your ship until the day I die. I would never expect you to change into something you wouldn’t want to be.”

I played with the thought. “I don’t really know if I wouldn’t want to be one. What do you think, my love?”

Ladarius smiled. “You would love it. There is a freeness about swimming in the ocean and breathing it in.”

“But I don’t want to be a Siren. I could very well make my own father’s ship crash into the rocks.”

“You wouldn’t be. Sirens are devilish mermaids, and you don’t have one ounce of evil in your bones. You would be my mate and would be a ShipSaver as I am.”

I breathed in a heavy breath. “Okay, Callisto. We have an accord.”







Eleven: Mermaid


I clutched the pearl tears in my hand and went to my father’s room. My mind was swirling with all of the events of the day and with the events that were about to happen. I didn’t know if I was making the right decision or not. Would I be able to spend the rest of my life in the sea? The idea frightened me, but also excited me. I would be with Ladarius. We would explore his world and he would show me spectacular things that I didn’t know existed. But, I would also miss my father.

I tapped lightly against his closed door but didn’t get an answer. Carefully I pushed it open and spotted him asleep on his bed. Melody squawked from her perch in the corner.

“Hello Melody,” I said quietly. “Please be quiet so we don’t wake him.”

The doubloon was clutched firmly in his hand. Hoping not to wake him, I wiggled it out without making him stir. He looked so peaceful when he slept. It took me back to the time when I was little and I used to sleep with my parents. We were all so happy together. That was long before the curse had taken a hold of him.

I kissed his forehead and stood back up, looking down at the two pearls in my one hand and the doubloon in my other. The items were so powerful alone and even more so when banded together. For a moment I thought about abandoning Callisto’s condition. After all, the pearls were in my possession and he couldn’t do anything about it. I could make any wish that my heart desired and hopefully the doubloon would grant it. But that wasn’t the type of woman I was. I always kept my word.

Holding the doubloon in my palm, I stuck it out in front of me and placed a pearl on its center. “Okay Melody. This wish is for my father, as well as for you.” She stepped from side to side on her perch as she watched me. “I wish my father could remember the secret word to tell Melody so she can tell him where his treasure is.” The doubloon reacted instantly, filling the room with its golden light. My father stirred in his sleep and grumbled something I couldn’t make out. I looked down at the last pearl in my hand. “And,” I said, placing it on the doubloon, “I wish that I was a mermaid.” Just like before, the doubloon came to life, glowing brightly and illuminating the cabin. I sat down on the floor, knowing what was about to happen.

Someone knocked lightly against the door. “Captain?” It was John.

“Come in, John,” I whispered.

He pushed the door open and stepped inside. “I saw a golden light like before when you wished upon yer father’s doubloon.”

“Yes,” I nodded, looking down at my legs. “I came into possession of two more pearl tears. I made my wishes.”

“And what were they?”

“I wished for my father to remember the secret word to tell Melody.”

“Is that so?”


“And what be the second wish?”

“Well,” I sighed, “pearl tears aren’t given willingly to humans. I agreed to use one to become a mermaid.”

John’s eyes widened. “A mermaid? Ye can’t be serious, Grace.”

“But I am. And I will be happy this way.”

His gaze dropped to my feet. “It, it be startin’.”

I looked down to see that my feet were fusing together. “Oh my goodness.”

“Does it hurt?”

“No, not at all.”

We continued to watch in amazement as my legs glued themselves together all the way up beneath my dress. A large tail fin formed where my toes used to be and it was colored the most glorious green. Scales of the same color formed up and along my entire tail and fins protruded out from under my wrists.

“It’s spectacular,” John breathed.

“Yes, it—” my eyes shifted to his. “I need to be in the water, John, I—”

“Don’t worry, Grace. I’ll get ye there.” He scooped me up off of the floor and hurried me out of the room and down the length of the deck. Throwing me over his shoulder, he threw his legs over the side of the ship and descended half way down the rope ladder. “I can’t be goin’ any further.”

“This is fine, John. You can drop me from here.”

He gathered his strength and tossed me off of his shoulder into the coolness of the sea. It was exhilarating. The feeling of the salt water filled the gaps in my scales and absorbed into my blood. I felt like I was one with the ocean.

Ladarius was quickly by my side. “Grace, I can’t believe you are a mermaid! You are so beautiful!” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me while his tail intertwined with mine below the water’s surface.

I pulled back with a smile. “And look, I am
swimming in a dress.”

“Yes I know. I can’t wait to see what the curse gave you underneath all that fabric.”

“Well I can’t wait to see how Merfolk make love.”

John peeked down at us over the edge. “Are ye alright Grace?”

“Yes John, I’m fine.”

“Yer father’s not gonna like this.”

“Oh I’m sure he’ll have other things on his mind.”

As if on cue, my father pushed through his cabin door. “I remember! I remember the word!”

John looked back over his shoulder at him. “Captain, I think ye need to be seein’ somethin’.”

“Didn’t ye hear what I said? I remember the word! We can find me treasure!”

“Captain. Please, look over here in the water.”

I could hear my father’s boots stomp along the deck as he trudged over. “What this be all about? Look, the sun be risin’ and it’s going to be a beautiful day. We should set sail handsomely!”

John pointed down over the edge at us. “Look.”

My father peered down at us. “Gracie, what ye be doin’ in the water? Come up and help us get ready to set sail. It be a miracle; I can remember the secret word to tell me Melody!”

“Father, I can’t.”

“Well why not?”

“Because of this.” I lifted my tail out of the water and wiggled my fin.

His eyes widened. “What be the meanin’ of this?”

“I’m a mermaid now.”

“That I can see. But why? How?”

“I went to Ladarius’s brother and asked for a pearl tear. He said he would give me two if I used one to become a mermaid. I used the other one to ask the doubloon for you to remember the secret word. It granted both of my wishes.”

“But yer all I have left of me family,” he said, his voice cracking with emotion.

“That’s not true. John and the crew is your family.”

“Captain,” Ladarius cut in. “I am a ShipSaver and now Grace is one as well. We will continue to follow your ship and guide you through the fog. Grace will always be with you.”

He sniffed and looked up at the horizon. “Well, I guess I don’t be havin’ a choice.”

“I’m sorry, Father.”

“Do I be havin’ yer word that ye both will follow me?”

“Aye,” Ladarius said with a confident nod.

My father breathed out a heavy sigh. “Aye, then.”

“Father, I have to ask you, what is the secret word that you now remember?”

He folded his arms and leaned against the edge of the boat, looking down at me with a gentle smile. “The secret word? Elizabeth. It be Elizabeth.”

“Elizabeth?” I beamed happily. “You made the secret word my middle name?”

For the first time since the curse consumed him he looked lovingly at me. “Aye, Gracie. I love ye, me beauty.”

A single tear left my eye and rolled down my cheek. “I love you too, Father.”

And with that he clicked his boots together and stiffened his posture to his captain-like stance. “John, it be time fer us to set sail. We have a treasure to find.”

“Aye aye, Captain.”

Ladarius and I faced each other. “Are you ready to follow your father’s ship?” he asked as he wiped the tear away from my cheek.

“Yes, I am.”

“And are you ready to be my mate and live in this beautiful ocean with me?”

“I am,” I smiled. “I would love nothing more.” He pulled me against his solid chest and I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’ve been meaning to ask you, what did you say when Keelhaul removed your gag?”

“I said that I loved you, and that I would be forever yours.”

“Yes, you
forever mine, my Ladarius.”

“And you are forever mine, my Grace.”

The choice to be with Ladarius was easy. He was my soul mate, and I felt completely desired by him. Ladarius once asked me if I wished I had stayed human. And live on a ship with pirates for the rest of my existence? I think not. But we did continue to follow
The Fog Chaser
and protect it from harm, which still enabled me to carry on a relationship with my father.

My father found his treasure and he shared it equally with his men. It made me happy to see the way he glowed the day he was reunited with his golden doubloons. He and his crew all danced around celebrating their victory while he cradled Melody like a little baby, nuzzling his nose into her smooth feathers. That was the day when I finally became at peace with my father’s antics. After all, I love him, but he is forever cursed. And when he is no longer cursed, he is dead.


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