The Curse of the Mistwraith (95 page)

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Authors: Janny Wurts

Tags: #Fantasy - Epic, #Lysaer s'Ilessid (Fictitious character) - Fiction, #Fantasy fiction - lcsh, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fiction - Fantasy, #General, #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Arithon s'Ffalenn (Fictitious character) - Fiction, #Epic

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pronounced: ar-eye-thoo-rah
root meaning:
– grass;
– place, land

ARAITHE – plain to the north of the trade city of Etarra, principality of Fallowmere, Rathain. First Age, among the sites used by the Paravians to renew the mysteries and channel fifth lane energies. The standing stones erected are linked to the power focus at Ithamon and Methisle Keep.

pronounced: araithe, rhymes with ‘a wraith’
root meaning:
to disperse, to send; refers to the properties of the standing stones with relationship to the fifth lane forces

ARITHON – son of Avar, prince of Rathain, 1,504th Teir’s’Ffalenn after founder of the line, Torbrand in Third Age year 1. Also Master of Shadow, and the Bane of Desh-thiere.

pronounced: ar-i-thon – almost rhymes with ‘marathon’
root meaning:
– fate-forger; one who is visionary

ASANDIR – Fellowship sorcerer. Secondary name, Kingmaker, since his hand crowned every high king of Men to rule in the Age of Men (Third Age.) After the Mistwraith’s conquest, he acted as field agent for the Fellowship’s doings across the continent. Also called Fiend-Quencher, for his reputation for quelling iyats; Storm-breaker, and Change-bringer for past actions when Men asked to settle upon Athera.

pronounced: ah-san-deer
root meaning:
– heart;
– stone ‘heartrock’

ATAINIA – Northeastern principality of Tysan

pronounced: ah-tay-nee-ah
root meaning:
– the third,
suffix for ‘third domain’ original Paravian,

ATH CREATOR – prime vibration, force behind all life.

pronounced: ath to rhyme with ‘math’
root meaning:
– prime, first (as opposed to
, one)

ATHERA – name for the continent which holds the Five High Kingdoms; one of two major landmasses on the planet.

pronounced: ath-air-ah
root meaning:
– prime force;
– place ‘Ath’s world’

ATHLIEN PARAVIANS – Sunchildren. Small race of semi-mortals, pixie-like, but possessed of great wisdom/keepers of the grand mystery.

pronounced: ath-lee-en
root meaning:
prime force;
to love ‘Athbeloved’

ATHLIERIA-equivalent of heaven/actually a dimension removed from physical life, inhabited by spirit after death

pronounced: ath-lee-air-ee-ah
root meaning:
– prime force,
– exalted place, or land in harmony/li – exalted in harmony

AVAR s’FFALENN – Pirate king of Karthan, isle on splinter world Dascen Elur, through West Gate. Father of Arithon; also Teir’s’Ffalenn 1,503rd in descent from Torbrand who founded the s’Ffalenn royal line in Third Age year 1.

pronounced: ah-var, to rhyme with ‘far’
root meaning:
– past thought/memory

BRIANE – name of the warship that was crippled in the engagement against the brigantine in command of Avar of Karthan; the vessel later took Arithon s’Ffalenn captive and bore him to South Isle, and thence to Port Royal on the splinter world of Dascen Elur.

pronounced: bry-anna to rhyme with ‘fry anna’
root meaning:
– gull

BWIN EVOC s’LORNMEIN – founder of the line that became high kings of Havish since Third Age year 1. The attribute he passed on by means of the Fellowship’s geas, was temperance.

pronounced: bwin to rhyme with ‘twin’, ee-vahk as in ‘evocative’, lorn as in English equivalent, mein rhymes with ‘main’
root meaning:
– firm;
– choice

CAILCALLOW – herb that grows in marshes, used to ease fevers

pronounced: rhymes with ‘kale-tallow’
root meaning:
– leaf;
– balm

CAITH-AL-CAEN – vale where Riathan Paravians (unicorns) celebrated equinox and solstice to renew the
, or life-destiny of the world. Also the place where the Ilitharis Paravians first Named the winter stars – or encompassed their vibrational essence into language. Corrupted by the end of the Third Age to Castlecain.

pronounced: cay-ith-al-cay-en musical lilt, emphasis on second and last syllables; rising note on first two, falling note on last two.
root meaning:
– shadow;
– over;
– vale ‘vale of shadow’

CAITHDEIN – Paravian name for a high king’s first counsellor; also, the one who would stand as regent, or steward, in the absence of the crowned ruler.

pronounced: kay-ith-day-in
root meaning:
– shadow;
– behind the chair ‘shadow behind the throne’

CAITHWOOD – forest located in Taerlin, southeast principality of Tysan.

pronounced: kay-ith-wood
root meaning:
– shadow; ‘shadowed wood’

CASTLECAIN – corrupted name for Caith-al-Caen, Vale of Shadows, see entry above.

pronounced: castle-cane

CASTLE POINT – port city at the western terminus of the Great West Road, located in the principality of Atainia, Tysan.

CAL – mortal name held by Sethvir before he swore pact with the Fellowship of Seven.

pronounced: kal
root meaning is not Paravian. (From English, Calum)

CAMRIS – north central principality of Tysan. Original ruling seat was city of Erdane.

pronounced: kam-ris, the ‘i’ as in chris
root meaning:
– cross;
– way; ‘crossroad’

CAOLLE – war captain of the clans of Deshir, Rathain. First raised, and then served under Lord Steiven, earl of the north and
of Rathain.

pronounced: kay-all-e, with the ‘e’ nearly subliminal
root meaning:
– stubborn

CIANOR SUNLORD – Born at Caith-al-Caen, First Age 615. Survived both the massacre of Leorne (caused by methuri, or hate-wraiths out of Mirthlvain Swamp) in year 815, and led the Battle of Retaliation on Bordirion Plain (which by the start of the Second Age had been enveloped by the swamp.) In 826 Cianor’s forces were defeated at Erdane by Khadrim; Cianor retired to Araethura, gravely wounded. Crippled but alive, he is on hand at the arrival of the Fellowship of Seven, when Crater Lake was formed in First Age 827. Healed by Fellowship sorcerers. Appointed Keeper of the Records in 902; stabilized the realm after the murder of high king Marin Eliathe in Second Age 1542. Crowned high king of Athera in Second Age 2545 until his death when a rise of Khadrim called him to war in Second Age 3651.

pronounced: key-ah-nor
root meaning:
– to shine

CIERL-ANKESHED – venom of certain strains of meth-snakes, which causes dissolution of nerve tissue. Paralysis is almost instant, with death following days later. Without a known antidote, the poison is caustic and can be absorbed through the skin.

pronounced: key-earl-an-kesh-id
root meaning:
– nerve;
– pain/agony

CILADIS THE LOST – Fellowship sorcerer who left the continent in Third Age 5462 in search of the Paravian races after their disappearance after the rebellion.

pronounced: kill-ah-dis
root meaning:
– leaf;
– whisper, compound,
, colloquialism for ‘gentleness that abides’

CILDORN – city famed for carpets and weaving, located in Deshir, Rathain. Originally a Paravian holdfast, situated on a node of the third lane.

pronounced: kill-dorn
root meaning:
– thread;
– net ‘tapestry’

CORITH – island west of Havish coast, in Westland Sea. First site to see sunlight upon Desh-thiere’s defeat.

pronounced: kor-ith
root meaning:
– ships, vessels;
– five for the five harbours which the old city over-looked

DAELION FATEMASTER – ‘entity’ formed by set of mortal beliefs, which determine the fate of the spirit after death. If Ath is the prime vibration, or life force, Daelion is what governs the manifestation of free will.

pronounced: day-el-ee-on
root meaning:
– king, or lord;
– of fate

DAEL-FARENN – Kingmaker, name for sword Alithiel; also, one of many Paravian names for the Fellowship sorcerer, Asandir.

pronounced: day-el-far-an
root meaning:
– king;
– maker

DAELTHAIN – fifth Compass Point, or Sun Tower, built by Paravians at citadel of Ithamon. This was the King’s Tower, whose warded virtue was Justice. The structure fell on the eve of Marin Eliathe’s murder, and crumbled further through the course of the rebellion. By the time of the Mistwraith’s conquest all that remained was the foundation.

pronounced: day-el-they-in
root meaning:
– king or lord;
– tower, sanctuary

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